After finishing the Carta game in the children’s classroom with my victory, I spoke to Villefried who was sad and stepping on the ground.


“My brother, Villefried, I will be away for a dedication ceremony three days later. When you come back, please practice so that you can beat me in Carta”


“Nu? If you’re away for a while? … Everyone has a chance to win. Now we will win Rosemine!”


Villefried’s voice was more conscious of the next victory than losing regret.


“Hey! Let’s win, Mr. Villefleet”


“It’s a strategy meeting! Rosemine is over there. Don’t ask”


Villefried, who was able to compete in the children’s classroom, is growing steadily by acting on the one who has a good personality and dislikes. It’s also a smile that I feel like an innocent elementary school boy who has gathered friends since I decided to win this winter goal with Carta, and was doing something that seems to be a strategy meeting.


“How long has Rosemine been to the temple?”


The yellow-green eyes like the young leaves of Linene look at me uneasy, but I cannot give a clear answer. There are many anxiety factors about how much the former temple head is affected and what to do with the Holy Grail that the adoptive father has taken over without permission.


“I don’t know exactly how long it will take to fill the Holy Grail, so I can’t say it clearly. If you have time, you might want to copy this story.” [19459002 ]


I hand over the second story of the story of Philine’s mother. I’ll leave it as a manuscript to make it into a book, but I’m going to make a booklet that will eventually be bound with a thread.


“Excuse me, Rosemine”


Filine received the manuscript with her face shining. When we laugh at each other, several girls run from the side.


“Rose Mine, Rose Mine. I have also heard from my mother.”


“The picture book of God is wonderful, but I want to read the story of the knight who the bard tells me.”


Surrounded by cute girls, three days passed while working on the concept of the next book, writing down the contents of the stories they talked about in order.


“Richarda is a little hard to move”


“What are you talking about, princess? If you are going to go in a snowstorm like this with a beast, you will still not have enough cold protection.”


The day when I go back to the temple, it was a snowstorm and the visibility was quite bad. The snow is so deep that you can’t go back and forth by carriage, so today we are going to move with a beast.


Richarda, who was worried about my physical condition, put on clothes one after another to prevent the cold, but it is cramped and difficult to move.


“My knight has walls and a roof …”


Publish a microbus-sized lesser and put Brigitte for Ella, Rosina and escort.


If you board, snow and wind will be blocked, so it is not particularly cold.


The priest, Darmuel and Brigitte are wearing cloaks in the same full-body armor as when Trombe was subjugated. If you wear metal armor, etc. in this snowstorm, you may become frostbite.


The chief priest smiled at my question.


“Because this armor is a kind of magic tool, you don’t need to worry about that.”


An armor that looks like metal at first glance is a kind of magic tool, and it seems to have cold and fireproof functions. Since performance seems to vary depending on the quality of the original magic stone and the person’s magical power, Dermuel is more worried than the priest.


“Wouldn’t Ferdinand and Dermuel ride the Lesser?”


“No, you need to be vigilant, so if you can move around, no problem.


It seems that it is not unusual for the Knights to be dispatched to defeat the monsters that appear in the snowstorm, and both of them jumped on the monsters, saying that there was no problem. The Knights seem to be more severe than expected.


“I thought what would happen when asked to move in a snowstorm, but this is comfortable.”


As Rosina says, he arrived at the temple safely without hitting a snowstorm or causing an accident. It would have been more comfortable than a carriage.


However, this is thanks to the head of the chief priest and Dermuel in the snowstorm and the white field of view. I don’t think I could reach the temple without the cloaks of the two blue and ocher.


When driving in the sky, the sense of direction is completely lost and it is too dangerous. I was scared to drive on the snowy road, but I was more scared to drive on the snowy sky.


“Come back, Rosemine,”


“I just returned, Franc, Monica”


As soon as I tidy up the reserva and rushed into the temple, Fran and Monica jumped out to meet me. As expected, in this snowstorm, it seemed that the beast could not be seen.


“Rose Mine, if you change your clothes, head to the temple headquarters for a votive meeting. You should change your clothes and wait.”


“I understand”


Even though he was flying in the snowstorm with a beast, neither the priest nor Darmell was a snowman. The Knights armor was amazing.


Dermuel changed into an escort room first because he changed his armor, and Brigitte was escorted in his armor.


Franc went to Dermuel to carry tea. When Brigitte changes clothes, Nicola takes tea to the escort room.


I am also changing clothes. Because I hit the snow in a short distance from the beast to the temple, I asked Monica to wipe my face and hair and wear a lot of clothes one by one as if peeling off the onion one by one Let me take it off.


And then change into the clothes of the temple head. My body became lighter and easier to move.


When I finished changing clothes and exhaled while drinking hot tea, a priest who changed from armor to priestly clothes came.


“Kanfel and Frittak are ready for the votive ceremony. The votive ceremony will begin on tomorrow’s Saturday, as originally scheduled. Try to rest slowly today.” [19459002 ]

“I understand …. But how much does the former shrine heading affect, and what do you decide to do with the Holy Grail that the adoptive father has undertaken?”


Even so, there are few blue priests and insufficient magic power. There, Gilvester has taken over the Holy Grail, but what will happen?


Considering the future, I said “I’ll do my best to clean up myself,” but it’s clear that busy winter lords can’t come to the temple to deliver magical power. . The chief priest said “it’s true”, but what did it do?


“I have the responsibility of the lord and his wife. No problem”


The priest said, taking two magic stones out of the bag that hangs on his waist. I could see a lot of magic power being poured into the magic stone used to absorb the magic power. If you want to collect this much magic, you need a lot of magic.


“… Did you really put magical powers into the lords and wife?”


“No way. There will be no way for two people who are pouring magic to maintain the territory to do that.”


“I just thought I could do it if I was a priest. I wonder if I had taken away my magic by saying that I had to clean up after myself …”


When the worst expectation is offended and relieved, the chief slowly rolls up the magic stone on the palm of the hand and lifts the edge of the lips.


“There are sinners with abundant magic this year. There is no doubt that the magic is more abundant than last year. It’s better to keep it alive for a long time without disposal.”


Investigating from his evil smile, he must have negotiated with the lords and his wife and sucked magical power from the imprisoned lord’s mother and Count Bindewald. The attitude to use thoroughly what is available is reliable. When you are on your side.


“Teach the blue priest how to deal with magic power and use it to hold a dedication ceremony. If you get used to it, the amount of magic is abundant and should end earlier than last year.”


Since the magic power is small, it would be difficult to teach the blue priest who is not used to handling the powerful magic power.


“I’m going to teach Kanfel and Frittak how to deal with magical powers today, but you should keep me quiet. Today I’m also not allowed to go to an orphanage. Be careful not to get sick. Please “


If true, I am the temple head, so I need to be in the ritual from the beginning to the end of the dedication, but I have decided to give priority to physical and magical dedication. The chief priest is watching over the entire process of this year’s dedication ceremony.


“There is a call to collect winter materials during the dedication ceremony. Make sure you are in good physical condition.”




The next day, you will be bathed in the morning and dressed in a ceremonial outfit. Unlike last year, the ceremonial costume as the head of the temple is put on something like a golden Tasuki and the silver belt is tightened. All other accessories are red.


簪 is the same as the one used at the show. Monica and Nicola are getting used to the dress while getting instructions from Rosina, so the dressing time is much faster.


“Done. How is it, Rosina?”


“Yes, well done”


Rosina has a passing score, so all that remains is to wait for the ceremony to be ready.


Zam came to me waiting for a report from Franc and Monica about what happened during his absence.


“Lose Mine seems to be ready”


“I understand”


Leading by Franc and Zam, I move between ceremonies. This ceremonial chamber is the closest between the ceremonies, so it is easy to move this year.


When I was walking with care not to step on the long hem, a gray priest waiting in front of the ritual opened the door in time with our steps.


Over the door there is an altar just like last year ( Shitsura ) ] Yeah, the rituals were adorned, and the Holy Grail was lined up. The walls on both sides are lit like a bonfire, which warms the room.


“Thank you for waiting”


Unlike last year, it was not only the chief priest who was in the ceremony. Same with Kanfel and Frittak. Each is holding a magic stone filled with magical power and waiting with a tense face.


“… Then let’s get started”


The priest urged me to go forward, himself whispered to the altar and put his hands on the red cloth. Kanfel and Frittak also ask after the chief. The magic stone is placed in contact with the red cloth, and a hand is gently placed on it.


I passed next to the chief and I asked in the same way when I left a few steps. Once I looked up at the altar, I put my hand on the red cloth and turned my face down.


Last year, the words of prayer that should have been repeated following the chief priest, but this year, everyone will recite my words of prayer. I breathed lightly and opened my mouth.


“I will create the world and pray and thank the gods.”


When I say the words of prayer, the three people behind me recite, and the low voice resonates cheerfully during the ritual.


“The high god governing the sky as a high bower, the god of darkness and light, the god of the waters, the great god of water, the goddess of water, the goddess of water, the Fleetleine, the god of fire, Leidenshaft, the goddess of the wind, and the god of the Szeria Evilive, the God of Life, benefits all life that lives, respects the gods, and rewards the benefits of their precious divine power. “


魔 While speaking of prayer, magical power flows from within me. The red cloth that sucks the magic power shines brightly, and the magic power flows as a wave of light toward the altar.


Waves of light flowed one after another from behind me, and my magical power was drawn out to get on that momentum.


“Stop now”


‘I raised my face to the voice of the chief and I released my hand from the red cloth. Look at the waves of light that flow and count the number of filled Holy Grail.


Last year, we met 7 or 8 small chalices at the same time with the chief priest, but this time it seems that we were able to fill about 40 small chalices at once.


“If this is the case, it will be over tomorrow”


“No, the magical power of the magic stone is almost gone. It will take about three days to finish the dedication ceremony.”


The priest saw the magic stones recovered from Kanfel and Frittak and said so. Certainly, the magic stone is almost black, and the magical power is low.


“Kanfel, Frittak, I had a hard time. You should go back to your room and rest.”


“Thank you for helping me. Rest slowly.”


Permission to leave the room by using two magical powers that he has never dealt with and talking to two tired people.


“I’m sorry”


“I’m sorry.”


After the two people leave the room, the chief priest also speaks to the gray priest who had been kept outside the door.


“Call all the blue priests other than Kanfel and Frittak. Let’s end it all at once.”


“I’m smart”


Soot, the gray priests went down with almost no footsteps.


“If it ends in three days, it will be much easier than last year.”


Last year, the minister and two people had to fill most of the Holy Grail, as well as the extra Holy Grail that was handed over to the lord and the temple head. I was prepared to socialize with the aristocrats in that state, so I smiled naturally because it was easier than I expected.


“Unlike last year, it will not take more than ten days. We have to collect winter materials, and we will definitely finish the dedication ceremony by the next Saturday day.


“I feel relieved because I can afford to rest and recover my magic.”


It was hard to put the magical power of Ruel, and if you want to dye it with your own magical power, you need a lot of magical power. When using magical power at the dedication ceremony, I had to forcefully restore my magical power with such an outrageous bitter pill, so I was honestly happy that I could afford it.


…… If there is no Holy Grail, it will end sooner.


While thinking so, I looked at the Little Holy Grail that the lord increased without permission.


“What is the small Holy Grail that the priest and the adopted father have undertaken?”


“West of Ehrenfest, the Holy Grail of Freibelturk”


In the words of the priest, I thought of a map. I have heard that the lords of the West and the lords of Ehrenfest are in good standing.


“Is the lord of the West a good friend?”


“That’s right. The relationship is good, but it’s hard for the lords and wives to be weak at the request of Freibertak.”


Up until now, the chief has been in the bargaining area and has given favorable conditions to this, and sometimes rejected it, but from now on, the chief must go to the bargaining field. He said that the Lord and his wife would be treated well.


“Are you Florentia?”


“The lords and lords of Freibertak are the brothers and sisters of Ehrenfest and his brothers and sisters.


For Zilvester, it seems that the second sister married to Freibertak, and Florentia, the sister of Freibertak’s lord, married to Ehrenfest.


And, unlike Ehrenfest, Freibertak was a land that was caught up in a political change that occurred in the middle several years ago, and the former lord was executed before and succeeded Florenzia’s successor The elder brother said he was desperate to rebuild the territory. It seems to be more difficult in many ways than Ehrenfest.


“Both of them were close friends, but they would like to help, but they were in trouble because the crowd came here. Thanks to you, I was saved, Rosemine.” [19459002 ]

“Principal, say that, are you going to put me on the side again?”


睨 ふ ぅ 睨 、 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 194 神 神 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194


“Because you are the temple head and I am the chief priest,”


“It is better for the chief to look into the meaning of impossibility. It’s unusual to remember wrong.”


Blue priests came to a place laughing with Fufufufu.


The chief priest who looked at the entrance and stopped at the entrance urged me to leave the room.


“The temple head should go down and rest”


“Now excuse me first. Please do the rest for me.”


I leave the room with the head of the priest, and return to my room with a laughing blue priest.


Monica was called and changed from ceremonial clothes to everyday clothes.


“Fran, the votive ceremony is likely to end sooner than expected, so the day to return to the castle is likely to be earlier”


“Do you know when it will be?”


“The next three days will be dedicated to the dedication ceremony, but the priest said, but more than that… Oh, I hear there ’s material recovery that I ’ll have to accompany on the next Saturday.


franc tells me the plan I heard from the chief priest and writes on the writing board. “There seems to be less burden on Rosemine than originally planned,” he said.


The original plan was to collect the material in the middle of the dedication ceremony and join the dedication ceremony as soon as it came back.


“The priest has prepared the medicine, but it seems that he no longer needs to use it.”


“I am very happy about that.”


“Now, Rosemine. Can you read it while you are in the temple?”


Fran brought the letters and letters he had collected while he was in the castle. I was happy to start the paperwork because it was an easy task to read through the letters.


Most of them were ceremonial letters, “Thank you for coming to the Harvest Festival. Best regards for the prayer ceremony”, but there are a mix of personal letters to the former temple chief.


“… Is this that person?”


A secret love letter to the former temple chief had arrived. I don’t have confidence in the handwriting appraisal, but the handwriting seems to be similar, so I think it’s definitely correct.


The letter says “I have something I really want to ask for. Only you can rely on.”


…… Even if I was told that there was something I wanted to ask for.


I can’t meet the head of the temple who has already died. Moreover, the date specified in the letter that you want to meet has already passed.


In front of a letter with neither a sender nor an address, I crossed my arms and asked me.


Well, what should we do?


“For the time being, the temple head is dead, I just have to write a reply and talk to the priest.”


Since there was a reply paper enclosed, I wrote the reply as usual on the paper. The wording on the letter given to the individual temple head is the same. After a long greeting, I wrote the closing greeting by saying, “The temple head went up the stairs leading to a much higher level.”


Unlike the mayor of Hasse, the secret girlfriend is a nobleman, so the meaning should be understood without problems.


“This is fine”


Put a pen and wait for the ink to dry. And at the moment when it was folded in half so as to fit in the envelope, magic power flowed from the ring to the paper.


“Hayaka !?”


Listening to my magical power, both the received document and the reply document took the shape of a bird like Ordnance and jumped out.


“Are you okay, Rosemine?”


“Yeah, it’s okay, Brigitte. I was just surprised. I didn’t think it was a magic tool.”


I understood that the letter was a magic tool. If you put magic in your reply letter, you can return to the sender and you don’t need the sender’s name or address.


“Please let me know when the priest has finished the ritual. I have to tell you”


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