
Hearing Wu Gang's words, it was not Xu Tingfei who reacted the most.

Instead, Yang welcomed.

The Vajra Armor Summoner who was hard to find actually wanted to follow Mu Chen?

Although she also wants to go further with Mu Chen and the others, the problem is!

After all, they are from D City.

The Psychic Beasts that appear now in D City are more frequent than the Nether Demon in Hope City.

Mu Chen, they definitely won't stay in Hope City all the time.

In a few days, I will return to D City.

Under such circumstances, if Wu Gang wanted to leave with them.

What about Hope City???

Even if Li Hao was really a Punishment Heaven Armor Summoner, relying on these two armored warriors alone.

It's not enough at all!

"Oh, then I'm so happy!"

"Without a pig teammate who drags his feet, when I fight, I won't have any worries, I hope what you just said is true!!"

Xu Tingfei didn't care what Yang Xingwei thought, he only hoped that.

Wu Gang, this guy, don't become teammates with yourself.

Don't fight alongside yourself!

When he thought of that scene, Xu Tingfei felt disgusted!!


"A manly husband, a word is difficult to chase a horse !!"

Wu Gang pouted and said in a firm tone.

Xu Tingfei and Wu Gang looked at each other, and the air was full of gunpowder.

As if they would fight at any moment.

"This..." The

quarrel between the two made Yang Yingwei, who was a secret cultivator, helpless to the extreme.

For the contradiction between the two of them, Yang Wen really didn't know what to do.

He could only look at Mu Chen with a pleading gaze.

Wu Gang can follow Mu Chen and leave.

But Yang welcomes hope, hoping that when the city encounters trouble that Xu Tingfei and they can't solve.

Wu Gang and even Mu Chen them.

Able to come and help.


They hope the city is finished!!

As if understanding Yang Welcome's eyes, Mu Chen shook his head and touched the head of this poor man who was obviously the owner of a barbecue restaurant, but had no majesty.

"Don't worry, if you run into trouble in the future, you can call me."

Yang Welcome's originally distressed face instantly smiled, and quickly nodded.


As for Mu Chen's contact information, before Xu Ting flew over.

Yang welcomed and received.


Bawang Group, in the secret room of Croton's office.

Mieslin lay unconscious on the ground.

Croton, on the other hand, showed a very comfortable and enjoyable expression.

"Sure enough!"

"Or is this body more suitable for me!"


This croton is already possessed by Lufa.

Lufa looked at Mieslin lying on the ground and said coldly,

"Get up!"

When the words fell, Mieslin, who had closed his eyes, instantly sobered up.

Quickly got up from the ground, and looked at the guy who looked like croton in front of him with some fear, but his consciousness was not....

"Ba Dong... No...... Wrong!


Lufa did not care about this, and said slowly:

"Although you have no merit, you also have hard work."

"In the future, be my slave."

"Come here and give me what I asked you to shoot."

Mieslin swallowed, not daring to refuse, and pulled out the camera.

Show Lufa the weird stone statue he took at the Zhenmo Tower.

Lufa nodded in satisfaction and asked,

"How many armors are there now?"

"Back to the host! A total of one... Wrong! "

If you count D City next door, it is..."

Mieslin clenched his fingers and counted seriously.

Finally, he said with some confidence:

"That... It should be eight. "


Hearing this, Lufa was obviously dissatisfied with this response.

His gaze instantly became extremely cold, as if Mieslin did not give him an accurate number.

It will immediately turn the woman into a corpse.

Mieslin was about to cry, and she couldn't be blamed for that.

"Master, I really don't know how many there are..."

"Light and shadow five-element armor, plus Flying Shadow and Dark Emperor, Dark Earth Tiger, there are 8 in total, but the problem is!" Since there is a Dark Earth Tiger, there should also be a Dark Flame Dragon or something, but people have not seen the relevant information, so they are not sure! When

Lufa heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he had to admit that Mieslin was right.

The Dark Earth Tiger has appeared, and the other Dark Light and Shadow Armor should also exist.

It's just that there are specifics, because they have not officially appeared, so neither Miesling nor anyone else can be sure.

Including Lufa himself, either!

"Hmph, forget it this time."

"Next, you have to collect all the armor information that has appeared so far for me!" Especially the Dark Emperor, I want to know when he appeared.

Lufa said coldly, and then his eyes fell into memory.

Of all the armor, he was most curious.

It's that Dark Emperor!

After all, the three sets of armor of Feiying, Punishment Heaven, and King Kong.

He knew the roots, Yanlong's five sets of light and shadow armor.

It's also a little heard.

But that Dark Emperor, for this guy, Lufa's heart was full of doubts.

No matter what, he could not forget that domineering and evil and strong and invincible figure.

That guy!

What exactly is the origin?

Why did it appear a thousand years ago?

Why is his news present in this day and age?

It has remained in Azure Star since its appearance thousands of years ago.

Or .

. Has some kind of ability to control time and space???

If it's the latter, then this guy is too terrifying.

"What is his purpose?"

"Huh? What do you say, master? Hearing

Lufa's murmur, Mieslin asked curiously.

Coming back to his senses, Lufa glanced coldly at Mieslin.

"Don't ask, don't ask!"

Immediately afterwards, the palm turned over, and the Gengling Vajra pestle appeared.

After using a gengling vajra pestle to write words that Mieslin could not understand in midair.

"Kupixiu, take the order!"

"I assure my brothers that all the humiliations I have suffered before will end today! Hurry up and collect energy so that I can be resurrected soon!!

At the same time, Lufa's heart silently added a sentence.

The premise is that ....

That Dark Emperor will not become their enemy!!

Next moment!


"Jingle Bell ——!!!"

The Zhenmo Tower and the wind chimes at the door of Huanhuan's teppanyaki shook at the same time and made a sound.

Yang Huanwei, Wu Gang, Xu Tingfei three.

At the same time, something was perceived.

Yang quickly closed his eyes and used the Ares Prediction Technique.

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