“Come back, Rosemine. Waiting, Melchior-sama”


francs open the door of the orphanage and there is the orphanage’s cafeteria. Three of my side servings, Vilma, Gil, and Fritz, lined up in front, and behind them were all the gray priests and gray priests. There are also apprentices and children before baptism in the back.


My memory had only two children, Dirk and Konrad, so it seemed strange that there were many children of the same age as them. They are the children who have come to the orphanage by purging. In addition, there seems to be an increase in the number of gray priests and gray priests who were returned to the orphanage due to the blue priests being returned to their parents’ homes. I feel that the number of people is increasing. When I look at it like this, I realize again that the scale of the cleaning was large.


“… There are so many people in the orphanage of the temple.”


“It used to be a little less, because the number of blue priests has decreased and children have increased …”


I picked up a small whip of Melchior and whispered lightly. Then go ahead and speak to your side.


“Vilma, Gil, Fritz. Thanks for putting together all the orphanages”


Then we will talk to everyone who gathers Hartmut who has jurisdiction over the transfer of the priests to meet the side service of Melchior and the new blue apprentices. I laughed refreshingly while watching Melchior.


“Because you already know about the flow of life and the equipment in the nobility area, be sure to choose one that has experience of serving blue priests. Anyone else may choose. Here It ’s well-educated, so you ’ll soon learn new jobs. ”


Melchior looks interestingly at the gray herd, saying that he can choose an apprentice if he has finished the baptismal ceremony.


“It ’s good to have about five Melchior-samas and three others, who can help you cook. First, choose one who has experience. Gill, Fritz. Collect the original side service. “


When Gil and Fritz speak, people who have served blue priests and blue priests in front of Melchior stand up. While looking at the gray priests and gray priests gathering in front, Haltomut began to further select those who were noble to use. Divide the right side and the left side and ask the left person to go down.


“Even though the place of work changed from the side service of the blue priest to the orphanage, they worked seriously without dissatisfied faces. The eyes worked and they were attentive. The Lord will serve you seriously. “


Apparently, those who were dissatisfied when they were returned to the orphanage, said that they should not do such a job, or hit the eight that were returned to the orphanage seemed to be played. I was surprised that Haltomut had such information.


“Hartomut knows well about the orphanage, not just the priest ’s duty.”


Philipine who picked up my whispers laughed a little.


“Hartmut was the most frequent orphanage and was in close contact with Rosemine’s side service. It was also praised by Dirk and Konrad and gathered information on children’s eyes. He said he could hear no opinions. “


“Although it tends to be misunderstood even if it looks against a gray priest or a gray priestess, Haltomut sees everyone from the point of view that Rosemine is going to have a new side serving. The scoring is pretty hard. ”


Dermuel secretly tells me about that. Rhoderich asked, “Scoring is difficult for the aides,” he said. It seems that there are parts that are intimidating in the battle because the person himself is excellent.


Nikolaus are waiting for Melhior to choose the side service first, listening to Khaltmut’s words with serious faces. Those who had no side-serving experience waited for the voices to be heard while showing a surprised and fearful expression in the selection of Haltomut.


“Vilma, please call the children before baptism”


Since the baptismal ceremony has not been completed, there are many children who are not chosen as side servings. Except for Dirk, Konrad and Lily, these are new children this winter. After confirming that Konrad and Filine met eye contact after a long time, one of the children raised a small voice saying “Brother”. I follow the child’s line of sight.


“Are you Laurenz’s brother?”


“Yes. Bertram is a half-brother, but my mother died and my mother was going to take over and baptize.”


Laurenz gladly saw the belt ram. Speaking of which, Laurenz should have been very glad that his brother helped when he explained how to treat the children before baptism.


“You should talk slowly later”


I ask the children if there was no shortage of life in winter and what they could study. The kids will tell you about the winter with a little nervous expression. Carta and Trump were strong in Dirk and Konrad, but recently the number of wins seems to have increased.


“I’m also practicing the feshpeel. I have only a teacher, but when Rosemine comes back to the temple, I will be able to receive Rosina’s guidance.”


Vilma tells you how good a feshpeel child was and how he practiced. Children who were struggling with completely different lifestyle habits at first seemed to get used to the temple life.


“Dirk and Konrad served as models and helped those in trouble”


“That’s right. Thank you both”


Commits Dirk and Konrad and promises, “I will give you the paru cake later.” I’d like to give the remainder of the tea to Dirk and Konrad.


“Delier and Lilly also thank you, Rosemine. They are the ones who have taken care of the increased number of children best.”


In the words of Vilma, I look at Delia and Lily, who are behind me. Delia who can’t get out of the orphanage and Lily who hasn’t finished the child’s baptism can’t go out for side serving.


“Thank you, both. Please eat paru cake with Dirk and Konrad.”


“I’m sorry”


Listening to the situation during the winter, I slowly look around the children in line.


“Actually, the five children were requested to be picked up, and their parents would soon be picked up.”


When I call the names of five children, my face is filled with joy. The faces of the children who were left against the five who were pleased began to darken.


“And then, the words from Abu to the children who remain in the orphanage. Aub will decide whether to treat him as an aristocrat once in the fall. The baptismal ceremony will be held in winter.There are many things to think about, but please do your best to become an aristocrat. ”




It was Laurentz’s brother Bertram who responded with a strong voice. The baptismal ceremony is close, considering the height and behavior. He has eyes full of ambition to live as an aristocrat. The children lifted their faces as if they were caught by the belt ram.


“That’s all for me. Will you show me the results of the study until Melchior chooses to serve?” Philine and Laurentz may talk to their brother. “


Talking to the children, I lead my entourage and move around to the books and toys. Laurentz and Filine seemed to go to their brothers. The first matias who entered the temple and orphanage for the first time looked at the Feshpeel that was lined up for everyone to use.


“Are there enough fesh peels in the orphanage?”


“Fespeel is a requisition from each parent’s home so that children can practice for the show. I have never seen this line up for the first time.”


Approximate number of small fesh peels lined up on a slightly higher shelf is like an elementary school music room. Perhaps, the little child is placed on top so as not to mischief.


“It’s not just about Feshpeel. Isn’t it just like the bookshelf of the Aristocracy?”


“The reference book is important, but the orphanage bookshelf is also amazing? There is also a story of the commoner who printed it by a test run of a printing press.”


A book full of stories around Greschel, collected by Gutenberg and printed by Lutz and Gill, is interesting and different from the books sold among aristocrats. Because it is not for sale, it is a book that nobles cannot read.


“Would you like to read it if you are interested? It might be interesting to see a glimpse of the life of a different downtown than a nobleman”


“I’d love to read it as I get involved in the printing industry.”


Muriela, who appeared suddenly from the back of Matthias, shines with green eyes and approaches the bookshelf. Will Muriera, who loves romance stories, enjoy the story of the downtown area?


…… If the story of downtown is accepted, the number of books that can be printed will increase greatly.


While thinking so, I listen to the feshpeel that children play and see how they read a book. A girl who finished playing Feshpeel said, “Why isn’t my brother going to the orphanage?” Another boy, unlike Nicolaus, may be his brother.


“They who have already finished the baptism as a nobleman cannot enter the orphanage, so they decided to live as a blue priest apprentice or a blue priest apprentice. Please tell me what kind of study you are doing in the temple and how you live in the temple. “


“Is that so …”


There may be a clear difference between a pre-christening child and a child who has already been baptized as a noble, although he may want to spend time with his brother and sister. Even if you have time to study at an orphanage together, life itself is different. Orphanage children are forbidden from entering the nobility area.


It’s easy if you just say it’s okay, but more and more nobles will come and go in the future due to meetings with merchants and blessing rituals. Nevertheless, it is dangerous to make children hang around. I don’t know what the complaints will be and will be punished. The child before the baptism with the guilty parent is in a very weak position, like me, who was said to be a blue priestess apprentice. Live with family in the temple. Only that is difficult.


“You can meet your brother when you study at an orphanage, and if you can receive a baptismal ceremony as a nobleman, you may be able to live in the same way in the noble area. Please do your best. “




Sensei finds a goal and feels a little depressed.


…… If I can spend my time with my family, I will do my best.


When I thought that I could do it just by looking at it for the first time in a long time, I said, “I don’t think it will be useful in the life of the nobility when I made an effort in the temple.” Ralenz stops his brother when he looks up.


“Hey, belt ram!”


“Why isn’t it? You can crawl on the floor to clean the temple, draw water from the well, arrange your own costumes and bedding yourself, dig up the snowy soil in the forest and eat it.” Searching for things … not a noble. “


Laurenz’s eyes wondering if he had lived like that, and he sees jealousy for his younger brothers who must spend time at the orphanage. It may sound pitiful, but if you change your way of looking, there are many things that can be gained from the experience of living in an orphanage. It can be applied to handling magic power and compressing magic power. It’s also a good opportunity to see things that you can’t see in your experience of moving your body or living as an aristocrat. The point is up to you.


“I think it would be hard to suddenly change the life of an aristocrat who had been serving the side and helped everything in his life, and then suddenly changed his life into an orphanage. Then you can’t live in an orphanage. “


Associates who know my frailty lightly agree. I can’t boast of anything, but I can’t live without taking care of someone else. Even in such a case, I have the experience that what I have experienced in the life of the downtown is useful in the life of a noble family.


“But it’s up to the person to be able to use the life of the orphanage and the life of the downtown area as an aristocrat,”




I laughed with a smile at Bertram who was amazed at how surprised I had never thought.


“The merchants I’m in touch with will come in and out of the workshop here.” How products are made and how they flow to the world If you look carefully, you’ll know how to talk to the merchant in a way that connects and communicates with each other.


Benno and others know that it is better to have as many nobles as possible to interact with merchants. If you’re trying to improve the unstable situation that I’m just getting on with, I’ll tell you without a bad face.


…… Maybe my face looks a little unpleasant, like when I told you, but I don’t think I’ll get angry with my fist. Yup.


“If you know how to interact with merchants, you will find it very useful as a civilian in the upcoming Ehrenfest. The civilian who can interact with the merchants is not enough for the current Ehrenfest.”


A girl who decided to enter the temple as an apprentice of a blue priest turned to here. Is she an aspiring civilian?


“And it ’s getting warmer, so the number of trips going to the forest will increase. Summer is the season when merchants from other territories come to Ehrenfest. What are the merchants from other territories wanting? You may hear on the way to the forest if you feel dissatisfied, or you may be told by a downtown person to go with you. If you think, you can make the most of your current life “


It is rather the aristocratic aides who seem to have unexpectedly. Children who grew up in an orphanage can be quite good writers if they can take advantage of their current position.


“The rest … isn’t it. It’s impossible for a normal aristocrat, but would you show me a secret feat that I can grow up in the temple?”


When I stood up, for some reason, Haltomut stood next to me with an orange-eyed face that looked like “What do you show me?”


… That? When did you help me choose the side serving Melchior?


wonders come to mind, but Melhior is heading here, “What are you doing?”


… Well, is it okay?


There is no way to think deeply about Hartmut. I told the children to go down, “Dangerous, please go down a little.” I took out the cavalry magic stone while looking at the clean white floor.


“This is a magic stone for my knight. You know that the aristocratic child is watching the family monster, and that this magic stone can be transformed freely.”


Listening to my question with an expression of vigilance as to what Bertram would do.


“This is like this …”


I swell a magic stone like a balloon just like I did in front of Ferdinand. Now that you’re used to handling magic, you can divide it so that it doesn’t scatter too much. The broken magic stones collapse as if the pieces of the puzzle fall.


“A magic stone for cavalry !?”


“How are you going back to the castle !?”


While such a voice resonates, I gather together the broken pieces of magic stones by hand. And while playing the magical power, he advocated the magic stones by saying “Rounded, rounded”. Then, raise your chest and raise the magic stone that was rounded as before to show everyone.


“Eh? Are you back?”


“That stupid …”


«Like Ferdinand who said I was insane, the nobles laughed with joy at Bertram, who was pocan, as the nobles shouted in surprise.


“Even if the soil is difficult to dry and slip between the fingers and the fingers, it will be easy to roll it once it is softened with water again. Can be rounded. “


“I can’t do that …”


The aristocrats stare at my magic stones, curled up again, as if they looked at incredible things. Even if it is said to be insane, there is no help for it because the range of common sense you know is different.


“It’s important to think about how to handle magical powers with your own head. You can do what you can do, even if you’re called insane. I don’t know what cleanses the floor, what is my food. It depends on me. “


Associates who said that it became easier to actually see and imagine the magic compression method would have been there. Start looking around the orphanage with an eye looking for any hints.


“It seems to be a more interesting experience than a normal nobleman. Beltram, do your best.”


A belt ram that was lightly struck by Laurentz whispered. I haven’t been convinced yet, but I’m trying to make use of all my experiences.


“I want to have a lot of experience on Rosemine’s sister, and I want to be able to do a lot like on Rosemine’s sister”


I laughed a little bit at Melchior with blue eyes shining that no one else could do. If you go in and out of the temple, you can go around the village with a lot of rituals. You can have as many experiences as you like.


“Because the experience of the temple head is not something other aristocracy can do, it ’s good to make the most of it.”




Melchior, a family of lords, became motivated, and other children seemed to be willing to work on new lives and experiences that nobles did not. When he was satisfied with the brighter children’s atmosphere, Dermuel said, “Somehow it was a good feeling, but in the first place it would be difficult to roll the magic stone easily if there is not much magic power, Rosemine.” I asked.


“… Dermuel, Shih!”


Everyone’s side service has been decided. Discuss that children will enter the blue apprentice after the prayer ceremony, and that each side will have a room in place. It is only after discussing with Benno and Frieda that the chef is hired and cooked.


“The side servants who are called in this way are prepared to welcome the new Lord. The children’s study will also be thought out here and given instructions. After the prayer ceremony, Melchior will be the first They will go in and out of the orphanage, but if you think that I have been in and out, there will be no problem. “


…… Hartomut says with some breasts, but the orphanage is not really a place where blue priests come and go.


I thought it would be good if the orphanages and the blue priests should change little by little, but they may have changed unexpectedly and suddenly. At least, when I first came in and out, the temple should not have come and go with such an exciting face.


At this tour, Melchior’s aides looked like they had changed their eyes. Hartmut began his last greeting, hoping that good changes would continue.


“So everyone. The high god that governs the sky, the high god, the god of the great power, the five pillars of the great god, the goddess of water, the Fleetleine, the god of fire, the Leidenshaft, the goddess of the wind, the Szeria, the goddess of earth, and the god of life. Let’s pray and thank Evilive and Ehrenfest Saint Lady Rosemine ”


Gray priests and gray priests on the spot offer prayers with a uniform movement. Children who should have entered from winter seem to be used to praying. He prays without any ugliness.


Unlike my aides who are used to praying in and out of the temple, the new mates, Melhior’s aides, and children in the children’s room are a bit tempered.


… That? Did you have anything strange right now?


Listening to it for a moment because it was so natural that it seemed that my names were lined up among the gods offering prayers. I felt like I had to ask Khaltomut, but I couldn’t be swayed by Harumututo, saying, “What do you mean !?”, and I left the orphanage with a smiling smile.


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