Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 33 A journey without an end

No matter what tricks everyone used, they were unable to defeat Guigui's absolute domain. This result was completely within Xia Feng's expectation.

The material of Turtle's backpack is very special, and the special metal mixed in it is even more complex than the ingredients in the Origin Stone. Not only Kelsey and Hemo, but even Turtle himself can't explain the origin of this backpack.

After unfortunately becoming an infected person, although some of the organs in Turtle's body began to fail, in addition, she gained a new ability, which is to draw out the power in the backpack through Source Stone technology, allowing it to release this A blue barrier with super defensive power - the absolute domain.

If the technology mastered by Dr. Kelsey is not considered to be the best in the world in some sense, then as the world's largest country, Rheinland Life Research Institute funded by Colombia, the head of the Originium Project, Hemmer, definitely has the right to speak. However, Homer also had no idea what the substance was.

It can be seen from this that Turtle's backpack is completely out of this era. Not only the metal content, but also the manufacturing process cannot be imitated by this era.

To sum up, Xia Feng made a bold guess.

Turtle's backpack is probably an ancient technological product left over from a certain civilization in the world of Terra before the occurrence of natural disasters.

Just like his original world, the earth's lifespan has exceeded 4 billion years, and the history of mankind is only a few thousand years. No one can be sure what kind of civilization once existed at a certain time in history.

So Xia Feng speculated.

Before the natural disasters, Terra once had a peak technological civilization, and the mysterious backpack of the Snake Butcher Box is the best evidence.

Why is the owner of this backpack Snake Butcher Box, and why is it such a coincidence that Snake Butcher Box suffers from amnesia and cannot remember where he got the backpack from.

Although people often jokingly call the Snake Butcher Box a turtle, the Pitram tribe does not actually represent a turtle. Except for the backpack behind it, the Snake Butcher Box does not have any characteristics related to turtles.

Xia Feng has never seen any other Pitram tribesmen except Snake Butcher Box, but from Turtle, at least so far, she has not found any difference between her and humans.

When I think about it like this, things become a little scary.

According to the information currently known, there is only the Sakota clan in the world of Terra, also commonly known as the Angel clan. Only they have a large number of Originium guns and have the manufacturing technology. The other guns are purchased from the Sakta clan. .

According to some rumors, the gun weapon was not invented by the Sakota people themselves, but was excavated deep underground in Rutland through archaeological methods.

In myths and legends, angels are messengers of God. In other words, the angel race is the existence closest to the truth, so deep underground in Lateran there will be weapons that do not belong to this era.

The backpack on the Snake Butcher Box is obviously several times more rare than weapons like guns, and it is also crushing in terms of strength alone.

So Xia Feng speculated.

Unlike the gun, this kind of backpack was not a mass-produced weapon in the ancient technological era, but a very precious piece of equipment that could only be used by a few specific people. Moreover, this kind of backpack brings super defense to the user. At the same time, it completely loses its attack power, so there is only one possibility of using it.

In ancient times, ancient people predicted that natural disasters would occur in the future. The original intention of this backpack was probably to prevent natural disasters.

The number of the Pitram tribe is very rare. At least judging from the situation of the turtles, the Pitram tribesmen who own backpacks suffer from amnesia. Then this amnesia may not be accidental, but may be racial inheritance.

Or speculate in the direction of conspiracy theories.

The bloodline of the Pitram tribe maintains a certain connection with ancient technology. In order to hide something, the Pitram tribe who inherited the backpack were deprived of the ability to maintain memory and could only remember what happened in the recent period because The negative effects of this memory impairment have caused the Pitram tribe's numbers to decline dramatically over the years.

Because, as time goes by, they will forget their families, forget their mission, and in the end, they will even forget who their enemies are.

The Snake Killing Box had put away the Absolute Domain, and everyone surrounded her. They touched and pressed her backpack very curiously, but she herself just touched her head with an innocent and harmless giggle.

Her smile was innocent and innocent, like a princess surrounded by the tenderness of the world.

But only Xia Feng knew that what she had experienced was something no one could imagine.

Forgetting your hometown, forgetting your friends, forgetting your family, and not even remembering the meaning of your journey is such a cruel thing for a little girl who is not yet an adult.

She needs to rely on her own strength to survive in this crisis-ridden world. Weak, helpless, and confused, this should be her label.

However, Xia Feng could not see any negative emotions on the face of Snake Butcher Box.

She smiled so cheerfully, and even though she was surrounded by a group of unknown strangers, she did not have any sense of crisis. Looking at her experiences along the way, it was impossible for her to encounter thieves like Wei Na every time. A good gang member.

Xia Feng could imagine that scene.

Towns, grasslands, deserts, snow-capped mountains, a short figure carrying a backpack, slowly moving forward in the cruel natural environment.

She may have been fooled, deceived, or even hurt mercilessly.

When she sensed that the danger was within reach, the only resistance she could make was to hide in her turtle shell and wait for the danger to leave on its own amid tension and fear.

Despite experiencing so many hardships, she was still smiling innocently, because those painful memories had gradually faded away in her mind over time.

Perhaps this is a curse.

At the same time, it is also gentle.

Everyone was talking to each other around the snake slaughtering box.

Little sister, you are really amazing. I am completely convinced.

This defensive formation is too strong.

Little sister, are you interested in joining the gang?

Faced with everyone's chatter, Snake Butcher just rubbed his head and giggled.

Hehehe, I'm not that good either.

Xia Feng quietly looked at the smile of the snake slaughter box from a distance. At this moment, he suddenly had a feeling.

Perhaps forgetting memories is not a bad thing. Although it may contain some precious memories, it also contains more painful memories. It is precisely because everything has been forgotten that Snake Butcher Box can maintain this innocent and optimistic attitude. character, continues her endless journey.

Yeah, Snake Killer's journey was supposed to continue until she found Rhode Island three years later, but now, everything took a turn.

There is no doubt that the trajectory of history has undergone slight changes that Xia Feng didn't know about.

Without his presence, the truth would not have left the villa unharmed that night, and then Winter would not have revealed the information about the natural disaster to Wei Na, and the Glasgow gang would not have appeared on the road leading to Mandel at this time. on the way to the city.

Without his presence, Wei Na and the others would not have met Snake Killer Box here, and the chain reaction of this encounter may indirectly cause Snake Killer Box to be unable to successfully find Rhode Island three years later.

This is the butterfly effect, a change that no one can predict.

From the moment Xia Feng appeared in this world.

The fate of everyone he came into contact with changed.

Xia Feng walked through the crowd and walked to the snake slaughter box, and gently took her little hand.

Gitui, it's cold outside. Let me take you to the car.


This is the purpose of the voice in the darkness summoning him. There are millions of players in Arknights, and the reason why he was summoned is very simple.

Because only he will save those he loves at all costs.

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