When Sigiswald was talking to Solange about the existence and role of Rosemine in the library, he heard a little noise on the second floor. With a voice that surprised me, Sigiswald unexpectedly turned his eyes to the stairs leading to the reading room on the second floor. Soon I couldn’t hear my voice and became quiet.


After a while, two people wearing blue priest costumes came down the stairs. They whisper in front of Sigiswald and openly open to Ehrenfest’s chief priest Haltomut.


“Principal Sigiswald, I’m very sorry, but Rosemine is going to read. Today is a Saturday day. It was originally a day of rest, and the ritual has already been completed. Krasenburg will make all the confirmations and I will be the chief priest, and I will ask you if you can’t afford to read slowly for a while. “


I came to the library to supply magical power with myself as a royal family, and I didn’t think that Sigiswald would suddenly read Rosemine when he hadn’t said anything before. Sigiswald knows that when he begins to read, Rosemine is obsessed with the book regardless of anything, but until he starts reading, he has reason.


Although I realized that there was something behind, I realized that it was not possible to speak to myself surrounded by entourage before Solange, and Gigiswald gave permission to Hartmut’s offer.


“Rosine Mine is allowed to read. Instead, ask the priest to accompany you to the innermost part to check the innermost part.”


“I’m smart. Dermuel, I’ll ask you later”


The blue priest called Darmuel whispered quietly and returned to the reading room on the second floor.


Sigiswald, who was sent off to Solange and took his close friend, left the library with Hartmut. Give Hartmut a magical tool to prevent eavesdropping and begin walking to the central building.


“So what happened to Rosemine?”


“I disappeared in the middle of supplying magic power”


Gigiswald laughs with a smile as he swallows the word “What are you saying?”


“What does it mean to disappear?”


“According to the magical tool in the library, I went to Jiji-san. When I asked about Jiji-san, the answer was old and great. The royal family knows something


Talking face-to-face with a gentle smile, Hartmut felt a slight excitement, impatience, or emotional shaking. Sigiswald judges that he is not telling a lie. Nothing happens when you lie to the royal family.


“When is Rosemine going back? Didn’t you say anything about the magical tool of the library about it?”


Sigiswald would not have been concerned except Rosemine. However, it is very difficult to suddenly lose track of Rosemine, who will become a king’s adopter in the spring and will get the Glutrice Height.


“… I don’t know when I’m going back. It may be back at the moment or maybe three days later. I don’t want to make a big deal now. Rosemine is devoted. I was tired after the ceremony, and I am going to do so for a while at Ehrenfest. ”


“I’ll tell you only to my father tonight, but I’ll keep it on my father’s chest until the next Saturday day”


If there is no longer than a week, it is necessary for the royal family to have a forum for discussion. Rosemine, which is scheduled to become a royal family, is such an important position. After a week’s grace, Hartmut relaxed a little and smiled, “I’m afraid.”


When the Sigiswald and others returned, the innermost part was cleaned up by the central temple. Haltomut looks around as a nobleman and Sigiswald closes the back as a royal family.


That night, Sigiswald told his father, Traokvar, that Rosemine had disappeared, and that Ehrenfest would deal with it as an external condition. It is a situation where there are too few judgment materials and there is no way to hit it. Traokvar, who had a difficult face, exhaled slowly.


“If you’re sure you’ll be back soon, it’s better to avoid making a big fuss at this time. Let’s follow Ehrenfest’s request.”


On the next Saturday, if Rosemine did not return even after the dedication ceremony for the middle class nobility, the day ended with the royal family discussing her disappearance.


Rosemine was not visible even a week later. Hildebrand, who came to greet to participate in his first ritual, sent him off to ask Ehrenfest about the condition of Rosemine, and Anastasia and Egrantine talked after dinner. Tell something. Egrantine, who gave birth to a girl at the end of autumn, is difficult in terms of time to participate in a discussion after having dinner.


Last fall, Naerachhe, who was still the first wife of Sigiswald, gave birth to a boy and half a year later, Egrantine’s pregnancy was discovered during the lord meeting.


Égrantine prayed with her niece and told him that she was pregnant with a girl. It seems that he was told to stop prayer because of the burden on his power and body, and he returned his devoted magic power as a blessing.


Although I was careful not to let it leak outside, the royal family was in a hurry. Adolphine, who has just married Naelachhe, who has completed the minimum breastfeeding period, will bear the amount that Egrantine has devoted to magic until then. became.


Now, Egrantine is teaching the aristocracy with a spicy postpartum body to show the surroundings the same as last year. Naellach has reduced the burden by taking half of the school year, but I understand that it is quite difficult.


Nevertheless, Naelachhe, who had a newborn son and had to welcome Adolphine as the first wife, was urged to return to work due to the pregnancy of Egrantine. Even now, the aristocracy is reducing the burden of Egrantine.


As for the true spirit of Sigiswald, I think it is natural that Egrantine, who wanted a child, does something too hard. No matter what Anastazius says, it cannot be surrendered.


Actually, I wanted Jigiswald and Adolphine to wait for pregnancy until a boy was born. At the very least, neither Zent nor the next Zent got the Glutlith Height, but Sigiswald thought he wanted to wait for the pregnancy until Rosemine joined the royal family and gained Glutrice Height, or the number of people who could supply magic increased. ing.


…… It’s certainly a pleasure to have more royalty, but my father is too sweet.


Sigiswald gave Egrantine’s pregnancy if it was a year of abundant magical power at the aristocracy and lords meeting, and when Rosemine was found to be able to obtain Glutlisheit. I couldn’t have been happy.


Sigiswald believes that Egrantine’s birth was really good for a girl. Aub Klassenburg uses this hand to strengthen his voice as much as possible, so if he was born a boy, he would have tried to make Anastazius the next king.


Sigiswald is well aware of how weak the royalty without Glutrice Heights is. Still, I had to behave like a royal family in an unfamiliar manner, so if Egrantine blocked Klassenburg’s intervention and hoped for Jurgenschmitt’s stability, he wanted to give consideration to the child for a while.


…… I know most of it is due to Anastazius, but since it’s Egrantine that can stop it, emotions inevitably come out.


Suppering Hildebrand while listening to the dedication ceremony. Although the pillars of magical power did not stand as in Rosemine, the sacred gear seemed to shine in precious colors. It seems to be quite different from the dedication ceremony where the pillars of light of seven colors are standing all at once from the rituals held by the statues of the gods, overwhelmed by the flow of magic power that is too fast. Hildebrand, who was able to participate in the first ritual with some dissatisfaction, seems to be happy.


After dinner, Anastazius and Egrantine joined. Eliminate the aides and talk about the disappearance of Rosemine using the magical tools to prevent eavesdropping. He told me that he disappeared suddenly on the second floor of the library, and that the magical tool in the library said “I went to Jiji-sama.”


“Huh? Was it a lie that Rosemine was thin?”


Ask Hildebrandt who rounds his eyes and asks the state of Ehrenfest, saying, “I hope Ehrenfest does not want to make things worse.”


“… It was normal. I received a thank you for thanking Rosemine for being thin and for the royal visit.”


Sigiswald determined that Ehrenfest would still sneak Rosemein’s disappearance.


“Egrantine, how is the aristocracy? Is there anything leaking about the loss of Rosemine?”


“No, I don’t think anyone has been suspected of being on the bed for a long time … Is it about Dr. Fraulerum? It’s strange to stay on the bed so long”


Sigigiswald wondered who the Fraulerm was, and recalled the existence of a teacher who had Rosemine as his enemy. I want Ahrensbach to have a little more decent teacher.


…… No, then Ehrenfest is the same.


Hirschl, who focuses only on research, crossed Sigiswald’s head and recalled the central aristocrat who returned to Ehrenfest for information gathering. I think it would be nice to gather decent information this year. Ehrenfest is really a territory that has little information and does not know what it is thinking because it does not engage in common sense.


“There is no noticeable change in the status of the Aristocratic House due to the absence of Mr. Rosemine. Certain people seem to be worried personally, but they are originally weak and noble. The lecture at the hospital is completed at the earliest speed and returned to Ehrenfest. Rosemine is usually not in the lecture. ”


Rosemine is rarely the best of the people who are not in the aristocracy, although they only receive attention when attending a lecture. It is rare to meet face-to-face, as we will finish the lecture at the fastest speed and return for a dedication ceremony.


“There seems to be a lot of territories applying for socializing with Ehrenfest seeking contact with Rosemine, but it seems that Villefried and Charlotte are responding as usual.” [19459002 ]


It seems to be as usual. There seems to be no particular change in Ehrenfest students. Even though the lord candidate disappears suddenly and is about to end a week, it feels a lot to the chief.


“We must also consider when Rosemine doesn’t return”


Traokvar said so with a sad face. Over the past year, the royal family has acted on the premise that Rosemine will have Glutrice Height. Eventually, if you can get Glutlith Height, you can do a little tea, but if you don’t, you have to change your response.


Traokkuvar and Sigiswald do not have the protection of the great god, so they have to go around a small fence and pray. However, it is difficult to carry out the dedication that the old Zent candidates use all during the period of study at the Aristocracy.


In addition, the small spear is made by individuals to make it easier for a person with insufficient attributes to pray to a specific god, not by Zent. For this reason, there were only broken swords and statues of gods already, or they were not made, or there were some swords that were hard to be discovered, so it was not easy.


Since there were several genus gods who had been blessed by reacquisition, his father managed to obtain all the attributes, but Sigiswald still has protection from two genus gods.


…… Moreover, it is not possible to reach Glutlis Height without going through a big fence.


It ’s a distant story. You can see the greatness of Rosemine reaching there.


He was flat with seven colored pillars of light at the dedication ceremony.


“Egrantine thinks that Rosemine will not return, and when he finishes the period when the baby has to milk, he will have him go round.”


“My father, then it’s too much for Egrantine and Klassenburg …”


Sigiswald won the protest by Anastazius with a light hand.


“Now that we have a path to Glutlisheit, gaining Glutlisheit is the top priority for the royal family. It will be a burden if Rosemine doesn’t come back in the spring when the snow melts. But it is most efficient to ask Egrantine, who has all the attributes from the beginning. “


“But Egrantine is just after giving birth”


Traokkuvar slowly shakes his head to Anastazius.


“If Rosemine is not going back after completing the lord’s meeting, he ordered Egrantine. By that time, Naelach should have finished a minimum breastfeeding period. “This time it is the turn of Egrantine. I have a royal tour as a duty of the royal family.”


Égrantine smiled and shouted with a smile, “I’m smart, Zent”.


“But I want you to come back to Rosemine as soon as possible. It feels very regrettable that the best of the year will be for other students.”


Rosemeine, who had been the best for the third consecutive year, would not be able to maintain unless he returned soon. Recalling the appearance of Rosemine, who was proudly laughing at last year’s award ceremony, Sigiswald felt uncomfortable.


“If you don’t get back to the dedication ceremony for the lower nobility, talk to Ehrenfest. You need to ask how Ehrenfest will respond and discuss what Rosemine will do. That territory is our It cannot be measured with common sense. “


If you move according to the common sense of the nobility, you will be inconvenienced. I don’t know what to do with the standards. From now on, Rosemain will become the royal family, but for the royal family, Ehrenfest and Rosemain are unknown, and it is difficult for them to respond with orders alone as long as she is the one who gains Glutrice Height. You have to find out how to respond.


…… Do I become a husband?


It looks good, has a lot of magic, and should be a Jurgenschmitt nobleman, but Rosemine is inextricably linked. Because it was raised in the temple, it is not the difference that can be done. Not only aristocrats but also the people of the central temple, the way of thinking is completely different. Sigiswald, who met personally, feels it.


Priority has been given to gaining the Glutrice Height, and it has been silenced, and contact with Rose Mine has been banned, but “the nobility are confused, so it is the opposite of giving Rose Mine power.” Sigiswald can understand the words of Anastazius.


Rose Mine did not come back after the dedication ceremony for the lower class nobility. A tea ceremony is organized by the royal family inviting the nobles who wore blue costumes and attended the ceremonial ceremony in front of Ehrenfest, who made a great contribution at the dedication ceremony. Since it was limited to those who were wearing blue costumes, Rosemine’s entourage and Ehrenfest lord candidates were invited, but students in Klassenburg were excluded.


Today, dressed in aristocratic costumes instead of blue costumes, a number of Rosemine affiliations came in, with Villefried and Charlotte leading. Khartomut, Cornelius, Leonore, Angelica, and four students. Despite the tense face of the royal invitation, the Ehrenfest people seemed not to be too worried or troubled.


ending greetings, finishing poisoning, and starting the story of Rosemine using range-designated eavesdropping witchcraft.


“I have been absent for a long time, aren’t you worried? Ehrenfest will also be difficult”


Villefried answered Sigiswald’s question.


“I’m certainly worried, but Ehrenfest has been in place for more than half a year so that it could be managed without Rosemine. So it’s not that hard.”


Talking about the nobility, Villefried said that Rosemine was the same in terms of being pulled out to the center and going under the old man. Immediately after thinking that this might be a tribute to the royal family, he rethinks that the meaning may change in Ehrenfest.


…… It’s really difficult to talk to Ehrenfest.


“I’m troubled by a long absence, but I’m not worried because I know that Rosemine is doing well.”


Hartmut’s words smile with bitter smiles. It’s no surprise that Sigiswald has an atmosphere that naturally accepts Hartmut’s words. Among the royal families, the possibility of Rosemine’s rise to a much higher level is emerging.


“Why can I say that Rosemine is fine?”


“I can feel Rosemine’s magical power. Even if Rosemine’s headed to a much higher level, I will be with you.”


Hartmut said that. Speaking of which, Sigiswald recalls that the entourage who was dedicated to the conditions of being included in the royal family was able to take even minors. Is it a close friend that Hartmut gave?


Ordinarily a name is not listed, but Haltomut tells that he is under the influence of Rosemine’s magical power with a natural face and shows his emblem proudly hanging down to the neck He gave me. The Rosemine emblem, which is the same as the end of the Ehrenfest book.


“Rosèmeine’s magic is getting stronger day by day. I don’t know where he’s coming, but Rosemine is growing amazingly every day. So we can live our daily lives in this way. ”


…… Hartmut, who finds pleasure in feeling the magic power of Rosemine, also comes in the center, right? The Ehrenfest change rate is likely to rise again.


After that, Ehrenfest will leave Rosemine as thin. I’m worried about my physical condition, so it seems to explain to the surroundings that I have returned to Ehrenfest.


“Because I was involved in a strange situation, when Rosemine returned, I ordered my teachers to take the exam for the lecture as soon as possible, and I thought about staying at the Aristocratic House outside of winter. I would be glad if you could. “


Sigiswald asked Villefried’s words. If Rosemine is to be included in the royal family, it is a necessary measure even if not asked.


“Villefried, please tell me one thing. What do you think about the engagement with Rosemine?”


“I think it can’t be helped, and I didn’t have the right position to be Rosemine’s fiancé. I think Prince Sigiswald is a little more balanced.”


Villefried said that he had no commitment to canceling engagement. Sigiswald thinks that there is a lot to think about in his mind, but it is a kind of self-restraint like nobility.


“This is my self-speaking, but I think it’s better to start making amulet early. There are many amulets to protect Rosemine, so it’s hard to make it by engagement.”


Speaking of which, Sigiswald had heard of reports that Rufen and Immelding students were attacked by Rosemine talisman. If you think you’re the owner of Glutlis Height, you should make an amulet. Sigiswald thanked Villefried for recommending tea.


Eventually, Rosemine did not return to the territorial competition or the graduation ceremony. Neither of them appeared, and the other territory began to make noise, as Ortovin was called for the best grade. However, Ehrenfest is thin, one point. It was decided that it would be unbelievable for such a long time, or that it would actually go to a much higher height, and that the frustrating Fraulerm would be picked from the territorial battle and returned to Ahrensbach. The decision was made by all the teachers of the Aristocratic House.


The day after the graduation ceremony, Sigiswald went to the library. I was suddenly wondering if the magical tools in the library that Rosemine was interested in were okay. If no magic is applied during the winter, the magical stones that satisfy the magical power at the dedication ceremony will run out from spring to autumn.


“Thank you for worrying, Prince Sigiswald”


In the office, during the period from Solange to the Aristocracy, Hildebrand and Hannelore worked hard as book committee members, and Villefried and Charlotte visited and brought magical magic stones I heard the report and stroked my chest.


§ Sigiswald tried to leave the office and return to his villa, as it seems that there will be no problem. Suddenly stop in front of the reading room door. Speaking of which, I remembered that Rosemine was not on the spot where he disappeared.


In order not to overdo things, I didn’t go to the reading room on the second floor even when Rosemine disappeared. If more students use the library, they will not be able to go to the royal Sigiswald.


However, there should be no one on the day after the graduation ceremony. Sigiswald enters the reading room and goes up the stairs on the left.


… Ehrenfest cloak?


There was a customer in the reading room that no one thought. You can see three men wearing Ehrenfest cloaks in the back of the reading room on the second floor. There might be a magical tool that Rosemine was supplying magical power to.


“Prince Sigiswald?”


Referring back to Ferdinand. This is the opponent that Rosemine was ignoring. Because you are here, you must know that Rosemine is not thin, but is missing.


“I’m worried about Rosemine. It’s too long.”


“Really …. By the way, why is Prince Sigiswald here?”


“I think it’s the same as you. Rosemine was the last to see the magical tool that provided the magical power. You can’t walk while there are many students.”


However, Sigiswald thought Ferdinand was just right. I’ve heard of magic tools on the second floor, but I haven’t heard of Sigiswald.


When Sigiswald asked Ferdinand, “Do you know the magic tool on the second floor?” Ferdinand told me the position of the magic tool one after another. There were more than a dozen large and small, and Sigiswald did not know which magic tool Rosemine was the last to supply magic power.


Sigiswald gives thanks to Ferdinand and returns the trap.少し歩いたところでフェルディナンドの疲れ切ったような声が聞こえた。




















































「始まりの庭でエアヴェルミーン様が育成の神 アーンヴァックスにわたくしの成長を願ってくださったのです」












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