Apparent Expert in an Alternate World

Chapter 209: The person who pretends to be B meets Dragon B's (part one)

As night falls, the palace of Aegis City* is brightly lit. All kinds of luxurious carriages and dragons parked outside the palace are even more prominent. Of course, the most conspicuous one is the high-flying sports car Ferrari.

Tonight, His Majesty Alfred, the chief of Dumex, held a cocktail party to celebrate the great sage of Dumex becoming the lord of the barbaric continent.

The nobles may not like Chu Nan but they had to give the Emperor a son. If this reception hosted by His Majesty the Emperor was still cold, ordinary people would not think that this was because the nobles did not give face to the great sages, but would only think that it was not giving His Majesty Afrei a son.

It is a matter of great face to be able to invite one of the representatives of the noble committee in the reception of the noble circle.

The noble committee at the reception held by the emperor tonight did not dare to neglect except for a few people who really needed to deal with official documents. It can be said that this is the most complete number of participants this year.

As the protagonist of the cocktail party, Chu Nan can't be absent and lead the entire team to participate in this luxurious party.

Chu Nan followed Princess Julia, who had just rushed back, and the nobles who had just entered the reception hypocritically and showed a very interesting thing.

Those who came to the meeting can be said to be people who exchanged so-called mobile phone numbers after meeting each other with their hands and put their mobile phones in the most conspicuous place.

Especially those who have customized their mobile phones can't wait to put their phones in front of other people to show off. After all, it is something that you can only buy with a lot of gold coins.

The aristocratic *was originally a comparable*. In the past, this * would compare the clothes and accessories of both sides. Later, I heard that there was a period of time when compared to thoroughbred horses.

Nowadays, whether it is clothes, accessories or thoroughbreds, it is no longer the focus of comparison. With the sudden emergence of mobile phones, nowadays nobles will have no face to attend the cocktail party without a mobile phone.

Watching the people attending the cocktail party compare for their mobile phones. Chu Nan secretly guessed in his heart that if people here were to go to the earth to take a look at the world where beggars on the street all have mobile phones, would they be embarrassed to show them off?

As time got closer and closer to the time when the reception officially began, the level of the nobles in the new villages had obviously improved greatly. According to Julia's introduction, the person who just nodded to Chu Nan and walked into the room. The power of the family is stronger than Liao De's family.

Liao De? Thinking of the murdered Marquis Chu Nan felt somewhat weird. The family that lost so many heavenly masters in World War I thought it would plummet and disappear from the aristocratic circle. I didn't expect that the Liao De family could still occupy a seat on the aristocratic committee.

"An ancient nobleman is not so easy to fall. In that case, it is not impossible to cede only part of the benefits to preserve strength. After all... if the ancient nobleman fights back desperately. Other noblemen who want to embezzle this nobleman will also Will suffer a lot of loss." Julia saw through Chu Nan's strangeness.

"Oh, Chu Nan nodded slowly.

Julia looked at Chu Nan next to him meaningfully and glanced at the man who was really amazing. The residents of Helen City were almost completely out of control in a short time, and they were determined to follow him to migrate to the wild continent.

of course. It made Julia more curious. It was Su Huanzhen's relationship with Chu Nan. Even though Su Huanzhen is messing around now, the level of damage is far worse than the situation where the nobles in the two cities were killed completely.

What Chu Nan said now is that most of the suspicions have been removed and the market for mobile phones is amazing. Coupled with the fact of becoming a Manzhou and the 70 heavenly masters mentioned by Alfred, Julia had to reconsider her attitude towards Chu Nan.

It was no longer as good as it was in Helen City that day. If possible, he still had to chase this man. Both strength and handsomeness are very, very good candidates!

Julia explained to Chu Nan gently and patiently as possible. I hope to quickly eliminate those bad influences in Helen City a few days ago.

Yes. Certainly possible! Julia kept cheering herself up with the signs of the top six beauties of Sheng Yuanda. Coupled with the identity of the royal princess, it is impossible for any man to resist for too long.

"Ani Maru, Prince Wyeth, is here

"The Princess of Wyeth Nation, Arnis

Two loud sounds at the door immediately caught the attention of most people at the reception.

Tonight's Arnis made a sound of a **** low-cut evening dress. The two seats on her chest were squeezed and pushed up, revealing half of her sexiness, pushing her **** to the highest peak.

Such a dress immediately gave many young nobles the urge to come forward and strike up a conversation.

When Chu Nan saw A Ni Maru's appearance, he also had to admire the opponent's level of acting.

There are many people in this world who are pretending to be b, but most of them are at the elementary level, just like the level of Ani Maru. That is already a realm!

A reception that even the emperor would attend, the prince of Wyeth Nation, still did not attend in full costume.

The simple samurai gown can be regarded as showing his superiority in the battle. The eyes are still with that little hollow and the evil smile that evokes the corners of the mouth.

In the eyes of many people, those seemingly hollow eyes revealed some unspeakable vicissitudes, but in Chu Nan's eyes, they knew exactly what that meant.

In fact, what it means is not just a simple pretence of b.

A person's life is limited. How many things can a young man who has no worries about eating and drinking and living a life many times better than ordinary people encounter in his short life? Even if he doesn't eat, drink or sleep, he won't encounter many things every day when he walks on the street, let alone experience the kind of things that see through life.

So Chu Nan understands that A Ni Wan is pretending to be b!

"Princess Julia, you are even more beautiful." Animaru nodded his head indifferently. He was pretending to be b but not stupid. If you ignore Julia, then people might not think he is cool but think he is something Is there a functional disorder?

"Prince Animaru is over." Julia smiled and nodded: "Presumably this one doesn't need to be introduced by me, right? You should have met today."

There is not much surprise at Julia’s way of introducing Animaru. If there is anything in Dumex’s Aegis, it can hide from the royal family here. Then this royal family is not far from being overthrown.

Animaru took the wine glass handed by the court waiter very politely and said thank you for pretending to be cool. Animaru has always grasped it very well.

"The Child of Light just learned that you are going to be the lord of Manzhou. Congratulations." The corner of A Nimaru's mouth gently raised his face and suddenly became evil: "I heard that the natives there are not well managed. Offend anyone more. Otherwise, two or more heads will be very tired if they are busy. If the person who has a bad temper happens to have the Three Green Dooms in his hands, then you will fall asleep someday. Maybe your house will disappear forever... "

Animaru didn't say anything, he changed to a sip of the wine and walked to the others at the reception with a smile.

Chu Nan raised his eyebrows twice: "Very arrogant."

Julia nodded: "Wyeth National is not weaker than Dumex and is also one of the countries with the three-green doomsday technology. It is different from the tyrannical strength of the Dumex nobles. Wyeth has been stripped of the efforts of the emperors for thousands of years. The aristocracy’s large number of powers may not be comparable to them among the royal families of all countries in terms of the number of masters."

"Oh, Chu Nan slowly nodded, no wonder he dared to pretend to be this way. The strength behind it turned out to be so strong!

All the nobles of Wyeth can't compete with the royal family together! Chu Nan understood very well what Julia wanted to express, that is, the Emperor Wyeth could easily use the power of the entire country!

A country that the Temple of Light needs and a strong national backing is no wonder this young prince dares to open his mouth.

Of course, the more important thing is that this country has such a devastating magic technology as the Three Green Doomsday, it is natural to negotiate.

What is the Three Green Doomsday? Chu Nan was very curious. Although I heard it was a mass destruction magic. But after all, I haven't seen this so-called terrifying magic.

"That's right!" Julia's eyes lit up: "If the Son of Light finds your seventy-odd heavenly masters to show their strength at the same time. Then I believe this prince will change his attitude towards you. The Wyeth’s royal family has the ability to fight all your strengths, but they will suffer a lot of losses after the victory. That way, it is very likely that the Wyeth’s domestic noble power will rise..."

Seventy-odd heavenly masters? Chu Nan was stunned for a moment and then realized that it was the situation that caused the misunderstanding when he created the life magic.

Chu Nan didn't think it was strange to have such a misunderstanding. It is estimated that no mentally normal person in this world will release all the energy of more than seventy sky-level spars in a short time, causing more than seventy spars to become waste.

Only Chu Nan, who is probably richer than the entire Shengyuanda6, dares to do such a prodigal thing.

Having figured this out, Chu Nan has new doubts why Julia said this? Encouraging a person with more than 70 heavenly masters to fight another country and consume a lot of its national power is this what a princess should do?

"I like you." Julia, who saw through Chu Nan's suspicion, gave the answer with a hint of shyness on her face.

Chu Nan was somewhat at a loss when he heard the half-true answer.

As a man, it is a proud thing to be favored by one of the top ten beauties! It's just that if at the same time there is a beautiful woman behind her looking at the man with a trace of icy eyes, I believe no one will feel that hearing this kind of confession is completely happy.

"Brother, the child of light doesn't seem to worry about his expression." Anis nodded to the pervert light cast by the young nobles around him and muttered quietly.

"Don't worry." Animaru gently patted Anisi's smooth little hand: "Don't we still have the last log that crushed the dragon? Look at the people brought by the son of light..."

A dash of contempt for Chu Nan's face suddenly appeared on Anis's face. The team inherited the fine tradition of eating at home.

The dining table is the battlefield! Even Avron, who usually maintains an elegant aristocratic temperament, cannot continue to maintain this.

The food-grabbing battle squad based on Sophia is destroying the exquisite food on the table at a high level, which means that it is completely like a dragon to eat.

After knowing that they can participate in a luxurious banquet in the evening and Afron’s description, almost everyone in Chu Nan’s small team refused to use dinner at home and came to the party hungry collectively just to have a good time.

"How much abilities can a person who can't even restrain his subordinates have?" Animaru's words immediately caused many people around him to nod and praise.

One person in the crowd flashed a disagreeable A Nimaru noticed that his gaze swept towards the crowd with the mere edge of his eyes.

Dragon? Ani Maru was somewhat surprised. This humanoid dragon looks more than forty years old in a cyan gown, and looks faintly extraordinary.

The seemingly ordinary gown is actually made of fine gold silk made of millennium dragon spider silk mixed with fine gold. It is blessed with a water-based spar to make the whole gown show a calm blue color.

Who is this dragon? A faint suspicion came out of Arnis's hollow eyes.

"Elder Fan!" Not far away, Chu Nan suddenly raised his voice and quickly walked towards the dragon that A Niwan was staring at.

"The Son of Light remembers the old dragon." A happy smile appeared on Fan's face.

He has seen too many people or dragons who can control his men on Shengyuan 6! With the continuous growth of age and knowledge, everyone gradually realizes that it is not difficult to find someone who can easily control their subordinates. The real difficulty is that when a person encounters anything, he does not need to personally express his opinion, so a group of people will take the initiative to you. it is good! Treat him as his closest relatives and treat those who are truly capable!

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