“Not slow, Rosemine!”


When returning to the dormitory of the Aristocracy, Villefried was standing and waiting for his hand. When I see a similar appearance with my foster father when I came back to the castle, I am impressed strangely that “I am a very similar parent and child”.


“I just returned, Brother Vilfleet …. But it was Aub Ehrenfest and Ferdinand who decided the return schedule, so it would be a problem if I got angry.”


“But it was really hard because they weren’t!”


Entering the full-fledged social season, the number of tea party invitations has grown to be uncomparable, and the higher territories that can’t be refused will be attended at the tea party by Ville Fleet. Seems to have returned.


If you add, it seems that there were more questions and gatherings in each class and position than usual.


It seems that the increase in the number of tea parties seemed to be difficult, but the attention from the surroundings increased, and the search and dislikes from the territories in a similar order seemed to be terrible. Apprentices of Ehrenfest, who had not received much attention until now, seemed to go back and forth without knowing how to deal with it.


Originally, the dormitory manager Hilsur, who has the role of helping and coping with the problem, will not come out to the lab, and the answer will be returned even if the questionnaire is sent to Ehrenfest. Due to the time lag, it is not very useful. It seems that she was feeling isolated.


…… But that’s not just my fault, right? Isn’t it because of Mr. Hilsur?


“Because he has interaction with Prince Anastazius and Klassenburg …”


“I don’t like to interact with you. If you’re invited, you have to go. Can Wilfried’s brother refuse?”


“I was in trouble because I couldn’t!”


Communicating with my superior territory seems to be suspended, telling me when my return will be.


Richard struggles with Villefried who tells how hard he was.


“Villefleet Bochama, if you’re talking, wouldn’t you like to be in the room instead of standing up like this, wouldn’t everyone else have something to talk to the princess?” [19459002 ]

“Yes! I have a lot to talk to Rosemine”


The only apprenticeship of the knights of my side, Udid, who was the survivor of the Aristocracy, came out in front of me. As soon as I finished the lecture, I thought I would return to Ehrenfest and work on an escort mission, but I was involved in the social service of the Aristocratic House as my aides, and it seemed that I was unable to return because I challenged the rematch of Ditter game from Dunkel Ferger .


“I passed it right! Despite this, I wasn’t given permission to return to Ehrenfest and couldn’t take Rosemine’s escort mission.”


Villefried, who looked sideways as Uditt appealed desperately, was not a bad child, and gave up his shoulder lightly.


“… I say I have passed it correctly, but all the students at Ehrenfest have already passed.”


Inquiries and invitations for tea parties increased rapidly, and it seems that Ehrenfest, which has few people, had to deal with all of them. Therefore, it was necessary for everyone to finish the lecture as soon as possible, and everyone seemed to have challenged the exam and finished the lecture so as to be rushed.


“Look, do a long story in the multi-purpose hall. If you don’t give the princess a top priority, it will be even harder if you fall down. I will help organize my luggage.


Richarda pushes on the back of Villefleet and goes to organize the luggage. I walked behind the Wilfrieds with my aides.


When I somehow stopped seeing Richarda going up the stairs, I knew that someone would come down in a way to pass Richarda. The brown eyes are lively, and it is a fun expression. The same is true of a tidy traugot that seems to be dragged halfway.


“I’m waiting for you, Princess Rosemine”


“I heard that Justinkus was very helpful for the Printemps Shokai. I was kind of hurtful while I was asleep. I need your help “


“It has always been a difficult experience for princesses. Let’s do our best to meet our expectations”


While I was talking to Yustox, Traugot wandered with a look that he did not know what to say, and eventually turned his eyes down. The expression that seemed confident and fun was completely sunk. Apparently he was praised by his relatives at Ehrenfest.


When I was wondering what he called out, Justoks struck the trough with his elbow. It seemed to be a very painful point, as it was a quick movement, and as I heard from the voice leaking out of the mouth of Traugot.


Yustox narrowed his eyes and swallowed the traugot as if he had never noticed such a situation.


“Tragot, that one thing I must tell the princess. What are you obscuring?”


ト ラ Traugott slowly crawls in front of me, biting his back teeth and scolding his flank.


“… I’m very sorry to Rosemine for my shallow thoughts. I’m really sorry. I sincerely apologize.”


At the moment I opened my mouth to accept Traugot’s apology, Justox squeezed my brown eyes and conquered me.


“Tragot does not need forgiveness, Princess Rosemine, did something that should not be forgiven easily.”


Associates around me sang the words of Yustox. Reflexively speaking, “I’m fine”, I thank Yustoks in my heart for stopping.


“Now, Princess, the other day, Ferdinand told me to conduct civilian education, but what kind of education should I do?”


“I want to nurture human resources who will be responsible for the printing industry in the future. To that end, I need someone who can interact with the commoner, but what I should be aware of in negotiations with the commoner and how Do you want to proceed with the business … Before that, apprentices want to see if they can be used as civilians. “


I went to the multi-purpose hall while talking to Juustok about civilian education. Since the side service, Justoks, talks to me, and a traugot follows him, the master and servant are completely reversed.


Because it is attached as a supervisor, Traugot cannot be complaining. Or maybe after complaining, it’s already recessed.


“Come back, Rosemine”


“We look forward to your return”


Upon entering the multi-purpose hall, students in the dormitory welcomed us with bright expressions. As Villefried said, socializing this year seems to have been very difficult.


“I just returned, everyone. I asked my brother Villefried that it was hard, but could you tell me what happened after I returned to Ehrenfest?”


I listen to the stories in order, regardless of grade or faction, just like when I hear reports from side servants at the temple.


“In fact, we have not yet held a tea party that invites other territorial candidates. There is no other lord candidate who has to return to the territory for the dedication ceremony, so it can’t be helped. But … “


Even though there is a female lord candidate named me, it seems that a senior aristocrat holding a tea party and inviting a lord candidate from another territory is lightening other territories. In the last year when the lord candidate was absent, a senior aristocratic girl student had a tea party organized by Ehrenfest, but because it was not possible, socialization with the lord candidate was stagnant.


“… Wouldn’t it be nice for Villefried to hold a tea party?”


“It’s basically a woman’s job to have a tea party, so I wasn’t familiar with it, and I had a social gathering with men.


It seems that it is social for men to hold small hunting tournaments, hold game tournaments held between nobility like Gevinnen, and talk and exchange information while showing their abilities . If tea and sweets are served there, it will become a hot topic, but unlike a tea party with only women, it seems to be an accessory.


Villefried, who had to participate in a tea party with only women from higher territories who were invited, had to face the social side of the man, was very difficult.


“Everyone had a hard time, so now we have to socialize. The first thing I have to do is go to the library and the magic of Schwartz and Weiss. By supplying, the next is … ”


After listening to everyone’s story, when I said so, the surroundings opened their mouths all at once.


“Wait. Why is that? Reservation with Prince Anastazius is the top priority”


“I’m told by Krasenburg that I’d like you to let me know of the return. There are many inquiries from other upper territories”


“An application for a rematch of Ditter is coming from Mr. Rufen who knew that Rosemine would return”


“Ehrenfest must host a tea party that invites territory candidates from other territories”


I felt that I was distracted by the many things I had to do before going to the library. I think it’s too crowded to finish all this by the day the territorial competition and graduation ceremony takes place.


I recalled trying to consult Richard and remembered that I was going to clean up my luggage. I looked around the multi-purpose hall, but there is only Yustox who I can consult immediately.


…… I’m a little worried, but the secretary of the priest said that Lutz and Benno were also excellent. Isn’t it okay to get advice?




“What, princess”


JUSTOKUS, who was standing behind the traugot, opened his eyes lightly and stepped in front of me.


“What do I have to do most? How do you think Ferdinand-sama will clean up?”


“Are you sure I want to speak?”


“There is no dormitory to rely on. Can you give me advice as a Ferdinand-sponsor, not as a side officer at Traugot?”


Justokus immediately agreed. Then, look into the schedule that Hartmut has, saying, “Apprentice apprentice, plan for the future.”


“The first thing you need to know is how many people can be mobilized for the upcoming social event. Are you ready to fight against the territory?”


I looked around and looked around. Villefried, his entourage, and Hartmut in the immediate vicinity of Yustoks move their eyebrows in trouble.


“… No, honestly, it wasn’t much more.”


“We have made some progress, but we are not yet ready.”


In response, Justoks broke his finger and counted the number of days.


“Let’s give priority to the preparations for territorial battles where the other princesses and entourage can also see other territory’s aubs. Please proceed with preparations “




Upon seeing Villefried and his entourage crawl big, Justoks returned to me.


“Principal social affairs are the highest priority. First, ask the prince to visit. Then, send the Ordnances to inform the higher territories you have inquired about, and inform the host of the tea party. As soon as the prince’s meeting date is decided, we will decide the date of the tea party organized by Ehrenfest and give invitations to all territories.By having as many people as possible participate in the tea party Let’s end most of our socialization at once. “


I was told that I could finish it all together, and I felt much easier. This should give you some time to go to the library.


“Looking at the gap, the princess supplies magic power to the library. Naturally, there is no time to read just to supply magic power to the magical tool.”


“Wow …”


“Even if you decide to hold a tea party, there may be a call from a higher territory. And even if you think about how many you can dedicate to preparing for a territorial battle, bring a number of people to the library There’s no room in Ehrenfest, you know? “


“… Yes”


If I want to go to the library, it will be a great place to take many people with me. I can’t go alone easily.


Villefried has a round eye to see Justus that has been banned from the library. And I saw me with an anxious face that said, “Is it okay?” As expected, I can endure going to the library in such a difficult situation.


…… I’m fine because I have a book to read in the dormitory. I wanted to get back to the library.


“How do you apply for a rematch from Justocus, Dunkelferger?”


“Such is not worth considering. Of course I refuse”


Yustox lightly lifted his eyebrows to Villefried’s words.


“Dr. Luffen has only been thinking about Ditter since his student days, but have you misunderstood such as applying to Rosemine? Like Ferdinand, Princess was a knight apprentice Otherwise, it is a first grader who can’t play a Ditter match, because Ditter is a knight apprenticeship, so you can decline. Fortunately, there is a territorial competition immediately. “


JUSTOKUS, who is the same generation as Luffen, said, “No need for a rematch”. I think that is exactly the case, but it would have been difficult to refuse the offer from the higher territories.


“This is an offer from Dunkel Ferger. How do you decline it?”


“I will leave it to Dr. Hilsur. It’s a dormitory supervisor, and he’s used to refusing Rufen’s offer since Ferdinand’s student days, so there’s no problem.”


… Speaking of which, Yustox was saying that he was serving as the head of the priest.


“But Justuskus. How do you ask Professor Hirsur? Doesn’t come out of the lab at all?”


“If you ask for a souvenir from Ferdinand as a replacement, you will work well. Dr. Hilsur has the ability to put it in the center, so depending on how you use it, he is a very talented person


There was an application for repeated Ditter games even during the days of the Priesthood’s student days, and it seems that a refusal battle was held between Hilsur who wanted to use the Priesthood as a research assistant and Rufen who wanted to Ditter. There seems to be no problem if you leave it to Hirsur.


“… Somehow Justok looks very reliable”


“Oh, how was the evaluation so far?”


…… I thought that I was a strange person who ran up with interest and gathered information even if she was a woman.


Just as I heard the voice of my heart, Yustox gave up his shoulders with a frightening expression and asked, “Information gathering is my job.”


Yustox’s information collection was a job, but I thought it was a complete hobby. I am surprised at my ability to be honest. Any stranger licked the fact that Justoks was being used as a companion of the chief priest.


“Then, the princesses should talk to the prince about meeting appointments with the prince in the separate room and the upcoming social gatherings for the tea party to be organized.”


In the words of Yustox, Reeserator left the multipurpose hall to hold a room for discussion.


“Others are divided into knights, civil servants, and side servants around Villefried ’s aides, and discuss preparations for the territorial battle.


¡Everyone starts to move according to the instructions of Yustox, who concludes with words like the priest. I didn’t think it was so encouraging to have an adult who would give clear instructions.


When the riser came to call that the room was ready, discussions for territorial competition began, divided into knight apprenticeship, civilian apprenticeship, and side service apprenticeship. When I get out of the multi-purpose hall looking sideways at the excitement of preparing for a school festival or athletic festival, I move to a nearby lounge.


And until Richard finished organizing the package, he was discussing preparations for a large-scale tea party with his aides.


“It will be quite large because we invite all territories at once. If we don’t help Mr. Villefried on the day, it will be difficult for Rosemine who has almost no acquaintance with other students. I think. ”


“If you can help on that day, I’ll take care of you.”


When Richard came into the room after finishing the package, after consulting with the royal family about whether there was any rude language, he would like to make an appointment with Anastazius to report the return and deliver the hair ornament. I skipped the old Nantz that I told you.


While waiting for a reply, I tell Haltomut and Figline that I and my mother will be leading the new printing business of Ehrenfest. For this reason, he told us that Juustoks was supposed to train civilian apprentices.


“Because it is a new business, so will the next generation of aubs, Villefried brothers, Charlotte, Melchior, and my apprentice apprentices have been working with civilians and commoners sent from Gibe. We decided to work together with the civilians who were associated with each other. “


“… Rosemine, are you involved in such a big business?”


A lower aristocratic filine who was listening to the story with a pale face shouted out. Green eyes like wakaba are shaking with anxiety. Speaking of which, Darmuel also became my escort knight even though it was a lower class nobility, and said that there were many traps from the surroundings because of the increased magic power. Filine will have the same feelings as well.


“If you are afraid of being involved in the printing industry, you may ask other departments to intervene.”


“… No, I decided to make a book with Rosemine. I will never violate my vows.”


The fist that squeezed is still shaking in an uneasy manner. But Filine said in a clear tone. The face loosens unintentionally to the figure that I am determined to do my best.


“Hartomut, I’ll be careful, but keep an eye out so that Philine doesn’t feel bad about the civilians.”


“I’m smart”


Ordonant said that Harutomut and Figline would be nurturing as an eagerness to expand the printing industry, and that they should learn literary work from Yustox for a short period of time. Is back.


Anastasia’s voice has come three times to come to 5 bells of tomorrow, and Ordnance returns to the yellow magic stone. He wants to give hair accessories to Egrantine as soon as possible.


Sending a reply of approval, I turned my eyes to Brünnhilde and Reiserator, who in turn sent Ordnances to inform the lord candidates who had inquired about their return.


“If the meeting with Prince Anastazius is tomorrow, when will the tea party be held? Will we have to send an invitation to everyone?”


“Five days, no, four days later is possible. I think it’s better to finish the tea party as soon as possible. We, as well as our customers, are equally prepared for the fight against the territory. … And Angelica is ready for the graduation ceremony? “


When Brünnhilde turned his eyes to Angelica, the riser screamed to agree. However, the person who graduated only tilted his head strangely.


“I brought my costume, so I do n’t think I need any more preparation”


Brünhilde lifted his eyes to Angelica’s answer.


“For the sunny stage, what should I do without polishing anymore ?? Angelica has a beautiful appearance, so you should spread the fashion of Ehrenfest by dressing beautifully with Linshan and hair ornaments. It must be “


“Sister, I hear from fathers and mothers that there are many things that haven’t been decided yet, not only about costumes, but also about hairstyles and makeup. Because I escaped from discussions with the escort mission in the temple as a shield.


Angelica pointed out a little sadly with a sad face. The long eyelashes cast shadows on the eyes and look like a beautifully bruised girl, but this is a very troublesome face. I’ve come to know quite a bit.


Naturally, his sister Riezera also seemed to be aware of Angelica’s expression, and exhaled a sigh.


“As for the hairstyle, I will choose the one that suits my sister, so at least leave it to me on the day.”


“If Reiserator says so much, there is no help. I will be quiet on the day.”


Angelica whispered with a really sad expression. He has a gloomy face like a princess who leaves himself to an unsettled political marriage, but is simply troublesome.


By the way, although the full dress is troublesome, I am throwing all my power to strengthen the knight costume worn as an escort knight with magic stones and embroidering the magic cloak on the cloak.


“I know that your sister doesn’t like to dress up for anything other than strengthening her strength, but isn’t she ashamed of someone who escorts your graduation ceremony?


I blinked my eyes several times and saw Angelica in the word escort partner. The fact that it wasn’t the words “dad” or “uncle” means that there is someone right.


“Who is Angelica’s partner? If Liselater says, isn’t he a relative?”


“Eh? Did you not know Rosemine? Doesn’t your sister report it?”


“I don’t listen, but …”


Reiserator looks around me, Angelica, and the surroundings. After seeing Angelica leaning on her face like someone else’s face, Reiserator lowered her eyebrows in a troubled manner and smiled as if to repair.


“No one knows yet, so let’s have fun on the day”


… Who is Angelica’s opponent? I’m really worried.


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