I am Villefried, 7 years old.


Since I finished my baptism in the spring, I do n’t like Rosemine being more sloppy even though I was a brother of Rosemine.


Supplied by my father and mother at dinner time whether they were free to enter or leave the castle, have no teacher, or have studied magic before. That’s just Rosemine.


Lamplecht said, “Rosmain is hard,” but it has been decided to lie to her sister. What can you do with Rosemine, who falls down and dies quickly after a short run?


After finishing breakfast and finishing basic training with knight apprentices, on the way back to the room, I met Rosemine who came down the stairs. It is rare for Rosemine to be in the castle since the third bell rang.


後 After seeing my eyes, I was immediately deflected, so I knew immediately that I was going to my father. I was told not to ask my father to get in the way, but Rosemine was allowed to go …


“Is it my father again? …”

“If you say that, Villefried brother, sly, sly, would you like to change your life for a day?”


When I thought I would yell again, Rosemine was suggesting that while leaning my head quietly. I don’t understand the meaning and I tilt my head.


“What? What do you mean?”


“I have something to report to my adoptive father today. After that, I was planning to have lunch here and return to the temple, but my brother Villefried instead of me. I will head to the temple as the head of the temple.Let’s stay from today’s lunch to tomorrow’s lunch.We will have a meeting and a reflection meeting while eating lunch.


“That’s a good idea!”


Rosene Mine’s suggestion is that I can leave the castle all day and spend as much as I want without a noisy teacher or side service.


“Villefleet! Rosemeine!”


Lamplecht yelled with a scary face when preaching. Rosemine, who shouted and thought to cry, simply raised his eyebrows and looked up at Lamprecht with his golden eyes like the moon.


“Lamplecht brother … No, Lamplecht, if you don’t know what to say, it’s better to let it experience once. I’ll talk to my adoptive father. If it comes from then, it will be time to finish the boring report. “


Listening to Lamprecht in an adult-like manner, Rosemine gave something strange. Get on it and start moving.


“What is this?”


“I’m a beast. I’m going to fall in the hall, so I got permission from my adoptive father.”


“I don’t have a beast yet, but only Rosemine!”


“Please change your clothes as soon as possible. I’ll be waiting for you in my father’s office.”


Saying that, Rosemine moved away by moving the beast as fast as an adult walks. I also want a vehicle that moves a little bit.


“… is that a beast? No, no … isn’t it a little bigger Grun?”


“Hurry up, Lamprecht!”


rushing Lumprecht who is blinking, when I returned to my room, I had my body lightly wiped and finished changing clothes. Then hurry to the father’s office.


When the knight standing at the door saw me, he opened the office door. Going to the first-time father’s office for the first time, a little pounding.


In the room, there was a father and his escort Karstedt, then Ferdinand, who was his father’s assistant, and Rosemine who held a piece of paper on which something was written.


“Villefleet, who are you really going to replace life with Rosemine? Stop it”


My father is open and I disagree if it has already been talked about.


My father was stopped without a head, and I was reluctant, and Rosemine was one step ahead and argued against my father.


“My brother Villefleet wants me. Please give me it.”


“… Rose Mine”


I didn’t think my sister saying cheeky would be my friend. When he felt the chest gin, Rosemine looked up at Ferdinand.


“Ferdinand has promised me that I will be in good mood. And it is the adoptive father who ordered Ferdinand to do it, isn’t it?”


“If I can handle a difficult task by keeping Villefleet all day, I have no objection”


Ferdinand, who doesn’t talk much with me, whispered satisfactorily and will be on my side. My father became a bitter face.


However, Ferdinand had never even thought of being on my side from my father. Too rarely, when I was wide open, Rosemine laughed and smiled at my father.


“I’m tired of being told that I’m awkward every time I meet my face. And when I looked at the orphanage, I became my position, what I should do, and now I realized “If you do n’t revise your educational policy, it will be irreversible.”


“… Ferdinand, is this their education?”


Ferdinand and Rosemine’s answers overlapped with the voice of his father’s sigh.


“It will be the original”


“This is an educational result”


“Okay, I know. If Villefleet wants it, try exchanging it all day. I stopped it … the story is over.”


The father lightly shakes his hand to urge him to leave the room. Me and Rosemine left the room together. He won the victory from his father, who was initially opposed.


“Let’s go back to the room, Villefried brother”


Rosemine was on the same unusual monster and started moving at the same speed as me. He said it was interesting and said, “Get on.” But he was cut off as “For one person”.


“Now, I want to ride.”


I changed to Rosemine, but I can’t move the beast. I grabbed a black and round object as Rosemine did and tried to shed magical power, but it didn’t move.


“The cavalry is a thing that can be moved by magical power, and because it has registered magic power, it seems that only that person can basically move it. Although it seems that it can flow magical power,”


Rosemine said that and urged me to get off. It’s really good with a fluffy sitting comfort. When I have my own beast, I decide to make it like this.


“Let Wilfried have a meeting at lunch time. I will write a letter because I have to give instructions to the side of the temple.”


“I understand. At lunch?”


Until lunch, it was originally a study time in the morning, but today I went to the temple, so I rejected the teacher to prepare clothes and belongings.


“It’s good to teach Rosemine in the afternoon”


When my first person explains the situation to the teacher, the teacher exhales and leaves. I laughed a little, imagining Rosemine’s troubled face from the afternoon that Rosemine would understand my difficulty.


Rosemein told me that it would be good if I had a baggage packed in my clothes, so my preparation was done early.


I rarely leave the castle. It was the first time I went to Karsted’s palace with my parents for the baptism of Rosemine.


“At the temple, I ’m not the son of the lord, but the temple head. Please work properly. I ’ll tell my side-serving to be treated as the temple head. Do n’t expect me to be spoiled. Please please “


‘I had my lips sharpened to Rosemine ’s words while having lunch together. Isn’t it Rosemine who is spoiled without a teacher?


“He doesn’t say. I’m not spoiled.”


“So, it doesn’t matter if I don’t spoil you”


“Of course”


When I stretched my chest and struck big, the escort lamprecht who stood behind me was worried and said, “Rosse-Mine, it is …”.


“There will be no shortage of life because the temple side service is for both men and women. However, the temple has a room for escort, but there is no room for the side of the nobility class. I ask Lamprecht to go to the temple about my brother, and I’m used to it because I have been to the temple many times. “


“… I’m smart”


Because it is my escort knight and brother of Rosemine, Lamplecht was probably chosen. It was a reply that showed the feelings of Lamplecht that there was no help for it.


“I’m going to change my life, so I’m going to use Villefried’s brother’s room. Since the side service is just a gentleman, please forgive me to put the leading side service Richard”


“Yes, good”


Lamplecht will both go to the temple, but everything else will change. All the noisy side stays here with Rosemine. I’m free.


When I finished lunch, I left Lamplecht with luggage that had changed clothes and headed to the entrance. At the entrance there were two escort knights and Ferdinand waiting for Rosemine to go to the temple.


“Ferdinand, please tell Francs that you would like me to teach your brother Villefried. And here is the schedule for the day. I do n’t think your work will be delayed. ”


“I understand. Then Villefried. I will treat you as the head of the temple for a day.”


Although Ferdinand laughed unusually, the surroundings were awkward, but Rosemine was back with a flat face.


“We weren’t preparing a carriage because we were going to move with the beast. Villefried would ride with Lamprecht. Go!”


Ferdinand put out a lion lion and rushed toward the sky when he got on it. This is cooler than Rosemine’s beast.


¡Lamplecht took out the beast in the same way as he was impressed.


“Lamplecht, what is this?”


“An animal used in my family’s coat of arms. Say wolf”


I was picked up by Lamprecht and I got on a beast for the first time. Compared to Rosemine’s beast, it’s harder to sit and a bit stiff, but really cool.


ran out of wings and rushed to the sky. I feel that my body rises with a floating feeling. After all, this was the first time I had experienced Rosemine.


“If I make a beast, will I become a lion?”


“Yes. The lord’s son is a lion with one head, and when Wilfried-sama becomes lord, he can make a lion with three heads on heraldic street.”


I have never seen my father’s beast, but my father. It must be very cool. I was amazed at the lion lion that I made.


“… Was Rosemine’s beast not a lion?”


“It was special. I have never seen such a beast”


I reached the temple while talking a little. The temple is a building on the border between a white noble town and a brown, messy place.


“What is that brown and dirty place?”


“The town where the commoners live. It’s a place with no relation to Villefried.”


“Fun …”


When a beast descended to the temple, a man in gray clothes came to meet him. And looking at me, my eyes are rounded.


“Fran, this is from Rosemine”


Referring to Ferdinand, who descended from the beast, handed a letter from Rosemine to the man, he knew that this man was serving Rosemine.


“Villefried, he is Fran. First served at the Rosemine temple. Listen carefully to him while you are in the temple. Fran, it’s hard to be alone. I will also go around with you. “


“Excuse me, the priest. Now let’s change, Villefried.”




I was thus sent to the temple head room used by Rosemine. And he was told that he would serve as a temple chief for a day to serve Rosemine, and was dressed in white from the top of his current clothes. This seems to be the costume of the temple head.


“What do you like about tea?”


While Fran was reading Rosemine’s letter, Nicola’s side served me a delicious cup of tea and gave me some sweets I had never eaten. When you put it in your mouth, it melts and melts, and the sweetness spreads in your mouth.


“I have never eaten such a confection. Rosemine is sloppy”


When I picked up another piece of sweets in the temple and I picked up another piece of cake, Nicola, who seemed to hear my words, shined her face and saw me.


“This sweet was designed by Rosemine, so if you want sweets you’ve never eaten, you can make Villefried yourself. What is Villefried? Do you know any new sweets, I like to make it? ”


Nicola laughs with high expectations that “I like to eat more,” but I can’t know sweets that I have never eaten.


…… If it was a candy that Rosemine thought? Is confectionery possible?


I eat some sweets while leaning my head. When Ramplecht said, “Can you bring it down?”, There were only a few left.


Deliver it down with a little feeling.


While I was drinking tea, Fran said something to Monica, and I saw Monica quickly leave the room.


And Ferdinand, who changed into blue clothes, came in just as if he had finished drinking tea. It is the clothes of the chief priest as seen at the baptismal ceremony of Rosemine.


According to Rosemine’s calendar, today he is reported in an orphanage and is going around the workshop. The escort knights are Lamprecht and Darmell. The side serving is Franc and Monica.


The side servant and the female knight who entered the room with the priestess went down one step. I left the room, walked down the corridor and headed to another building.


“This is an orphanage where children without parents are gathered”


Opened door is a large room like a hall, with many large and poor wooden tables.


Fran said it was an orphanage cafeteria. As I looked around because of the rarity, I noticed that those who were there were waiting on my knees.


“The temple head, the priest, please sit here”


I was sitting on a bare wooden board, and I broke my eyebrows, but Ferdinand sat there with a natural face.


“I heard that there was a report to the temple chief today. The person in charge should promptly go ahead and report”




An orange-haired woman came out and started reporting to me that I couldn’t understand. Ferdinand listened with his eyebrows and wrote something on the board that Fran had in his hand.


“… What are you talking about?”


“This is an orphanage’s monthly financial report.”


“Such things don’t matter to me”


The next moment, Ferdinand was struck by his head. I couldn’t understand what happened, the impact was stronger, and I held my head and blinked my eyes.


Lamprecht opened his eyes wide open and looked at Ferdinand.




“… What is it ?? What is it ??”


咄 嗟 Even words don’t appear in the bag. Gradually, I started to feel the pain of a feverish heat, and I gave Ferdinand a “What do you do !?”


“This idiot. Rosemine is the head of the temple and is also the director of the orphanage. It doesn’t matter to the person who said he was going to change the job. This is Rosemine’s job. “


Even though I was angry, I was struck back by Ferdinand and beaten.


regrettable, “Let’s finish this boring thing quickly,” he swears as a woman who reports that he doesn’t understand, but the woman just laughs.


Listening to the report until the end without stopping the report even though I have a disliked face.


It was so boring that when I tried to get out of the chair and look around the orphanage, Ferdinand tapped her thighs.


“It hurts, Ferdinand! What will you do?”


“Did you hear it silently, but did you hear it, or couldn’t you understand it? Head or ear, which was bad? Both?”


‘Ferdinand ’s words like squinting, narrowing the eyes and making them foolish. This is the first time I have received such an insult.


When I got up with blood on my head and tried to strike Ferdinand, Ferdinand grabbed my head and pressed it against the chair.


“Sit down and listen silently. Do you understand?”


“Ugugu … Lamprecht!”


When I call the name of Lamplecht, who is my escort, but not trying to help, Ferdinand puts more power on the fingers that grab his head.


“How many times do I understand? Sit down and listen silently”


The children who squeezed by Ferdinand laughed and drank away. “I don’t know why?” “I just hear the story” I hear.


“Keep listening because I hear you!”


“Don’t bother your surroundings for something meaningless. A fool”


Ferdinand finally released his hand while screaming. Pain continues, with fingers remaining on the head.


…… Kusso, Ferdinand!


I couldn’t go down the chair until the woman’s report was over, and I was fond of Ferdinand with a furious anger.


“This is the report for this month. We have discussions with Fran, so why don’t the temple chief play with Carta?”


When I responded to the word “playing” and looked at Ferdinand, Ferdinand slowly saw the other children.


“… it would be nice”


I finally got off the chair. Take Ramplecht and Darmuel to the place where there are many children.


“What is Carta?”


“Teach me. Let’s do it together”




 Regardless of whether the adult is an opponent, he has never lost to a child who has come to the castle. I have to show my awesome things to the kids who laughed at me.


“Read this reading card. Everyone else takes the same first letter in the same picture as the reading card from the picture cards on it. Because it is the first time for the temple head, it can be accompanied by an adult escort. ”


Certainly, I’m new and my opponent is always playing, so it might be just right to fight with Lamprecht. It ’s what the opponent says, not obscene.


So I thought that would be a pair with Lamprecht and started Carta, but as many children as I started reading the reading cards.


“Can you read the letter? I’m not able to read it yet, but it’s amazing.”


When I praised and impressed, all the children there were blinking eyes with mysterious faces and tilting their necks.


“… Eh? Can’t you read even though you are the temple head?”


“Since Carte and the picture book were made by Rosemine, anyone can read at the orphanage.”


“Oh, I just can’t read Dirk. That baby …”


し て Point to the baby crawling on the floor like a red-haired child, and say so. For children here, it’s natural to be able to read letters, and it is only the baby that is smaller than Melchior that cannot be read.


…… In other words, is it the same as that baby?


After all, in Carta, Lamprecht only took one bill in front of him, and everything else was taken.


“It’s an unfortunate defeat. If the child told by the parent isn’t your opponent, that’s about that.”


“Sir Ferdinand! Your words are …”


“It’s a fact. Look directly”


Ferdinand laughed with his nose and said, “I’ll go next.”


And then head to the workshop through the orphanage’s boys’ wing. There were those who made something while blackening their hands and face. From me to adults. It feels strange that everyone is wearing poor clothes.


“I am Villefried who serves as the head of the temple for one day instead of Rosemine”


When Franc introduced, the two boys went to the spot and started greetings.


“The Goddess of the Wind, the fruitful day of the protection of Szeria, and the blessings of the encounters guided by the gods”


I’m not very good at it, but I put my magic power in the ring.


“A blessing for a new encounter”


It was quite good today. Um, he said a little and looked up at Lamprecht, and Lambrecht laughed and struck me lightly.


“Lutz, Gil, both of them stand up. It seems that you were calling Rosemine today, but what are you doing? Today, Villefried is supposed to deal with it.”


“The new picture book was completed, so I was planning to contribute it. Give this to Rosemine, and this to Mr. Villefried. Please pick it up as a close sign.”


Receive two books that were presented before me. It’s just a crude piece of paper. There is no cover, it is thin and small.


“The picture book? … what do you do with this?”


“I read it. I was looking forward to completing it, something that Rosemine started making”


… Is this also made by Rosemine?


I looked at a picture book with large white and black pictures. The letters are written there as well as Carta.


I looked at the picture book and looked at them. The two men with confident eyes and breasts seem to be no different from me for years.


“…… Can this book be read by them too?”


“Of course, if you can’t read it, it won’t be a job”


A purple-eyed kid laughs with great strength saying, “I studied hard.”


“It may be unusual for the common people to read, but if you need it for work, you will also study for the common people. If you can’t read the letters, it might be rude to give a picture book for the first time. But if you are an aristocrat, you should be able to read it, so don’t be rude, right? ”


A child with green eyes confirms with Ferdinand because he feels scary.


Ferdinand glances at me with a cold glance to make me a fool, then gently gives up my shoulder.










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