Angelica began to study as the form changed, aiming for the fourth stage of the magic compression method. It seems that he wants to extend his magic power and contribute to the Sword Stin Luke.


“The compression method of Rosemine is amazing. I respect Rosemine who comes up one after another.”


It is Cornelius’s brother who is associated with Angelica who goes straight when he finds a goal. Together with Damuel, “Angelica’s achievements have been improved”, and it has been taught to Angelica for many years, and it is said that it is suitable because it has finished a classroom study up to the highest grade to teach Angelica.


Brother Cornelius has already finished his class so that he can go to my library and occasionally go to practical lectures. In addition to going to my library, I now serve as Angelica and knight apprentices studying in the multipurpose hall after breakfast and dinner.


“Is Cornelius, Angelica’s teacher difficult? Are you all right?”


“If Rosemine doesn’t have access to the library, it will be easier. Wouldn’t the library be once every two days?”


laughed and ridiculously proposed. I smiled and shook my head and decided to encourage my brother Cornelius as much as possible.


“I don’t have three weeks until I return to Ehrenfest. I believe that Cornelius is fine. Please do your best.”


“Do you feel like weighting yourself?”


Brother Cornelius praises his shoulder lightly without treatment. It ’s a face that says you know what you ’re wasting.


Listening to my weight, when I put my hand on my cheek, I leaned my head and leaned.


“… Is it self-weight? Certainly, there is a slight memory that was thrown away a long time ago.”


“Weight is not like throwing away! Please pick it up”


Immediately after returning to Cornelius, I remembered Benno’s fist and felt a little nostalgic.


…… Oh, I have to contact Mr. Benno and tell me that he would need a lot of Linshan and plant paper. You need to talk about whether you will sell the manufacturing method.


When I thought I would tell you as soon as possible when I returned for the dedication ceremony, my brother Cornelius wrapped my cheek with both hands and pressed me tightly.


“Don’t be absorbed in thinking suddenly on the way, listen to the end of the story, Rosemine”


“Let’s be hungry!”


Although I grabbed the wrist of Brother Cornelius, I cannot peel off the hand of Brother Cornelius, who is a knight apprentice. If this is the case, the pretty face will be crushed.


When I was struggling to remove my hands, the eyes of Brother Cornelius, who was initially angry, gradually changed to something interesting.


“Cornerius and Rosemine are very close brothers and sisters.”


Leonore laughed with couscous and Brother Cornelius took a light breath and released his hand as if he was in a panic. Then I compare Leonore with me in a little trouble.


“I started to interact with Rosemine like this since I came to the Aristocracy. Because we only lived together during the education period before the baptismal ceremony.”


“It’s a good part of the Aristocratic House that you can interact with Cornelius like this.”


In the castle, if you do not keep the distance more closely, you will be reprimanded by the surroundings. The reason why we were only able to deal with the escort knight and the lord’s adoptive wife was because we came to the aristocracy. Still, it’s not a complete brother-sister relationship.


Since Leonore looks into it with great interest, I decided to give a little talk about love to the brother Cornelius.


“Speaking of which, escort is necessary for the graduation ceremony of the Aristocracy.” I heard that if there was no partner, someone from the relatives would attend, but what would the man do? Will there still be a mother? ”


Leonore made her indigo blue eyes shine brilliantly as I looked at Angelica, who is rumored to marry my brothers.


Brother Cornelius blinks his eyes on a sudden topic and still answers the law.


“… Yes, I escort those who are mothers, aunts, and other people who are not covered at a glance. It will resonate with me. “


“It’s common for men and women to ask relatives. So who does Cornelius escort?”


“What! What do you suddenly say?”


Looking around, Elder Cornelius was upset enough to understand at a glance.


“Isn’t it yet? Can you find it in another year? I heard that Cornelius is so popular that I’d like to ask someone to repair it.”


“You don’t have to worry about Rosemine! I apply for myself”


…… Do you have any knowledge of the other party?


Hey, next to me, Leonore looked uneasy.


A few days after going to the library with busy Cornelius, Egrantine invited a tea party.


“It’s an afternoon three days later. I understand.”


Due to an invitation from the great territory of Klassenburg, the aides immediately moved to prepare for their preparations while proudly breaking their faces.


Brünnhilde and Rieserator will immediately check if their lecture is not in the afternoon three days later and see if they can accompany.


Since it was a tea party between women, it was decided that Leonore and Udit would be escorted. Angelica seems to study to acquire magic. Once you have decided, you can concentrate without waving your eyes.


Philipine also shines her eyes like a young leaf and jumps out of the dormitory, saying, “I will gather information about the great territory of Krasenburg.”


Even among such big-spotted companions, it was the most amazing to try out Brünnhilde, who puts effort into disseminating the trend.


“Rose Mine, would you like to take Linshan in small portions? Did you make such a promise with Egrantine at a tea party with music teachers?”


“Yes, isn’t it okay to take it for a single dose? Can you divide it into small bottles?”


“I’m smart”


Starting with the selection of small bottles, we carefully select the fragrances that Egrantine wears and the scents that do not fight against which of the three types of linsians to bring. I don’t remember what fragrance the Egrantine was wearing. I remember that it smelled good.


“Does the souvenir Kathalkar have a honey taste?”


I thought a little about the questions of Reiserator. The teachers’ tea party, the call of Anastazius, and the honey-flavored cattle curls may have been tasted twice by Egrantine.


“Do you think there is no art with the same souvenirs every time? Or is it better to bring the same thing as this is a push for Ehrenfest to send out the fashion? What is it like? “


«I thought about Brünnhilde a bit in my words and raised my face.


“How about preparing two things that taste like honey and filigine? If there are things that are a little different from the classic ones that Egrantine likes, it ’s always the same thing. I do n’t think it ’s an impression. ”


If you bring a taste that is not the plane you brought to Solange or Lumtopov you brought to Anastazius, you will be able to convey the variety of Cattlecurls. Brünnhilde suggested that Kathlekar with filigine is the best because of the taste of tea and fragrance.


[Thanks to me who ca n’t think of the other party ’s taste from tea or fragrance] Surprised by Brünnhilde’s ability, he can only ask and give permission.


When I asked, “Let’s arrange it like that,” Riselater smiled.


After seeing the riser heading to the kitchen, Brünnhilde looked at Rosina. Rosina, who is a musician, must be taken to the tea party and is present at the meeting.


“Rosina, is the song dedicated to the Goddess of Light completed?”


“I want to spend a little more time. I’ll give you a little more, so I’d like to finish it up as little as possible, and I’d like to ask the client Prince Prince Anastazius again.


I was telling you to dedicate it to Egrantine, but the first thing I asked was Anastazius. Certainly it would be better to ask once. However, I’m worried whether it would be better to ask Anastazius, “Would you like to write lyrics?” Or if you would like to make it here because love seems to run away.


And on the day of the tea party, I headed to the room where the tea party was held in the Greater Krassenburg.


It seems that there are several tables and chairs in the room for the tea party, but today only one table is used, so most of them are in the back and have large pictures Space is separated by partitions.


Ehrenfest buildings are often decorated with tapestry and other fabrics, leaving white parts, and most of the furniture is made of wood.


However, the interior of Krassenburg was decorated with a lot of complicated patterns and embroidered cloth like wallpaper, and many paintings were displayed as a proof of wealth. Many pieces of marble used marble marble like marble, and it was found that there were cultural differences between territories.


“We’ve been waiting for you, Rosemine”


Egrantine greeted me with her bright orange eyes softly narrowed.


Today’s Egrantine is half-up with a complicated lace of wavy blonde that can be convincing the goddess of light and decorated with delicate lace. It is a complicated knitting lace that is popular.


This lace that decorates the hair was made as part of the bride’s training, and it was the first time to decorate her arm to show it to someone who loved it. In the meantime, it seems to have become popular at the Aristocratic House.


…… Unlike me, Egrantine is amazing. It ’s just like Turi ’s job.


By the way, my hair ornament is left to Turi. I made it in the early days, but I can’t attach my own hair ornaments because the level is completely different.


“Thank you for inviting me, Egrantine-sama”


“If true, it would be better to invite my friends and introduce them, but today I would like to talk about them. Please let me know again. ”


“I do not know what you mean”


It is a tea ceremony at the Aristocratic House to expand the exchange, but I do not have any problems because a small number of people settle down.


Brünnhilde handed souvenirs to the side of Egrantine, and two types of cattle curls are arranged on the table.


Me and Egrantine would recommend each other by drinking tea prepared and eating sweets.


“Rosemine, do you have a variety of flavors of this cattle curl? The other day, the cattle curls from Prince Anastazius will taste differently …”


Anastazius seems to have firmly divided into Egrantine. Have you earned a few points?


“That’s a cuttle curl with Lumtopufu, which contains filigine. Do you like Egrantine like honey?”


“I like honey, but I also like the one with this filigine. The refreshing flavor in the mouth is wonderful.”


For Egrantine, it seems that Kathlekar with filigine is well received. Brünnhilde, who chose Cattlecurl with Filicine, happily lifted the lip edge slightly.


“And then this is the linsian for shining your hair. How to use it will be taught by our side-serving reeser”


When I gave a small bottle to Egrantine, Egrantine opened the lid and slowly enjoyed the scent. “I think it ’s a very good scent,” narrowing the eyes satisfactorily and handing a small bottle to her side.


Reiserator leaves the room to teach how to use Egrantine’s side. Egrantine who smiled and watched the situation turned to me.


“Was Rosemine a battle between Dunkel Ferger and Ditter in order to become the master of the magical tools in the library? I asked from Prince Anastazius. It ’s very good. I was surprised.” [19459002 ]


Anastazius seems to be using me for conversations with Egrantine. Egrantine knew almost everything about Schwarz and Weiss. It is a terrible amount of information.


“Magical equipment is going on, and the Ditter game was a trick and not a skill. If it was true, we couldn’t beat Dunkel Felger. It was very impressive. ”


“Oh, Mr. Rufen has given up much of Rosemine’s fight. I want to fight again.”


… Let’s keep away from Dr. Rufen.


“Rose Mine was very good at votive dance”


“Isn’t it just because it’s small? If I really danced well, that’s because I was watching Egrantine’s practice up close. I want to dance like Egrantine.” I danced. “


“… I think it was really good that Rosemine was not a gentleman. It was easy to stare at it with a passionate eye to devour the lesson and give such a compliment.


Egrantine said, as shunned. It’s not uncommon to be praised as “good,” but it seems to have been the first time that “I want to dance in the same way” is said.


…… Should I tell Prince Anastazius? Why are they alone angry again?


“And Rosemine has already finished all the lectures? I was very surprised when I consulted about the tea party schedule from the side serving.”


“Lectures in the lower grades are not that difficult, so I’ve heard from my guardian that many people finish early”


…… Although it will end as soon as possible, the priest would not have thought it would be possible to go to the library after the first two weeks.


So I remembered that the dedication ceremony was approaching. The farewell to the wonderful life of being drawn to the library all day is approaching. I’m depressed.


“I had to finish the lecture in a hurry because I had a requirement to return to Ehrenfest on the way.”


“Is it because Rosemine is the head of the temple of Ehrenfest?”


“Yes, there is a dedication ceremony”


Aristocrats in and out of the temple tend to be disgusted, but the orange eyes of Egrantine are not disgusting. Rather, it looks interesting. Is it because of interest that it looks a little serious about interest?


“What do you do at the votive ceremony? Votive dance?”


“It’s not a dance. It’s a ritual that puts magical power into the Holy Grail so that it can fill the territory with magical power in the spring. Without this magical power, the yield of the territory will be greatly different. It ’s an important ritual to fill with a lot of magic. ”


“Because the son of the lord is the temple chief and the land is filled with magical powers, the old ways are inherited in Ehrenfest. I am impressed.”


When I was blinded to an unexpected word, I thought I was told that my lord’s son was not enough to make it a temple chief.


“I think I’ve told you about Rosemine, but can I use it?”


“Yes, I don’t care”


Egrantine took out a magic tool to prevent eavesdropping. I pick up the magic tool placed in front of me.


“It’s a complicated story, so I don’t want to hear too much about the side serving.”


The expression of Egrantine, who said so with a small laugh, seemed to be a problem for me. Even if you think about the temple event, Egrantine would have invited me to a tea party because she wanted to talk about the temple.


“What kind of work does Rosemine do at the temple?”


“To make up for the lack of magic, I am ordered to enter the temple from Aub Ehrenfest, so it is my important job to do the ritual. To be honest, other work Is asking other people. “


There is no need to honestly answer that the orphanage director and the studio director are serving concurrently. Egrantine, who was listening to me while answering my words while thinking about such things, shines orange eyes.


“To make up for the lack of magical power … would I be able to enter the temple?”


“Can Egrantine enter the temple?”


The temple has been evaded among the nobility, it is not possible to prepare magical tools because there is no money, it is judged that the magic power of the house is insufficient and can not be used, or isolated from the noble society This is where a child who wants to keep is thrown in.


It’s funny to say that I’m the head of the temple, but Egrantine isn’t normal to want to enter the temple.


“Why did you want to enter the temple? Do you know what the temple is?”


“Of course I know how the temples are treated among the nobility”


Saying so, Egrantine combined her fingers in front of her chest.


“Do you know Rose Mine? On my body …”


“It’s just the simple things the music teachers have taught me”


“I lost my family as a result of a power struggle. Despite this, I received a courtship from Prince Sigiswald who thought I would approach the throne if I hit it, and Prince Anastazius to control it There was also a courtship offer: I don’t want to see any more power struggles anymore, but my choice may cause another disaster like that.


I heard that Egrantine was the daughter of the Third Prince at the time of the political change. In the history lecture of the priest who I received, I won once, but the third prince should have been killed by the assassin released by the first prince.


And, the Great Territory Krasenburg, who was the Birth of the Third Prince, was enraged, this time the fifth prince was upheld, and the one who sided him as the first prince joined the fourth prince. I have heard that it has increased.


Egrantine, who was in the midst of a political change, wants to avoid further political changes.


“I understand that Egrantine wants to avoid the power struggle and can’t choose either, but that Egrantine wants to enter the temple to avoid the fight, Aube Klassenburg Do you know? “


“… I have told you, but the nobles were dismissed because they entered the temple.”


That’s why I wanted to hear my story as a temple chief. He wanted some kind of persuading material to enter the temple. Unfortunately, I don’t have the persuasion that I want.


“I think it’s natural that Aub Klassenburg opposes. I know well that the temple will be scolded by the nobility. And to enter the temple from now on, the marriage itself Do you mean you want to avoid it? “


I entered the temple to make up for the current lack of magic. The situation is different from the great territory Krassenburg who was the winner of the political change. In addition, adults are expected to leave the temple so they can get married. This is the opposite of Egrantine’s desire to enter the temple to avoid marriage.


Now that the number of aristocrats has decreased, I don’t think there will be any admission to the temple of Egrantine, where there is a high possibility that a child with a lot of magic will be born.


“If I grow up, I will leave the temple head and get married. I don’t think I can help.”


“… Is that true? I thought it would be a good idea to be able to use magic for the territory and escape the power struggle.”


Egrantine looked sadly and sighed gently.


“Are there any other positions in the royal family that do not have a bride or do not want to be married other than entering the temple?”


I tilt my head. Egrantine does not want to enter the temple, only to avoid becoming a seed of power. If that’s the case, I think it would be better to look for a method other than entering the temple.


“I can avoid it if I become Aub Klassenburg, but it’s already my cousin … No, I’m supposed to take over in the relationship.”


[I thought about marrying to other territories, but if I kick off the offer from the royal family and marry another territory, my royalties will worsen and I will disturb the Aub Klassenburg] Become.


“Grandfather, no, the adoptive father seems to regret a little because he has adopted him to protect me. I have taken away his position as a royal family, so I got married to the royal family. , You want me to regain my original status. “


Egrantine asked that she wanted more peace than that.


“So, Egrantine-sama asks relatives for graduation escorts? You can’t choose either right now?”


“… That’s right. I’m going to ask my relatives unless there is an order from the king or Aub Klassenburg.”


Egrantine laughed and said lonely.


…… Acha ~, Prince Anastazius, it’s not good.


“Rosemine, it’s a secret that I’m aiming to enter the temple”


“I don’t think anyone will believe me in my mouth”


I don’t believe that Krassenburg lord candidates want to persuade their relatives and enter the temple. Anastazius is likely to get angry, “Do you intend to give up Egrantine?”


Talked about the trend of Ehrenfest after a serious consultation. Not only music, but also Linshan and hair ornaments seem to be very worrisome, and there was an offer to incorporate in Krasenburg.










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