Amidst the blood dripping all over the ground, Lu Yan supported He Chuan, and the two swaggered through the crowd of players, and soon came to the foot of the mountain.

Summoning the sand bike, Lu Yan put He Chuan, who was almost in a coma, on the co-pilot, and didn't dare to stop for a moment, turned the accelerator to the bottom, instantly rolled up a cloud of dust, and drove away!

It wasn't until a few kilometers away from the mountain gorge that Lu Yan breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

To be honest, he was not as relaxed and sure of victory as he appeared on the surface just now. No matter who it was, facing two hundred red-eyed enemies, he was absolutely flustered.

Although Lu Yan has a little white dragon and a shotgun, if there was a riot just now and he was attacked by those players, he would have no chance of winning!

No matter how strong he is, he is only one person. With so many enemies, even if one person punches him, it is enough to smash him into meat paste.

It's just fortunate that his previous fierce reputation calmed down the scene, coupled with the instant kill of the little white dragon, completely frightened the players, otherwise, once a few people took the lead in attacking him, the situation would immediately get out of control .

"My luck is pretty good..." Lu Yan took a deep breath.

The location He Chuan chose this time is far away from where most of the high-level players are. It is also because of the presence of sand motorcycles that Lu Yan can arrive here before most people arrive. Otherwise, after players like Yao Qi show up, Lu Yan Yan absolutely can not retreat from here whole body.

Unless he used the [Destroy All Ten Directions] opened in the golden treasure chest when he killed the demon black ape in conjunction with the [Return Order], it would be possible for him to survive the siege of a large number of advanced players.

As the sand bike was speeding, Lu Yan turned his head and glanced at He Chuan.

At this time, He Chuan's body was already covered with scars. He looked like a pig that had just been rolled out from a slaughterhouse. He was covered in blood, and his bones were exposed from many wounds.

The five fingers of his left hand were also twisted violently, as if his bones had been smashed by some kind of heavy object.

With this look, even Lu Yan, who was used to seeing cruel scenes, couldn't help feeling that it was too miserable!

Stretching out his hand to explore He Chuan's breath, Lu Yan sensed a slight airflow, but the interval between breaths became longer and longer, and the breath became weaker and weaker, which indicated that He Chuan's body had reached its limit and was slowing down. Slow down towards death.

"..." Lu Yan looked at the dying He Chuan, his eyes were a little tangled.

It stands to reason that his goal has been achieved, and he has successfully demonstrated his strength and philosophy in front of many players, so He Chuan's life is no longer important, it doesn't matter whether he lives or dies...

But now Lu Yan suddenly felt that it would be a pity to let He Chuan die like this!

First of all, He Chuan's performance during this period was really outstanding, and he saved him in this situation, but any normal person would definitely be devoted to himself in his heart.

If he saves He, he will have an extremely loyal and outstanding subordinate.

But what I need to pay is also a very precious resource.

There are three types of rewards in the golden treasure box obtained after killing the demon black ape. In addition to [Return Order] and [Destroy All Ten Directions], there is also a "medicine" called [Fountain of Life]!

In fact, to be precise, this is not a medicine, but more like an elixir!

It can heal all physical injuries, and even reshape limbs and internal organs, but the quantity is not much, only about one liter. Lu Yan originally planned to reserve this resource for himself or Lu Xiaoyu to use after he was seriously injured. .

"I don't know how much it will take to save He Chuan's life with this degree of injury?" Lu Yan had a crystal bottle in his hand, and there was a light green liquid in the bottle that was slowly moving with the vibration of the sand bike. rippling.

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