Listening to all the opinions, so the aides take the form of dissolution and get back to their daily work.


“Your brother Cornelius, you can ask through the father, or ask the adopted father directly. Can you ask your mother to tell you to become a king?”


If you write a document poorly, there is a possibility that other civilians may look through it. It would be best to ask the brother Cornelius who knows the circumstances and can be told not only by the adoptive father but also from the father.


“If you get consent from your adoptive father, please provide a place to talk to your father and mother. Please ask us to discuss Angelica’s central relocation”


“I understand. I’ll leave this up and Rosemine should rest.”




When I blinked my eyes without thinking that I was told, Mr. Cornelius said, pointing at Dermuel.


“Isn’t it a lot of exhaustion? Dermuel was worried that he wasn’t looking good”


“What is Dermuel?”


The brother Cornelius leaves the room, saying he should rest, because he has just returned from the lord meeting. I don’t think the physical condition is bad because the side servants don’t say anything. I felt somewhat strange and approached Dermuel standing in front of the door of the room.


“Dermuel, I’m bad, complexion?”


“… It’s more about posture than movement, or about movement … Well, …”


Dharmuel crouched and screamed in a loud voice after utterly turbulent words.


“I felt like I was seeing the instability as I was walking behind Ferdinand in the temple. I’m sorry if you look after me.”


“… I didn’t expect Dermuel to notice”


Listening to the Aub family’s family-like interactions, I felt like I really wanted to spoil someone. That may have made me feel as if I had the first winter ritual in the temple.


“I will write a letter to Ferdinand in a hidden room”


“Take it off tomorrow. The color of your face is not good. You will be beaten by Ferdinand.”


The Reiserator brings the idiom Schmir from the fireplace in place and activates it. The voice of “Please listen carefully to what the side-serving says” has lost my strength. When I tried to listen to other idioms, Schlier was taken up by the lyzer.


“Let’s get ready for a break, Mr. Rosemine.


I was prepared to go to bed before and after that, and I was thrown into the bed by Riezela along with the idiot Schmir. Is the lyserator very fond of handling the stuffed toy of Schmir, let me hold it in my arms and say “You should sleep like this”, and fine tune the angle and position and crawl several times with a satisfied face After that, pull the tent and leave.


As I was told by the lyserator that night, I slept with a squirrel Shumil. It was a small idiot until I went to bed, so I wanted to hear “very fine” in a hidden room in the library.


The next day the rest of the riser is closed. I was trying to enter the hidden room while looking sideways at the start of the takeover and education by the otelier since the side serving the center was Gretier alone.


“Good morning, Rosemine, please take my name”


“Did you really prepare overnight?”


Hartmut presents the stone of his name with a smile just like the border between “fresh” and “bad”. I found out that the Otelier who served as a guardian gently took his eyes off.


…… Don’t take your eyes off the watcher! I’m looking from the front!


Everyone has a painful expression, and while being bound by my magical power, “Is this Rose-Mine-like magical power?” He slammed his magical power at once and ended his dedication as soon as possible.


…… Uh, I’m scared of Hartmut, who should be painful and enthusiastic.


“Clarissa is not yet collected, so it seems to be ahead. I was very sorry.”


“Is that so …”


I feel like I’m going to fall asleep twice a day. I was happy that Clarissa’s materials were not gathered.


“I write a letter in a hidden room”


“I’m smart. I’m out to get some information, are you sure?”


“Please, please”


When I entered the hidden room at a distance from the good-hearted Haltomut, I wrote a letter to Ferdinand using the disappearing ink.


During the sovereign meeting, as a reward for working hard in modern underground translation in the underground library, he succeeded in avoiding ligation and acquiring a hidden room, and was confirmed by his adoptive father and royalty at the funeral in summer. about. The silver cloth and Ehrenfest knight that Gieve Gerlach had previously had to keep weapons other than Stap. I also wrote a word that Dr. Hortancia said to Dietrinde that I didn’t understand.


…… Isn’t it possible to write just the information you need without becoming a king’s adopter or the next candidate for Zent?


何 度 Check once and confirm that you have kept the saying that information should not be leaked to other territories. This should be no problem.


The table also includes a compliment to the death of Aub Ahrensbach and the usual worries about the physical condition, asking the foster father to deliver the luggage at the summer funeral, and the sweets for Retizia I wrote content that wouldn’t seem so strange to anyone who could read it.


When I left the hidden room with a letter to dry the ink, there was a brother Cornelius waiting for me to come out of the hidden room.


“Rose Mine, a message from my mother. Considering the succession, etc., it is better to talk as soon as possible. I would like to invite you to dinner tomorrow, but what’s your convenience? Please, it seems. “


I asked Otirier to arrange dinner and overnight, and tomorrow, I decided to return to my parents’ home for the first time in a long time.


Before I returned home, I wrote a letter to everywhere.


Asked Ilkner’s Brigitte to get as much magic paper as possible to the castle as soon as possible.


Since the letter from Ferdinand came to Razafam in the library during the lord’s meeting and the management of Ferdinand’s baggage was transferred to the adoptive father, we talked with the adoptive father about the baggage to be taken at the summer funeral Write what you have to do, and that you have received a request to avoid conjointance and improve treatment.


Communicating the temple to the spring ceremonies, we decided to send a report to the busy merchants this year. Unlike last year, the number of trading slots has not increased, so there is very little to discuss. Rather, you have to work hard to prepare for Greschel ’s reform.


…… I just want to tell Benno-san, heading to the center. Lutz is now Kirnberga.


Since it becomes a secret matter, I will call it secretly and do it in the hidden room of the orphanage director’s room. As the number of personalized entourage has increased, it will be possible to forbid the audience and allow them to sit together.


“Come back, Rosemine”


Cornelius brothers, Leonore, Angelica, and Riezerator returned to their parents’ home, and their parents served us.


Today, the riser is together because she was invited by her mother. You can’t ask Angelica’s parents for their opinions unless you can tell the details. And she knows that she doesn’t want to ask Angelica. For that reason, a riser was invited who knew the situation on my side and was judged to be able to give opinions as a clan because it was the trace of Angelica’s house.


…… Angelica has been invited for the time being, but my mother thinks that Angelica is not necessary if there is a riser.


There was also a grandfather at the dinner. It was said that there were no obstacles in the meals where the side servings of the waiter came and went, and the reports related to printing related to the lord meeting and the future printing work were the main focus.


After moving to a separate room after meals, the sidemen leave the room when preparing tea or sake. After confirming that, the range-designated eavesdropping witchcraft was activated and the main theme began.


“At the time when Gilvester’s permission was granted, everything was being told to Elvira. No further explanation is necessary … It was a story about what to do with Angelica.”


“Yes. Angelica had engagement with Eckhart brother and disengagement, and it was not possible to hurt Angelica’s evaluation, so it was supposed to marry Traugot or Grandpa to make up for it. Is n’t it? ”


‘My grandfather asked,“ I want Traugot to grow fast so that Angelica can be drowned. ” As expected, it seems that the grandchild generation and the granddaughter’s entourage are not going to make a difference.


…… Grandpa, if you want Traugot to surpass you, you shouldn’t have reacquired blessing.


“But Angelica himself wants to move to the center in this case. I ’d like Angelica to be an escort knight, what will be treated as a nobleman due to the aristocratic relationship? I thought I had to check with my father and mother to see if I could take them without permission. “


My mother gave up that I did not judge herself, and looked at the reseller.


“What view do you think your family will have?”


“I felt that the engagement with Eckhart-sama and the filling-up due to dissolution were too afraid. So, if you are going to fill-in with the family’s compensation, especially about your sister’s marriage, There is nothing I want to do … Because my sister is already looking forward to training with the Central Knights “


Reiserator saw Angelica, saying so. Angelica smiles and smiles. Mother, who knows the meaninglessness of Angelica asking for a normal aristocratic daughter, gave me permission to go to the center.


“If Angelica wants to go to the center, that’s okay. Then consider your reparations, including your parents, a year later. Angelica will go to the center as a Rosemain escort knight. What are Cornelius and Leonore doing? ”


When my mother asked the brother Cornelius and Leonore, the grandfather put a cup of alcohol on the table.


“Go to the center! And protect Rosemine!”


“Thank you, Grandpa. My mother asks for their hope …”


Talking to a grandfather who is already drunk, I opened his eyes.


“I really want to go, Rosemine! But the lord candidate cannot become an escort knight and can’t go to the center. Who decided?”


“It was the old Zent Gesezkette who decided that he could not move to the center other than marriage, Grandpa.

“Mr. Gesezkette, do something extra!”


dad, who was watching his grandfather’s wrath head to the old Zent, ​​sighed with a troubled face.


“If Cornelius goes to the center, the area around Rosemine is safe, but considering the holes in the Knights, my head hurts a little.”


The brother of Cornelius seems to have played an active part in the subjugation of the Lord in the winter when the two of Ferdinand and Eckhart were missing It seems that it will be quite difficult if Brother Cornelius is missing.


“That, then, Cornelius and Leonore should remain in Ehrenfest …”


“No, Rosemine. Such care is useless.”


Grandpa shook his head when I pulled it.


“By reviving the old ceremonies of Dunkelferger, he began to challenge the battle with the help of multiple gods. The magical power of the knights with his magical compression. The aristocracy showed the usefulness of prayer and regained blessing at the lord’s meeting.The individual efforts strengthened the individual, and adult knights were In addition, if the materials obtained at the collection site during this sovereign meeting, it would be easy to make recovery drugs and magical tools. It’s no reason to reduce it. “


Grandfather said that the Ehrenfest knight should make more efforts because he can think of becoming stronger.


“That’s right, Karsted-sama, as Bonifatius said, and it’s a miserable story that there is no senior knight in the escort knight of the daughter heading to the center as a king adopter My brother’s appointment as an escort knight is also known in the Aristocracy, so I want Cornelius to go to the center. “


“Elvira, but …”


As the escort knight of Aub, the mother skipped the words of the father, probably the most familiar with the circumstances of the knight of Ehrenfest.


“What is the escort knight who can’t go to when Rosemine is most in need of escort? The Lord Cornelius chose himself. What if the knight couldn’t protect the Lord? Ramplecht, who receives eight hits from Villefried, is defending the Lord as if he couldn’t suppress Reisegang.He remembers raising a half-finished knight who abandoned the Lord when he stood at the crossroads. There is no “


Brother Cornelius squeezed his expression to the words of a mother who had raised his son in the family of knights.


“I basically want to go to the center too. I can’t go to Rosemine without any protection from watching the royal family and the central knights at the time of the lord meeting.” I thought. ”


“Yeah, it seems that the users of Toruk have been punished, but no owner has been found, so we need to be vigilant. It is encouraging that Matias, who is sensitive to the smell of Toruk, will accompany him.


Cornelius and Leonore’s opinion seems to be suitable for the bank. However, it seems that the question is what to do about the timing of marriage. Cornelius also has a palace from Eckhart.


“When you get married, Leonore will stop working, so you can set up a two-year preparation period, as you originally planned. Going to the center, you might be able to put it around Rosemine. Look for the female knight, I will manage Eckhart’s pavilion so that you and Eckhart can use them whenever they come back … ”


Brother Cornelius laughs at his mother ’s words and suggests that he can give it to Mr. Lamprecht and his child from Aurelia, saying, “It may be given after Siklecht grows up.”


“It’s a distant story. Siegrecht has just begun to crawl”


“Mom, I haven’t met Siklecht yet …”


Actually, I was hoping that I could meet even a little today, but at the dinner party, I couldn’t see the baby because of the absence of Lamprecht and Aurelia.


“Bethina, who came from Ahrensbach at the same time, was caught and the tension around him increased. Aurelia was also a little nervous to protect her child. You won’t be able to meet a little, but I’m pleased with your gift, let’s talk about it later, if you don’t prioritize your preparation for the center now. ”


Mother asks and asks who the entourage to take to me. I replied to those who had already been confirmed, those who were pending, those who had decided to remain. The mother, who was listening while whispering, looked at the reezer, exhaling deeply.


“Any Greetia who has just entered the entourage has too few side servings. The side servings are the most familiar and supportives for life, so if there is no one who is used to it, Rosemine is not at all relaxed in his room. Is n’t it possible for the lyzer to go away? ”


“Mom, Reeserator is a trace daughter and has already engaged with Wilfried brother’s civilian Torsten. I can’t get out of Ehrenfest …”


When I explained earlier that the riser would not be blamed, the mother shook her head with a amazed face.


“If you’re forced to hide your information and you can’t talk to your parents or your fiancee, the riser will have to answer that. Isn’t there any hope? ”


“That’s right … but if I say hope, wouldn’t it be an order?”


If the upper person wants the status, the lower one cannot go against it. So I just listen to everyone’s wishes, not my wishes.


“It’s important to respect your partner, but it’s also important that you communicate your wishes. If you can’t be sure that the Lord wants you to move to the center, If you need a lyzer and are willing to respond to the lyzer, I will take root. “


In my mother’s words, I saw a lyzer. I really want you to come with me. The side service that I have been with since I entered the Aristocratic House is doing a great job that makes me feel like I can reach a ugly place. If you are with me, you will be very relieved.


However, the riser decided to remain without hesitation when he asked for hope. I still smile as usual, but I don’t know if I want to go to the center unlike Angelica. If I say hope, my sisters could break my engagement.


“I can’t even take that talent out of Ehrenfest with a shortage of talent?” All of my aides are very good. For Erenfest, I support Brünnhilde who becomes my second wife. Ni … “


“Shut up. No matter how good you are, there is no major obstacle to the daily work of the castle when the Rose Mine entourage in the temple is basically gone. Whatever the problem with taking your entourage, whether you are pulling out and taking it to the center? “


It is said that it is not a problem of the whole territory to take a close person personally, but it seems that it is not even a minimum aide to go to the center as a king adopter Then, I was told that not only Ehrenfest, but also I will be beaten from the surroundings.


“Take someone who thinks you need to protect yourself and your heart. To do so, tell your wishes and earnestly. If you want to come to the lyser, sue yourself. If both hopes are met, I will have the roots of the surroundings, and I will be your mother, and I will fulfill one of my daughter’s wishes. ”


Now, pull out the word that you can go to the center from the reeser, and my mother will push me back and take me to the reeser.


The grandfather and father are watching this with a face that says “Do your best”, and the brother Cornelius has a happy face with grin. Leonore is also a face that looks very smiley. Riezera is smiling and waiting for my words, Angelica sitting next to Riezeta is always smiling.


… What is this public confession! ? In this, I want the lyzer to come to the center! ?


Everybody’s eyes are getting hot in the eyes of everyone. I want to run away with a dash soon, and my eyes are motivated. In such a situation, if you say “I want you to come” and answer “I do not want to go” to the riser, I will never recover.


“Mom …”


“It is your job to get the consent of the other person. Be firm”


With a face that is clearly amusing, the mother moves away from me and returns to the seat she was sitting on. If I don’t say anything, I can’t move from here.


“Wow, uh …. That! Reiser!”


“Yes, what is it?”


Somehow the lyzer seems to be very fun. I feel that the green eyes narrowed with a smile look a little like a bully. However, the expression that the riser is waiting for my words is a little embarrassed, and it is not an annoying or troubled face. It’s very embarrassing to be shy about each other, but it feels a bit courageous when I see the atmosphere that Reiserator accepts.


Once I took a breath, I exhaled.


“Wow, I’m very encouraging if the lyzer comes to the center together … I will protect it as much as possible so that it doesn’t hate me or work hard. Also, I can raise my salary, and I can keep a shmir in my room … So please come with me! “


I said everything that came to my mind. Somehow my head is white, but I did it.


Huh, when I exhale, the lyzer laughs happily and gently wipes my tears.


“I’d be happy if my home issues get rid of”


¡When I was glad that Reiserator accepted me, Brother Cornelius approached me and took my hand. While laughing happily with a grin, I look into my face, which is not yet heated.


“Rose Mine, I want you to say something similar to Reeserator”


“It’s impossible!”


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