My brother Cornelius had a difficult face when I said that Nikolaus was sorry to leave it in the children’s room for a season even though there was a parent who could take it if he wanted to take it.


“Because my father is in charge of the command, I went to talk with Nikolaus several times, but I can’t take it away. It cannot be left alone. “


“… Is there a mother in the main building?”


When I asked, even if I wasn’t separated, my brother Cornelius said, “Why is my mother not a Nicolaus mother?”


“Huh? Ca n’t I pick it up?”


“Rosemine was raised in the temple and became a child of Elvira after the baptismal ceremony, so she may have little understanding of her brother and half-brother. If there is … Nikolaus wants Tolderide to ask Elvira and pick it up, but since he is caught, he cannot confirm his intention. “


Cornelius and Lamplecht asked Leonore to follow, “Is it hard to understand for Rosemine?” Angelica crawls together with a face that she understands.


“Without Tordelide’s opinion, mothers need to adopt a child to take Nikolaus. Truderide will come back when he gets punishment, but only to take him out of the children’s room. Nikolaus said that it would be better for her mother to stay in the children’s room as well, so it wouldn’t be possible to take up the children without Tordelid’s opinion. “


I was shocked to see the fact that a half-brother was treated as a completely separate family, even though they lived on the same site. If there are so many differences between mothers, there may be more children than expected in the children’s room.


“I thought that if the father took over, I would take care of the stomach …”


“Nikolaus and Matthias are exempt from the affiliation because of the request of Abu to the lord candidate, with Rosemine at the top. However, there is no change in being a child of a criminal. And since everyone’s consciousness can’t be changed so easily, there aren’t many people who like and want to go home. ”


Regardless of the degree, criminals’ harsh eyes on relatives were also in the Reino period. I can only give a small return to Leonore’s words, “Nikolaus is still a nine-year-old child…”.


“Rose Mine, nine years old. Considering how Nicolaus has been raised from Trudelide so far and how he thinks his mother was captured by his father I don’t want to enter the main building. “


In his words, Brother Lamprecht gave up his shoulder, “Nikolaus is training to become a knight apprentice.”


“Nikolaus is good in size and seems to have good muscles according to his grandfather. It is against putting Nikolaus into the main building, who doesn’t know how it will move when emotional. I want to do it


Now that there is an Aurelia and a newborn baby in the main building, it seems that he doesn’t want to put in anxiety. If it’s true, it’s as easy as Aurelia holding down Nicolaus, but it seems difficult in the current state after childbirth.


…… It’s hard to believe that even though it was said that Aurelia, who was moving with the veil, could easily hold down the knight’s apprenticeship.


“Tordelide adored Veronica, sometimes sang Ferdinand, and ridiculed her mother for what Eckhart had devoted and for taking Rosemine into and out of the temple. I only occasionally went to the main building, but I hate Trudelide and don’t want to accept her raised Nikolaus, until Nikolaus returns to the children’s room until he finishes his punishment I think it ’s best to be in ”

“Is that so …”


I understand the situation surrounding Nicolaus, but my back is very hazy. I haven’t committed any crime yet, but I think the public is too strong.


“… How many children will be left in the children’s room after the end of the spring party? Can the remaining children be transferred to an orphanage?”


When I thought I was going to a place where the wind wouldn’t hit even a little, such words leaked. In the meantime, Brother Cornelius and Leonore are stunning.


“Rosemine, what are you thinking?”


“Rosemine, too big a thing to come to mind”


Although it may be too big to carry with you in mind, it is pitiful to leave the children left in the children’s room. As long as he lives in the main building of the castle, he is always exposed to the eyes of noble adults.


“Lamplecht, there must be a person in the immediate vicinity of Charlotte who was taking care of the children’s room. I would like to ask him about the winter children’s room. Brother Cornelius, call Hartmut I have a question about the current state of the orphanage. ”


When Mr. Lamprecht and Mr. Cornelius left the room with seemingly inconspicuous faces, Hartmut came in with a smile at the timing when he or she had refrained in the immediate vicinity.


“Rose Mine, do you call me?”


I talked to Haltomut about the current situation of Nicolaus and asked about the current situation of the orphanage and the number of children the parents came to pick up in the spring.


“There have been five requests so far. Certainly, the second and third wife’s children tend to be left behind. Who are the children who don’t have magical tools? There is no communication “


“… Yes. Do you think you can accept the children left in the children’s room at the orphanage?”


In my words, Haltomut concealed his orange eyes and thought a little.


“You can just accept it. The cost of their lives can be taken from their parents and the clean nobles as well as the children’s room. However, unlike children before baptism, children “ The children in the room are already aristocratic children, I don’t know if they will listen to the words of the gray priest and the gray priest, and it will be difficult to live in gray clothes. ”


I haven’t seen my orphanage in my own eyes. The children before the baptism are not yet aristocrats, but the children in the children’s room are clearly aristocrats.


“Rosemine and Villefleet ask for permission to enter the room”


When I asked the voice of Greater, “I heard that I was going to start something from Lamplecht, but what are you going to do this time?” Villefried enters the room uneasy.


I explained that I thought I could move the children in the children’s room to an orphanage after shaking my head, “It seems difficult to realize.” Villefried sighs with a amazed face.


“… Do you want to hide from the public because you’re sorry? But there is no solution where you hide. Is it true that their relatives are guilty and punished?” Instead of hiding from the eyes of the world, you should tell yourself to live with your breasts that there is no shame in you. “


Villefried went straight ahead and said so. In my experience, the secrets of the nobility last forever. He said that concealing for a moment would not grow.


“There’s a reason I want to hide it from the eyes of the world, but Melchior can’t go to the children’s room during the winter and is studying alone in the north, surrounded by aides.


“I was saying that”


“If Melchior had a teacher, what was the state of the children’s room without the teacher? Since they were left in the children’s room from spring, they will be given a satisfactory education as a nobleman.


“That should be arranged with the mother in charge of the child’s room, not the one outside the jurisdiction.”


When I was told that I would n’t ask someone else to do my job, I was a bit shy. Surely, it wasn’t something I thought about, but it was a question to ask my foster mother about what happened and get me somehow.


“I should think of Nikolaus as an individual rather than the entire children’s room.”


“Is it a Nicolaus individual?”


When I tilted my head because I didn’t understand the meaning well, Villefried asked, “Oh, that’s right.”


“Nikolaus wants to serve as a senior knight apprentice to the lord candidate, and the best hope is Rosemine. I want to join Cornelius and Angelica, who are loved by Bonifatius, and with Cornelius It seems that he envied the friendliness of Rosemine. “


I blinked to an unexpected word. I don’t know that.


“But Nikolaus said he was avoided because his mother was different and couldn’t have a conversation with Rosemine. When he told his parents that he wanted to serve Rosemine, he was overwhelmed.” [19459002 ]

“Vilfleet, it was not his father, but his mother, Tordelide, who said he was not allowed to serve Rosemine from the temple.”


Lamplecht’s brother made corrections with sighs, but it seems that Nicolaus wanted my aide. I had never spoken with Nicolaus, and I looked up at Cornelius, who forbids contact.


“Brother Cornelius, I didn’t know that Nikolaus wanted to be close. I didn’t listen at all …”


“Nikolaus decided that it would be best to serve Villefried. Tordelide would not complain if Villefried, who was cherished by Veronica, was the chief, and Nikolaus was a lord candidate. The desire to be a close friend of life is fulfilled and there is a brother Lamprecht, so you can think of getting along with our brothers. ”


When Mr. Cornelius laughed and said, Mr. Villefried shook his head lightly, “But it would not be Nicolaus’s hope to serve me,” he enshrined Mr. Cornelius.


“I feel sorry that I am living in a children’s room and my hopes are not fulfilled. Even children who have escaped from congregation can decide their own Lord.” [19459002 ]

“If I was not the son of Trudelide, I might have had the same opinion as Villefried.”


When I said that with a smile that clearly showed that Mr. Cornelius was laughing, Mr. Lamprecht exhaled as if in trouble.


“Vilfleet-sama, Trudelide, Rosemain struck hands with Ferdinand-sama, fooled Aub Ehrenfest, became a adoptive woman, fell into the former temple head with a very wicked hand, and sinned to Veronica I argued that I had a plan. “


…… The correct answer is that the former temple head and Veronica were self-destructed without permission when Ferdinand-sama was using me to make a spear and my foster father plunged into the neck.


“It seems that Rosemine is easy to accept that the child is innocent or hasn’t done anything yet, but it is unacceptable as an escort knight to create a chance for dangerous persons to approach. It ’s dangerous. ”


My brother Cornelius told me ahead of what I could say. Talking with Nikolaus seems to be difficult when you see all the escort knights crawling together.


…… I’d like to talk to face to face once.


The next day, the promised three bells, the civilian and the side serving one by one, the escort knights with all, our lord candidates all leave the north. There is a wide range of meeting rooms in the main building that are close to the north of the main building.


The foster father, foster mother, grandfather, Villefried, Charlotte, I, and unlike before, the meeting began with Melchior and his entourage instead of Ferdinand.


“There are a lot of reports this time. First, Florenzia became pregnant. It will be born from the end of summer to the fall. It seems that it is often unwell for a while, so keep that in mind. I want to distribute my future work. ”


養 The inside of the conference room was awkward as the father adopted words. There are those who are looking at their faces as if they are confused as to what to do with their second wife and what will be done in the future, but I was not puzzled because I was taught about pregnancy. First, he said, “Congratulations, I ’m looking forward to autumn”.


“Thank you, Rosemine”


When the foster mother relaxed her expression as if relieved, Melchior also celebrated with a happy face.


“Congratulations, mother. Can you make my brother or sister?”


“Yes, but keep this secret for a while. Is it okay?”


The adoptive father looked at all the people including the aides in the conference room, saying so, raised his face as if Charlotte, who had a little expression on the pregnancy report, decided his mind. It was.


“I’m not going to put my mother at risk. Of course I’ll keep it confidential and I will do my best to cooperate”


“I’ll save you …. I want to focus on the cleanup that took place in the winter. Do you know that rebuilding the Ehrenfest is an urgent need?”


A report on the winter cleaning has begun. Based on information from Matthias, the plan was put forward and the cleanup started. Priority is given to those who are known to be dedicated to Georgine. There were many who were self-harm when they assaulted the Gerlach Winter Hall, but few were registered as Ehrenfest nobility.


“My father doesn’t understand the meaning well. Does that mean that there were many non-Ehrenfest nobles in the Gibe Gerlach palace?”


“Yes. There were several people who did not match the magical power of the medals registered here. Exactly, there were many corpses”


Although my back was staggered by the number of corpses, I am aware of those who are not registered in medals.


“Those without medal registration may be carnivores. I remember having a carnivor when I was attacked by Gibe Gerlach for the first time.”


In the raid after visiting Gerlach for the first time during the apprenticeship of the blue priestess, carnivors should have been used. Even when Charlotte was about to be devoured, several carnivores came.


“Oh, the soldiers who attacked and suicided during the baptismal ceremony at Charlotte were also unidentified. It seems undoubtedly the same.”


“… Is Gieb Gerlach suicide too? Somehow I can’t believe it …”


I looked at my grandfather who rushed into the Gibe Gerlach palace. The grandfather slowly opened his mouth with a difficult face with a deep cut between his eyebrows.


“I didn’t see a bombing site. I just decided that it was a suicide …. I tried to sneak up and catch it with Stap, but there were some who opposed it if it was too violent. It was natural, but I didn’t want to put in a butler, and when I rushed in, it was a room that was littered with charred meat. “


Talking indifferently, the disaster of the room is so scary that I don’t want to imagine it. “By the way, the deacon self-destructed at the moment I rushed in and the entrance was tough,” I heard while talking about the urge to close my ears. I listen to the continuation of the grandfather’s story, rubbing the upper arms where the goose bumps stand on their own, whilst frantically shaking off the bloody sight that comes to mind.


“We checked the magical powers of the arms and legs scattered throughout the room with the medals registered here, and examined who was on the spot. For Gibe Gerlach, the ring and family crest of the left hand and the remaining magical power were determined to be correct by the medal, but I don’t feel like being misled. “


The grandfather’s intuition as a warrior seems to sound a warning bell, but he cannot be confident about the survival of Gibe Gerlach from what he sees on the scene and his own eyes.


“Is there a possibility that Gibe Gerlach escaped leaving only his hand?”


Grandfather shook his head loosely in response to Villefried’s question.


“Even if you think about the smell of blood in the room and the temperature of the mass of meat, I’m sure that I plunged into the room soon after the suicide. The knight is surrounded by the knight, It has been difficult for nobles to escape in the basement where there is a magical eater, and all the exits were watched by ordinary soldiers. “


Adoptive father adds further explanation while speaking to Grandfather’s words.


“The city’s borders were at the highest level of alertness, the knights were also placed in the North Gate, and the soldiers of the commoner were never told to pass the carriages. No aristocrats have escaped from the fest ”


Even with all that, Grandfather seems to be convinced that Gibe Gerlach’s death.


“Bonifatius is not so convinced that the execution with medals has already been completed for those who have heard from Matthias and have confirmed that they are dedicating to Georgine.”


“… Are you the god of darkness?”


Reminding me of the execution with the medal I saw at Hasse, I asked with fear. It was a magic to learn in the lord candidate course that was struck one after another by Ferdinand. Since there were other lord candidates in this place, I said it blurring vaguely, but it seems to have passed to adoptive father. She screams with a tough face.


“But Adopter, wouldn’t that magic not be possible without being under Abu’s control?”


“How do I get out of Ehrenfest without Rosemine, a cavalry, or a carriage?”


“… Eh, uh … a transition team?”


“Is it necessary to create a transfer team that transfers people? There is no use for Gibe Gerlach”


The answer that I desperately twisted was rejected by the foster father’s stunned gaze. Surely, when I was taught by Ferdinand, I was told that only Aub could make it.


The adoptive father says, “Anyway, Gibe Gerlach is dead. That’s all right.”


“The current problem is whether there are any other nobles who are dedicating. The dedication is basically done in secret. Anyone who caught Matias’ information is wrong. It seems unlikely, but even their memories are obscured by Toruk, so the investigation of the devoted is really difficult. “


It seems that there is no choice but to guess from various connections, so it is necessary to be cautious in order not to cause the execution of the atonement.


“Oh, yes. Rosemine, Villefried, Charlotte. The Knights will borrow from the congregation and give them a name for investigation for a while.”


It seems that children are needed to investigate the land that Gibe, who had been dedicated to Georgine, such as Gerlach, Wiltre, and Vessel, ruled.


“After the purge, the Knights headed to their summer palaces for investigation, but there were many places where Gibe’s palace could not be investigated because there were many doors that could only be opened by blood. If we change to a new Gibe in the future, the hidden room will become completely unusable, so we want to investigate the museum before that. “


When I re-register my magical power in the hidden room of the orphanage director’s room, the door that would never open again when Gibe changed and registered again, just as the hidden room of the former orphanage director never opened. There seem to be many.


“I understand why I had to hurry to investigate the museum. Matias, Laurentz, and Muriera would accompany the Knights investigation and cooperate, so a rough imitation is absolutely Do n’t, the three are already close to me ”


When I stared at my father, who was the chief of the Knights, he screamed with a reliable smile.


“Let me speak to Rosemine’s words, the Knights. Of course, I will not imitate Villefried and Charlotte’s entourage”


Immediately after saying that, she puts a harsh light on her pale blue eyes.


“Let me say it instead, mainly to cooperate with the Knights investigation and not to conceal the sins of parents and relatives.”


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