“At the debriefing session, the results were only reported, but how was it actually? I would like to know if there are other people or actions that need to be taken care of at the aristocracy. I want it. “


It is said that there are concerns about sociality. It is better to keep your preparations as neat as possible. In my words, the chief priest gave up his shoulder lightly.


“In your case, it’s best to be careful of all who come close”


“… that’s right, but who should be especially careful?”


“Ehrenfest went up to 10th place, so I bought a grudge against the territory that was a little lower. Since the order was changed last year, even if I took the attitude towards the top, If you hesitate there, your opponent will grow, but if you are too daunting, the next turn will be bad. ”


Yabu says, the ranks of the surrounding ranks that have been about the losing group in the year when the ranks were changed due to political change before, and the year when it emerged was more likely to be lower than Ehrenfest. It seemed to me that it was hard to be beaten by.


Until then, Ehrenfest was at the bottom, and even though it was neutral and did nothing in political change, only the ranking went up.


“But I was surprised because I didn’t think there were so many marriage consultations.”


“Isn’t it that much during the territorial competition?”


I heard that the territorial rivalry was a prelude to the lord meeting. You have heard that there were some from the lower territories, but there were no higher territories.


“Maybe it was great that he was the best and the rank of Ehrenfest went up at once. It was really good to have the king’s consent first. I was told a little … “


“Did the royal family tell me anything about Schwartz?”


May be the most important report for me. When I listened as I leaned forward, the adoptive father shook his head.


“The middle senior aristocrats have told me that they asked me if I could make a new costume for the library magician and told me a lot and kindly.”


So when I cut the word and looked at the chief priest, I smiled.


“The costumes for the magical tools in the library are mainly made up by a librarian who is a senior senior aristocrat, and it seems to be made by several people. I’m very worried that I can make a costume to replace Ehrenfest in the countryside. He would n’t even be able to collect the materials, but would wear a poor costume. ”


“Hoho …”


The expression of the chief priest becomes something that looks really fun.


“Look, I’m looking forward to next year’s evaluation. Don’t miss out on Rosemine, embroidery. There is no problem with the magic team I made, but it gives me a chance to embroidery and look bad. Costumes like this are not allowed “


… Wow, the priest has become serious.


“Which territory is Gilvester, Rosemine, who should be wary? Tell me more about the marriage offer.”


“We need to be vigilant in Klassenburg, Dunkelferger and Drevancher. Others are subordinates, so we don’t need that vigilance.”


“… Huh? There is no Dunkel Ferger. Restylau-sama hated me by saying it was a fake saint or bad guy.”


Talking about the exchange before and after the treasure thief, I said that the priest squinted.


“The offer is determined by the treasure thief Ditter. The head of Dunkelfelgar’s knight and his nephew must have pushed you hard. It ’s lifted outside. ”


“Do you have any idea? Is there a similar offer from Ferdinand?”


When I looked up at the head of the priest, the priest spoke lightly.


“The knights lift up their favorite Ditter, and Aube tries to push marriage to a child of just the right age, no matter how best, lord candidate in the territory near the bottom. The princess who fell in love with the royal family to meet Dunkelferger and was married to the royal family as the third wife during the political change is in memory.

“… That’s a very active princess. I basically thought it would marry my parents”


“It seems that the color of the territory is that you can win what you want. The parents couldn’t complain because they had married their royal family by themselves.”


…… Wow, the Princess of Dunkelferger is strong. Hannelole did not look like that, but is it really amazing?


The father who heard the story of the chief patented his jaw and said,


“Dunkelferger ’s lord candidate said that Restirout? If he was seriously disliked, there might be no problem. If it was only the surroundings, the troublesome might be Drevanchel.


“Why is it?”


“Is there a male lord candidate in the same year? And Rosemine said that it was confirmed that she would take care of her older sister during the second year” [19459002 ]


I hit my father’s words. I think there is no doubt that Adolphine will be taken care of next year.


“Aub Drevanchel said that Rosemine was as cute as her sister, and that was very interested in witchcraft. The one that Ferdinand taught in various ways could not keep an eye on it. There is no reason. “


No, I argued that it wasn’t so close, but as the upper territories say so, it seems to be so in the second grade.


The Priest shook his head lightly in response to such anxiety.


“Drevancher is on the verge of taking care of it. He doesn’t sneak into engagements that have been approved by the king, nor do they make a sneak peek at solving them. They just ask persistently about witchcraft. Rosemine and Ville All you have to do is ask the fleet about the paper. “


Drevanchel’s civilian has a strong desire for research, so the priest said, it would be fun to talk. Unfortunately, I am not interested in research that is not related to books or libraries. Even if you talk about magical tools, I think it’s basically crappy.


“In the meantime, Rinshan, as well as the dishes served at the dinner, attracted a lot of interest from the various territories. It was very hard, and I think the next Aristocratic House will be hard too. ”


“It’s exactly the same situation that Mr. Villefried experienced at the Aristocratic House.”


The situation where Ehrenfest, which had never been associated with the territory until now, suddenly had an exchange and no one had any know-how has already been experienced at the Aristocracy.


“I called Norbert and the chef moved more and responded, but the next aristocratic house may want to consider a few more cooks and side servings. Is n’t it yet? ”


“Because the collection of recipes began to circulate at Ehrenfest, it would be strange to spread from the hands of a merchant who came in the summer, and I am planning to spread it at the next aristocratic house.


For me, I would like to expand from places that are not so much related to classroom performance, such as cooking recipes and sheet music. In my words, the adoptive father said, “I don’t care.”


“Isn’t it better if we think about the scale of the printing industry and expand it on the initiative? We know better about the burden on the common people and the scale of distribution.


I think so much. I would like to work with the downtown area while raising civilians around the area. I need some time to think.


“That’s right. It will be tough if we don’t increase the number of printing workshops a little more by next summer.”


“Be careful not to be too hasty”


“If you change suddenly, the rebound may be great, but if you don’t change here, Ehrenfest will not be able to leave the lower territories. Major territories such as Klassenburg, Dunkerfelger, Drevancher, etc. I think it’s a good opportunity to get information on how to get along with the common people and how to operate the territory. I can’t stay with the same consciousness forever. “


As you can see from this trend, if you don’t use the common people well, you can’t spread the trend and special products. Perhaps Ehrenfest is not good at using ordinary people.


“At least, it’s all right if it’s just a factional fight, but … If you have the brides of Lamprecht, there will be a lot of people who will be activated”


The faction that had been gathering together with the mother’s skill was once crushed by Georgine’s visit, penalizing Villefried’s fault, lowering the former Veronica, and being united by the attack and the bait of magic compression There was a sidewalk from Ahrensbach.


“Why are the old Veronicas so danced by Ahrensbach?”


“Because the persistent Veronika group was originally from Ahrensbach”




When I raised my face to an unexpected word, the chief priest said, “Why don’t you know that simple?”


“The princess of Ahrensbach’s niece. You won’t be able to come alone. Of course, it comes with side service and an escort knight.”


It seems that there are few cases where a clerk is allowed to accompany him because he is wary of spies. However, the closest guardian of the same sex who protects himself from the danger and the person who takes care of him / her closest to us will come. Such a close marriage is, of course, the person of Ehrenfest.


The princess’s aides and their relatives were, of course, the backing of the princess and her daughter, Veronica. Of course, as Veronica became the lord of the lord, many more were incorporated into the faction, but the center seems to be a close friend from Ahrensbach.


“I see, the trend of the old Veronica school depends on Ahrensbach.”


“Many of the old Veronicas have been encouraging their older sister, not me, as the next territory. I am the only territory who draws Ahrensbach’s blood, so I am attached to it. Many people are pleased that their elder sister is the first wife and has an influence on Ehrenfest. ”


…… It seems that there are various troublesome connections between the old Veronica group and Georgine.


“There are many aristocratic aristocrats in the south, and Viscount Gerlach and Viscount Darldorf must be excited by the marriage of Lamprecht and others. As always, there is a poison in the smile on my sister. Just remembering, this area is just as crisp. ”


The adoptive father exhaled while holding the stomach.


“Did you refuse?”


“I’m doing it when I can. I did my best”


Arlensbach seems to have asked for a deal at the lord’s meeting, appealing to his relatives. In the way of the aristocratic nobility, the meaning of whether you should give priority to Ahrensbach, a relative in the territory, should be given priority.


Adopter says Arensbach says that this year’s trading partner has already been decided, and that he will increase transactions with Dunkelferger and Drevancher next year. Seems to have rejected.


“Even if it’s a close relative, it’s natural to prioritize the first place Klassenburg over the 6th place Ahrensbach, right?”


“The top hasn’t changed. It’s as it is”


The land where there is an aristocrat who attacked the lords’ family without any empathy says that no matter how close the relatives are, they can’t have a good feeling, and Aub Ahrensbach is married to the brothers of Lamprecht. It seems that has been told.


“The foolish act of a single aristocrat cast a great shadow between the two territories. I hope to continue to build intimate relationships with Georgine’s family, Ehrenfest. Let ’s admit two sets of marriages ”


It seems that Aub Ahrensbach has said that the whole Jürgenschmitt will marry his nephew and another middle-class noble daughter in a time when the entire magical power is insufficient.


“Aub Ahrensbach is really worried about the current situation where there was a ditch between the two territories. The situation is so lonely that we can’t even get to the parents’ homes next to each other. Do you understand, Gilvester? ”


Saying that, Georgine seems to have boosted Aub Ahrensbach.


When I couldn’t be honest with my sister, Georgine, I did n’t want to enter Ehrenfest, “I ’m not so stupid that I do n’t know that this is a higher territory?” Apparently he was deceived by a long trip.


At the same time, from Aub Ahrensbach, “I still have thoughts and lamented, but his son has already changed his mind and has a new partner?” It seems to have been asked sharply. It seems that the father was able to answer only “My son is not such a person who is not so thoughtful”.


“I have been accompanied by an escort knight, and I have never been asked to be beaten directly by another territory.”




By the way, it seems that Florenzia complained about the engagement between Villefried and me at a tea party between women.


Apparently, he was accused of engaging Villefried and Rosemine … but Rosemine was raised in a temple?


Georgine said, with a gorgeous smile on her lips, appealing to Villefried for Dietrinde’s nephew. “Wilfleet is an excellent lord contender who has also drawn Ahrensbach’s blood, but is it difficult to become the next lord at Ehrenfest?”


It means that Villefried enters the White Tower and knows that he was a punishable lord candidate at Ehrenfest.


“I was angry just listening to the story. If you wanted to keep Rosemine in Ehrenfest, the best lord candidate in Ehrenfest, Villefried had the best age with Dietrinde. For example, it would have been good to marry a senior aristocrat, or turn around to Florenzia! ”


I think the foster mother who smiled with all smiles of Georgine’s words, “Because Aub Ehrenfest and the king were decided”.


“Is Freudertag’s Ludiger like Arlensbach’s blood candidate? Isn’t Ludiger like Dietlinde?”


¡When I tilted my neck, my adoptive father gave up his shoulder lightly.


“If Fleber Turk was not 15th, you might have thought, but you wouldn’t get into Arensbach in the current position”


“Ehrenfest is not expensive, but …”


The current ranking is 10th. To be honest, it’s still in the middle, and I can’t say it’s high. Of course, I’m going to raise it from now on.


“By the time he graduates from Villefried and he ’s graduated, he ’s going to know that he ’s more up”


“Isn’t it because of Jillvester’s swearing that you have eyes to see, or see if it’s a transient epidemic?”


The father, who was acting together as an escort knight, gave up his shoulder and said. It is said that the foster fathers who were disliked by the territory who didn’t change their rankings were said to be “temporary epidemic” and “Ehren Fest”.


“… Did you sell me a quarrel in spite of my terrible things or problems?”


“I didn’t sell the fight, but rather I bought it. The lord also needs an attitude that can’t be licked by subordinates.”


Hun and his adoptive father screamed and the chief of the priest warned me, “It ’s not wrong, but you ca n’t read the situation.


“I’m basically mild. I don’t sell or buy quarrels unless they get involved with books and relatives.”


“If you get involved with a book or your relatives, you run away without thinking at all, and that’s the scariest thing for you.”


… I’m sorry. But maybe I won’t fix it.


¡Looked away from the head of the priest, I drew a step back.


“For the time being, Ahrensbach needs the most caution. The attitude of the older sister is different when there is Aub Ahrensbach and when there is not, and the behavior of Dietrinde reported by Villefried and Justoks. I don’t know what to do and what I want to do with Ehrenfest, each looks like it’s moving in a different way. “


The priest also asked the father’s words.


“I think they probably have two brides, and I think they will push a difficult challenge at the lord meeting next year. Or, the bride is assigned a role and sends it in itself. Is it the purpose? … I don’t know at this point. “


In any case, it is a marriage story that does not make you feel so bright.


“Lamplecht, I can’t be pleased with this situation, even though I was able to marry my favorite one”


“The person himself knows his position. He was in trouble.”


Father also has a bitter smile. It is the niece of Aub Ahrensbach. As a second wife, you can’t push it away. Will become the first wife of Villefried’s first escort knight and take charge of the house. It is a position where information can be easily obtained.


“Rosemain, Lamprecht’s star-knotting rituals are to be done by the temple head. I don’t want to put them in front of Ahrensbach, The lord candidate, who is the highest-ranked temple chief, has the tacit understanding that the highest-ranked temple chief performs the rituals in which the aubs of both territories are present. ”


And, in order to prevent me from failing alone, he seems to keep the priest as an assistant and a witness.


“Practice to give blessings equally. On the other hand, if you give blessings with feelings, will you be biased?”


“… I will do my best”


Certainly, it would be hard if I blessed with feelings. You must be consciously blessed.


“Let’s leave the rituals to them. This is because there are a lot of things to think about, such as how to protect the castle, whether it’s moving, staying, etc.” [19459002 ]

“Is there an assault? Isn’t it?”


Even though it was a congratulatory seat, I was surprised to hear too loud words.


“It’s time for both aubs to gather. Because the castle is thin and important people move quietly, vigilance is needed …. Rosemine, both of whom can make armor with magic.” It ’s better to stay. ”


dad suddenly said so. It seems that the defense must be firmly set in preparation for a sudden attack. It was said that the armor of the knights made of magic stone should be worn under the ceremonial clothing of the temple head like a bulletproof vest.


When I looked up at the priest to see if such a defense was necessary, the priest spoke slowly and affirmed.


“You will need it. If you take his aides, you must be able to have armor. Otherwise, leave an answering machine.”


“I go to the ritual as the temple head, but do I have to take my aides?”


“The lord cadet and the temple chief, both must be taken so that both positions can be taken …. I’m the same”


It seems that both the temple side and the castle side will be taken. If you take the francs, you must also strengthen the francs’ defense.


“I need a magic stone again”


“If you need it, you must harden your defenses. The boundaries are dangerous. You don’t want to be attacked from here. It’s important to focus on defenses.” ]

“That’s right. I don’t want to be attacked with magic as suddenly as in the time of the assault. There’s a limit to the magic of the lord who defends the boundaries. Watch out.” 19459002]


Adoptive father said that it was really difficult to strengthen the boundary of the boundary by making my runaway magic during the prayer ceremony accompanied by the blue priest.


“It’s very uneasy to teach you the magic of attack, but it seems better to teach you the magic to protect yourself and protect the surroundings.”


If there was a means to protect, the priest said that it would not turn into an attack, and I was taught various magic about defense.


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