Latest URL: He Chuan felt as if he had fallen into hell, and every part of his body felt extremely severe pain, like being burned, like being torn apart, and like being eaten by wild beasts.

There was darkness all around, and He Chuan couldn't see any light. He didn't know where he was, and he didn't know how to escape from here. He wanted to open his mouth to shout, but found that he seemed to be dumb , making no sound at all.

He is scared.

Fear, restlessness, anxiety, irritability and other emotions mixed together, and finally turned into a cry of pain.

"Uh... it hurts!"

After He Chuan yelled these words, the control of his body seemed to return to his hands again, and he began to feel the existence of his body slowly. Then, he raised his eyelids that were heavy like lead blocks, and soon, a A ray of light entered his line of sight.

His pupils focused for a long time before he could see where he was.

This is a safe house.

The front and rear are ventilated, without any peculiar smell, warm and dry, and there is even a faint fragrance of flowers and plants in the air.

He suddenly remembered that the last scene he saw before he lost consciousness was the scene of Lu Yan coming to rescue him.

And he is still alive, which means... Lu Yan succeeded!

He Chuan tried to move his head and looked around. He found that his body was wrapped like a mummy. He just tried to move his arm, and he felt a sharp pain.

It seems that the feeling just now is not an illusion, my body is really covered in cuts and bruises!

"You're in luck."

At this moment, Lu Yan's voice came from the door of the safe house, and He Chuan tried his best to look in that direction, only to see Lu Yan fiddling with a flintlock gun in his hand, and said expressionlessly: "In order to save you, I will But risking your life and consuming a lot of precious resources!"

"You have to remember these things, they will be returned to me in the future!"

After hearing Lu Yan's voice, He Chuan was completely relieved. Only now did he know that he had survived the disaster and survived successfully.

"Thank you!" He Chuan opened his mouth, but was taken aback by his own voice. His voice was extremely hoarse, like the screeching sound of an old bellows. Along with speaking, his throat began to ache sharply.

In the previous battle, he roared and roared, at this time all the negative influences surged up together, his body was covered with cuts and bruises, and even his throat became extremely He slowly raised his most injured left hand , found that his distorted five fingers had been tied together with gauze and five straight branches at this time. Although they still looked swollen, they at least had the shape of a hand.

"I made a simple reset for your left hand bone, but it will take a while to fully recover." Lu Yan raised his head and glanced at He Chuan, his eyes were a little complicated.

Two hours ago, when he returned to the camp to treat He Chuan's injuries, he thought that the bones of He Chuan's left hand had been crippled, but after careful inspection, he discovered that the bones of He Chuan's left hand, which had been severely twisted by the impact, were just misplaced. , and no comminuted fracture, after a simple reduction, it began to recover gradually.

When it was just bandaged, He Chuan's left hand was still swollen like a pig's trotter, but now it has recovered more than half, at least from the outside.

Lu Yan had to be shocked by He Chuan's abnormal self-healing ability and physical fitness.

What happened to this kid to make his body as strong as a beast?


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