When the day began to dawn, my father first jumped out of my mother’s whisper.

“Turi, Mine, and mom are born. Call the puerperium! Change your clothes and move”

“Yes, I understand”

While telling us to change clothes, my father changed clothes quickly and left the house to call for a puerperium. In the family other than me, the role has already been divided, and if Turi quickly changes his clothes, he runs toward the entrance.

“I’m going to call Aunt Carla, so Mine should change and follow her mother”


What can I do on the side of my mother who suffered from labor, although she was rushed to the momentum and crawled and changed clothes? Nothing comes to my mind when I panic.

“Eh, um …”

“Mine, give me water”

I was hurried and headed to the kitchen at the request of my mother, who was in a painful situation.

“I understand”

Take the water from the kitchen bottle to the cup and bring it to the cup as your mother wants. When I gave it to my mother between labor, my mother drank it. I was relieved to prepare a cloth for my mother with a large sweat on her forehead.

…… Clean! Disinfection! Absolutely necessary!

The inside of the house is cleaner than the outside. My mother and Turi think that I like to clean thoroughly, and the surroundings are clean, and hand washing is quite customary.

However, this is not the case with the puerperium and neighbor’s wife who come to help.

“Do, do, what to do!?”

I’d like you to wash your hands and disinfect alcohol, but there is no alcohol for disinfection in my home.

“Oh, alcohol that can be disinfected with alcohol … Eh, eh …”

If you would like to use it for disinfection, it would have been nice if you had a drink like vodka, but it wasn’t in my house Alcohol content should be high for the liquor used in Lumutkov. But I think there are many impurities to use for disinfection. If I came back from the temple earlier, I asked Benno to search for a high alcoholic spirit.

“…… But it’s better than doing nothing?”

Dirty surroundings are more problematic than impurities in liquor. I look for alcohol and a clean cloth to prepare for disinfection.

“Now, I’m drawing water”

When Turi came back, he went out with a bag. To replace Turi, Aunt Carla has called out several neighbors. Aunts holding a spear in their hands draw a lot of water from the well and begin boiling hot water in the pot.

I jumped to Turi to carry water and leave the house.

“Turi cleans everyone’s hands, cleans the tools used, sterilizes them, and then …”

“Yeah, yeah, clean. I understand, I understand. Because I understand, Mine follows my mother.”

I was totally useless in terms of labor, and I was pushed into the bedroom by Turi.

Close to my mother, who hurts and sighs while holding his hand. When my mother began to suffer from labor pains, I was able to hold my hand tight enough to think I would break my bones.

“Mom, when you give birth, it’s Hihifu. That’s the” Rammer’s method “”

“What is it?”

My mother shows a slight smile between pains.

“Well, I think it was a breathing method that makes pain pain better. I’m sorry, I don’t really remember clearly”

During the Reino period, I had no plans to get pregnant or give birth, and there was no pregnant woman around me, so I didn’t have much knowledge about it. I know that the Lamaze method is covered, but I don’t remember enough to explain why it is good or how good it is.

“Hihifu ne”

Cuz and his mother laughed, and they were talking about hihifu together, and when they were spending their labor, the puerperium and his wife in the neighborhood came into the bedroom.

When I saw them, I took a big breath. I stood up in front of my bed and approached my mother.

“Please clean your hands first!”

“Oh, Mine liked morbidly beautiful”

While Aunty Carla tells me that she was amazed, she tells other wives to wash their hands. Then I wiped my hands with a cloth soaked in sake. This should be a little better.

When I looked at the greasy cloth by wiping the hands of everyone who should have washed their hands with water, Aunt Carla picked them up from her bedroom.

“Mine is in the way, so don’t get out of the bedroom. Just tell him that he wouldn’t help you, and just assemble a chair. I will not listen to you at all. ”

After bringing a puerperium, I tell Aunt Carla’s words to my father who is hanging around the kitchen, and we will assemble a chair.

“Dad, what is this chair like?”

When I looked suspiciously on the board where the dirt remained, I answered that my father would sit down when giving birth. When I realized it was like an old delivery table, I picked up cloth and alcohol.

“…… I have to disinfect”

“Mine, this, what are you going to do with alcohol?”

“Mom, use it? Clean with alcohol disinfection”

ignoring my father’s scream, dipping and adding alcohol to the cloth, wiping and polishing, an aunt somewhere came to pick up a chair. Seeing my desperate and polished figure, laughing hard.

“Oh, did you make this beautiful too? You really like morbidly beautiful. Gunter, you’re all done here. Don’t go down.” < / p>

It seems that men are prohibited from giving birth. My father finished the work of the boy who can do it here, so he was driven away to go down.

“I go to my mother …”

“Mine is also below. It’s clean and disinfecting with you, and it’s noisy and disturbing.”

“But really important …”

“Yes, yes. I went, I went”

Turi is in and out of service for help, but I was kicked out. I’ve closed the door and the front door so I can’t put it inside anymore.

“Mom …”

Just asking me for cleanliness, I’m told I’m sick. Just think about the probability of a puerperal death. There is nothing I can do even though my mother is worried that she wants to disinfect those aunts.

My mother became born at dawn, when the sun began to shine, but now the sun has risen and the well square has become brighter.

When you go to the Totobobo and Well Square, birds are being sown by the uncles in the neighborhood.

“Dad, what are you all doing?”

Only one person walked around the well and walked around to the father, and I asked him while walking around the well with his father.

“… Preparing for a naming party”

“What is a naming party?”

Since children should not enter the temple until the baptism, there should probably be no religious rituals here. However, I think that there may be an announcement to the neighborhood from the name of the naming party.

“I don’t want a man in my birth”

My father explained it while saying so. At the time of childbirth, the woman is rushed to help, and the man buys a bird, crawls it, burns it, and prepares for a naming party. They say that they are preparing to fill their stomachs, to work on women who have helped with birth, and to celebrate the birth of children and show their names because there are no women who usually cook.

“Uncle Gunter and Mine are both in a circle around the well?”

Looking back to his voice, he was standing with a face that seemed to be laughing, wearing Lutz in apprentice clothes at Gilberta.


“… Aunt Afa? Still?”

I whispered to Lutz, who glanced towards my house.

“Mine, I can’t go to the temple today. I will contact you.”

“Thank you, Lutz”

“By the way, I’ll tell you that I’ll be closed. Isn’t it a naming party today?”

Lutz laughed that his child had been born safely, and his father nodded.

“Of course!”

I sent off Lutz, who started running, and asked my father who started to go around the well again.

“Dad, don’t have to report that he is resting at the gate?”

“Al went to report after shopping. Dad can’t move from here”

“So soft”

Uncle Deed, Lutz’s father, screamed loudly as I and my father went around the well.

“Günter, Mine! Help me a little, or at least keep still. It’s annoying every time!

My father and I were told to wash the vegetables, squatting in front of the well, and we continued talking with Bosoboso while washing the jabojabo and vegetables together. I don’t know how dangerous this birth is, and if I don’t do anything, I’m more anxious and want to jump into the house.

“Dad, how long does it take to give birth?”

“There is only a long memory waiting for both Turi and Mine”

“Your place was relatively fast. Al took a lot more time.”

Uncle Deed, who came to draw water from the well, gave up his shoulder. It seems that my father’s subjectivity was very long, but if I listened to the opinions of others, my mother’s birth was relatively light. I gave a relieved breath to that opinion, but my father shook my eyebrows and looked like a crying face.

“I don’t care if it’s early or late. If you can be born safely this time …”

“What is this time?”

Do you want me to have a healthy child instead of me? After somehow listening, my father began to utter an unexpected word with a sigh.

“The first child flowed. The next boy was born and died in less than a year. Turi and Mine grew up safely, but the next child also had winter. I couldn’t get over, and the next flowed without being born. I want you to be born and raised safely now.

I opened my mouth in the severe birth situation. From the memory of the Reino period, I had read in the book that childbirth around the Middle Ages was harsh and that my child did not grow up, but the reality in front of me was not so clearly connected. When I hear from the father’s mouth who actually saw off the child, the fear and anxiety about childbirth sounds quite different.

When I was scared, I looked up at the 5th floor where my house was. There my mother should be working hard now.

“Mom, are you okay?”

“… Pray God from Mine”


I raise my hand and pray to God with all my heart.

“Mothers are the goddess of water, the goddess of water, the blessing and blessing of Enton Duge”

Lutz, who went to contact the Gilberta Chamber of Commerce and the temple, came back with a big bag. If you put a don and a spear in front of us, we will take out the things inside.

“Mine, this is a celebration cloth from my husband. Then, when I told the workshop and Mine’s room, Fugo celebrated a part of the meat that Jill hunted yesterday from the workshop. For me “

“…… I’m not born yet”

Still, everyone is happy and my face is distorted.

“I want to have my mother eat this chicken, so I’ll bring it home. I’ll eat this venison at the naming party. When it was over, the aunts of merit came out, and I got Lutz, so I could eat Lutz first. ”

Saying that, when I handed a chunk of meat to Lutz, my father happily squinted.

At that time, Turi jumped out to the well square with a full smile.

“Dad, Mine! Born! Boy!”

“Ooh! Congratulations!”

A cheer came up in the square. Since it was born safely, the naming party started from here and alcohol was lifted. The uncles started to reach for alcohol. Meat begins to be baked one after another on the prepared iron plate.

“Family can enter. Let’s go”

Family members are the first to meet the born baby. The father carrying Luce brought back by Lutz lifted me up and ran up the stairs. It seems that they are excited with joy to the 5th floor.

When my father jumped into the house, he said words of gratitude and effort to the aunts who had finished cleaning up. On the other hand, aunts can say, “Congratulations” and “Hey boys”.

“Dad, don’t bring the outside” Baikin “into the bedroom!”

Make the father who is rushing to go to the bedroom lower his heels and firmly gargle his hands. When I am well, my aunts have rounded their eyes and are said to be “morbid”, but that is negligible.

“Mom, can I enter?”

“Gunter, Mine, boys”

“Efa, well done! Both of us were fine!”

Father sits down at mother’s bedside, grabs mother’s hand and repeats kissing on fingertips and back.

The baby held on the mother’s chest was really red, small and crumpled. The sigh of exclamation comes out in the small presence of the garment made by Turi, cleansed with natural hot water.

“What do you do with your baby’s name?”

“You have already decided? What did you name it?”

Look at the parents’ faces as Turi was excited. My parents got together. Gently pat the baby and look at the face and smile.

“I’m going to name it Kamil. How are you?”

“Kamil, Kamil?”

Turi laughs and pokes his cheeks. My mother was laughing at the situation, but he looked at me.

“Mine, try to hold me? Turi has already done it”

I want to make it terrible. But I ’m scared that it ’s going to drop. Certainly, the average weight of a newborn should have been about 3 kg. Can you hold me?

When I was worried, my mother clouded her face a little.

Do n’t you?

“Yeah, I don’t hate it … I don’t know how to hug it, I’m just scared about it”

My father screamed in my words. I laughed, lifted me up, took my shoes off and lifted it up to bed.

“If you sit there and hold it, you can drop it.”

I gently lifted Kamil while sitting next to my mother. It ’s small and light enough to hold me, but my mouth moves and my eyes open. The eyes with the wrong perspective turned to me. Being alive well fills my chest.

“Kamil, Kamil, my sister”

When I speak, Kamil begins to crease the wrinkled face. Then I started to cry with a thin and small voice.

“Cause, mom. I started crying. Kamil, how should I …”

“You don’t have to hang around. Baby cry”

It’s a problem even if you say that. While chilling, she lowered her crying Kamil to her mother’s chest.

“Well, will you bring Kamil to the show?”

My father, who was laughing at me, said so and held up Kamil. Crying to protest with a thin voice, it’s fine.

“Eh? Are you just born out of your baby?”

“Is it natural that I have to show off?”

It is natural that if a newborn baby with no resistance is born, the death rate will increase. I took a breath.

“Dad, should I have to show off?”

“Oh, what are you talking about?”

“It’s too dangerous to put a newborn baby out of a lot of ‘Baikin’ when it’s still cold”

When I said desperately, my father made my face a little harsh. Compare me with Kamil.

“Is it dangerous?”

“I’m very likely to get sick”

My father who had been thinking for a while shook his head with a steep eye.

“But I don’t want to show off Kamil”

“If you have to give it out, don’t let it get cold, and don’t touch everyone’s muddy hands. I need to come back home, but I’m still worried … “

“Mine is too nervous”

Turi gave up his shoulder lightly, but a newborn baby is really easy to die. This is especially true for environments like this.

This time the father crawling at the well wants to grow up safely, raise his face as if determined and wrap Kamil around a warm cloth so that it is not cold Go.

“Can I go home immediately?”

“Yes, be careful not to give it to others”

“Dad and Mine are too overprotected”

Although Turi says that I was amazed, if I wanted to grow safely in such an environment, overprotection is still not enough.

When I went down to the well square again with my father and Turi who held Kamil, the well square was a barbecue competition called a naming party.

This naming party is a meeting to show off the baby with the help of his wife in the neighborhood. With the neighbors, we can confirm who was born in the same year, who was the baptismal year, and what happened in the spring. Since it can’t be recorded, it can only be remembered by many people.

“Thank you all from early in the morning. My son was born safely. did. The name is Kamil. I want you to be cute as a new companion. “

My father announced Kamil’s name, and when I showed it all around, my excuse, “May be the same body as Mine, may not be very strong,” and immediately came to Turin. I told you to take me home. The neighborhood asks me as if I was convinced of my existence, whose body was so weak that it was not strange to die anytime.

“It ’s hard if you ’re sick until Mami and Kamil.”

“I’m getting a lot of heat, but isn’t Mine getting a little better? The baptism ceremony is over and I hope I can grow up as it is.”

While I was told many times that I had died many times and didn’t expect to have a baptismal ceremony, I quickly pulled into the house with Turi who held Kamil.

Whoever touched the meat with which hand is better to eat slowly at home than to eat in the open space. Besides, I am told not to go outside without escorts. It’s better not to hang out outside, anyway during the birth that you didn’t get into.

“Turi, what do you do with your mother’s rice?”

“I’ll get you down”

Turi seems to want to participate in the gathering below, and when Kamil is placed at his mother, he immediately jumps out of the house.

I set fire to the fire and warm up the remaining soup last night. In the meantime, I cleared the contents of the spear that was thrown out. The chicken prepared by Fugo is placed in the winter preparation room, and the cloth received by Benno is placed in the storeroom.

“Mom, if you’re hungry, you’re warming the soup, but are you?”

“Yes, are you ready to eat?”

I bring it to the mother sitting on the bed along with the soup. I decided to sit down next to my bed and eat together.

“Does Mine go down?”

“Yeah, it ’s better not to go outside without Dermuel-sama”


My mother is worried that I don’t have much to do with my neighborhood. Even if I know it, I am painful because the concept of hygiene is too different.

“Oh, yes, Lutz brought me a cloth from Benno and meat from the temple’s workshop and side servings. Do you have anything to leave? “

I am not familiar with this custom. When I asked, my mother shook her head loosely. It seems to be a good idea to celebrate when a child is born to the person who gave the celebration. Neither bachelor Benno nor the people involved in the temple seem to get married, but is that okay?

“Then, yes, let me know about Kamil, because as many people as possible have to remember it.”

“I understand”

I saw a little brother sleeping next to my mother, whispering big. If you look at Kamil sleeping around with a warm cloth so that you don’t catch a cold, you can see that the corners of the eyes go down naturally.

“Kamil, you’re cute”


My time with Kamil is not so long. Because you have to leave when you are two years old, if you are not good enough, you may not remember in Kamil’s memory. Then, to help Kamil’s future, I want to make a variety of picture books and toys that will remain in Kamil’s memory.

If you can only make a picture book, you can make a picture book for children for a cute little brother. Black and white picture books are fine for a couple of months to half a year, but after that I want colorful picture books. To that end, color inks must be developed.

…… That? Maybe you’re busy with a lot of work for two years when you can only make picture books?

If you want to make a children’s picture book in time for Kamil’s growth, you may not be able to afford to print a book full of letters. If typographic printing is prohibited, it would be better to improve gully printing.

…… Time is valid. Sister, I ’ll do my best!

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