Arcane Universe

Chapter 192

This remark by Chapman made Feng Chou alert, and he changed his plan to deal with this territory.

As for how to deal with this kind of thing, Chapman gave a plan to divide and transfer and bribe city hall officials.

The Chapman family’s more than 200,000 acres of land was divided into more than 20 estates. These estates are large and small, but most of them are the size of a jazz collar.

Lords in remote areas need to centralize their territories to facilitate defense. In safe areas like Casalanka, lords generally tend to disperse their territories for easier management.

Among the more than 20 manor houses of the Chapman family, most of them are jazz-class manors of 10,000 to 20,000 acres. There is no Baron-scale manor, and a few small manors that are less than jazz-class It is an enclave on the periphery of the territory.

In fact, there are many enclaves farther away, but because those enclaves were outside the influence of the Evil Spirit disaster, they were deprived by judges long ago and used to compensate other nobles for their losses.

In the next half month, under the guidance and guidance of Chapman, Feng Chou bribed several officials of the noble committee of the city hall who were in charge of small land transactions, and also bribed Several business judges.

Not all judges are followers of the Lord of Radiance.

Actually, in the legal circle of Casalanka, the believers of the true Lord of Glory are only a few. After all, this is not the empire of Glory, and the faith of the Lord of Glory cannot be allowed to occupy the entire legal world.

Under the cover of the officials who accepted the bribes, Chapman transferred the family territory piece by piece to Feng Chou’s name. These transfers appeared to be small territory transfers at the rank of jazz leader. It does not involve the transfer of the title, because Feng Chou has a higher title, which has not attracted the attention of the top of Casalanka.

In the end, the two successfully completed the replacement of the territory.

However, after completing the transaction, Feng Chou not at all let Chapman leave, and he made a new transaction with the other party.

In previous transactions, Feng Chou discovered that this Mr. Chapman is a very outstanding business-oriented talent. He is proficient in territorial management, commerce, law, and the municipal administration of Casablanca. The management mode of the hall is familiar with the local upper class…

What is rare is that this gentleman knows how to advance and retreat, and is not greedy. He also shares a secret with Feng Chou.

Feng Chou offered to hire him as the steward of the Wood Manor he just purchased, and entrust him with full responsibility for the operation and management of Wood Manor.

Although Mr. Chapman has many enemies in Casaranca, his more than ten years of career in the slum has changed his appearance, as long as he does not use Upton Chapman’s When his name appears in the upper class, no one can recognize him.

After this transaction, Mr. Chapman also established some basic trust in Feng Chou. After considering it for two days, he agreed to Feng Chou’s invitation.

After having steward, Feng Chou hired an honest and diligent freshman from a gentleman’s school in Casalanca as the clerk of his territory and asked him to assist Chap. Man took over Wood Manor together.

After finalizing the steward and clerk of the estate, Feng Chou handed over the appointment and removal of other officials in the territory to Chapman.

He also found the headquarters of the Sword of Salma Mercenary Group. From the second-line members of this mercenary group, twenty people were hired to serve as the patrol guard of Wood Manor.

At the headquarters of the Sword of Salma Mercenary Group, Feng Chou received a letter from Captain Stewart. The other party explained what happened to Allen in the letter. To protect Allen’s obligation, and apologize to Feng Chou.

Feng Chou naturally expressed his understanding by hypocritical.

Sure enough, Chapman did not disappoint Feng Chou. With the cooperation of the patrol, he completely took over Wood Manor in just half a month and successfully established the management structure of the manor. .

Wood Manor is a typical manor in a safe area for humans. It is more like a village than a fortress like a remote area.

The manor lord’s villa is located in a quiet small river bay. The main building of the villa faces south, and the river bay flows one mile away from the front of the villa.

Inside the villa, as soon as you enter the gate of the villa, there is an open square garden. The square is so large that the gate of the villa is more than 50 meters away from the villa building.

In the center of the square is a large garden with a stone fence and a diameter of more than 30 meters. A stone pavement starts from the gate of the villa and is divided into two at the edge of the garden. The other side of the garden was closed, and finally reached the gate of the manor.

On the periphery of the square is a neatly constructed shrub belt.

The wall of the villa is a thick masonry structure. There is a tower at each of the four corners of the wall. This is the only defense facility in this villa.

The gate of the manor is a double-opened cast iron fence gate, which can be opened for two carriages to enter at the same time. Next to the gate, there is a gatekeeper’s concierge, which is also a rest stop for the patrol team.

After passing through the gate of the manor, the stone pavement is divided into two again, leading to a river bend one mile away, where there is a small wharf.

The output of the manor can be transported down the river through this pier, transported to the Owendale River, and then through the Owendale River to Casalanca.

Waterway freight is always the lowest.

Another road goes around the fence of the manor and leads to the village behind the manor.

The village is located in the middle of the large farmland behind the manor. It is a village with more than one hundred families. The whole village is centered on an altar-level agricultural Goddess small sect church. The church all around is a small sect church. There are mills, grocery stores, blacksmith shops, and a small tavern all around the square.

Among them, the mill and the grocery store are the property of the lord, the tavern belongs to a retired old mercenary who is said to be a not weak professional, and the blacksmith shop is a village that has been passed down from generation to generation.

In recent decades, Owendell, especially the society in large cities and their surrounding areas, is undergoing profound changes. With the rise of the urban commercial class, territories, that is, land freely traded The call is increasing. At the same time, the development of trade has promoted the development of urban industry and commerce. Various factories and workshops in the city have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain. These factories and workshops absorb the city’s labor force like a sponge.

The shortage of labor force has prompted the urban business class to vigorously promote the lifting of the territorial bondage of the territorial citizens, promote the liberalization of the semi-serfdom, and obtain the right to free movement in order to obtain more labor.

These changes, especially the passage of the civil liberalization law, have made farmers in the villages near Casalanca better off. Lords who are too demanding will face the embarrassing situation of no one to farm for them. Of course, urban factories and workshops are not very attractive to farmers, and the huge labor intensity is daunting.

The popularity of commercial companies’ hosting territories has accelerated the flow of new technologies to the countryside, new and more efficient farming tools and farming methods, the use of new smelting fertilizers, and the improvement of water conservancy facilities by smelting cement. Rapidly changing the face of the country.

These changes are also evident in Wood Manor.

For example, in this manor, the land is not divided into small parcels like in remote areas and distributed to different territorial families for farming. Instead, the entire territory has tens of thousands of acres of farmland. Be connected into one piece.

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