After the ceremony, lunch was held, and after the lunch, the nobility started socializing, but I was told by the priest to return to the room. It seems that it has already moved too much today.


“But after this, it is said that there will be a greeting from the second wife of his father and his child, Nicolaus …”


“Is your physical condition more important than such a greeting? Remember that you are moving with magical tools. Now, if you fall down, you will be able to schedule tomorrow. I don’t have time to leave for the hospital, can I understand that without thinking about that? “


I hang down to the chief priest who started to talk about what happens when he loses his health. The excitement of being worried by the priest decreased at once in inverse proportion to the time the priest spoke the word.


…… If you stop with just the first word, you were a very good person, the priest.


For now, the chief is more familiar with my physical condition than anyone else. In order to stop the long priest’s words, I will return gently to the room.


“Okay. As Ferdinand said, I’m going back to my room today. But tomorrow is the first day, so I’m going to show up in my child’s room in the morning. I would like to know the current situation, so in the afternoon, I will be visiting Ferdinand’s office, so please gather the information providers that were in the materials you gave me the other day. ”


It seems that the chief knew what I wanted to do. While saying “Fumu”, slightly raise the eyebrows.


“Isn’t the information fee given at the aristocracy?”


“The materials given to Ferdinand are those who graduated in the two years I was sleeping. Those who are enrolled in the aristocracy will pay at the aristocracy.


The materials collected by Darmuel from the information gathered at the Aristocratic House were also read by Ehrenfest leaders. I thought that there might be people who are happy with information that I don’t need so much that the value of the information is different between the priest and me.


Then, as expected, there was a difference in the information that we felt was important, and there seemed to be information that we wanted to follow up. I selected those who gave me such important information, and I paid the information fee firmly from the budget of the department of those who were happy to get the information.


Writer who was not familiar to me was charged with information charges and was stunned. It was.


Thus, I prepared the money as originally planned.


“Speaking of which, I was selling information to various places. I understand. Let’s arrange to get together in the afternoon.”


“I will be saved”


“Is your sister coming to the children’s room only tomorrow?”


When I and the priest cut off the story about tomorrow’s schedule, Charlotte sadly lowered her eyebrows and stared at me. Even though I was in the castle, I was stuck in words, remembering Charlotte, who said he was lonely because he only had time to be together at votive dance and dinner.


“… Maybe. I’m going to do just greeting and meeting kids, but I really don’t have time to get back the two-year delay.”


At the ceremony, I saw the growth of Villefried, Charlotte, and everyone at the same time. It is certain to be beaten by the fact that the appearance is not growing at all. On top of that, if you are 10 years old and you can’t do it, you will be disqualified as a lord candidate. That’s why I want to be able to do things like studying and lagging around.


And if you want to improve your overall Ehrenfest, no one will follow you if I don’t improve my score. If I can understand the current situation of the children’s room, I would like to spend my time studying.


“I understand your sister’s feelings. Are you ready for a treat to give to your children on the first day of tomorrow?” I’m looking forward to the sweets made by my sister’s chef. There are children who have gone “


“Yes, of course. I’ll be preparing tomorrow.”


laughing and answering, but she was chilly and sweaty.


While I wasn’t there, I wasn’t even aware that the two exclusive cooks were preparing premium sweets.


… It was good. Charlotte pointed me out.


I think anyway. Preparing candy is very expensive. Sugar is expensive like a fool. Even if you use honey, which is still cheaper than sugar, it would have been very difficult if you prepared sweetness every day. I wonder if I earned my own money, did they have enough money?


…… It may be strange that I pay more now, but I’m just paying for it, but I was just getting involved because I started it.


Well, when I was thinking, Villefried narrowed his dark green eyes.


“Rose Mine, would you plan to do all of the children’s rooms again alone?”


“Well, I started out with my own thoughts, and while I was sleeping with drugs, I was fine, so I can’t afford to put more burden on them. Wow “


When I said so, Charlotte also rubbed me with indigo eyes with a muddy face. I’m honestly confused when I’m rubbed with my cute sister’s eyes.


“Your sister, how about carrying it alone when you’re busy preparing?”




“Did your father say that it’s a job that you should do as a lord’s child to educate in the children’s room and improve Ehrenfest?”


“That’s right”


Charlotte, approaching with her face slightly lowered, scolds me with a smile. Vilfleet was struck by his shoulders as he was trying to be beaten by his sister.


“So, Rosemine. That work must be done by us, the sons of the lord. They must not monopolize. If we do nothing, we will be treated incompetently.” Is it smart enough to understand? ”


Both were no longer completely protected by me. Equally trying to work as the son of the lord. Then, I only have to find out what I can do and allocate my work.


“I understand. Let’s see the children’s room tomorrow and share the work.”


Villefried brightened his face when he suggested to share his work. He strokes my head, hoping to be good.


“Yeah, then he’ll be resting for today. It’s hard from tomorrow.”


“Your sister is in trouble if it falls down again”


Charlotte was delighted to get a job from me.


I head to the door to get out of the cafeteria, wondering if they want to work.


“Rose Mine”


“What is Ferdinand-sama?”


Refused by the priest, I looked back.


“You need to rest your body, but you can still move your head. Be sure to read more of the materials you give.”




I returned to my room, helped by Richarda and Ottiere, changed my bath, and carried the wooden box handed over to the priest to the bed.


“Ferdinand Bachama is absolutely. If you give your princess a break if it’s not good for you, you should also ban reading.”


Richard said that he was angry, but I took the book out of the wooden box, spread it on the bed, and breathed a relief. It is bad for Richarda who is worried about his physical condition, but I spend the most time reading. When the priest told me to read, the priest looked like a god.


“There are a lot of things to remember before going to the aristocracy. You have to read. Ufufun”


Liharda is angry at the priest who imposes the task while saying that he is resting, but I think the priest probably hid me from the nobility. At the salon, I was looking at me who had not grown for two years with a curious eye.


I was prepared for the time being, but I was fed up with a whispering voice that was more than expected. I was admired by Villefried and Charlotte, but honestly I was really tired just by being there.


And the next day, I bring the sweets that Ella prepared to Richarda and Otelier and head to the children’s room.


The movement to the Aristocracy started from today, and Fugo was supposed to move to the aristocratic kitchen as the first team.


Fugo says, “To ensure that Fugo can protect her life in a safe manner, so that Fugo should protect it. If anything happens, I will report it to me immediately.” I should give you.


I basically don’t want young girls to go out of reach of the Lord’s eyes. So Ella is supposed to move on the day I head for the nobility.


Not only chefs and subordinates, but of course students are moved. Today is the day when Angelica, the final grader, leaves for the Aristocracy, so there are only two escort knights, Dermuel and Cornelius.


“Tomorrow Cornelius is heading to the Aristocratic House, isn’t it?”


“Yes. I’m going to stay in a dormitory with a senior student I’m used to, and get ready to welcome a junior student”


I went into the children’s room while listening to the dormitory and the older brother from Cornelius.


“Good morning, older sister”


“Good morning, Charlotte”


When I entered, the children’s room was rustling. Aside from the students, I haven’t met any of the children who have finished the baptism in the two years I’ve been asleep, so it looks like “I was listening to the story but were you really?” There were children, and some children were looking at strange faces such as who was unknown or who they were.


Meanwhile, Villefried pulled my hand, stood in front of everyone, and raised his hand to watch it.


“Some of you have been sleeping for two years, so some of you may not know your face. Here is my sister, Charlotte Mine, Rosemine. Those who are old-fashioned will know that they have created a picture book, carta, playing cards and other sweetness that is used. “


…… Nana, how do you introduce me! ?


Hiyii! , And Charlotte swiftly moved to the side where I was breathtaking and added with a smiling smile that was unforgettable.


“Sister Rosemine is a maiden of Ehrenfest, who is still asleep and gives a lot of blessings to Ehrenfest with a great deal of magical power. “I respect your sister very much.”


…… Please stop! The eyes shining in the expectations of the believing children hurt! Do not raise the hurdle anymore!


I wanted to run away with all my power, denying that I was no longer a saint. However, I am surrounded by Villefleet and Charlotte and surrounded by escort knights, so there is no escape.


When I was drawn by Villefried, I was sitting on a chair prepared by Richard and was forced to smile while pulling my cheeks.


“Forgive greeting to Rosemine”


Villefried’s words make a greeting line in front of me. That being said, there are only 30 children who go to the aristocracy, so even if everyone receives a greeting.


Next to me were Ville Fleet and Charlotte, and in front of them were children who had just finished the baptism and greeted them.


“Please allow me to pray for blessings in a rare encounter after the strict selection of Evilive, the god of life”


“Forgive me”


Replying to the greeting with a smile, receiving the light of a small blessing. Among them was the figure of the half-brother Nikolaus that I saw at the announcement yesterday.


Talk to me and cross your hands. Bright maroon hair moves gently.


“Please allow me to pray for blessings in a rare encounter after the rigorous selection of Evilive”


“Forgive me”


“I’ll see you for the first time. My name is Knight Sir Calstead and the son of Trudelide, Nikolaus.

“Thank you very much”


After finishing the usual greeting, Nicolaus leaves. The moment I thought I was a little closer as an elder sister, my brother Cornelius called me Mr. Rosemine.


Brother Cornelius with a smile similar to her mother looks down at me. In response to the smile asking, “Did you forget yesterday’s attention?”


“… I remember”


“I am relieved”


After finishing the greetings, new kids were given stone boards and Moritz began a simple test of how much basic characters and calculations were possible.


At the same time, Carta and Trump games were started by last team division last year, centering on Villefleet and Charlotte. It seems to find out how much you have acquired from spring to autumn.


I look around the scene while sitting in a chair. During the two years, they devised their own ideas and found that the children’s room was operated without problems.


“Today’s prize is a sweet prepared by Rosemine for the first time in two years”


In the words of Villefried, the children who had never eaten Ella’s sweets only leaned their heads with a frightening face. Students have seen sweets prepared with different eyes.


“Villfleet-sama, I’ll take this seriously”


“There is a battle that cannot be defeated”


“Hoooo, I’ll never forgive you”


The boy who became serious about Karuta raised a cry of sorrow and joy every time someone took a piece.


“Lose Mine, this is the material I have compiled about the children’s room for the last two years. Would you like to see it?”


“Of course, Mr. Moritz”


Received the results so far from Moritz and read the materials.


“As far as I can see, it seems to be operating well. It seems that the basics are also thorough from this document, so it seems that the calculation problem may be a little more difficult.” [ 19459002]

“Do you still raise it?”


Morris, who was astonishingly surprised, asked me.


“I received a command from Aub Ehrenfest to improve my territory as much as possible. I would like Moritz to cooperate.”


“I’m smart”


“But I was inconvenienced Mr. Moritz. I wasn’t going to sleep in the winter, so I left only a memorandum about the children’s room.


I heard that a memorandum was written by my priest, as my instructions, which just bulleted what I had to do in the winter children’s room. The person who received it didn’t know what to do and I think it was hard.


“… To be honest, I had a lot of trouble in the first year, and it was hard. When I noticed Rosemine’s fine preparation and care, I repeated trial and error. Second year By improving it, we were able to create a flow for the children’s room to move. “


Moritz’s face was confident that he had worked for two years. It seems that there will be no problem if you leave it to Moritz.


“I will not be able to come to the children’s room from tomorrow because I have to fill in what I have been sleeping for two years. I’ll ask for the rest.”

“Yes, I’m sure”


Moritz whispers and crosses his hands. At that time, it seems that Carta had a game. The winner raised his fist, saying “I won!” And I saw Villefried slamming the fist against the floor.


Victory is called for each team, and the sweets that are prizes are handed over. As everyone looked envious, the winner in his mouth shuddered as if he had no feeling.


“Kuh! Another game!”


“Vilfleet brother, team division is first”




Villefried, who seemed to have forgotten me in the game, stood up with his mouth in the middle, and the team division of students from the victory and defeat, Charlotte will renew the team division of children.


It seems that they are doing their hand well, and the children who helped them find out that the children’s rooms are roughly divided into Villefried and Charlotte.


“Rose Mine”


Meanwhile, Philine asks me while listening to the situation. Looking at the wooden bill in my hand, I knew immediately what Philine had.


“Filine, can you show me?”


“Yes, Rosemine”


shining with his face, Philine showed me a collection of stories that he had compiled. What I wrote in the early days was dull and it was difficult to read because it was written in children’s spoken language, but I am getting used to writing over the last two years and my character is improving. There was a lot of Filine’s efforts in the wooden bill that understood at a glance how the spoken language became written, and I felt my cheeks loose.


“You wrote a lot,”


“Rosemine has written the story of the knight who told me about my mother. Other aristocrats are also happy to read my mother’s story. I was very happy. ”


The knight story book I made included several stories collected from children. It seems that the children of junior aristocrats who found their story in a book lent out in the children’s room after I slept seemed to be very happy.


…… I wanted to see the situation.


“Roderich, who didn’t think that what he had spoken about the desire for teaching materials, would become a book, has since been desperately collecting stories”


“I read the story of Rhoderich. I enjoyed it very much. I’m going to change the written word and make it a book again. Did Filine write all the story of her mother?”


To my question, Philine sadly looked down and shook her head.


“I couldn’t write everything. There were some forgotten stories … that’s very lonely.”


“Filine, the story has several fixed types, and the story of the distant land also resembles a wonder. There are students from various territories in the nobility. You may remember while listening to various stories. ”


Why don’t you talk to various people? I suggested, and Filine laughed and laughed after rounding her eyes like a young leaf.


“Rosemine, would you like to collect stories at the House of Lords?”


“Yeah, isn’t it a great opportunity to gather stories other than Ehrenfest?”


¡When I stretched my heart and answered, Philine went to the spot and crossed her hands.


“I promise to give Rosemine a story about each place as a civilian apprentice to gather information about each place.”


“Looking forward”


At the next moment, I ran into the room. A strange tension is filled in the room in an instant. Some of the students opened their eyes and headed here as if they were panicking.


“Rosemine, did you welcome Philine to your close?”


“… A close friend?”


I didn’t understand why, but I looked at my brother Cornelius. The brother Cornelius goes forward and shakes his head.


“No, no. I was looking next to Rosemine, but there was no such word. It was just that Firline accepted Rosemine’s request. There may be, but not at the moment. “


As soon as Mr. Cornelius said so as to calm down, the breath of relief leaked in various places. At the same time, Filine goes down with a wooden bill with a face that has no place to leave.


A girl opened her mouth as if she had decided something.


“Rosemine does n’t have a decision yet?”


So I finally understood the situation. Villefried has already formed a group that can be said to be surrounded. Also in Charlotte. Of course, I also have to decide my entourage. Considering the children who are unlikely to be close to the two, my aides must be appointed in a hurry and must be the aim.


However, there is a parent behind the child. I can’t decide the aides easily according to my preference.


“Of course, the aides are necessary. We will consult with Richard, who is the first serving, and plan to make a new one. Isn’t it natural to make a new decision centering on those who serve at the nobility’s house?”


“… Is it already decided?”


It’s no exaggeration to say that if you give priority to students from the nobility’s institution and belonging to the faction of the mother, it is roughly decided.


… I don’t know who the candidates are. I have to laugh, masquerade, stretch, and ask Richard and my mother.


“Candidates have been decided. The official announcement will be made after entering the dormitory.”


The strange tensions in the words were dissolved and the students went away.


…… Is that true or close? I have to think about that too.


Four bells rang and it was time for lunch. When I had lunch, this time I went to the priest’s room with Richard.


“Richarda, my aides are determined by the number of candidates? In that faction …”


“Yes, of course”


“Tell me later. The faction would have changed in two years.”


“I’m smart”


As a result of listening to various things along the way, it seems that the only ones that can be said to be my aides right now are the three escort knights, Richarda, and Otirier. Because I am not there, he seems to have removed the side serving apprentice. Then you can serve Charlotte.


“Because the dormitory of the Aristocratic House is a place to live. You can’t stay in a repaired attitude. You can see the person’s appearance. It ’s not bad to be a place to choose.”


…… In other words, I can also see the real figure. This was a problem.


When I went to the chief’s office, information providers had already been gathered.


Probably because he was called by the chief priest who is the mother-in-law of the lord. A young person who seemed to have no place to stay and an elderly person who seemed to be his boss were in a set and lined up with bad looks.


































































































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