I was spending my days studying the aristocracy and watching the children of the orphanage while taking over the temple and printing business. An old child who has magical tools and receives a baptismal ceremony this winter has an interview with his adoptive father in the fall. It is confirmed that it is appropriate for Aube to guard and become a noble. For this reason, the children are desperate to study and they seem to be careful not to be told that there are problems with their lifestyle. The blue apprentices who have to go to Melchior and the Harvest Festival are working hard so that they won’t lose their efforts at the orphanage.


And Dirk, who gained his magic tool, seems to be desperately accumulating magical power using the recovery drugs that I made for Roderich and Filine. There are still more than three years before we go to the Aristocratic House, but we have to save the magic as soon as possible.


When I was sending such days, an old dontz arrived from the castle atelier. Adoptive fathers who went to funeral to Ahrensbach seem to return.


“There seems to be a lot of souvenirs from Ferdinand-sama, and it was to come back to the castle to have dinner together”


I return to the castle with melhior and entourage with a thrill. I can’t help but look forward to souvenirs. Is there a lot of delicious fish packed in magic tools to stop the time?


“Please come home”


Adopter got off the carriage. My father, an escort knight, is also with me. When the adoptive fathers get off, this time the subordinates begin to unload the luggage that was loaded on the carriage. Behind the carriage that the foster fathers were riding was a carriage of a close friend, behind which was a carriage with a lot of luggage. I was full of luggage when I went, but I was full of return.


…… Luggage has increased since going. There are a lot of carriages.


“There is a lot of luggage. Isn’t it the same as when Ferdinand went to the bowl?”


Greeting the adopted father who came back and saying so while looking at the carriages in a row, the adopted father looked down on me with a very disgusting face.


“Who are you responsible? Are they both misunderstood me as an underloader or something?”


I never thought that my foster father was carrying my luggage, but I only had the goods asked by Ferdinand. In other words, there is only one criminal.


“Oh, I see, it’s because of Ferdinand-sama. If you have a younger brother, it’s hard for you to adopt.”


I was supposed to have worked as a foster father, but for some reason I was casually hidden behind a long sleeve and ate a chop. I can’t understand.


“That seems to have sent a ridiculous thing. It wasn’t enough for the material that I had prepared, and I had a head.”


“What do you mean?”


“What I know. For the time being, three carriages from the back are theirs. We will talk about it at Ahrensbach at dinner. Check what’s in there Let ’s get rid of. ”


養 The foster father shakes his hand like saying “Go over there”. I was surprised by the word “three carriages” and compared the carriage with the adopted father. Adopters, except for the wagons on which people were riding, there are five wagons loaded with luggage. Three of them seem to be my luggage.


“Lose Mine, let’s hurry to check. I can’t make it in time for dinner.”


Otilliers call Reiserator and Greater and head for the carriage. I decided to check and sort my luggage, but I was disgusted just by looking at the first carriage. Too many.


“This is a tableware and pan that I have eaten. Since it was washed in the baschen, I went to the temple kitchen … Ah, there was something that my mother had prepared during the territorial battle. Where was the tableware? “


Since I don’t usually cook by myself, I don’t know where the hot pot is if I don’t ask the exclusive cooks. There are a lot of empty pots, so it’s safe to confirm that you’re eating, but cleaning up is harder than you thought.


“What should I do?”


“How about taking it to the temple kitchen, picking it up by Fugo and Nicola, and packing new food and sweets when returning to Elvira?”


“I will accept Figline’s opinion”


I decided to have the tableware delivered to the temple kitchen, as Filine said. Have them put on a carriage to go to the temple.


“What is this? Arlensbach’s cloth?”


Arlensbach was hot, there was a box with a lot of thin dough. Gratia that took out the cloth spreads a little and tilts his neck.


“It’s very thin. Isn’t it possible to use it at Ehrenfest outside midsummer?”


“If you put a thin layer on top, you can get a wider range of designs, and if you give one to Aurelia, it will be your hometown cloth.”


Brünnhilde said that the preferences seemed to be similar to the choices made when choosing dyed fabrics. It can also be used to tailor the summer clothes of my son, Siegrecht.


“The cloth you gave me was handed over to an acquaintance woman, so let’s bring it all to Rosemine’s room. The cloth in other territories is rare, so it will be appreciated.”


Order the subordinates to carry them with joy, saying that they should not think about which cloth the otelier will give. I decided to leave all the wooden boxes of cloth with the otlier and open the other boxes. There is still a box of magical tools to stop the time.


“How long does Ferdinand have magical tools to stop time?”


“Well, Rosemine, Mr. Ferdinand has delivered food several times, such as when heading to Ahrensbach and delivering clothes. Mr. Ferdinand returned the amount he had accumulated there.


Reiserator laughed and said so.


… Is that so? I was sending it so much.


“Since I just sent it here and never returned, there will be a lot of boxes this time, but Ferdinand would have had a hard time packing back.” [19459002 ]


risereta’s words reminded me that Ferdinand was worried about what to return in return for cooking, which made me a little crazy. Immediately after that, he thinks he will give up thinking and leave it to Justus.


…… Justoks, Fight!


When I opened the magic tool to stop the time while thinking about such things, there were lots of strange things that I had never seen before. Khartomut and Clarissa, who were watching together, exclaimed.


“Wow! Ahrensbach’s material. Maybe it’s a very rare thing. Isn’t this a return for the material and compounding tools sent by Rosemine?”


“I have a note of what’s in it, so I think it’s best to get it to the library workshop”


The material box was brought to the library workshop under the direction of two people.


I open the next box. The scent of the sea with a little bit of odor came to my nose. Immediately I opened the lid greatly. A lot of small sprays are packed in one corner, and you can see Legish. There are a lot of other fish I don’t know, and some of them are already cut, but they have notes with their names and how-tos.


“Cheer! It’s fish! It’s packed a lot”


“Rosemine, close the fish as it starts moving!”


Dermuel was shut down and the fish disappeared from my sight in an instant, but my chest was filled with joy thanks to the fish full of boxes.


…… Thank you Ferdinand! I ’m really happy now!


The fish recipe in my head starts to turn, no matter how I cook. It’s a shame that you can’t boil it, but you should definitely make a spruce mint.


“Rosemine, where do you carry this fish?”


“Let’s make half the castle kitchen and the other half the temple. Everyone is happy.”


Other luggage contains fine Arsensbach accessories and unusual seasonings and spices that can be used as a thank for sweets from Letizia. There were also several letters.


“Let’s do fine sorting around here when sorting materials in the library”


“I’m smart”


Roughly divide the carriage towards the library and the temple. Lazzafam was told that a large amount of luggage would arrive with Ornandans and a letter that would fly to Franc.


“Although you’re already tired, there’s still a fine sorting in your room after this, Rosemine”


When I was told by the lyzer, I whispered. It is also important to distribute the cloth and accessories to whom and in what order. Such fine socialization is not good at me, but I head to a room far away from the north.


Villefried, Charlotte, and Melchior are also heading north. All three have souvenirs from their adoptive father.


“The baggage from my uncle was really that much”


Villefried said so with a amazed face. I sharpen my lips.


“Your brother will have a souvenir from the adoptive father? Ferdinand wasn’t preparing a lot for me.”


“Isn’t that enough to be enough?”


“Ferdinand’s luggage and souvenirs from the adopted father are different”


Dependent father told me that Ferdinand had only prepared for me, so he had to prepare for the children, but I don’t think it was my fault.


“Only my sister sent food and ingredients to my uncle. Isn’t it only natural for my uncle to receive a return?”


As Charlotte says, the souvenir from Ferdinand is a return for what I have sent, so it’s not weird for me alone. Not at all. There is nothing as refreshing. Ferdinand is just the minimum necessary to be socially rude.


When Ferdinand went to Ahrensbach as a niece, I was preparing gifts not only for Dietrinde but also for Letizia, but I was asked, “Do you need such a thing?” Sometimes. Ferdinand said that if you give it to Dietrinde, there will be a reduction from Dietrinde to Letizia.


“I know there are brothers and sisters, so isn’t it usually something to consider more?”


“You’re a little lonely”


When I saw Villefried and Melchior saying so, I wondered if it was better to keep it in my chest without telling me what to say.


“Villefried, Ferdinand, have never had that kind of care for Veronica, so they don’t have the consciousness of sending it to someone else. For Ferdinand, souvenirs and gifts are probably things that have been handed down by adoptive fathers. ”


I just guessed from the ends of Ferdinand’s words, but when I added that, I blinked lightly as Villefried was surprised. However, Charlotte whispered with a satisfying expression.


“I understand. I’ve never received anything from my grandmother. The thing from my grandmother was handed over by my brother.”


“Is that so?”


“Yeah, I’ve never received anything from my grandmother. My brother before baptism was taken care of by my grandmother away from the east, so if you come to the main building, Older brothers were jealous because fathers and mothers were cute. “


Villefried was shocked by Charlotte’s words. However, Charlotte no longer touches Veronica’s topic and sympathizes with Ferdinand’s birth.


“I had a gift from my mother, but my uncle doesn’t even have a mother, so if you don’t understand that, you may be able to help.”


“Yeah, Ferdinand-sama thinks it would be good if I handed it out to everyone. If it can’t be helped, the fabric and fish will be split, so there is no souvenir from Ferdinand-sama Please be patient with me ”


When I said so, Melchior was honestly pleased, “I’m looking forward to it.”


As soon as the souvenirs are sorted out in the room, it is time for dinner. I went to the cafeteria to enjoy Arnsbach’s souvenir story.


“How was Ahrensbach? Did Ferdinand give you a hidden room? Did you eat properly?”


“I was away from the west, but I was getting a hidden room. I have confirmed with Prince Sigiswald.”


“This is a relief”


‘I am relieved to say that I have one less concern. However, the adopted father scolded him as Girori.


“Landzenave’s messenger came and it was hard to move to a room away from the west when he was so busy that he was dying for the preparation of Arensbach’s funeral. I was complaining. “


The aides seemed to have difficulty in checking and cleaning the room, but Ferdinand seemed happy.


“In addition, if I hand over the material that I have left, I will not come out of the hidden room until morning. During the funeral, I was staying up all night, maybe it was a terrible complexion. I was better off in the evening than in the morning. ”


“Anything is floating too much !?”


“Isn’t that much of you expected to give you hidden rooms, materials, and recovery drugs?”


… I didn’t ask for a hidden room for that kind of life! Ferdinand-like idiot!


“Well, in this sense Ferdinand seemed to be fine, so it wouldn’t be a problem. The funeral was concerned about Lanzenave and the Central Knights.”


The adoptive father ended Ferdinand’s topic. The foster mother, who had been listening silently, asked, “Is there something?”


“Is it an attack, a rebellion or a mess … Some of the Central Knights suddenly rampaged at the funeral.”




養 According to the father, it was really sudden. It seems that part of the Central Knights began to rampage during the funeral. Immediately, Ahrensbach ’s escort knights and the chief of the Central Knight moved and seized the rampaged knights.


“Five people broke and two of them died. Three were tied and sent back to the center immediately. No one was injured and was immediately repressed.”


There was a person who started rampage, and what, when, when everyone’s attention turned, the surrounding knights seemed to move to seize it. Some may not have understood what happened. It seems that it was such a fuss. In fact, the funeral seems to have continued as if nothing had happened.


However, the following day, the central knights who received the royal family’s life had been cut into the next Aub of Ahrensbach. Anyway, it seemed that a big incident occurred to those who were not there, because Dietrinde made a big noise at dinner saying “We were pointed at the weapons by the royal family from the Central Knights”.


“I don’t know exactly what happened with what I was aiming for, but I think the distrust of the Central Knights was planted in the attendees’ chest.”


“What is Ferdinand-sama …?”


“It wasn’t like making a fuss like that, Dietlinde praised him, and conversely, he was blamed for not worrying about himself and protesting the royal family.”


The adoptive father sighed, saying that Ferdinand also seemed to be in trouble with the royal family and the Central Knights. There was a grandson of the king of Lanzenave on the side of Dietrinde, and he seemed to be worried. He was much more fiancee than Ferdinand.


“Diet Linde is a mistress …”




laughing with a smile and the foster mother obstructs the foster father’s words. Adopted by the foster father, he was fooled by an intimidating smile, not a story to tell the children.


…… Speaking of that, were you talking about a misplaced love at a tea ceremony in Aristocrat? I felt like I was parting, but it was going on.


If you have a lover who will take care of you, Ferdinand’s opponent will be tight. Ferdinand seems to be friendly with a smile at first glance, but as you get closer to it, it gets worse.


“Lanzenave is a country other than Jurgenschmitt? Did you also come to the funeral of Aub Ahrensbach?”


‘Charlotte ’s reading the air changes the topic. The adopted father, who was enshrined by his adoptive mother, immediately got on the topic.


“Because there is a border gate, Lanzenave and Ahrensbach have an exchange. Late in the spring, from the end of the lord meeting to the end of autumn, the representatives of Lanzenave stayed in Ahrensbach and traded For the first time I saw the ship coming out of the border gate, it was quite interesting.It was also interesting that there was a border gate on the blue and wide sea. ”


Because of such exchanges, representatives of Lanzenave also attended the funeral. It seems that silver cloth was used for the costumes worn by Lanzenave at that time.


“I just saw it from a distance, and it was a small piece at Ehrenfest, so I don’t know if it’s the same material, but I’m just worried just because it’s silver. Lanzenave Isn’t it strange that there are materials that have no magical power? “


The grandfather who discovered the silver cloth at Gerlach’s Summer Hall listens to his adoptive father while making a difficult face.


“Although you need vigilance, you can prevent magic attacks, but not other impacts. If you only prevent the assassination and the first move of the first-timers, the effect will be great.” Cloth, as armor, is useless ”


Stap’s sword can not be cut, but if it is a blunt device, the impact is transmitted as it is, and the magical power passes through the part not covered with cloth. Grandfather said it was useless as armor.


“Are you talking to your father, Ferdinand?”


“Oh, I talked when I went to check the hidden room. He said he would like to get it and study if possible.”


According to the adoptive father, the Lanzenave people seem to be completely different from the Jurgenschmidt’s blood and the locals. I heard a lot about it, and it looks brown skin and looks a little different from the face.


“I was a little surprised because I saw it for the first time. Because most of the Lanzenaves were local, they said they would feel strange when they came to Jurgenschmitt.”


“What is Lanzenave like? I feel like I want to go there once, but I’d like to go to another territory first. I’m looking forward to going because I’m listening to you. “


I was also eager to Melchior.


“I feel the same way, Melchior. What kind of books are there in Lanzenave? I want to go to the library of Lanzenave once. Of course, I’m interested in libraries in other territories. There will be a lot of nice books in the long-running Dunkelferger and Klasenburg libraries. “


…… I’m just enthralled just by imagining it.


Charlotte was laughing with an embarrassed face when I was enthralled by thinking of the books that lined up.


“… My sister’s desire to go to the library has been well communicated, but I don’t think it’s the same as Melchior.”


シ ャ ル I laughed and misrepresented Charlotte’s tsukkomi who was amazed.


Listening to Ahrensbach from his adoptive father, dinner was over. Even if I tried to listen to Ferdinand, I was discontinued with “Read the letter in detail.”


“Is there a letter from Rosemine, Ferdinand? It seems that there is a letter from Letizia in it. I’ll give you a reply as soon as possible.”


“I understand”


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