"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading four sets of Dark Light and Shadow Armor, greatly increasing his strength, and raising his realm to the first order of the Diamond Realm!! "


In an Internet café, a young man named Wu Gang was dancing excitedly at this time.

On the computer screen in front of him, there was a huge blue crystal.



The crystal exploded, and then the word [victory] was displayed.


"Won again, for a game genius like me..."

"It's really not challenging at all~

" "However, this game is really interesting!"

Like before, if Wu Gang encounters a game that is very easy for him to win, he will immediately uninstall it, after all, it is not interesting to win all the time.

But the game he is playing now, although it has been played until now.

They still kept winning, but Wu Gang didn't have the slightest intention of uninstalling the game.

Instead, he became more and more excited.

A top gaming genius...

It's on top!!

"100 million more !!"

Wu Gang held the mouse and quickly started matching again.


A new game begins.

And this time, his hostile players.

Three people with the game ID [Mugongzi] [Xu Fairy] [Kun Zhonghu] appeared.


On a street, wearing a brown cloak and a hat.

The mysterious girl who couldn't see her appearance was slowly walking forward.

If you get close to her, you will hear some strange whispers.


he still remember me?"

A mysterious girl named Li Yuer.

Or rather...

It's Kura!!

Li Yu'er's ancestor was the first Tibetan cultivator who was entrusted with the task by the summoner of the Heavenly Armor - Gorfa, and was possessed by Kula.

Thousands of years have passed, things are people and people, and the ancestor is long gone.

But Kula, relying on possession, still exists in the world.

However, she has only just woken up.

"Do I go to the guy first, or to the general?"

Kula was a little hesitant, and since she woke up, she felt the breath of General Lufa, in this so-called C City, also known as Hope City.

And that Muchen, because thousands of years ago, got to know the place of Happy Dumpling House.

Through some investigation, Kura already knows about this happy dumpling restaurant.

Right next door in D City.

Do you go to Muchen first, or do you go to Lufa first?

It stands to reason that she is in Hope City.

You should go to find the way first.

After all, this is still her general.


I looked at the surrounding high-rise buildings and people's roads.

She wanted to experience the life of ordinary people first.

"That... Go to that guy first?

Kura muttered to herself.

Just wanted to take a step and walk in the direction of D City.


"Don't worry!"

Kura's voice suddenly raised a lot.

Followed by!

She lost control of her body.

The real Li Yu'er....

It's back!

"You... Is that the monster? To

outsiders, Li Yuer was talking to herself.


This sentence was said by Li Yuer to Kura in her body.

Since birth, after knowing the mission of his family.

She then understood that there was another life within herself.

One from thousands of years ago, life on other planets.


She had never really felt the existence of this life.

Except for today!

Faced with the sudden awakening of this mysterious life, Li Yuer said that she was not panicked.

It is impossible.

What surprised her even more was that after being robbed of control of her body by Kura.

I heard the names of Muchen and Lufa.

Lufa, she knew, was a monster boss named Netherworld.

And this Mu Chen, Li Yuer actually knows.


Not much is known.

She only knew that among the ancestral mottos left by the family, one of them was:

"Do not provoke people named Mu Chen!! You

can't provoke Mu Chen.

Moreover, he is also connected to the Nether Demon of Kura thousands of years ago.

Who the hell would he be?

It's good....

Or bad???

"Are you still there?"

Receiving no response, Li Yuer asked again.


I stood there and waited for a while, but there was still no response at all.

"Back into a deep sleep?"

Li Yu'er felt that Kura had just woken up and her soul was still relatively weak.

So it was impossible to have a conversation with her.

Li Yuer was not originally a person living in Hope City.

She came this time to find tantric cultivators and cultivators.

Thousands of years have passed, count the time.

Lufa is about to be resurrected, and the three of them have inherited the cultivators of a special mission.

The mission must be fulfilled.


Just came to Hope City, and encountered the awakening of Kura.

Then, Li Yuer now.

There are also two places to go.

The first is to continue looking for the other two cultivators.

The second is to find the mysterious Mu Chen.

Li Yuer hesitated for a while, but finally chose one.

Whether Mu Chen is an enemy or a friend is not clear.

Moreover, she is in Hope City, so it is better to find other cultivators first.


"I... I..." "

I actually lost???

Wu Gang's eyes widened, and his face was full of incredulity at the two big words of "failure" on the computer screen.


The genius of the game!!

It's not that I haven't lost since I was a child, but I lost so thoroughly like this one.

Or the first time!!

In this game, the other hostile players are nothing.

Even that [Xu Fairy] [Kun Zhonghu] is still a pit goods.

But the crux of the matter is that the player named [Mugongzi].

It's like this guy is hanging up.

Wu Gang was on line with him.

From the first level, he was abused until the end of the game!!

When encountering other players, Wu Gang kills indiscriminately.

When he met the shepherd son, he was killed indiscriminately.

That consciousness, that position, is not like what humans can play.

Even a game genius like Wu Gang felt very outrageous.


"I'm not convinced!!"

Wu Gang gritted his teeth, he was unwilling to admit his fiasco.



[Just not impulsive]: "Brother, does Solo dare?" [

Tip: The player just invited you into the room without impulse! ]



"Who is this person?"

Mu Chen saw the prompt on the computer screen and was a little puzzled.


Xu Minci next to him heard this and looked over curiously.

Then he exclaimed in surprise.

"What's wrong? Do you know?

Mu Chen asked.

"Hmm! He is the opposite of the superior on the list!

Xu Minci nodded his little head and said.


" "It's that brute, sorry, I killed too many people to remember."

Xu Minci

: "..." Kunzhong with a team voice:


[Happy Dragon Boat Festival to beautiful men and fairies~].

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