Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 62 Each choice

Casey was lying on the ground by the window. Xia Feng was holding the syringe and could only stand there and stare at him blankly.

He still failed to catch up after all.

Oh, it's still the same recipe, it's still the same taste, the world is still hopelessly unchanged.

It turns out that there are some things that he is destined to be unable to change. No matter how hard he tries, no matter how hard he tries as an ordinary person, he cannot change it.

The time travel he experienced seemed so unreal, but this world was truly helpless.

Whether it is a stranger or a familiar companion, everyone is equal in the eyes of mineral disease. From the moment you contract the mineral disease, your life will completely fall into the abyss.

Including the people he loves, and himself, there is no difference.

Xia Feng didn't have much communication with Casey. His impression of Casey was just a little man who loved to laugh. However, since he joined the gang, Kate took great care of him like a big brother, but he failed to save him. Kate's brother.

Kate, I'm sorry.

Kate gently lit a cigarette.

It's not your fault. In fact, almost 30 minutes have passed since Casey was found to be infected. Everyone knows that there is no hope for him. However, everyone wants to work hard to overcome the guilt in their hearts. I'm sorry for making you run away in such a hurry. return.

Xia Feng gritted his teeth tightly.

No, this is my reason. If I hadn't kept the syringe, Casey wouldn't have waited until the Originium substance spread in the body without injecting it. If I hadn't disappeared suddenly, everyone wouldn't have watched him lose hope.

It's no one's fault.

Kate looked very calm and said calmly.

It is not anyone's fault. Becoming an infected person is indeed an unfortunate outcome, but from the moment we entered Mandel City, each of us has been prepared to face this misfortune.

But there is such a thing as inhibitors, but I

This is not your fault. Everyone knows about yesterday's emergency, Xia Feng, you don't need to blame yourself.

Kate spoke very calmly, and there was no emotional fluctuation in her expression, but Xia Feng saw it, and there was deep regret hidden in his eyes.

Indeed, no one could have predicted this kind of thing. It was the result of a series of unexpected coincidences. No one thought of it and no one could predict it.

If he knew in advance, Xia Feng might give the syringe to someone else for safekeeping, but in that case, it would be difficult to guarantee that the syringe would not be damaged in the fierce battle.

But in the final analysis, the person with the greatest responsibility is himself. Xia Feng does not want to pass the blame. Instead, he hopes to put all the blame on himself, so that he may feel better.

Xia Feng felt very uncomfortable now, but he knew that besides Kate, there was probably one person who felt more uncomfortable than everyone else, and that was Wei Na.

He walked gently to Vina.

Vina, me.

Wei Na still lowered her head and did not look at him, but asked calmly.

Why did you suddenly disappear yesterday?

It's hard for me to explain.

Are you injured?


Vina raised her head, the haze on her face had disappeared. She was the leader of a gang. In such a natural disaster area, some members were infected with ore disease. She had imagined this outcome countless times in her mind. At least, Casey had not yet lost life.

Vina turned on the communicator and connected to Indra.

[Indra, how are you doing now? ]

[I have safely retreated. ]

[Okay, you continue to act alone, I will notify you if there are any changes. ]

[yes. ]

Turning off the communicator, Wei Na walked up to everyone and said in a deep voice.

The situation in Mandal City is already very chaotic. We were the first ones to arrive, but our gains were minimal, so we may have to continue.

Wait a moment.

Xia Feng knew what Wei Na was going to say, so he immediately interrupted her.

Wait a minute Vina, we can't stay in Mandel City, it's very dangerous here.

Vina narrowed her eyes, and her quiet voice was irresistible.

I know it's dangerous, so what.

We're all going to get ore sickness if we stay any longer, I.

Our people have been infected with ore disease. Do you want us to give up halfway?

That's not what I meant. It was the infected who organized them.

We are not afraid of infected people. If you are afraid, you can leave now.

Vina, please calm down and let me finish what I'm saying.

Wei Na walked up to Xia Feng in two steps, grabbed his collar, and shouted loudly.

What on earth are you going to say? Just say it!

Xia Feng was stunned.

He didn't know why Vina was angry, but he could feel that Vina's hand holding his collar was trembling.

The information he got from Shuang Yue was very important, which was why he took the risk to look for Wei Na overnight. No matter what, he had to tell Wei Na the plan of the infected person.

I got important information. The infected organization we met yesterday is called Hesse. They are brewing a terrifying secret plan in Mandel City. This plan is

Why do you know so much.


Xia Feng's expression froze, and he looked at Wei Na in disbelief.

Vina, what did you say?

I said, why do you always know things that I don't know, tell me these things, and then do nothing.

I just want everyone to leave Mandal City alive.

But people have already lost their lives.


Only then did Xia Feng notice that in addition to the gang members responsible for security on the first floor, there were obviously two people missing in the room.

Now that someone is dead, what else are you hiding?

I'm not hiding anything!

Wei Na's voice was quiet and cold, which made people feel very strange.

She clutched Xia Feng's collar tightly, her yellow hair covering her eyes.

Why do you know that Chernobog will be destroyed by the infected three years later? Why are you so familiar with ACE, whom you have never met? Why did you already notice that there was an outsider nearby that night and did not tell me? Why now? , will know the infected person’s secret plan.”

I know it from Shuangyue's mouth.

Then why would you believe what the core members of the infected say.

Vina's question seemed illogical, but it pierced into his heart like a sharp sword.

I will not give up the operation in Mandel City. I don't want everyone's sacrifices to go to waste. Xia Feng, you seem to know a lot of things, but you don't know how to change. You only know how to tell me these things, but I am not you. , I, Wei Na, have my own choice.”

The sweat from running has dried, and the summer wind feels a chill in my heart.

Looking at Weina's cold face, he couldn't tell what Weina wanted to express.

Could it be that his presence has hindered Wei Na's judgment?

Or maybe she finally felt that her presence was a hindrance.

Xia Feng didn't know what he had done wrong. He just wanted everyone to leave Mandel City alive, that's all.

He understood Weina's thoughts. For her hometown, she wanted to accumulate enough wealth to cope with various events in the future. For her, this dangerous situation was not the first time, nor would it be the last.

But even so, there was no need for Wei Na to say such words.

Based on his understanding of Wei Na, she is tolerant enough to her companions. Especially at this moment of life and death, she will never blame or blame anyone.


She no longer wanted to think of herself as a companion.

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