After being beaten by Richarda, I left for the library in the afternoon after lunch.

For the time being, I recall that I was paid various attention. In order not to run out of emotions and close the distance with Solange, we talked about what we talked about in a day, and it was possible to talk only about topics that got a pass from Richarda.

And when I came back to the room, I decided to study conversations and socialization between the nobility by paying attention to what Richard was concerned about today’s conversation.

隆A good question you can ask Solange this afternoon is to check if you have time to attend a tea party and whether you are attending another tea party. It was broken. He said he should n鈥檛 go any further today.

“Hime-sama has come”

“Welcome, Hime-sama”

“Come to read the continuation. Could you get Carrere’s key?”

Celebrated by Schwartz and Weiss, I also greet Solange in the work space.

“Thank you, Dr. Solange, I was really sorry for the trouble that I had with you earlier. It seems that I finally came to the library and I was too floated as long as I was embarrassed.

“Don’t worry. I’m so happy to know how much Rosemine is in the library.”

Solange, who had written something, raised his face and smiled with a smile. I exclaimed for accepting the apology.

“Tomorrow I won’t be able to come until the third bell rings. Today is my first library, and my musician also allowed me, but from tomorrow I will be practicing Feshpil. Until then, it 鈥檚 said that we should n鈥檛 go to the library. 鈥?/p>

After the breakfast, we had a meeting with the aides and gathered the results of the Grade Improvement Committee activities together with Ville Fleet, such as the passing of the class that was reported the previous day. Is supposed to practice. Practicing until the third bell rings is the same as when you are in the temple.

“Speaking of which, I heard that Prof. Solange is managing the library by himself, but why not attend or hold a tea party?”

“Yeah. There are few users at this time, so I have some time, but when students start to have time, I’ll be busy this time. Of course, there is no tea party. “

In the era when there were multiple librarians, I participated in turns, but saying that Solange looked at Schwartz and Weiss and relaxed.

鈥淣ow, with Schwarz and Weiss helping me, the work has become very easy and the loneliness is lost. I am grateful to Rosemine.鈥?

… It was good. Not just annoying.

The movement of Schwarz and Weiss was a by-product of the blessing that floated out, and that was useful for Solange, with Schwarz and Weiss, not myself.

Still, I was wondering what to do if I left only a bad impression, so I was relieved that I was able to use it for Solange.

“I want to talk slowly with Dr. Solange, but don’t have time? I’d like to talk about Schwartz and Weiss, or the book I’m trying to make.

“Do you make books? … Rosemine is really fond of books”

I whisper with a smile to Solange with rounded blue eyes.

“The story of a knight sung by a bard and a story told from mother to child in Ehrenfest is being compiled into a book”

The knight story has already been made and printed and sold, but it is not a lie because it is currently gathering stories in progress. For the time being, in order to get interested in the tea party with me, I tried to talk about a topic that Solange, a librarian of the Aristocracy, might be interested in.

鈥淲ell, Rosemine is fond of stories as well as reference books? There aren’t many in this library, but there are narrative books.鈥?

“Is it true? I’d love to read it”

“Let me guide you”

Solange slowly walks to the corner where old books that are not readable are gathered in the shelves lined with reference books on the first floor. While guiding, I was told that there are not many students who read stories because most students read reference books for the final exam or copy money for senior aristocracy.

Since the aristocracy is only winter, most students will be stuck with the curriculum and socializing, so there will be no room for the chief to enjoy hobby reading.

“There is a story around here. There are also transcripts of the scriptures. Please see if you like.”

“I’m sorry”

I called out to Schwarz and borrowed a carel for myself and Filine, and I got a book with a story to Richarda and began to look through it. Then, the bibliographic items and the outline are summarized.

Since it is a knight story, the outline of going to defeat the monster is the same, but there is a friendship story of the Knights, and a story of war that the Knights of a small territory targeted by the Great Territory desperately resists . However, the language is old and difficult to read. And it may be difficult to distinguish because the characters are a little crumbled, whether they wrote while listening to the bard.

“Lose Mine, it’s a little difficult for me. I don’t have enough study.”

Philine was trying to put it together, but it seemed that she couldn’t read the text easily. I read a scripture that is much more difficult than the knight story, so I didn’t think it was so difficult, but I started studying with a simple rewritten scripture book and still not used to the old textbook. It will be difficult.

“All the books I make are easy to read, but now I need a book that I can study so that I can read old words. Things that are sometimes in trouble 鈥?/p>

“Yes, I will do my best”

This day, the knight story was read and the day was over. I will borrow a knight story and go home. I would like to make a new story on this subject.

“Vice, please give me this loan procedure”

“I understand … Hime-sama, Hoshokin, Daikin-san Mai”

“Richarda, please please”

“I’m sorry”

I first heard that it is equivalent to a book, but it is still expensive. You will be impressed by the greatness of the Reino library that you can rent for free. I would like to give thanks and prayer to the great Ranganatan who established the five principles of library science.

…… In order to be able to rent for free, you have to expand the printing. The road is far away!

The next day, Cornelius and Haltomut were also added to the library. They were surprised to hear that there was a knight story in the library. Apparently, I didn’t think there was any book other than the reference book and the research results of the professor.

“The library of Ehrenfest’s castle contains the materials needed for work, so the library of the Aristocracy should have the materials of the aristocracy. I think that the reference book that is often used is just placed in an easy-to-use place on the first floor, because the story was actually in the corner of the first floor. “

When I said so, Haltomut said he would like to see if there was a document about territorial competition. Leonor Cornelius and Leonore shines their eyes when Hartmut’s words that war results and monsters may be refrained.

After completing the practice of Feshpeel and ringing bell 3, I took students interested in the library and went to the library.

“Good morning, Hime-sama”

“Good morning, Schwartz and Weiss”

“Hime-sama really likes?”

“Yeah, I love you, so I will go to the library every day as much as possible.

When Schwarz and Weiss worked hard and stroked the forehead, students of other grades who were not accompanied at the time of registration shouted.

“Is it true that it was rumored that there was a big Smir in the library?”

“What a cute thing. You have to focus on creating new outfits.”

Listening to the conversation exchanged in a quiet voice, I left the procedures to Schwartz and Richarda to return to Solange.

“Good morning, teacher Solange”

“Good morning, Rosemine, you have a lot today”

“I have the materials I am looking for, so I would like to ask Dr. Solange where it is”

“What is it?”

Hartmut advances ahead of Solange leaning his head.

“Is there any material about Ditter? I want a document that keeps track of which territory won against what monster.”

“Ditters are often used in training, so there are no documents about all the ditters. However, before the political change, there was a lecture on the strategy of treasure thieves. After that, there is a description about the top of the territorial competition in the material compiled about the best performers of each year. “

銇? Hartomuth and Cornelius brother looked together and shined their eyes. I think that the old reference books are enough for the materials of Brother Eckhart and Priest. What I want is a description of the top of the territorial competition.

“Mr. Solange, please show us the materials for the territorial competition. Where are the bookshelves?”

鈥淩ose Mine wants a different material. Students look only at manuscripts for making money and reference books for lectures.鈥?

Solange turns away from us while laughing.

“Since the reading room places priority on the books that students often use, materials for recording and storage are kept in a separate library. Please wait a little.” [19459002 ]

Solange brought me the carefully bound material from the material warehouse in the back of the office rather than the reading room. I look up at Solange, looking at the material that is clearly treated separately.

“… Is this a material that should not be taken out?”

“That’s right. Lending is forbidden. If you don’t return it, you’ll be in trouble. But there’s nothing wrong with what you see in the reading room.”

“I’m sorry”

Hartmut came out from the side and received it as soon as I was trying to receive the thick material.

“Lose Mine, I’ll copy this document. There is more information besides Ditter”

“Let me ask Hartmut!”

“I’ll borrow a filine to help you”

It takes too much time to show everything alone. Hartmut seems to have decided to copy it by handing it with Figline.

Haltomut looks around the library and then shows an embarrassed expression to Solange.

鈥淭eacher Solange wants a slightly wider table to copy with more than one person. Is there a desk other than Carrell?鈥?

“… It’s possible to move side by side on the second floor, but it’s prohibited to take out, so I’d like you to copy it as close as possible. The registration table in my office. I’ll lend you a loan. “

Solange guides Hartmut to the office, saying that it is all right as new students in all territories have completed the registration process.

“I’m saved. I’ll hurry to copy”

Guided by Solange, Hartmut, Figline, and two others enter the office. While Khaltomut took a quick look at the material and decided to share, the Philines were quickly preparing the paper and ink I provided.

Solange emerges from the office, looking at the four people smiling, and notices us who are still in front of the business space, looking around with a pleasant smile.

“Do you have any other necessary materials?”

Leonore, who once met his face with Cornelius, took a step forward.

“Are there any materials about monsters? It’s very helpful if there are hunting, strength and weaknesses of monsters around here.”

“If you are looking for a book other than a reference book, you can find it in the scroll on the second floor. It’s an old, but well-written material written by a teacher who specializes in creating magical tools. It seems to have been made when collecting materials. “

So saying, Solange moves upstairs with a relaxed movement. There seemed to be very few students looking at the materials on the second floor, and Solange laughed, 鈥淚 am rarely asked for information on such materials other than the teachers.

Students who are likely to remain as assistants in later aristocratic houses are conveniently used as teacher assistants while in school, helping with carrying materials, and being told to read books from here on That’s it. Looking at the movement in the library, Solange seems to know that this student will remain in the aristocracy.

鈥淭here are many students who do not know that there is a book other than a reference book, because there is a tendency to prioritize socialization over study at the Aristocracy.鈥?

If you only study, you can do it in each territory, but you can only interact with people in other territories. It seems that socialization is a priority. There used to be a stap at the time of graduation, so it seems that there were more students who were more eager to study than now.

Even so, when the aristocracy has not yet begun in January, there are so many excellent students that Ehrenfest can come to the library instead of going to the lecture. [19459002 ]

Solange headed to the target shelf without hesitation.

The scrolls on the shelves are very similar to the rolls of cloth that are rolled up in a handicraft store. Like the price tag on the cloth, a small wooden tag hangs down from the scroll, so it looked more similar. A small bibliographic item is written on the wooden tag so that the contents can be distinguished.

“I’m here”

Solange, who had been checking the bills in a shelf one after another, picked up one scroll and pulled it out. And it will be set on the reading stand for reading the scroll. Since the scroll cannot be transcribed, the pedestal for reading the scroll has a press.

“It’s easy to understand because it has a picture”

Scrolls written by an old teacher contained not only a demon beast but also a devil tree, and they had pictures that were never good. I want to read this later.

When I expanded the scroll, I could see two descriptions of the monster, so I decided to copy it on the left and right sides of the scroll. The monster apprentice needs a knight apprentice, so one knight apprentice begins to prepare paper and ink.

“Is Leonore taking a picture? Because pictures are more beautiful than me”

Cornelius said so and tries to let Leonore do the copying. Leonore asked, “I don’t mind …” but then looked up at Cornelius brother.

鈥淚s Cornelius not good at painting?鈥?

“Honestly, I’m not very good at it”

Leonore, who looked shamefully slightly away from Cornelius and laughed a little, was terribly soft.

…… That? Maybe Leonore likes Cornelius brother?

So, finally I remembered the conversation with Leonore, who was worried about the rumors about Angelica’s wife, and I hit the hand.

…… Leonole doesn’t want to be a mother-like lady, but aims to be Cornelius’s first wife!

I gently support Leonore in my heart. It may be strange that I say, but the clan that starts with the grandfather has a strong influence on the man side. Since it is a family that trains the body before thinking, I hope that Leonore will do its best and put effort into intellectual activities.

Everyone seems to have found the book, so I decided to go back to the first floor and read from the continuation of the story.

From the afternoon of that day, Filine goes to practice, and the escort knight also switches between Leonore and Traugot. Elder Cornelius and Traugot gave up a little bit depending on which copy of the monster was done, but Elder Cornelius decided to do it.

I later saw what kind of picture the brother Cornelius would draw, but he wasn’t so bad. If that isn’t humble, my drawing level may be quite low.

“Rosemine, I wanted to talk slowly once.”

On return from the library, I was stopped by Solange. I was satisfied with reading a number of books. Speaking of which, I was saying “I want to talk”.

“Soranje cannot keep away from the library, so why not have a tea party in the office? If you don’t like it, prepare tea and sweets so that you won’t be burdened, I’ll bring it with you. “

“… I’m very helpful, but is Rosemine yours?”

Solange looks more surprised at Richarda, the side serving the tea party rather than me. Richarda whispered lightly.

“I have heard from the princess. This is the result of the princess’s thoughts on how to reduce the burden on Dr. Solange. Is the top priority. “

“I really wanted to invite Dr. Solange to my tea party, but I’m busy managing the library by myself. So, prepare tea and sweets to prepare for the picnic. I thought I should prepare and bring it here. “

First, I was surprised by Richarda. It was said that it would not normally be necessary to bring tea or sweets and rent only the place. Still, if I carefully explained to Richard that I thought what I could do to reduce the burden on Solange, I knew it.

“I’m just thinking that Solange is busy, so I …”

“No, I’m grateful. Are you sure you want to be confused with Rosemine’s words?”


Since the number of users increases on Saturday, we decided to have tea with Solange in the afternoon tomorrow, in line with the convenience of Solange, saying that the day before was good.

When I returned to the dormitory and told the side party about the tea party schedule, 鈥淚 didn’t expect the tea party schedule with Dr. Solange before the tea party with the music teachers.鈥?And Br眉nnhilde rounded his eyes.

鈥淚t suits the convenience of Dr. Solange. I’m worried about Schwartz and Weiss, because more students are using them than usual, so I want to have a tea party early.鈥?[19459002 ]

This time, Richard said to aim to become a friend rather than to appeal to the book committee.

First, in the tea party, you must decide when to schedule Schwarz and Weiss measurements. Then I would like to take a handwritten manuscript and ask about the home of Solange and what I know.

“Rosemine doesn’t seem to be so nervous, so depending on your thoughts, it might have been better to have a tea party with Dr. Solange”

I leaned to the words of Br眉nnhilde, who is trying to spread the trend at the tea party. Solange seems to be in the library during the winter and does not seem to have much interaction with other teachers. I don’t think the tea party with Solange has much to do with the trend.

“Whether you’re in the library during the winter, or other seasons, you have exchanges with teachers. In fact, Solange was informed about the first grader of Ehrenfest. So, there is no exchanging at all.Before the tea party where you attend with many teachers in front of you, you can see the reaction of the central nobility, and about costumes, hair ornaments and sweets. You may get an opinion. “

Br眉nnhilde said that there should be some reaction to the culture of Ehrenfest in the sense of the central aristocrat, so that some measures could be taken for tea parties with music teachers.

“I intend to make a story about Schwarz and Weiss costumes and a book about Solange”

br眉nhilde narrowed my eyes a little. Once he turned his gaze to Richarda, Br眉nnhilde bowed a little and looked at me.

Talking about the lack of social knowledge and experience, the side servants began to pay attention to me.

“Lose Mine-sama, you should prepare as many topics as possible. And if you don’t consciously prepare for the topic, Rose Mine-sama will end the tea party just by talking about the book. Please don’t forget to talk about anything other than books, because Dr. Solange is an intermediate aristocrat, you will listen deeply to Rosemine’s story with a smile.

“… Yes”

Riezerator was worried about Br眉nnhilde’s attention.

“We have heard from Mr. Villefried that Rosemine has a tendency to see the surroundings when it comes to books. We will be able to act intelligently without forgetting the elegance as a lord candidate. It’s okay … There’s nothing impossible for Rosemine who led her sister to graduation. I believe in Rosemine “

“Be careful”

The eyes filled with the expectations and trust of the riser hurt. I would like to come to the tea party after taking sufficient measures to prevent failure.

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