I stared at my hand. I want to protect important people. I want the power for that. That’s what I’ve been thinking for a long time. Ferdinand’s avoidance of concession is the driving force that wanted Glutrice Height. But if you ask if you want to be a Zent or want it, you’ll get an answer right away.


“I just want to increase the means to protect my precious existence, not Zent to rule Jürgenschmitt. If I can do it, I want to throw it all around. I don’t want to go to an environment where reading time is reduced or new books are hard to get. “


When I answered my words and attitudes a little, my adoptive father leaned against the chair and broke his attitude.


“I know that much, so I’m telling you. Let’s leave it until it says it’s coming because it’s overdue. If you don’t want to do it, even in January or February There is no such thing as Zent, ​​who does not advance from himself. ”


In order to become Zent, ​​he must announce that he has Glutlisheit at the lord meeting, is recognized by the temple chief of the central temple, and must get the foundation of Jurgenschmitt. My current state is the next candidate for Zent who only has a half-finished Mestionola’s book that does not have enough knowledge to work in Zent.


“If you don’t hide the face that you were ordered to take Glutlis Height, and you have an opponent that has the ability to be pressed, you can throw it away. It will be pushed one after another, “


“Father !?”


I was wondering what to say suddenly, but the adoptive father turned his arms with his arms crossed.


“In the prior discussion, it was felt that even the royal family did not conclude the story. When he got Glutlisheit, the royal family and the higher territories anyway made it true. It ’s not going to be Zent, ​​just to make it more convenient for them, because they have no urge to move the sub-territories at their own will. ”


“It’s all you can say”


“I think there’s no better opportunity to say this, because I forgot that the nobility’s words didn’t understand.”


The adoptive father looked at me without repairing not only his attitude but also his facial expression.


“Let’s say clearly, I don’t really like the situation where the former commoner who was baptized as a senior aristocrat and became my adoptive man had to carry Jurgenschmitt. If you are worried about the orphans who are blessed with the orphans, discussing how to develop the town of Ehrenfest with familiar merchants, get a new book, get a new book It ’s good. ”


That is the greatest freedom I have allowed in Ehrenfest, which I can never do in other territories.


“Rosmain is necessary to protect Jurgenschmitt? Maybe, but it’s the role of the royal family to protect Jurgenschmitt. Reigning Ferdinand with a royal reign without Glutlisheit. Since we are intimidating to go to Bach and to pick them up, it would be better for the royal family to carry it instead of carrying Jurgenschmitt to him. “


Dependent father who seemed to have been told the meaning of self-sufficiency of self-sufficiency because there were few aristocrats of Ehrenfest because they reduced the aristocrats by the cleansing of the inner ring and the fighting brother and sister Sang the royal family.


…… Surely I don’t want to be told by the royal family who broke Jürgenschmitt and lost Glutlisheit in a brother fight.


The removal of Veronica and the former temple head was something that the adoptive father had to cut down on his own base, and it was also necessary to clean up the remaining pus.


At present Ehrenfest, the aristocracy has decreased too much and the magical power has decreased, and the aristocrats are also in a confused state, but I do not think that I had to clean up. And what’s confusing so far is the fact that Ferdinand, who was supposed to support Aub most, was taken up. If there were no kings to be issued one after another, the confusion would have been smaller.


“For me, Rosemine. If he gets Glutlisheit, I’ll just do it for myself!” 19459002]


In my father’s words, “I’ll give you this, so the royal family should do it!”, Glutlisheit on the face of Anastazius! I came across the scene of hitting. Although I laughed unintentionally, I hurried and held my mouth, but it seems that it was well seen by my adoptive father. The adoptive father smiled grinningly, “Do you feel better?”


“I wonder if I will hit the book against people … but I feel great! I would like to throw Erenfest on the face of Prince Anastazius who somehow said in Erenfest.”


After laughing together, I stared at the adopted father.


“… So, is there a way to manage Georgine-sama without getting Glutrice Height?”


“If you just crush without thinking about the future, you can do it right away. It’s been over a year ago.”


dad said so with a very disgusting face. If you can, why should you do it? When I wondered, the adoptive father looked at me with a serious face, saying, “It’s easy.”


“You can tell Ferdinand that you can kill it any way you want. Ferdinand went for that. Order if necessary.”


“Such …”


“I don’t want to do that. Can you be ordered? Can you make an unfamiliar swing with Ellenfest if you don’t have anything to do with Ellenfest while keeping your hands dirty?” Is it possible for a Ferdinand to be held accountable for what he went to and that there was something ugly in Ahrensbach? “


I shook my head sideways. The adoptive father smiles with a bitter smile, saying, “This is why it is said to be sweet for Abu ’s habit”. But I’m even glad that I wasn’t an adoptive father who commanded me to do that.


“It’s hard to make a decision even if you’re told that it’s necessary for your relatives to abandon it. If you can’t make that decision, it doesn’t work for Aub or Zent.”


“Is there any other way to seize Georgine, other than ordering Ferdinand?”


When I was worried and asked, the adopted father said, “The most sure is Ferdinand’s idea…”


“There are several ways. However, if you think about the future, you can’t attack from here in a situation where you haven’t done anything yet. And it would be difficult to think of reducing the number of victims … but wouldn’t it be nice for the temple to be a battlefield and for the gray priests and orphans to be sacrificed? ”


“Isn’t it natural! The temple is like a second house for me and there is also Rosemine workshop. It’s a perfect protection. I will train to evacuate before Georgine-sama comes.


dad adopted as if he knew my reply.


“And then it takes a bit of effort and magic … but it’s still difficult to use a carriage because it’s still snowing, and Ahrensbach has just finished the banquet for spring. That said, it is not tomorrow today, but it’s more constructive to think about how to meet rather than to worry about anxiety. “


It is far from Ahrensbach to the temple of Ehrenfest. The foster father said that snow would get in the way if you sneak in with a small number of people, and if you came with a large number of people in order to regain the key of Ahrensbach, it was impossible to hide.


“I decided to put two knights at the gate of the downtown area for the time being.”


“I thought I would sneak in through the downtown area and called on the soldiers to watch out for the silver cloth. If I saw it, it would send a rescue signal to the Knights.”


“Is it already? Is it already done?”


The adoptive father slowly stroked his chin while saying so.


“By the way, Rosemine. Where is the entrance to the foundation of the temple? Although it protects the foundation, it is not possible to overtly increase the number of knights to the temple and inform the location of the foundation. I’m going to put an escort knight in the temple by having either Melchior or one of them stay in the temple, but I’d like to place magical tools to protect them with a small number of people. “


“The door to the foundation is in the temple library. There is a bookshelf with a door that cannot be opened without the lock of the temple head, but there is a statue of Mestionola. The part of the scripture seems to move, and there seems to be a keyhole. “


A box filled with letters from Georgine was on the bookshelf with the key, so perhaps the former temple chief might have noticed when clearing the letters so that others could not see them I thought it was not.


“I haven’t tried it, but it should be right”


“Is there a place to go from the temple entrance to the path there?”


Transfer teams for transferring people can only be set up in aub. It seems to want to eliminate Georgine by installing it on the road.


I think of the interior of the temple. There are three temple gates. The back gate on the downtown side, the main gate through which carriages can pass, and the aristocratic gate that leads to the aristocratic street. The temple building has a number of entrances, including a prayer room, the back door of the orphanage basement, the main entrance, the entrance to the aristocratic gate, and the back doors for exclusive cooks.


…… Depending on which entrance you use, the path to the library is completely different.


“It’s the entrance to the temple library. The temple library doesn’t allow anyone who isn’t registered in the temple. At first, as I screamed without being blocked by a transparent wall, Only those involved can enter. “


“Because you can cross territory boundaries, I think you can use silver cloth to get through.”


The town of Ehrenfest is now incapable of entering other nobility. But those who wear silver cloth should put it in. You can expect to come to the temple without giving up the silver cloth, keeping an eye on the magic.


“But if you wear a silver cloth, the transfer team won’t start?”


“That’s right, but to move to a place where there is magic on the foundation, you must absolutely take a silver cloth. If so, it is best to install it in front of the foundation …” Even though I was wary of wearing a silver cloth, I was transferred to the moment I took the cloth to unlock and enter. ”


Adoptive father said so well. The face of a demon is happy to make a pitfall.


Certainly, if you have a silver cloth to handle the foundational magic, you will have trouble. You should take it from yourself at the very end. I can laugh a bit when I imagine Georgine to be transferred where I thought it worked. The transfer team was set up in front of the bookshelf.


“But if you set up a transfer team in the library, you won’t be able to use others.”


“No, it is planned that only those who are not registered in Ehrenfest will be subject to transfer. Is it only Ehrenfest who goes in and out of the temple library? It has no effect on users. “


In Aub, it is possible to distinguish whether it is a registered person or not. In other words, if a child is not baptized in an orphanage, it will be transferred. There will be no problem as they cannot leave the orphanage and enter the noble area.


“Then, let’s ask the Florentians to create a transfer team. Is he poor at embroidery?”


Ordinarily, it seems that the adoptive father intended to ask the foster mother, Charlotte and Brünnhilde for the embroidery of the magic team, but it does not have to be so laborious and troublesome.


“If you don’t realize that it’s a transfer team, huh. Please leave the magic team to be installed in front of the entrance to me.


You can use ink that disappears overnight. The only thing that can be activated is an aub, but if you just write, you can do it. It should be much faster than embroidery.


“What did you come up with, Rosemine? You have a bad face”


“There are things in the world that you have to forget, adoptive father”


養 Father gave us permission with a amazed face, “Wouldn’t he eventually become the Lord?”


“Where do you move in the transition?”


“There is only one destination for the criminal’s transfer. White tower. Prepare a room for my sister next to my mother. I can’t come out “


“I don’t want to be noticed by my sister, I’d like to guide her to the transfer team without changing the state of the temple. That’s what my sister is doing. They will not do anything and will try to carry things in secret. “


The foster father said that the uproar that would be dazzling would be flashy elsewhere, move the knights and sneak into the temple when everyone’s eyes were on the riot . Georgine seems to take such a measure even if it considers the secret behavior so far.


sneaks into the temple with the intention of going well and laughs grinning to think of Georgine that can be transferred to the White Tower.


“I don’t think it would be bad if people in the temple could be evacuated. I don’t want to be victims in the temple.”


“My top priority is to catch my sister and her sect. I don’t think I can afford to sacrifice a few people in the downtown area or the temple. Think about how to do it.


It’s no wonder that those who lead to the library will be killed because of the seal. So you must be unkilled.


…… Can guide to the library, not a person. By the way, if you are attacked, you can fight back … Schwarz!


“I will make Schwartz as a guide to the temple library!”


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