When I entered the hall, I noticed that the cloth with the magic circle drawn on the white floor is usually spread out. It seems to be a magic team that transfers things used by tax collectors and priests. When I was looking at the transfer team, what I would use it, I met Rufen who was standing with his hands on his hips.


“Oh, Rosemine. I really look forward to today’s practice.”


Luffen is laughing with the freshness of white teeth, but I don’t know what he is looking forward to. I begin to look for the appearance of Hannerole with a laughter. You have to talk about book-loving tea parties.


When I looked around, I saw Hannerole talking to Villefried. I refrain from entering places where I’m talking to other people, but Villefried is fine.


“Good evening, Villefried brother, Hannelole”


“It was late, Rosemine”


“I still came straight from the library. I’m as good as it is.”


When answering Villefried, Hannerole laughed with a smile, “Did Rosemine come to the library?”


“Yes. To register the first grader of Ehrenfest and supply magic power to Schwartz and Weiss.”


“Schwarz and Weiss are fine. I want to go to the library too”


Hannerole seems to be interested in the library. I was happy and decided to talk about the tea party. Be on the buzz and send an invitation formally through the side servants at a later date.


“I was talking to Dr. Solange, but Hannelole would also be active as a library committee member. I would like to invite you to a tea party that you like, but isn’t it annoying?”


“Do you like book tea?”


“Yes. Since the librarian is only Solange, the teacher can’t leave the library. So, when there are few students, we have a tea party in the library’s office. How is it? “


Hannelole thinks with a slight tilt while whispering, “That’s right …”.


“Lectures end relatively quickly, so I think we can get some time in the morning after about 10 days.”


“Now, I’m preparing for a tea party and invites Solange and Mr. Hannerole. The place is in the library.”


“I’m looking forward to it”


When Hannerole laughs happily, the bells of half and four begin to ring. I stopped talking and looked toward the teachers. You can see the Primvale near Lufen, but only Lufen, who shines happily, stands out.


At the same time that the bell rang, Rufen looked around the students and raised a loud voice.


“Okay, do you have them all? Today we’re going to transform Stap. The challenge this year is to make weapons and shields.”


… Wow, Mr. Rufen is very alive.


“Aristocrats must have the power to fight to protect themselves and to protect their territories. This is not limited to knights!”


Lufen began talking about the role Dunkelferger had played at Jürgenschmitt, and started to stress how important the fighting power is.


“The lord clan must have the power to fight to protect his territory. Only the lord can ultimately protect the foundational magic. And to serve near the side of the lord clan.” The senior knight should naturally have the ability to specialize in combat, and the side service that prepares the life must also protect the Lord, and it will be the same as a civilian, not knowing when and when the danger will come. If you can’t earn enough time to escape the lord, you can’t say it’s an aide, isn’t it !? Strength! It’s more important than anything! “


The boys were shining on the hot Rufen’s claim that held his fist, but the girls seemed not too much. The temperature difference is severe. At first glance, there are some girls who are eagerly listening. They must be apprentice knights.


…… Lufen-sensei is too hot and pulls unintentionally, but what you are saying is not wrong. Fighting power and defense power are essential. Because an emergency happens really suddenly.


The nobles of other territories rampaged in the temple, the attackers came into the castle, and I have encountered several dangerous situations so far. I think that it is the role of a nobleman with a lot of magic to protect my body and surroundings using magic.


However, the apprentice apprentice and side apprentice had a face that didn’t get pinched. Perhaps the chances of feeling in danger may have diminished due to the end of the political change and the drop in the aristocracy.


Meanwhile, Primvale moved forward in front of Rufen with a laughing smile. Slowly look around the girls and speak with a soft voice.


“Some people may think it’s better to leave the fight to the knights and lords, but that’s a mistake. Women must have the power to protect themselves. You must not get close to me. “


The faces of the girls rose as if they were relieved and their eyes became serious. After seeing it, Primvale once went down and a little behind Rufen, giving the place of speech to Rufen.


“Everyone seems motivated and above all. Then let’s practice from the shield first!”


The weapons are not suitable for each direction, and different weapons are required for knight apprentices and civilian and side service apprentices. Explain that you want to start by making a shield so everyone can make the same thing, and Rufen and Primvale take out some shields from the magic circle. A rectangular shield made of metal, with a simple wind magic carve.


“This is made of metal to unify the shape of the shield. Thinking of this shield, cast it as Gettilt to transform Staple. This is Gettilt!”


Rufen deformed the starp to create a shield. Speaking of which, it seems that the Knight Apprentice of Dunkelfelgar and the Knight Apprentice of Ehrenfest seen at the treasure stealing ditter last year all had the same shield. I see Rufen’s shield while convincing me that I’m learning in a lecture like this.


“When you arrange shields to prevent a big attack, it’s easier to protect them when they are the same size and width. Gettilt is a shield made with magical power, so it’s not heavy. Even women’s civilians and sidemen should be able to make it without problems.” 19459002]


It seems that the shape is determined considering the use of knights, but it seems not heavy. I am very happy for my powerlessness. As soon as I decided to make it, Rufen showed a simple magic team that appeared to be carved with a high shield.


“Can you see the magic circles engraved here? In this way, the goddess of the wind increases the defense by overlaying the shields of Szeria on the shields. Thinking about these magics exactly makes them the shields of Szeria.


…? Isn’t it better to think of a shield that is a Szeria ritual in the temple than this simple magic circle?


The shield of the ritual has a more complex magic circle and lots of magic stones. Because Vilma drew pictures with cartas and picture books, I always imagine sacred items when I make a shield of the wind.


…… But it is difficult to make a Szeria shield rectangular.


For me, the goddess of the wind. Rather, it is most often used in a hemispherical form that wraps around you and the surroundings you want to protect. Even if it is said to be rectangular, it is difficult to repaint a fixed image with a spear. If you repaint it poorly, it will affect the wind shield from now on.


I was in trouble while Hanellore and Villefried started out stap and started practicing Gettilt.


“Rosemine, you have a very difficult face”


“Isn’t this a difficult task?”


Hannelore and Villefried look into me thinking without even stumping.


“It’s difficult. For me, Szeria’s shield is circular. Even if it suddenly tells me to think of it with a square, it cannot be switched immediately.”


“Is the shield of Szeria round? Has Rosemine been seen?”


It seems that nobles who do not usually go in and out of the temple do not even know the shape of the sacred items. Hannerole tilted his head with a clean face.


“The shield of the ritual on the altar is circular. I feel more familiar with it.”


“I wonder if Dr. Rufen should use a circular shield.”


“That’s right. If you keep it, you won’t be able to pass by today. I will ask you.”


I headed to Rufen, who was watching everyone practicing, and asked, “Isn’t it circular?”


“God’s shield is more familiar to me who grew up in the temple”


“But Rosemine. The knight apprentice must be rectangular to train with others.”


Luffen told me that I was in trouble, and I tilted my head. Certainly, knight apprentices must be trained with others, so it may be necessary to adjust the shape. But I am a lord candidate and I have no plans to fight with anyone.


“Lufen, I’m a lord candidate, so I don’t plan to fight with anyone. I don’t think circular shields are a problem at all,”


Rufen leaned his head with his arms crossed so that I could not understand my words.


“Ferdinand-sama’s beloved disciple won’t take the knight course? Why?”


“Because I was told why … because I’m not interested”


Rufen opened his mouth so that his chin would come off, and shook his head. When I think that the whisper of “No, no, no …” leaked, I opened my eyes and approached my face.


“What happens to Ditter, Mr. Rosemine !? You can’t participate in Ditter without taking the Knight Course!”

“I don’t know why Luffen is so surprised. I don’t really like Ditter,”


“What !?”


…… How much did you think I liked Ditter?


Lufen began to talk about the splendor of Ditter, and when I felt the story about the shape of the shield flowing, I looked around for help.


…… Don’t help me!


Primale was the one who took my gaze and came out with an elegant gait of flowing water. While placing a hand on the cheek and smiling, he whispered “Trouble”.


“Ditter’s story is not something to be done during the lecture, Rufen”


“But Primvale. Rosemine is …”


Primvele gently lifted his hand to obstruct Rufen’s words and smiled gently, looking down at me.


“Please show me Rosemine’s shield”


“Yes, primale teacher”


I put out the starp and hold it in my hand, putting my magic. Then I closed my eyes lightly and thought of a Szeria shield clearly in my brain. There is no target to protect today. It should be about the size of a large pan lid.




I had a Szeria shield in my hand, which I had created many times in prayer. Yellow, which is a noble color, translucent. And the magic circle that looks like a complicated pattern is drawn on the surface. It’s the shield you envisioned.


“… It’s a sacred item”


Surprisingly, Rufen stares at my shield. A loud voice came from surrounding students. While everyone is practicing a square shield, only one person is making a circular shield, so it can’t be helped to stand out.


…… The important thing is passing.


I turn my gaze to Primvale with a shield, asking for success or failure. Primvale smiled and said, “Let’s take the exam.”


“Okay, have a shield!”


With a motivated face, Rufen took out a magic stone from his leather bag to the first joint of his thumb. Once you show the size of it with your thumb and forefinger, swing your arm and throw it towards my shield.




て も It is scary that a stone thrown to the fullest will fly toward you even if you know that it will be protected by a shield. I inadvertently poured magic into the shield.


“Wow !?”


The moment you hit the shield, bread! A magical stone splatters with a flashy sound, and a wind blows from the shield to blow off the Rufen. At the same time, one of the amulets I wore was activated. Apparently they were attacked by throwing magic stones. One of the bracelets decorating the wrist holding the shield shines.


“Lufen, please defend! Counterattack will go!”




It ’s probably because he ’s used to fighting. At the moment when the wrist talisman began to shine, Luffen jumped up, changing his face, and at the same time as my advice, he was putting out a shield.


The magical power of the attack shoots out from the wrist talisman and flies straight like an arrow toward the Rufen. After seeing Rufen prevented the talisman’s counterattack with a well-prepared shield, he exhaled.


“What is Rosemine, now?”


“It is an amulet that Ferdinand gave me to protect myself when something happened. I was only thrown a magic stone, so I was glad that there was no big counterattack”


“Isn’t it a big counterattack right now?”


[Lufen is astonished as if he was surprised, but what was activated now is the counter-attack of the weakest of the naive amulet that the priest gave me] I won’t die where I received it without a shield. It will hurt tremendously, but it’s okay. By the way, the most nasty thing is a counterattack that doesn’t die, the chief priest said, raising the lips.


“The details are a secret … How about my success or failure?”


“Rose Mine has been able to copy the sacred tool itself. The shield has passed.”


“Thank you, Primvale teacher”


I smiled and smiled at Primvale, who gave me a pass, and called “Ryuken” to release the deformation. Then, in order to return to the Villefrieds, change the direction of the body and the body.


As soon as possible, everyone opened the way in a way that everyone avoided. It is definitely because of the priest’s amulet that the expression is slightly floating.


Since I opened the way, I returned straight to Villefried.


“The shield passed, Brother Vilfleet. The knight apprentice seems to have to align the shape of the shield, but since I am a lord candidate, it seems that there is no problem with a circle.”


“Rose Mine, is that the only thing to say in this situation?”


Villefried is said to hold his head and I look for something else to say.


“What else? Oh, yes. It seems that the armor shield uses more complex magic circles, so it’s more defensive. Brother Wilfried doesn’t take the knight course. Therefore, it may be possible to make a shield for a sacred item. ”


“Isn’t it so much, I have a lot of defensive protection? Why don’t you remove it at the time of practical skill?” Isn’t the surroundings dangerous?]


Villefried shook his head slowly with a difficult face with a beard in the eyebrows. I know what I want to say, but it’s an amulet that the priest feels that she needs to wear. It cannot be removed without permission.


“I am not willing to pose any danger to the surroundings. I can remove it if Mr. Villefried’s permission is granted by Ferdinand.”


In my words, Villefried had a noble laughter and slowly shook his head.


“The practice time for the shield is over. Try again and again”


Hannelole exhales in the words of Rufen. It’s easy to get a shield with Gettilt, but it’s difficult to layer a magic circle on top of it.


Villefried is worried about whether to use the same rectangular shield as everyone else, or to try to reproduce the shield of a ritual with emphasis on power. If the image isn’t clear, it can’t be transformed. It seems to be troublesome to be able to do either by knowing the shield of Szeria in Carta and the scriptures.


“Kuh, couldn’t you do anything other than worrying today?”


“I do n’t want Wilfried to go to the library, so I think it ’s a good idea to think about it. Last year, did you think of a crested stap?”


It seems that it took a lot of time to make a stap, and maybe a cool shield might be created.


While talking about such things, Rufen and Primvale began to take weapons one after another from the transfer team. A series of swords, spears, sickles, axes, etc. All of these are just weapons that consider cutting.


“… I don’t have a bow. Ferdinand used it,”


Hannelore responded to my whispers.


“I have heard that bows are not handled in places where only these basics are taught because training is necessary and difficult to hit magic stones. It seems to be handled in the knight course.”


“Hannerole, you know well”


“Dunkel Ferger has a higher ratio of knights than other territories, so the center of conversation in the dormitory inevitably becomes a knight apprentice.”


Embarrassed, Hannerole said so. It seems that Dunkelferger’s dormitory seems to be related to athletics. The book-loving and gentle Hannerole is probably floating in Dunkelferger.


“Next is the weapon. If you are an apprentice or side-serving apprentice, you may not have seen it too close. Choose a weapon that suits you and transform the starp. I want you to remember how to handle one weapon. ”


Listening to Luffen’s voice, everyone starts moving toward the weapons lined up. I went to see if Villefried was also interested.


“The sword is Schwert, the spear is Lanze, the sickle is Liescher, the ax is Akst …”


I think while listening to Lufen explaining the spell to transform.


槍 If you only need to transform the starp into a weapon, the spear is the easiest. I’ve grasped it and watched it on a daily basis, so if it was a Leidenshaft trap, I could immediately imagine it.


…… But whether it can be handled is another problem.


“Why don’t Rosemine look at the weapon?”


“Yeah, I think it’ll be ready soon …”


“Is it possible to put it out right away?


Hannerole blinked his red eyes and stared at me. Clearly expected. If you expect from your friends, you can’t afford to respond.


“Hannerole, would you like to see the Leidenshaft trap if you like?”


“Are you sure?”


I started out with a stap and lightly closed my eyes. Think of Leidenshaft traps in your mind. It was a sword that I held when I got rid of Schnetilum. It is clearly baked in the back of the brain to remember the size and number of magic stones.


SCHNETILM had a snowstorm blowing under a thick gray cloud. Yamabuki-colored cloak who was struggling to defeat it. And the wings of Leidenshaft that shines in blue and holds the magic power to the limit.




My hand had a trap as I imagined. It seems that it was during the battle of Schnetilum that I thought clearly that it was very disturbing to have blue light with plenty of magic since it appeared in my hands.


“… Is this a Leiden shaft trap? How beautiful?”


When I was careful about Hannelore’s surprised whispering, Rufen changed his blood phase to the appearance of a blue glowing moth.


“What is this, Rosemine?”


“Leidenshaft’s coffin. It was the most familiar to me. After all, I grew up in a temple.”


“ Because I grew up in the temple is familiar with the sacred items, I leaned my head while holding my heel.


“Lufen, are there any weapons tests?”


“… If you can hit this much magic, it will be difficult. Please pass the transformation so you can pass it.”


If this is a knight’s wing, I confirmed the power with this eye, but Rufen gave me a pass, whispering very regrettable.


I say “Ryuken” and release the transformation.


“Thank you for showing me wonderful things, Rosemine”


ラ イ It’s not very convenient to use Leidenshaft spear as my weapon, but I got a pass, and Hannerole was pleased.


“Nevertheless, I can’t come up with a weapon that I can handle. What should I do?”


Hannelole, who is familiar with weapons at Dunkel Ferger, does not have to go to see the weapons on display. However, it doesn’t seem to be able to decide what to change.


Next to Hannelore’s trouble, I also suffer together. It seems impossible to swing the sword, and the spear has been used only once, but it is not a weapon for me. I want a simpler and easier weapon.


…… It’s nice to be able to manage a bow, even if it’s weak like a bowgun. If you shoot like a priest’s bow and you can make it a weapon that breaks down the arrows and rains, you feel like you can cover even if the hit rate is a little worse.


Mum, I think while thinking.


… A weapon that I can easily use. If possible, it’s best to attack from within the Lesser.


I can’t attack close by any way, so it’s desirable to be able to attack from a distance. Protect yourself and attack. Obscene and fine. safety first. I am important to myself.


However, even in the Reino period, I have no memory of using weapons that seem to be weapons.


…… Cleavers, knives, carving swords, cutters, and scissors may be weapons, but they don’t want to use them as weapons, and they seem to be very useless when attacked by a demon beast. I’m a pacifist so I didn’t attack. Ah, I remember being attacked.


When I was a child, I read the book while lying down, being forced to fall down by being shot with a shining gun and a toy piro-piro that Nisyu-chan had when I was a child, and when it is summer I was often shot on my back reading.


“…” Water Gun “?”


My hand whispering while holding the stap was holding a translucent and cheap water gun that was perfect for a child’s hand.


…… Weak!


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