Talking to the chief priest, I decided to make medicine from bell 3 to bell 4 the next morning. If this medicine is completed, I will be healthy, but I am very worried about the priest who rushes to compress the magic. I was passed through the secretary’s secret room, and I asked the secretary’s back that he was about to get out of the materials and check the equipment.


“Principal, should the compression of magic power be quite urgent?”


In response to my question, the priest looked back in amazement and said, “What are you talking about now?”


“… Rose Mine, how long will it take for your magical compression to take effect?”


“I don’t know. I’ve been compressing unconsciously to live …. I told Dermuel at the end of the spring, but it seems that my magical power has grown a bit. I don’t even know if it really works. “


In my answer, the priest asked, “What is it?”


“If we try and the magical power increases, we will make the same faction challenge. Then we will teach those who enter the faction for the purpose of magical power, but raise the magical power of Ehrenfest. If you can, how long will it take? If possible, we would like to amplify the magical power by itself until the next Georgine. “


Dermuel, whose magical power has been growing little by little in my blessing, took about half a year, and his magical power has increased to the extent that the surroundings can understand. If you want to experiment and get results by the end of the summer when Georgine will come again, how long it will be, and how long it will grow, even if you are growing up, you really have no time.


“… It’s an urgent need.”


When I was told until Georgine came again, I felt like I was able to understand the impatience of the priest. It ’s a person who can be a source of riot. I don’t know what will happen if I get serious.


“Therefore, I want to postpone making Jureve.”


The chief priest told me to squint, and I hurried and shook my head. If you give it here, you can see that it is going to be turned around. I want to be healthy early.


“I don’t like it! No! That’s that it means that Jureve is going to go after Georgine-sama? You can’t wait there. Hurry up and finish making medicine, then magic It ’s compressed. ”


“Stubborn …”


If you are told that I am talking about me, I cannot yield this.


“I want to get health before confronting Georgine, just as the priest wants to compress his magic before Georgine-sama comes. Can’t even escape? “


“… definitely so”


It’s my health from the amplification of others’ magic. It ’s the priest who said, “I do n’t know who ’s going.” When it comes to raising the bottom, my physical strength is the top priority.


It seems that my desperate claim was understood, and the chief priest held a wooden box and headed for the exit.


“First, create a hidden room in your temple head room”




“I need a place to mix medicine”


“Isn’t it good here?”


I looked around a room full of materials and equipment. The priest looks around in the same way and sighs.


“… isn’t it too narrow to work?”


Equipment such as experimental tools, a lot of materials, and a large amount of paper and wooden cards such as materials and experimental results compiled by myself. The secretary’s hidden room is too much.


As an added bonus, unlike the hidden room of the orphanage director’s office, it cannot be entered without a certain amount of magic. The condition of the room is terrible when the experiment is packed or when new materials are found and the priest is thinking about it.


“I need a place where you can take medicine and sleep, so you have to make a hidden room anyway. And it’s not so much trouble to make a big room so that you can make medicine on the spot. Do it “


It is known that if you use Euleve, you will fall into a coma, so it seems that you need a hidden room that restricts who can enter to avoid danger.


“How much space do you need?”


“It’s enough if it’s about the size of the temple headquarters. The magical power is registered with you and me. I don’t want anyone to enter while you’re sleeping.”


I decided to make a hidden room in the temple head room, as told by the chief priest. I registered in the orphanage director’s office and made it in a small temple, so there is not much tension. Put the magical power on the magic stone of the door that leads to the hidden room in the main room of the temple, and put the magical tool ring on your left hand.


My magical power emerged, and a magical team that radiates pale light on the door emerged.


When you pour your magic to register magic power, red light starts to run on the pale magic circle.


At the same time, a red light runs around his wrist holding the magic stone on the door, drawing complex patterns and letters.


…… This fantasy-like can be seen as many times as you like. Palpitate.


When I was staring at the magical power of running through the magic circle in an uplifting mood, the priest overlaid my hand on my hand and began to pour in the magical power of the priest. I was surprised for a moment, but I told you to register magical power together.


…… Speaking of what, what do you do when you register together?


While I tilted my head, the red light that runs through the magic team is getting stronger, probably because my magical power is increasing.


The priest behind me grabbed Staple with his right hand and chanted “Stilo”.


When the head of the priest touches the magic circle with the stap, the letters written in red light disappear and increase, and then begin to move as if dancing. Characters that jump out of the magic circle disappear like you can play, and are replaced with characters and figures written at the end of the stap, and the magic circle is rewritten more and more.


The scene of manipulating the letters with Stap and rewriting the magic circle was mysterious, beautiful, and full of charm that I wanted to try.


“Principal, it’s really cool that these letters wrap around. Tell me how to write a magic circle.”


“That’s the story after you got the stap”




It seems that it will be a long time before I can write the magic team coolly. It was almost the same time that I dropped my shoulders and the hidden room was completed.


“Let’s do this”


When a hidden room was created, the priest had a magic stone brooch dyed with his magic power on his side. It seems to be absolutely necessary to enter the secret room of the temple head room. He then mobilizes the side servants to bring more wooden boxes full of materials from his hidden room.


“Please put the boxes in the corner”


The priest began to spread a large cloth in the middle of the room, giving instructions to the side serving. At first glance, it looks like a transfer magic circle used by tax collectors at the harvest festival.


“Principal, is this a magic circle for transfer? Although it is similar to the one at the time of tax collection”


“Oh, it’s similar. Please go down a little.”


When the priest told me to retreat, she began to cast magical power.


The magic team for tax collection was a magic team for placing a large amount of objects and transporting them to the castle at once, but this seems to have been a magic team for taking out things. The chief priest began to take out a lot of things as if he plunged his hand into the magic circle.


…… Wow, it looks like a British nanny.


A large box that seems to be a white stone bath from a magic circle, a large pot that I am likely to put in, a long metal-like stick like a spear, a large table, and a number of wooden boxes It will be.


By the way, it is the side servant who carries the removed items.


“… It’s my secret room, but it’s now like the second workshop of the chief priest”


“It’s not your workshop, but your workshop. It will be necessary if you enter the aristocracy, so it’s not a problem even if you have it now.”


Why is tension rising just by being called my workshop? After all, is it possible to put a bookshelf so that you can put a lot of materials, or to make it more like a dense library?


“Rose Mine, don’t be fuzzy, put the seasonal ingredients you collected in the pot”


When I envisioned my dream workshop, the chief said, pointing at a large pot. It seems that the ingredients are put in a pot and kneaded with magic.


“It’s a big pot. I’m gonna put it in.”


“What do you want me to simmer?”


The eyes of the chief priest look serious. I hurry and shake my head.


“I can’t eat boiled or baked!”


“Oh, I’m going to break my belly, so I don’t want to eat it … I just thought I could get good magic”


“I’m really scared!”


While guarding the chief priest, I removed the decorative string attached from the top of the belt and shook the sleeves out of the way. And stand on a wooden box to adjust the height.


A large pan in front of you and a spatula like a paddle in a boat. If you have a triangle, you’re a perfect aunt.


“Put one of the magic stones you have collected in order, starting in the spring. When the first one is solved, put the next one”




As I said by the chief priest, I put a green magic stone that changed the honey of Laylene in a pot. Then, mix with a long, large bowl. I found out that the magical power was sucked into the cage.


“Principal, do you need a lot of magic to make medicines?”


“If you stick to quality, you need it. After that, it depends on quantity.”


The priest gave a concise answer on the table using a balance and measuring the amount of materials other than magic stones. You can see that the profile tells you not to get in the way. The priest, who narrowed his eyes and weighed with his serious eyes, seemed to enjoy the experiment and was completely helped.


The priest seems to be happy, but I soon got bored. Just stand on top of the box and swirl around. It ’s boring. The magic stone makes a noise in the pot, but there is no change.


…… How long will this continue?


Suddenly, the magic stone suddenly began to collapse. Change the shape so that it sticks to the bottom of the pot.


“Wow! The magic stone has been crawls!”


“Put the next and keep mixing”




I put a blue magic stone in which the egg of Leeds Falke was changed into a pan and kept mixing. Because there is a green magic stone that has been melted, it no longer sounds when mixed. Instead, I feel heavier to move the kite.


Round and round … Round and round …


The blue magic stone started to unravel early, probably because the green magic stone was melting. When the shape started to collapse, add the fruit of Ruell and mix it, and finally add the Schnetilum magic stone.


Round and round … Round and round …


“Principal, I have a dull arm”


“Please be patient”


Listening to my appeal, the priest looks into the blender and puts ingredients that I have never seen before. Putting a small piece of material in a pot to make it easier to mix was similar to cooking. Looking at the various materials that have been carefully engraved on the surface, the chief priest seems to be suitable for the cook.


Round and round … Round and round …


“Principal wants to take a break”


“Not good enough”


A black liquid hangs down from a small jar taken from the wooden box by the priest. I was a little nervous when I put a black thing in a pot that was a four-colored marble. However, the color in the pot does not change.


The amount in the pan started to increase at a stretch as the head was tilted to see why the color did not change. The amount of medicine that sticks to the bottom of the pot goes beyond the eighth quarter of the pot.


“Uhya !?”


“Don’t be surprised”


“I’m surprised! I can’t drink so much!”


I thought I would leave the remaining part as a regular medicine, but I don’t need it. I pointed to the pot and said the priest lightly praised her shoulder.


“I drink about half of the cup, but Jureve doesn’t drink. It soaks.”


Saying so, the chief pointed at a square box made of white stone. I put the juleve I made in that box and I will sleep in that box. Unexpected. I have taken all of my medicine so far, so I just thought it was a drink. Everyone was hung down as a regular medicine.


“… Can you speak?”


“I have never heard of a drowning in Jureve. Don’t be surprised. My hands have stopped. It’s the final finish. Mix it properly.”


In the pot that I mix all round, the priest just drops a drop of some medicine. I dropped it. At that moment, the surface of the medicine shined brightly and became a pale blue medicine.


“It’s done. Now it can be used anytime.”


The priest said, covering the pot with the magic pot, and covering it with a cloth with a magic circle. It seems to prevent quality from being lost or damaged. There seems to be a lot of useful items that I don’t know about the priest’s wonder tool. I want you to show the list this time.


“Principal, how much will you wake up if you use it?”


“It’s like one season from January. To be honest, I don’t have a clue. But it’s okay to keep things a little longer so you can get away with it.” [19459002 ]

“What to do … Are you writing a letter to your family or giving instructions to your side?”


“Oh, yes. While you are asleep, I will be in charge of the work related to the printing industry. Contact Benno to avoid bringing in trouble as much as possible.” 19459002]

“… I understand”


If you fall asleep for a season, your family will be surprised. You have to prepare a letter to give to Lutz in case you decide to use Jureve.


It’s okay if you leave the orphanage to Vilma, and the side service will be fine if you have Fran and Zarm. I’m most worried about the workshop, but I don’t think it’s going to expand without me, so if you only have a story to print, Gil and Fritz will help.


I confirmed and confirmed that I would use it until the spring when I used Jureve.


ureve was made, so I was rushed by the chief priest and headed to the castle the next day. I decided to teach how to compress magic in the afternoon.


“Is the contract ready?”




In the office of the lord who was paid by people other than those involved, a wooden box, several cloaks, a leather bag and an iron were prepared as I requested.


In the room are me, the priest, the lords and the Karsted family, and finally Dermuel, who has to sign contract magic.


“Please sign this contract”


¡Everyone signs in order the contract magic document that states that it doesn’t turn to my enemies and tells nobody how to compress the magic, and I collect the money I will do it.


The senior aristocrat is two large coins, half price from the second member of the same family. From now on, intermediate aristocrats will be paid 8 small coins and lower aristocrats will be paid 2 small coins. When I decided to pay half of that amount to Ehrenfest as money for contract magic, my foster father was crying and pleased.


Dermuel, who has been exempted from money this time, signed the document so that he could not speak in the same way as everyone else, and started explaining after the contract magic was over.


“Let’s ask Dermuel for an assistant”


I showed you how to compress magic, just as I taught Dermuel. It is said that it is a compression method in the nobility’s house to thrust a cloak spread out into a wooden box and push it tightly, and in order to pack as much magic as possible, teaching that it is better to compress the magic to carefully fold the cloak Fold the cloak with Dermuel and put it in a wooden box.


“I see. Certainly it’s much easier to see with the eyes, and the magical power is easier to compress.”


The foster father who closed his eyes moved his magical power.


“Is it possible for an adopted father to increase his magic even when he’s grown up?”


“Oh, I can do it”


The lord compresses the magical power while saying happily. Since the adoptive father has never folded his cloak by himself, he said he could afford more than expected when he could imagine the act of folding it with his eyes. I found out that both father and mother were concentrating with their eyes closed.


“If you compress it too much at one time, Dermuel said that you feel sick as if you were drunk by magic, please increase it to an unreasonable degree.”


Compress a little, increase magic power, and compress the increased amount again. The magic power increases with the accumulation, but if you suddenly increase the power density in your body, you seem to get sick. I always felt bad and fell down, so I don’t know which one is magical, but it seems that compressing magic is not very good for you.


Dermuel who wants to increase by the summer seems to have been quite difficult, but it seems to be important to acclimate the body to the magic power concentration a little higher.


“I can still increase it”


“Wow, it’s amazing. It looks like there was plenty of room.”


“I’m going to increase this, and it will be stronger than my older brother Lamprech and older brother Eckhart”


Brother Eckhart, Brother Lamprecht, Brother Cornelius deal with magical power while raising a surprise voice. Probably, my elder brothers who have rough brain muscles don’t fold their capes. All of them are still absurd of senior nobility with caregivers. If you were just trying to push it in, you would have a lot of room.


The priest chief shook his head with a difficult face as everyone raised a surprise voice.


“I don’t seem to be very effective”


Primaries who seemed to have compressed the magical image with a similar image seems to have little effect. As expected, he is a serious and serious priest. It seems that they were trying various things during the period of the Aristocracy, how to increase the magic power even a little.


“Now let’s go one step further”


“Is there a destination?”


In front of the spectacular priest, I put several folded cloaks in a leather bag and compressed them with my own weight. Looking at the leather bag that is less than half the volume, the priestess rounds her eyes.


“This is the Rosemine compression method”


“Let’s do it”


The chief priest carved a spear between the eyebrows, and when he closed his eyes, he began working on compressing magic.


The chief priest, who was concentrating so as to lift up a sweat between the eyebrows, suddenly took the medicine box that had been lowered on his waist and suddenly groaned.


When I finished taking the medicine, I closed my eyes again and started to concentrate.


“What did you drink, priest?”


“It’s a medicine that increases magic. Can it be compressed without increasing?”


Talking like a normal thing, I dragged my cheeks.


“That’s really bad for your body !? I mentioned earlier that if you suddenly compress too much magic, you’ll put a strain on your body? Stop the dangerous thing! To reduce the risk What do you do when you have signed a contract magic with various conditions? ”


Dermuel, who had been waiting for a natural increase, said that he had caused magical sickness, but what is it to increase the magical power with medicine?


Even though I was angry, the chief priest shook his hand lightly, “Stop if you think it ’s dangerous. Then close your eyes again and start to concentrate.


Because I was too busy, I started ironing the cloaked cloak with a leather bag. When the third piece was over, the chief opened his eyes.


The chief who exhales slowly looks at me with a complicated face.


“… Rosemine, you’re pretty sturdy. Spiritually”


“What do you mean?”


“It’s hard to compress as you compress.”


The face of the priest who raised his bangs while saying so seems to be not so good. In front of me, who shrugged, the chief tapped the temple.


“This is my personal consideration, but how much compression can be greatly influenced by mental power. This is the same as before. Even if you know a new compression method, it means if there is no mental power. Then, since the concentration of the magic power in the body changes at a stretch, I think that it is better to gradually increase the concentration while thinking of folding the magic power at first. It ’s bad, it ’s going to take a long time to get used to it. ”


I lifted my eyebrows unintentionally to the priest who said so with a serious face.


“Isn’t that almost what I said earlier?” Have you not heard of other people? Ferdinand-sama, you, are you really stupid? “


… Someone, Harisen, Please!


It will be the previous story that a clear result will be obtained, but the magical power compression by the leaders has thus begun.


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