Two days after sending the members of the Gilberta Company and the priests to Hasse, a carriage with me and a minister’s side service and a chef set off for the small shrine of Hasse. The reason why there was a two-day gap between the departure of Benno and the side is to have Benno deliver the letter to the mayor of Hasse.


The date and time to Hasse is written to announce Hasse’s charges and punishment and to dispose of the mayors and rebels. There is no need to wait for a reply. This letter is an order that I wrote the date, but with the stamp of the lord.


I head to Hasse with the beast toward the bell of 5 but the letter has already arrived. Nowadays, the Hasse people are probably in tension and anxiety that even lunch will not go through their throat. I must be guilty and condemn the mayor.


Sighing slowly, I put the pen. Collect the finished paper and send it to Fritz.


“Fritz, this is the text of the winter picture book. Give it to Vilma and ask him to draw an illustration.”


“I’m smart”


Fritz and Gill have been asked to make a picture book of autumn and winter genus before the summer star knot. The autumn genus is almost complete, so it is almost printed, but the winter genus has not yet been illustrated.


The side service left in my room, which sent out side service early in the morning, was Fritz, who manages the workshop, and Fran, who is supposed to act on the beast.


In addition to two people, there are now several gray priests who usually work in the workshop in my room. The reason why we gathered and helped only the gray priests who have served blue priests is that they send out exclusive chefs to Hasse and invite the priest chief who has little side service to lunch today.


“… Hey, Fran. Is it okay to cook? Isn’t it okay if you leave it to Fugo …”


For today’s lunch, when Ella departed for the prayer ceremony, Hugo and another assistant were borrowed from the guild head and Frida. It seems that the successor of the Italian restaurant chef has grown up, and Fugo wanted to make a connection with me.


“Although it is an unfamiliar kitchen, it is not so different from the kitchen in the orphanage director’s room, so we are cooking without any problems. The priest will be satisfied.”


“Eckhart brother and Justokus, too”


For today’s lunch, we invite a chief priest who sent a dedicated chef to Hasse. After finishing lunch, I was going to go to Hasse with the beast toward the bell of 5, so there was no need to invite Eckhart and Eustox to lunch. However, the old man who stated that he had great expectations flew away and had to be invited.


“If you don’t write faster than that, there will be a chief priest.”


“That’s right”


In a letter of thanks to Frida, which I plan to leave with Fugo, I wrote a seasonal menu often made by Fugo and Ella last year, and added that I will go to eat again after the prayer ceremony is over .


If you seal it and give it to Fritz, you should give it to Fugo when you pay for today’s business trip.


“… Is it a priest?”


A bell rings over the door to inform the visitor. When Fritz opened the door, there was Zarm and the Priest, followed by Eckhart and Eustox.


“Rose Mine, I’m sorry for leaving lunch”


“No, I have heard my desire to move on the beast. I am grateful to the priest.”


“I’m sorry to have you prepared for us”


Next, Eckhart brother came in with a good smile. Is it because I’m a small person who wants Kenji who eats like a father to look a little ugly?


After a long lunch in Fugo, we have a discussion about Hasse heading to the future while drinking the tea that Franc has put in.


You must explain the current state of Hasse to Eckhart and Eustok, who do not know the details.


I started talking after confirming that everyone had the eavesdropping witchcraft presented to the chief. It was all the beginning that spread the printing industry to the territory and said that I wanted an orphanage and workshop with a temple so that I could easily go in and out.


“I was ignorant.”


At that time, immediately after the baptismal ceremony, I knew very little about the nobility. So, I was planning to ask an architectural workshop in the downtown area to build an orphanage and a workshop. In fact, if only the orphanage and the workshop were there, there was no problem in asking the downtown area.


But I said I wanted a temple. The temple is where the nobility’s blood draws the blue priest, so at the time of this remark, it was decided to build a white building.


“If I knew about the nobility, I wouldn’t say I wanted a small temple, and I wouldn’t have spoken to such a request at a seat invited to a meal.”


“If Jilvester wasn’t happy with his delicious food, he wouldn’t have jumped out right away. I should have also considered Rosemine as a noble common sense.”


The priest lightly exhaled.


Ordinarily, even the priest who should stop Jilvester, I am fostering a foster father and a priest in cooking, and I am trying to pass the request in an advantageous position to myself Thought. The chief priest seems to be delighted to be able to do a lot of aristocratic things, so the difference between consciousness and common sense is terrifying.


“As a result, a small temple was built in Hasse that day.”


Unlike the Eckhart brother, who is amazed by the surprising back grounds, Justoks shined his eyes happily.


“Hoho. The truth is always full of surprises. That’s why it’s interesting to get information. So what kind of problems have occurred? Well, please tell me.”


Then, the small shrine of Hasse was arranged so that people could live, and the orphans were to be picked up.


The reason I tried to take the orphans was because I thought at first that the burden on Hasse, who was taking care of it, would be reduced, and I was going to help the poor orphans.


“I was able to help the girl and her brother who seemed to be sold. However, the city of Hasse fell into a remote area because of my actions.”


The mayor of Hasse, who has already signed a contract with a noble civilian, cannot be withdrawn. I don’t know what difficult challenges I can face without fulfilling the promises with the civilian, and I was planning to prepare for wintering with the amount I could get, but I couldn’t get that amount.


“I didn’t know that the Hasse orphans were treated like a common property until pointed out by the Gilberta Chamber of Commerce”


“I don’t usually know how to treat orphans, because at Ehrenfest the child who has finished the baptismal ceremony takes care of the workplace.”


Eckhart brother asks “Is that so?” Justoks, who knows how Ehrenfest’s commoner orphans are treated, is no ordinary aristocrat.


“If it was about the temple, I thought it would be a matter of asking the former temple head. The mayor, who didn’t know that the former temple head died, believed that there was a strong backing, I have attacked the small temple to get it back. “


“Wait! Would the small temple be a white building made by Ferdinand?”


Eckhart brother tears his eyes and screams. I whispered.


The white building where the nobility lives can only be made by the lord or the lord’s child, and attacking it is regarded as an attack on the lord family. I didn’t know, but I’m sorry I didn’t know.


“With the protection of the small temple, there was no damage here, but Hasse has become a rebel town.”


“Defeat immediately!”


The priest stops the Eckhart brother who suddenly took out the starp with one sigh.


“Eckhart, calm down. Hasse is a teaching material for Rosemine.


By becoming a town of rebels, Hasse became a town that could be handled in any way by the chief priest and became my teaching material.


“Hasse learns to move Rosemine, gains his desired outcome, knows to judge criminals, and considers how his actions affect It’s a teaching material. “


“… Is it a teaching material?”


“Oh, yes, it’s Justus. Rosemine says he doesn’t want to turn off Hasse, so he created the anti-mayor school and raised it so that it didn’t have to be erased, and raised the task of isolating the rebel mayor. This time, we will dispose of the mayor and the faction. ”


Brother Eckhart looked at me with mysteriously looking at the words of the chief laughing.


“Isn’t a commoner attacking a white building just a harm? Is it right to get rid of it? What does Rosemine hate?”


As you can see from Eckhart’s words, common sense is completely different between me and the nobility.


Hmm, I twist my neck and try to express my common sense.


“In my common sense, the lord is to protect the people. I can’t understand the idea that one town can easily erase many people. It’s more than reflection. Isn’t it better to let them live? “


“Save it? What is it for?”


Eckhart brother broke his eyebrows, saying that he could not understand it seriously.


“Is the commoner a tax bearer for the nobility? I thought it would be better to pay the tax. The penalty for Hasse that I proposed to my adoptive father was a 10-year tax increase.” [19459002 ]

“… Food. The roots and nobility are completely different”


Brother Eckhart, who knows that I was a soldier’s daughter, slowly strokes his chin, thinking that the difference in common sense is the difference between the nobility and the commoner.


“Surely, as Rosemine says, the lord is protecting the people, because he is filling the magic and giving them a place to live. But only obedient people should be protected, and there is no need to keep alive, such as rebels who do not know the benefits of the lord. “


The lord gives magical power, activates the land, and creates and maintains an environment for people to live. Brother Eckhart said that he lived in the territory and received the benefits of the lord’s magical power and aristocratic magical powers, but committed a treasonous crime.


“But if you include the rural people around Hasse, even if you exclude it, there are nearly two hundred Hasse townspeople. If you smash Hasse, tax revenue will decrease. Isn’t the lord and the noble in trouble after all? “


It ’s useless to attack with humanity, and there is no difference in common sense between classes. That is why I will attack in the direction of tax revenue.


However, there was no effect at all.


“I don’t care now”


“I don’t have much trouble”




I was immediately returned to the Priest and Justus, and my eyes blinked. The chief priest opens his mouth unpleasantly while carving a deep fold between his eyebrows.


“There is a shortage of aristocrats, a shortage of priests, and a lack of magical power. The state is thinning to the fullest to save those who are now. There was a little room for magic power by performing the ceremony, but there are still more commoners consuming the magical aristocracy.


“Please wait a moment!”


“When I stood up to an unexpected word, the chief secretly sighed me and said,“ I don’t stand up suddenly.


“… I’ll be waiting because you say so. So that the best solution for you wants to help the townspeople other than the mayor as much as possible without disposing of the rude and foolish mayor. Isn’t this waiting? “


I thought a lot about the priest, whether it was mean or devil, but apparently I was given the maximum concession from the priest.


However, Eckhart brother groaned me unsatisfiedly because it seemed that his attitude seemed to be overwhelming.


“Rose Mine, it’s better not to be a fool who keeps the benefits and directs his weapons to the lords’ family. If you don’t leave behind a tedious imitation, you should just erase it.”


“No, Eckhart. I agree with the princess’s plan to squeeze long and thin. It takes time to grow up around the time when the tax can be paid, so even if the commoner is too low, the commoner has a slight illness. You will die soon if it is popular. ”


I dropped my shoulder to the opinion of Justus, who is a tax collector. After all, I am not familiar with the aristocratic thinking.


“Now, let’s head to Hasse. This time we will dispose of the mayor as a rebel. Let me show you how much humanity Rosemeine has moved. As you wanted, the anti-mayor. It would be nice to have more “


The priest raises the lips.


I felt like my heart was tight.


Put out a beast at the main entrance of the temple. It ’s Franc and Zarm that rides my Lesser. And Brigitte gets on the passenger seat for escort. The passenger seat was a reserved seat for Brigitte.


“Princess, would you like to leave this baggage on the princess’s beast?”


JUSTOKUS brings a large box to the gray priest. It is a big box that is strictly locked. An adult man can manage to carry it alone, and it’s a good chair size for me.


Since it is difficult to carry with a beast, I will immediately acknowledge it.


“Yes, please.”


Fran and Zarm put the box that the gray priest carried on the Lesser. And just as I tried to get into the Lesserbus, Justoks smiled.


“Put me on, Rosemine”




The Priest’s thunder fell immediately. Just after he exhaled lightly that Yustox had no learning ability in the same development as at the Harvest Festival, Yustox quickly smiled.


“I don’t want to leave this box because I’m the administrator of this box. Do you know the importance of Ferdinand?”


‘I ’m wondering if the chief justice staring with a brutal face that seemed to be able to help me yelling at Yustox ’s heart was looking at me for a while. It was.


“Rose Mine, do not listen to the story of Yustox. You will be distracted and fall.”


“Ferdinand’s forgiveness came out. Come on, princess,”


“Eh? Eh? Was it forgiveness for now?”


Turning the back to me, I compared the priest who put out his own beast with Yustox, who urged him to say “Oh, hey,” and I open the entrance of the Lesser.


“Fran, please tell me how to fasten my seat belt”


“I’m smart”


Although I started off with a frolic Yustox on a Lesserbus, “Yuhime, what is this? How do you use it?”


At first, I was polite, but I was scared that the remark that the chief priest said, “I will be distracted” will be true.


“The princess, the last question. How did you make this beast?”


“No matter how you are told … It’s hard to explain because I thought it was something like this.”


“That’s a shame. I wanted something similar …”


An empty drive to Hasse does not require much time. We arrived at Hasse soon.


As with the Harvest Festival, if you try to get off the square, people will retreat and leave the place. Unlike the harvest festival, everyone went away as soon as they left the place. All of the profiles that hang down their heads were all sore. Children seem to be aware of the atmosphere, and no children are making noise. She is clinging to her parents with an anxious face, or crawls like an adult.


I struck my lips tightly in a heavy atmosphere where I knew everyone was aware of the current situation. Will it really end with the disposition of only the mayor?


I looked up at the head of the priest, but I couldn’t grasp the truth of the priest.


“… I was waiting for a letter from Gilberta Company”


It seems that the letter given to Benno had arrived properly.


On the stage, several people centered around Licht and waited. Probably the village head of the surrounding village.


The mayor was convicted and Richt would have organized the Winter Hall as a representative. Licht begins greetings as a representative.


“Temple Head, Priesthood Secretary. Welcome to Hasse. My sincere gratitude for the visit of the goddess of water, Fruthrene.”


We received a polite greeting for the nobility and we whispered lightly. When the lit Licht raises his face, it will be high enough to meet my eyes.


“The temple head, Hasse is …”


“I’m sorry, Licht. As I wrote in the letter, the attack on the small temple is a treason to the lords. No matter how much I ask the adoptive father, it doesn’t change.” [19459002 ]


When I say so to Licht, I call on the people who gather in the square. Have the magical tool that amplifies your voice that you used during the festival.


“Dear Hasse, the attack on the small temple is a treason to the lord clan. No matter how much I ask the adoptive father, it does not change. In the case of Hasse, who was attacked by the mayor and was attended by many townspeople, it was a sin that would crush the entire town as a dangerous town hostile to the lord. ”


Rough and open spaces. A sad voice comes from the front saying, “What did the mayor do?”


“But there are farmers here who usually spend time in rural areas. Some may have been threatened or deceived by the mayor. I reconsider crushing the entire hasse with solidarity, I asked for my best and rethought it. ”


ぉ Our voices startle and everyone’s complexion is recolored.


I added in a hurry before the expectations rose.


“Nevertheless, there is no punishment. The punishment for Hasse is a ban on the dispatch of priests to this year’s prayer ceremony and a 10-year tax increase. The punishment incurred is not light, forgive me who were out of force. “


This time, a voice of joy came up. You can see the people who are happy and have their chests bald and embrace each other.


“Even if you escape from solidarity responsibility is enough”


“Thank you, temple chief”


As the plaza swelled up, the chief went quietly and picked up magical tools that amplify the voice from my hands.


And, with the magic tool in hand, make a chilly voice.


“Take out the rebels and dispose of them.”


The square calmed down in an instant. The quietness that can be heard and the sound of breathing dominates the place.


Licht once closed his tight eyes and asked, “I was clever”.


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