“Doctrine fundamentalism … That’s confusing”


Ferdinand taps the temple with his fingertips.


“In short, it is the group that claims that the scriptures are correct and that the king should follow the scriptures. Originally, according to the scriptures, it is wrong to take the throne with political force. The throne was chosen by God and given to those who copied Glutlith Height, so it would have been to stop the fight and leave everything to God’s choice. ”


Ferdinand began to talk about the transition of scripture fundamentalism with a history of sleepiness. After reading a lot of reports, it’s hard to have a long history. I waved lightly and stopped explaining.


“… It’s already good, Ferdinand. In other words, what kind of organization is it now?”


“I remember that the most powerful fundamentalist, who now has the most power, was an organization that claimed not to accept the present king without Glutlisheit. Are you losing height? ”


The central temple tried to refuse the current king’s throne because of the lack of Glutrice Height. However, the royal family and aristocrats have drastically decreased, and almost half of the important magic tools have stopped moving. There is no throne of the king who won the political change, and the country cannot keep it. If you don’t have a king, you won’t have a budget for the temple. Although it was a temple side that was isolated and full of wisdom, the king’s throne was reluctantly recognized.


“Speaking of obeying the scriptures, there are many people whose purpose is to demand as much power as possible. From each territory, a king without Glutlisheit can silence the temple. The former shrine priest would have been angry by collecting blue priests and blue priests. “


“I see, it’s an organization to complain about the king and get a little interest. So it’s not an organization that is too much related to Rosemine”


Although I was alerted to the word scripture, Rosemine was not interested in power. Even the status of the next lord is all right if he says, “If only the library can be free, that’s fine. I don’t want to be a messy lord.” There will be no view of the power related to the king.


“I have to prepare an answer to the questionnaire from Rosemine. According to the questionnaire, Rosemine has completed all the lectures. If you are drawn to the library, the report may be reduced somewhat. Shirenu


Ferdinand said so and stood up while tapping the temple. It’s rare to bring it here and publish the questionnaire.


“What questions came from Rosemine?”


“A question about Hirschur is a headache. Then excuse me.”


Hilsur is the master of Ferdinand, so it is Ferdinand that is familiar with Hilsur in Ehrenfest. I asked Ferdinand to leave the room while asking, “What did you answer?”


“When the sister came back to the library to decide on the date for the change of clothes for Schwarz and others, he said he had encountered Prince Hildebrand. Is this common? (Charlotte)]


Rosemine was optimistic that the prince would not be active and would not meet in the future. But I have a bad feeling. (Villefleet)]


…… My father, Villefried. I have a very bad feeling.


“Did you come in contact?”


“Why are you so calm, Ferdinand !?”


“… I just touched and nothing has happened. From now on. If I’m confused from now on, I’ll have no future reports. Calm down, Jilvester”


“Are you able to calm down after listening to such an ominous word !?”


Ferdinand waving with patters is too calm. The royal family is involved. A royal family who has not yet enrolled and would never meet.


“From now on, trouble will happen at an accelerated pace. If you remember last year, you can see it?” I was entangled in the marriage problem of the royal family, who should have met only in a social gathering and a votive dance. Look at the report, I can be more worried. ”


The report was published with a light smile. Apparently, Ferdinand seems quite upset.


“While only greeting Hildebrand Prince, Rosemine started reading, but Prince seems to be more interested in Rosemine, who looks around the same year. I went up to the second floor to see what I was reading (Hartmut)


…… I ask you, so don’t get involved with my child! ?


If you can scream, I want to scream.


“Is there a way to keep Ferdinand, Rosemine and the royal family out of contact?”


“I wouldn’t be able to stop all the lectures on the first day and finally stop Rosemine from going to the library. If you really want to stop it, the impact on others is too great. Last year Villefried. Do you want to repeat your failure? “


“Good …”


I remembered the surrounding situation that was involved in Rosemine, who runs wild for the library, and I scream. Karsted also gave up his shoulders as if there was no treatment.


“It’s impossible to stop Rosemine from going to the library, and I can’t interfere with the royal family. I can only pray to God that the prince who should have been in the room is weighted and cannot approach the library.


“Dam! Prayer to God!”


“Aub Ehrenfest, an emergency notice from the Aristocracy”


It is rare that there is an urgent need to break in the middle of socializing. I grabbed the delivered news and returned to the office immediately with Karstedt. Ferdinand is coming soon.


“What on earth?”


“That teacher seems to have done it.”


“Today, Rosemine went to Dr. Hilsur to hear about the magical tools in the library. The disciple was an apprentice of Arlensbach’s intermediate literary officer. I was going to invite you to change the Schwarz tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. (Marianne)]


“It is very dangerous because the information of Ehrenfest may be passed through Arensbach through his disciple from Hirschl. Have you ever had any problems with the materials you have given to Dr. Hilsur? (Ignaz)]


“Is there a good way to use Raimund who is a disciple as a source of information? [It seems that there is an exchange with Prof. Gundorf, and there seems to be research-related information in Drevanchel (Haltomut)]


“Raimund seems to be very good at improving. He corrected the magic circle I made. Then I wanted to read Ferdinand’s book. Can I lend it to you? (Rose Mine)]


… Rosemine! Why is there no sense of crisis! ? That’s the one who was attacked by Ahrensbach! ?


Ugh! Screaming and rushing around Rosemine’s cheeks, Karsted sighed deeply.


“Although I moved to the center, I would like Hirsur to consider Ehrenfest a little more.”


“Ehrenfest has never considered Hirsur, but don’t say something convenient, Karstedt”


Ferdinand scolds Karsted with a severe expression. Since Ferdinand became a disciple, the harassment of his mother has been in Hilsur, and he can no longer spend in his dormitory room. Originally, the help from Ehrenfest given to the dormitory was also taken up by the mother’s hand, and quietly stated that it was completely out of reach of Hirsur.


It was my aristocratic institution after graduation, and it was the past of Ferdinand and Hirsur, who I never knew. Living at Ferdinand’s Aristocratic House, who continued to take the best, received praise from the king, made personal connections with the upper territories, sold magical tools and materials and earned money that would not seem like a student I can’t believe that.


“If you know, it’s help to the dormitory? If you know, why didn’t you say after you retired from your mother? I think how many years have passed since then! Is it okay to let me go? “


“Because I said I wouldn’t need any other Hirsur, I don’t need any assistance that would hinder my disciples. That said, Hirsur was scolding me while I was in Aristocrat.”


That’s why Ferdinand gave Hirschur a personal aid from the money he earned with magical tools. Even after I graduated, I couldn’t hide my sigh because I knew why my teacher and teacher were so connected.


“Ferdinand asks me to do something important because I ask. Despite being a lord, I can’t help but feel sorry for myself”


“… I have many things that have been done to my mother, and I don’t want to be reminded of all the unpleasant things. Forgive me”


Ferdinand shook his eyebrows slightly, bowed his eyes and said in a drowning voice. There can be no further pursuit.


“… Forgive”


Ferdinand, who exhaled, stood up and said, “I will come to the Aristocratic House.”


“Wait, Ferdinand! Adults are basically not allowed to intervene”


That’s why I can’t diverge the headache that attacks every time I read the report, except by writing a reply. However, Ferdinand shook his hand as “no problem”.


“This is what I have to do, because it is stipulated that the craftsman must do the work. The only thing I need to do is talk to my teacher. If I can talk to you, I ’m the only one? ”


He says he will talk to a certain extent at the same time as the collection of the magical tool placed at Hirschrell.


“… Don’t plan, Jilvester. Things that would be detrimental to Ehrenfest …”


“I don’t think about that. I just thought I would remember something unpleasant in the process of talking to Hirschre … I knew it. I’ll leave it to you.”


“Oh, leave it to me”


Ferdinand sent a request to the aristocratic house that day, and headed to the aristocratic house with Eckhart and Justox the next evening. At night, he came back with a lot of magical tools with a very clean face.


“Today we changed our clothes. I was touched for the first time as Rosemine gave me permission. It was fluffy and cute. The new costume looked good. On the way, Prince Hildebrand came to visit. When I noticed, Prince Hildebrand was a collaborator of magic supply. (Marianne)]


…… If you noticed the change of clothes of Schwartz, the prince came out and cooperated?


“Wait a minute! Rosemine is the main and the royal is the collaborators!”

“I went to the Aristocratic House yesterday and coordinated the mess. Why did this happen today yesterday?”


“Look here too. My head hurts.”


Karsted gives us a quick report. After that, I started to make a low-pitched voice, saying “Ah…” with a forehead. After grabbing the report that sunk Karsted and getting angry, I began to read the report.


“My sister and Prince Hildebrand talked very well. As far as I can see, Prince Hildebrand seems to be kind to her sister. My sister also seemed to be kind to Prince Hildebrand. The expression when talking is clearly different. I was staring at the prince with a glittering eye as if I was reading a book, and I was asked what I thought of the younger brother. You need to be able to tell your brother that you like the library. (Charlotte)]


“The prince seems to like Smir, but it seemed more interested in Rosemine. Rosemine was fascinated with the topic of the Royal Palace Library. I don’t drown. Then Charlotte asked Rosemine whether he wouldn’t rely on the younger. Apparently, the prince seemed to mistake Rosette-Mine and Charlotte from the height, and Rosemine is misunderstood that the Prince is interested in Charlotte. Then I was told to give up the Lord of Magic Tools. Hildebrand, who can’t stand out, is hard to supply magic power, even a man is called Hime-sama. As a result, Mr. Rosemine suggested that Prince would supply magic power as a collaborator.


“Today we changed clothes for Schwartz. Dr. Solange seems to live in the library. I felt very enviable. I would like to live in the library in the future. Oh yeah. Prince Hildebrand came to change the clothes of Schwartz. The prince asked me to ask, but unfortunately Charlotte is an older brother who doesn’t seem interested in younger people. I want you to become an older sister. (Rose Mine)]


“… Isn’t Rosemine alone in another world?”


¡There are the most reports about the solange’s home, where no one else has done, and the future prospects continue from there, and reports about the prince can only be seen incidentally.


“Socialize is impossible for Rosemine …”


“Does exchange with the royal family increase in this situation?


Ferdinand and Karsted strongly hold the temple.


“Can Ferdinand take Rosemine back? At least until the time the prince enters and leaves the library …”


“I’m just starting to go to the library … If I do something next, I’ll give you a return order”


All three of them held their heads, but this was still the beginning of the uproar.


“A question like this arrived from Rosemine”


“Prince Hildebrand was invited to the tea party in the library. Is it okay to lend the prince story of Ehrenfest to the prince? Is there anything you should be careful about?


“Rose Mine! Why does he invite the royal family to the tea party?”


Ehrenfest, such as inviting royal families, is only held at the lord meeting. It is harder to invite than to be invited. I have to say that it’s impossible for Rosemine, who can’t socialize.


“Isn’t it a tea party in the library? You can only think of a figure that leaves the royal family just by making friends with books.”


I imagined Ferdinand’s imagination easily. If Rosemine, do it.


“Let’s decide the side service and sign. You can use it when you want to change the topic or leave the prince too much.”


“Even if the book lending / borrowing topic appears, it seems that emotions can be shaken off. It would be better to have more magic stones”


Write as many measures as you can think of and send to Rosemine. In Rosemine, he wrote persistently that it was strictly forbidden to leave the royal family.


Immediately after sending all the responses, Charlotte received an urgent notice. This year is just urgent news.


“Of the old Veronica children who went to hunt the monsters to get the magic stone, Roderich was back injured and his brother went to help. When I heard the story while healing the injury of Rhoderich, I realized that it was Tarnis Bephalen, and my sister jumped out with an escort knight to give the dark blessing. I was instructed to contact the teachers, what else should I do? (Charlotte)]


“Turnis bephalen? What is it?”


When leaning on a name he had never heard of, Ferdinand began to write a reply on the spot, whispering as “troublesome”. Be careful not to attack local knight apprentices, provocate enemies in turns, and tell them to earn time until the central knights arrive.


“Trombe-like monster that appears around Berkestock. It can only be used as a black weapon”


“What is it? Isn’t it difficult?”


“Because the knights can’t get out of here, they have to ask the center”


Ferdinand, who had finished writing, walked quickly and headed to a room with a transfer team. Give the just-written paper to the knight on the spot.


“Send it right away, it’s urgent”


Charlotte’s reply arrived immediately, either waiting in the room with the transfer team.


“I have already contacted the local. I attacked and it became huge, but now it seems that teams are teaming up to earn time (Charlotte)]


“It’s excellent”


Huh, relieved, Ferdinand exhaled and scraped his hair.


When I was waiting for a follow-up report about what happened to Tarnis Bephalen, he said, “It seems that he defeated Turnis Bephalen. But my sister fell down. There is no other damage. (Charlotte) ”was received.


“It would have been nice to have Turnis Bephalen cleared. I’m worried, but Rosemine is always going to fall.”


Karsted, who had a face that wanted to go to rescue as soon as possible, lost his shoulder strength. Exhale relievedly. The next day we received reports from each.


“I prepared at the same time as the news and headed for relief. Matias told me that he would earn time until the teachers arrived, so I suggested that he take turns. Rosemine arrives in the middle of earning time. He gave me a dark blessing. The attack has begun. The attack did not hit easily with quick movement. However, Rosemine was able to limit the movement by covering the head of Tarnis Bephalen with a black cloth in the middle of the attack. I made the second contribution in the first place. (Villefleet)]


“Rosemine was really a saint. The profile of Rosemine, who gives the weapon of dark gods to the weapons, was dignified, and the congratulatory words were as smooth and beautiful as if they had melodies. Tarnis Bephalen was clearly most alert to Rosemine. Even though I was reluctant to attack other knights, I avoided all of Rosemine’s Mizdeppou. When he realized that his attack could be avoided, he now restrained Tarnisbephalen with a priest called the cloak of the Dark God. Without Rosemine, it would have been impossible to defeat Tarnis Bephalen. Not only that. Rosemine revived the collection site with the wand of Fruitrene. I saw God’s miracle with this eye. Great! Thank God! (Hartmut)]


“It seems that it was already over when the teachers and the central knights arrived. I was told that I would like to know the detailed circumstances at the time of defeat and the circumstances of the temple of Ehrenfest. It seems that Tarnis Bephalen came from the direction of the Berkestock dormitory. The students were told that they would not be able to use the blessings of darkness, so they decided to defeat the central knights. (Charlotte)]


“… Is this all a report about the same thing?”


“Turnis bephalen’s name appears in every report.”


It doesn’t seem to be written about the same thing.


“Well, I did my best. There is no mistake.”


“Yeah, it’s not a demon beast that students are supposed to deal with. It seems to be expected even after the adults subjugated Trombe.”


Listening to Karsted’s words, Ferdinand struck me with his temple.


“Jilvester, as soon as he recovers, bring back Rosemine. You have to discuss it urgently.”




“It’s a blessing. I think Rosemine used a prayer phrase in the scriptures that is a little different from the spells taught in the Knights. I would like to talk to you before hearing the situation.”


I asked Ferdinand’s words.


RoseMine did not come back, even though RoseMine had told him to come home as soon as the tea party that invited the royal family was finished. It was a paper bundle that appeared on the spot when the transfer team shined.


“Was Rosemine coming home after the tea party?”


“It’s not just Rosemine that came back, just the report”


The Ferdinand handed over to the knight turned around, meditated his eyes once, and “Let’s go back to the office, Aub Ehrenfest” smiled with no eyes laughing. Apparently something serious happened.


When returning to the office, Ferdinand began reading a report from Hartmut. It is stated that Dunkerfelgar’s lord candidate was registered as a collaborator before the tea party, and that the prince wanted Toshoin’s armband and promised that Rosemine would give.


…… What do you think will be the royal order this year, following last year’s hair ornament, Rosemine? Oh, I’m not thinking anything. know.


“Ehrenfest’s sweets seem to be the favorite of the prince. It was suggested that if Rosenarine suddenly sent Prince Hildebrandt a reminder of Ordnance when he talked about returning less books, ”


“Wow !?”


“Did you give work to the prince? What are you going to do?”


When Calstead and I shouted, Ferdinand shook his head lightly, exhaling.


“Perhaps everyone around me thought so. Read more.”


“I don’t want to hear, but let’s listen”


“But the prince replied that he was particularly pleased and consulted with the king, because there was little work as a royal family. It was too sudden, and I couldn’t read the opponent’s reaction at all. The prince’s aides were also stunned]


“The combination of this prince and Rosemine is dangerous. Don’t you think so?”


Even though he was a prince, he was raised to become a vassal, so it seems that his tenure as a royal family has not grown so much. Otherwise, you can’t be willing to accept Rosemine’s rude words.


“The more dangerous I want to keep away, the more Rosemine will approach”


“I really don’t want to be the people around me who have to attend this tea party. I wanted to be in a position where I couldn’t read such a report anyway.”


“You can’t miss just one person, Karsted. Give up and listen. This is his daughter.”


Hung, Ferdinand reads ahead while laughing with his nose. I was listening to the report while saying in my heart that he was a guardian.


“The side service sent a sign to change the topic. Rosemine was able to change the topic into a mysterious story of the Aristocratic House and asked for a story about the unopened archive. Later, books were borrowed and borrowed from Dunkel Felger, and Ehrenfest’s books were lent to Dr. Solange and Prince Hildebrand. When Hannelore praised Ehrenfest’s book, Rosemine used magic stones ”








「……友達になったところで失神だと? そんな友達、私は嫌だぞ。ダンケルフェルガーの姫は意外と精神的に頑丈だな」


















「それで、お茶会は一体どうなった? どのように中断したのだ? 後始末はできたのか?」












 ……何故だ? 何故ローゼマインはここまで問題を起こせるのだ?




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