“Princess, I’d like you to talk carefully about what you’re thinking. What does it mean to bring a lord candidate from another territory to participate in a ritual? Not! ”


As soon as he returned to the dormitory, Richard became king. You can see that the sermon begins when you put your hands on your hips and raise your eyebrows. But I haven’t done anything yet.


“… That’s a story with Dunker Felger’s permission?”


“With Dunker Felger’s permission, I wouldn’t. I’m arguing about doing such a serious thing without consultation.”


“Did you talk to Aub that you don’t need to consult about the research that is going to be done at the Aristocracy?”


I leaned to the words of Richarda. I feel it is misrecognized. In my words, Richard slowly shook his head.


“It’s better to report in the case of the princess, but it is not only that, but it is a talk to the aides who move with the assistance of the princess. At least what the princess is thinking about Please tell us in advance what you are going to do. ”


“Have you ever talked about doing a ritual in a joint study with Dunkel Ferger? I just suggested that you want to participate in a joint study.


Regardless of what he was told, it would have been a decision to do the ritual. In my words, Richard slowly shook his head.


“Do you think you can misrepresent me with words like that? Have you ever thought of a ritual that can be done by a princess alone? Why did you decide? “


¡The expression of the entourage surrounding me is severe, and no one tries to stop the pursuit of Richard. I suddenly sharpened my lips once and expressed dissatisfaction, and then made a particularly smiley smile.


“Every time we had a tea party, we heard only malicious rumors about foster fathers, and even though there were too many sacred rituals and no ears to listen to, only the profits It doesn’t mean that dealing with small and medium territories that you want has become troublesome. “


“… I’m very angry”


¡Ryalda exhales a little and says, “The princess has become good at hiding emotions,” and then, as troubled, “Remember, this time you will be able to exhale emotions well. “I shook my head.”


“Then, princess. What are you going to do even if you say it is a sacred thing?”


“If Dunkel Felger gives permission for others to participate, we will hold a dedication ceremony at the Aristocratic House.”


“Is it a dedication ceremony? Isn’t it always a temple event during this period?”


Philine puts her hand on her cheeks to remind them that Hartmut’s are preparing.


“Yeah, if you show Dunkelfelger what I always do at Ehrenfest, there’s nothing better than a dedication ceremony. It’s difficult for me to fill the Holy Grail with my own magical power. I was worried about what ceremonies would show to Dunkel Felger, but with a lot of collaborators, I could easily fill the Holy Grail. “


“… That Rosemine. Doesn’t that mean taking away magic from other territory candidates?”


¡I asked him so that Greetia was scared. The other aides quickly change their complexion. I looked at Greater and laughed.


“Oh, I don’t like it. If you’re a Greeter, don’t say bad people. I’m not compelling at all. Everyone is so enthusiastic about asking you to join Dunkel Ferger. Be a collaborator, voluntarily dedicating the magic, rude to say that, and the royal family will surely be pleased that there are many cooperative lord candidates.


Only people who want to do it participate. I’m not compulsory, and if you don’t want to do it, don’t ask from the beginning.


“That’s Rosemine, why are the royals involved?”


Laurentz asks a question as if he heard a very ominous word. Theodor seems to be not good at the royal family when he sees Theodor running away and crawling.


“If you want to use the altar of the Aristocratic House, you’ll need permission from the royal family. And even though you’ve voluntarily participated, everyone who has been dedicated to this world of lack of magic When I use magical power personally, the corner will stand, so I will make it available to the royal family. “


If many lord candidates dedicate their magical power, I think the royal family lacking magic will be pleased. And even if it is a word of thanks from the royal family, they will not be able to say anything.


Matthias, who had a difficult face to examine my words, quietly turned his blue eyes, saying “Fum”.


“Do you think it’s possible to get permission from Dunkel Felger, who has previously refused to allow other territories to participate in joint research?”


Matthias pointed out that it would be difficult for upper territories to change posture easily, and I raised my lips.


“I would be pleased if Dunkerfelger and their team proposed to do the ditter as a condition for accepting the applicants. I would like to verify the ritual, and the ambition I would like to do. I did it. “


“Do you offer good-will participants to Dunkelferger’s sacrifice?”


Matias said with a resolute face.


“Mathias also has a bad hearing … Isn’t it just that people who are dying to participate and show enthusiasm to Dunkel Felger? I do n’t think I ’m going to save money because I do n’t have to go out and ditter. ”


“Are you a very enthusiastic and wonderful collaborator who can help you validate the ceremonies of Dunkelferger? I support Rosemine’s thoughts.”


Leonore smiled and said so. Matias also exhales lightly, “I certainly do n’t want to go back and forth with Dunkelferger ’s verification,” he said.


Erenfest must be supported by all knight apprentices if they want to do Ditter with Dunkel Felgar, who has a large number of people in the territory. It’s hard to keep up with verifications that would be done over and over again under different conditions. This is because Wilfried and Charlotte escort knights will also be mobilized.


“Dunkel Ferger can also perform ritual verification and ditter, gather the necessary number of my rituals, the royal family can use the gathered magic, and the small and medium territories will participate in joint research … Dunkel Felger is a little busy with everyone’s response, and the royal family also has a hard time, and the participants use a lot of magical power other than lectures, but everyone has an advantage. Do you think there is a good idea? “


laughing with a smile and saying so, the entourage became indifferent. It is a delicate face that cannot be said to be in favor or opposite.


“Is there any advantage for Rosemine in the proposal? I mentioned only the benefits of the people around me, but I cannot see the benefits of Rosemine”


“I just want to say that Ehrenfest doesn’t have to keep up with the Ditter … but I have what I want, but now it’s still a secret. I’ll answer “


And I wrote a letter to Dunkelferger and Hildebrand. I chose Hildebrand because of the use of facilities in the Aristocratic House, and I thought it would be easier to get permission than Anastazius.


There are many people who want to participate in joint research with Dunkel Felger, it is better to have a large number of people to show the dedication ceremony that is the ceremonies of Ehrenfest, Speaking of Dunkerfell if you allow Ditter He wrote that he had advantages for Gar, that the magical power gained at the dedication ceremony would be handed over to the royal family, and that he would like the ceremonial use of the innermost part of the altar.


“I need to hear more about it. Come to my residence tomorrow afternoon”


…… While I sent a letter to Hildebrand, I received a reply from Prince Anastazius for some reason. I can’t understand.


I was once again called by Anastazius. Since it is only a story that wants to rent an altar, it seems that it is not a big deal, and when heading to the Imperial Palace, Anstadius’s Imperial Palace is also called by two directors of the dormitory, in addition to Hannerole and his associate. It seems that something is important even though it is a story of joint research, which is a student’s territory.


“Now Rosemine. Say what you’re going to do without hiding”


While being engulfed by Anastazius, who seems to be quite wary, I answered the joint research outline and the Ehrenfest ritual to be performed in the future. Just as I told my aides, I emphasized the benefits for the royal family.


After hearing the story, Anastazius holds the forehead and looks at me and Hannerole alternately.


“… Why do they want to take care?”


“What do they mean?”


When I tilted my head, Hannerole whispered shyly.


“Dunkel Ferger has caused some trouble and inconvenience”


It seems that the pillars of light have risen as Dunkel Felger verified the ritual, and quite a lot of inquiries seemed to go to the royal family. But isn’t the ritual that the pillar of light stood up to imitate the Dunkel Ferger I went the other day?


“… Isn’t it because of me?”


“No. As a result of imitating Rosemine and performing a ritual with magical dedication, and trying to change the shape of the spear, a pillar of light stood up in Dunkelferger’s dormitory. It ’s entirely due to Dunkel Felger. ”


It seems that a ritual was held at the training ground that was built adjacent to the dormitory, and the team was divided into two teams. It is a story that makes you feel the territory of a large territory.


…… As expected, Dunkel Ferger. It takes time and effort to become stronger.


“I was surprised by the sudden increase in the number of territories that wanted to participate in joint research yesterday, but I was busy with the response …”


Lufen, the dormitory supervisor, smiled very well after saying so.


“It’s Rosemine, who creates Ditter opponents where Ditter’s fever is growing in the Ditter story and rituals that give true blessings. The reputation is growing rapidly in the dormitory. Last night was a great excitement. “


… I didn’t need that reputation.


I thought that it would be nice if Dunkel Felger got busy, but immediately after reading my letter, participants were welcomed and accepted Ditter, so what did Dunkel Felger have? There seemed to be no damage. Rather, it seems that he decided to call out to various territories, “Would you like to participate in the ritual with a ditter?”


“If you are fighting with the blessings of the gods by rituals, you may want to be a joint team of several territories vs. Dunkelfelger, and show me how to get the blessings of the gods. Then they will begin to do serious things in the future. “




“If the enemy is not strong, won’t Dunkerfelgar burn?”


“That’s right!”


ル ー If you see the place where Lufen is overwhelmed and actually get a blessing, I think that the knight apprentices will be seriously performing rituals. Just like when Ehrenfest knight apprentices said, “From now on, you should follow Dunkerfelger and get a blessing on your own”.


When the story with Rufen ended, Hannelole opened his mouth.


“Dunkel Ferger has an advantage, so it ’s okay to grant permission, but is n’t it too much to add to the collaborative research? , Said your brother. “


I think that it is a sufficient contribution for me because I have a Ditter with Dunkel Felger and participate in a dedication ceremony, but it seems that contribution to Dunkel Felger is low.


…… Because of the ritual, Ditter is obliged to land.


It is necessary to make a proposal between Dunkel Felger, who says that the contribution of joint research is not enough, and other territories that want to leave a name for joint research. But when you think about it, I just invited you to participate in the ritual, but I didn’t promise you that I would join the joint research. I’m just thinking about going on my own.


Thinking a little bit, laughing with a smile when you lift your index finger.


“So what if you were to list your names as collaborators at the end of the study? The knight apprentices who cooperated in the interview and the lord candidates and senior nobility who cooperated in the rituals If you just put the name and the collaborative research is only from Dunkel Felger and Ehrenfest, would you agree with Dunkel Felger and everyone who will participate? “


“… Yeah, that’s fine. Your brother would be convinced”


Hannelore stared at me for a while and then slowly sang.


“Then the ritual will be after Resty Laut-sama has finished the lecture, so please tell me to do my best”


“It seems to end soon, because I was eager to surprise Rosemine.”


Talking with a smile, Hannelore was about to finish the lecture with a great momentum. Although it is the last grade, it seems that I can finish all the lectures at the same time as last year. I was amazed at how much more I expected than I expected.


“… I was surprised. Then please let me know when the participants are finished and the participants are confirmed”


Lufen replied, “Let me leave it!” To my words. I and Hannelore glanced at Luffen and praised their shoulders lightly.


“Rose Mine”


Cohon and Anastazius coughed.


“What is it?”


“It is a matter of using the innermost altar requested by them …”




“That altar is under the jurisdiction of the central temple”


Speaking of which, the central temple should have performed the star-knot rituals and the noble-gathering ceremony at the lord meeting.


“You need permission and control of the central temple to use the sacred items here, but they seem to be busy now.”


“It’s the time of the dedication”


《The blue priests and shrine maidens with much magical power gathered from various territories, so it will not be as difficult as Ehrenfest, but in the first place the number of the Holy Grail may be different.


“Now, can you lend only the room with the altar, because I will get the necessary items for the ritual from Ehrenfest? I want to tell everyone to pray to God.”


“… I shouldn’t touch the altar”


“I’m sorry”


I realized that I was thankful for the permission of Anastazius.


“Oh, if you don’t touch the altar, you won’t be able to lower the Holy Grail to dedicate magical powers. What should I do? Can I get permission if I just lower the Holy Grail?”


rugs can be sent from Ehrenfest, but there is no place to dedicate magic unless the Holy Grail is taken down.


“No. If you can’t do anything, you can’t help”


“I only need to make it with Stap so I can prepare the Holy Grail, but …”


“Can you do it?”


I whispered lightly to Anastazius with wide open eyes. The other day, there is a spell I found in a library that requires three keys, so I can make the Holy Grail.


“But it’s impossible to bring my holy grail to the center, so the royal family will be able to make a holy grail in the stap or prepare a lot of empty magic stones to bring everyone’s magical power back. I’d like either or not “


The best story is if the royal family can make the Holy Grail in Stap, but the sacred gear cannot be made without touching it carefully and draining the magic. If the altar is not touched, it will be impossible to make the Holy Grail and it will require a lot of magic to maintain it. There is no room for the royal family to use extra magical power.


I think that the easiest way to carry magic power is to prepare a magic stone in the sky and immerse the magic stone in the Holy Grail as Ehrenfest gained magic power from my Jureve.


Anastasia sighed as if I was tired from my suggestion. It seems that the royal family was discussing that it would be necessary to give up the situation where a large amount of magical power could be obtained because the central temple could not obtain cooperation.


“… If I can’t borrow a ritual, I should make the Holy Grail by myself, or transfer the magical power from the Holy Grail to the empty magic stones. I don’t know “


“Teacher’s teaching was good”


When I laughed, Anastazius held the forehead.


“It’s a great help that the royal family can use the collected magical powers at the aristocracy, and the royal family can use it.”


“I would be happy to say that. If possible, I would like the royal family to participate in the dedication ceremony, but is that possible?”


“Would we participate, too?”


I sang with a serious face to Anastazius who opened his eyes openly. If the royal family takes the initiative, the participants cannot be said to have stopped. In addition, the royal family in need of the blessings of the gods should have a chance to pray seriously.


“If you are far away from the central temple, isn’t the royal family ever experiencing a true shrine? If you give prayers together, the magic will be easier to flow and prayers will be easier to reach. Of course it is not compulsory. ”


“… Let me think”


After finishing the foundation for the ritual, I was told by Hirsur that “Please do not disturb the research” and then returned to the dormitory and contacted Ehrenfest.


Reported the outcome of the dedication ceremony involving the royalty in the joint research at the Aristocratic House, and when the temple dedication ceremony was over, a rug for flowing magical power, offerings to the gods, my temple head I would like you to send me the necessary items for the ceremonial ceremonial costumes, such as Villefried and Charlotte ceremonial costumes.


“Does me and Charlotte also participate in the aristocracy dedication?”


“Yeah. Isn’t it the fastest way to get rid of strange rumors by showing everyone doing the same rituals? The dedication ceremony puts magical power into the foundational magic The same thing can be done for the first time with Villefried and Charlotte. ”


‘Please keep your face as usual to counter the rumors.


“Rosemine, I received a reply from Ehrenfest”


¡It was written in adoptive father’s letter that the foster mother looked at the ritual that was too important for the reply, and that it would be absolutely successful beyond involving the royal family. It seems that the set necessary for the dedication ceremony will be sent properly.


By the way, a letter from Khalissa who seemed to read Clarissa’s report, “Why did I graduate?” I’m pretty scared of the idea, the writing pressure, and the way the letters break.


“… I’m scared when I return to Ehrenfest. I feel that Haltomut is very annoying”


Since Leonore struck such a whisper with a serious face, I would like to redo the ritual to get the blessing with the grown-up companions who remain in Ehrenfest, so I can get as much blessing as possible Wrote what Hartmut should do to keep a daily prayer and review the names of the gods. If you have something to do, it will be a little distracting.


«When I thought it was okay, Udit tilted his head,” mmmm “.


“That alone will help Hartmut to be achieved quickly. How about including an order to make Angelica remember the names of the gods? 19459002]

“… Udit, but I feel that it will only increase the burden on Dermuel.”


Udyt shouted a little loudly in the words of Filine, a little pale, and laughed with a smile.


“Dermuel is all right, I’m sure”


“No, no, no!”


As I watched the exchange between Filine and Udit, I felt relaxed after a long time that my close friends were good friends.


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