Apparent Expert in an Alternate World

Chapter 200: 23 Absolutely

Chu Nan's light element was fast, but still faster than Sophia who was the first to attack.

Between the lightning and flint, Sophia rushed into the two formations. The Immortal King Soul Breaker cut off the young man's long knife and heavy cut, which could be comparable to Beamon's strength, suddenly passed the long knife into the young man's arm.

The moment when the crisp metal collision sounded, the young man's arm trembled and the trajectory of the sword immediately changed direction. The huge power transmitted from his waist quickly flashed to the side and his feet touched the ground. Like a civet, he stabbed with a faster speed.

The huge warhammer in Sophia's hands is like a light wooden sword. The speed is faster than the boy's sword. The boy wants to withdraw the sword, and the warhammer suddenly disappears. The little girl who suddenly entered the battle group. Gone!

this is? The lightning-fast thought flashed through the young man's mind. He wanted to shift sideways, but he was still slow for a while, but his back was grabbed by someone before he could react. The powerful force threw him out.

Fifty light element warriors rushed to Sophia's side. A wall on the side of the street was collapsing. The young boy volleyed around and kicked the wall with his feet to avoid the injury and embarrassment of hitting the wall.

Chu Nan stared at Sephiroth nervously. As long as the King of Killing attacked Sophia, he wouldn't care about any other companions, even if he set off the monkey to bring Sephiroth down first!

The youth's complexion did not change at all, as if his entire expression had already been frozen, staring at the two of Sephiroth and Sophia ruthlessly.

The hot scene suddenly calmed down. Sephiroth, who had warned several people not to intervene, was unusually quiet. The murderous aura that should have appeared did not appear.

Not murderous? Chu Nan was strange for a while...?

murderous look! The quiet Sephiroth suddenly burst out of murderous aura that he had never had before. Even ordinary people who didn't know what the battle was, instantly felt as if they were being targeted by some primitive beast.

The long white fluttering in the wind was only an instant where Sephiroth had already blocked Sophia's side with his sword. Chu Nan twisted his eyebrows together and stared at the front of Sephiroth's Killing King's murderous violent moment. He felt that the object of this murderous aura was not Sophia but other people in the crowd!

At the moment when Sephiroth's murderous aura rose, a colder and more ruthless murderous aura rose from the crowd!

A sword energy that was half a minute faster than ordinary people's thoughts cut out from the crowd.

Heavenly level! Chu Nan's eyes lit up. The hot monkey always ready. At the moment when the heaven-level power appeared in the crowd, it had already escaped from the seal card.

The sword energy that seemed to be able to cut everything in the world instantly collapsed into fragments under the fierce bombardment of the fierce monkey with both fists. There was a curious cry from the crowd: "Huh?"

The fiery monkey didn't stay in the slightest. Both feet left two half-foot-deep footprints on the ground. The body rushed towards the crowd like a cannonball and cut out the person with the sword.

Was locked in the dark and dark seal card, the hot-tempered monkey was already going crazy and was released instantly. Only received the order from Chu Nan to break the sword qi and did not receive the order to attack the releaser of the sword qi, and rushed to the master station directly.

The frenzied beast was far more terrifying than usual. The master in the crowd clearly understood this and quickly flew to the side. At this moment, Chu Nan saw the pair of eyes that the person looked to him.

That is a pair of truly ruthless eyes! The killing king Sephiroth's eyes were just cold. Although it is almost ruthless, it is much worse than the owner of this pair of eyes!

Killing! Chu Nan was shocked with a cold sweat behind his back. With those ruthless eyes, a ruthless smile appeared at the corner of the master's mouth, and the murderous intent was rushing toward him. The person who was floating in the air quickly moved over. The pale palm and the target was Chu Nan's throat!

White Tiger! The moment when the seal card was about to be unlocked, the eyes of the ruthless person burst out with a light of terror, his body changed again in the air and finally landed beside the boy.

"Hot back."

Chu Nan gasped and gasped, but he seemed to have sprinted tens of thousands of meters without real fighting. Compared with the previous Heavenly powerhouse, this is a truly terrifying existence.

The ruthless person dressed up was very ordinary and equally ordinary, if it weren't for the terrifying heavenly power and scary eyes in the crowd, it would be really difficult to distinguish his existence. Lei

Gaba... Gaba...

With little emotional fluctuation, Sephiroth's fists clenched his joints, and the sound of clashing, mixed with anger, filled his handsome face.

"I'm very disappointed." The ruthless man looked at Sophia and Sephiroth for a while, and finally took a look at Chu Nan with dreadful eyes. "The little Si must rely on himself. Fortunately, he won't follow the third time. At the same person. If you didn’t kill you last time and this time, will you have good luck next time? Anger won’t bring you strength, only ruthlessness will make you stronger. If you still want to kill me for revenge Then you will never kill me."

Kill Sephiroth? Chu Nan's eyes lit up with the heavenly power lock on Sephiroth! Could it be that this person got in? The strength and keen judgment that he just showed are indeed qualified to do this!

The anger in the cold Sephiroth's eyes almost burst out of flames. His chest undulated violently and coldly replied: "The life without emotion in ancient times has no value."

Chu Nan Fasa, who was familiar with Sephiroth, was taken aback. Sephiroth, who was almost insensible, said such words, which was more surprising than saying that he had never killed anyone.

"No." Gulai shook his head slightly: "You really disappoint me. The name of the master is correct, but it should not be called me because of anger but ruthlessly called me. There is no killing king who talks about emotions. Fanged wolf. You waste decades of my time but it doesn't matter."

Gu Lai Die took the corner of his eyes and swept the boy next to him: "He will kill you. Save my wasted time. Sephiroth said hello to your father to see you next time."

Saphius? father! The conversation that was not too loud resounded in Chu Nan's mind like thunder.

Master Safi Xiaosi father! What a mess of it all! Chu Nan was stunned for a moment. Suddenly I felt an icy smile, just in time to see Gu Laidie's merciless smile turning back with the departing Sephiroth: "We will meet again."

"Very strong man." Liberius' voice suddenly sounded. The frightened Chu Nan suddenly dodged aside and suddenly realized that the powerful Li Berius and the beauty Zhaojun were already standing side by side behind him.

"Could it be that you two scared him away just now?" Chu Nan asked in a daze for a long time.

Of course Zhaojun nodded and replied: "What do you think?"

Chu Nan smiled weakly and shook his head, thinking that the guy had discovered the existence of a white tiger. It took a long time because I saw the existence of these two same monsters.

Ancient times. Sephiroth has disappeared without a trace. Relying on the strength of the heavenly level, the ordinary city defense forces want to catch them. They have no chance. The hidden masters in Aegis City have no necessary conflicts of interest and will not do anything that is righteous and take the initiative. To capture this turbulent heaven-level master.

When he returned to his residence, the anger on Sephiroth's face had disappeared and replaced by the coldness of the past.

A needle drop can be heard quietly in the hall. Chu Nan endured a full thirty-seven seconds in this atmosphere and finally took the lead to break the silent atmosphere: "I said that the guy called Gu Laidian locked you with heavenly power?"

Sephiroth quickly flashed his killing intent and stared at Chu Nan in silence. Chu Nan stared at the two cold eyes uncomfortably.

"Good, good. I don't ask the head office?" Chu Nan shook his head helplessly. The man's self-esteem is too strong? Or is it because of communication problems?

"It was the bad guy who locked it with heavenly power. Did it lock you?" Sophia suddenly flashed again after Chu Nan touched the nail and walked in front of Sephiroth with her big eyes that day.

Sephiroth nodded softly in a state of silence.

Chu Nan felt that his eyes were about to pop out. What's the matter? Why did Sephiroth treat Sophia this little girl special? Was it because I was in a good mood and I happened to be hit by the girl? Or does this guy have lo*ic*n?

"Come here girl." Chu Nan called Sophia next to her and whispered in her ear: "Go and ask him who is really his master? Why is the son killing him?"

Chu Nan's voice is not too small. With Saphiros's strength, he can naturally hear him clearly. He glared at Chu Nan fiercely and saw Sophia really walk towards him. There was a trace of ordinary people in his eyes that was difficult to understand. The King of Killing, who usually rarely speaks, finally opened the chatterbox.

"This is a very old-fashioned story..." Sephiroth fell into a quiet and reluctant voice again. He had to think about how to organize his vocabulary so that he could introduce everything clearly with the least words. These days, he knows too well that Chu Nan, the son of light, is not necessarily smart enough, but small methods are endless. With Sophia, this trump card is estimated that he would dig out a little bit through Sophia.

It's better to just tell it all if you are dug out a little bit by tricks! Sephiroth only had the habit of killing people and rarely thought of beating, but seeing Chu Nan's smirk on his face, he wanted to punch him with his fists.

Why not kill him but beat him? Sephiroth also wondered if he felt that this man had a weird affinity from the moment he met Chu Nan. It was not a hypocritical affinity with other upper-level figures, but from the stock that he could be friends with anyone. Affinity.

Longing for friends? Sephiroth himself didn't know if he was just following him just to fulfill his promise of finding friends? Maybe it's because of Sophia...

"I'm an orphan..." Oh, I'm the same..." Chu Nan cut off Sephiroth's words and immediately attracted the murderous king's violent eyes.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to interrupt you." Chu Nan scratched his head awkwardly: "I just think that we have something in common. I am also an orphan. Really! I didn't lie to you."

Part of the coldness on Sephiroth's body was reduced by Chu Nan's confession that he was almost harassed. He glared at Chu Nan with the look of wanting to hit someone. This look surprised everyone that King Killer had other expressions.

Zhaojun smiled softly and gently, although this kind of stubborn confession seemed cheap. But the effect was really good. Sephiroth's mood was no longer so heavy. His own man always seems to be able to make amazing moves inadvertently.

"Gu Lai has adopted me repeatedly..." Sephiroth said and glanced at Chu Nan and found that the other party didn't mean to continue to intervene before continuing: "And teach me ruthless combat skills..."

"Oh..." Chu Nan nodded slowly. There was this combat skill in the space bracelet. He has also seen some. That is definitely a distortion of the mind and talents with abnormal thoughts will go to practice combat skills, no wonder Sephiroth's mood is so weird.

Working hard to restrain the urge to rush to beat Chu Nan violently, Sephiroth continued: "He raised me and taught me ruthless combat skills. Until I became an adult, I continued to practice and practice on the battlefield. The skills are also growing a little bit...until..."

Chu Nan nodded slowly, no wonder this guy dares to care if you are a commoner or a soldier. Raising the knife and killing people for a long time, at that time his ruthless combat skills had reached the realm of almost metamorphosis.

Chu Nan was slightly distracted after hearing it for a while. When he heard it again, Sephiroth had already seriously injured him, who was already mortal. Saved by a woman. It was the woman who saved him that made him feel what is called love.

Handsome guys like Sephiroth and cool guys. It is natural to have a relationship called a friendship relationship with the woman who saved him day and night.

This killing king, who kills like breathing, doesn't care about men and women as he did when killing people, but he paid great attention to it.

After he recovered, he soon married this woman as his wife. From then on, he took his wife and lived in the territory and rarely went out. The King of Killer also seemed to have a scabbard, temporarily restraining his butcher's edge.

After a period of time, Gu Laidi, the master of Sephiroth, suddenly couldn't hear the news about the disciple's continuing to kill people, and thought this might be a problem.

Then this psychopathic and distorted master took a knife and went to see what happened to his apprentice? Although he doesn't care about Sephiroth, he cares about the inheritance of ruthless combat skills.

As a result, this perverted master with a distorted psychology immediately asked Sephiroth to kill his wife personally after seeing the woman, otherwise he would have the **** of the family and ruthless combat skills would no longer have the slightest progress, and he would have a heart like a rock. crack.

Sephiroth would definitely not be able to kill his own wife! As a result, the two masters and disciples had a dispute. Finally, after learning that Sephiroth had a son, he simply asked Sephiroth to kill his wife and children.

During the negotiation, Gu Laidie directly drew his knife and said that he would kill Sephiroth's wife and son by himself.

Tangtang Killing King has always been the only one who kills other people where there are others who kill his family. Even the master can't do it!

He drew his knife to block Gu Laidie's knife and caused Gu Laidi's dissatisfaction.

"In the early years, when you faced the master, you would not choose to resist. You would draw your sword and want to kill with the master. Your ruthless vindictiveness can no longer be cultivated. My most talented apprentice is still my apprentice if you can return to the state of despair. get out."

Sephiroth was silent for a while after speaking here, and it was obvious that the following things were a very painful stage for him.

"When I was about to lead my family away, Gu Laidian suddenly shot the child's mother without the slightest combat skills... The child was taken by him when I drew my sword and resisted." Sephiroth slowly closed his eyes and calmed down. Sad thoughts.

"Huh? The genius of this child is not under you? Good! Very good! Father disappointed me and son! No! If the little guy grows up because of your existence, father-son love might abolish this genius, I will kill you."

When Sephiroth said this in the tone of Gu Laidie, Chu Nan confirmed that his hometown was definitely a very state-of-the-art psychopath expert.

Faced with the old monster, Earth-level, Sephiroth, who had been a master of heaven three hundred years ago, was finally defeated.

Saint Yuanda 6's iron law ground master is a deadly battle in the battle against the heavenly master! No earth-level master can escape alive from the hands of a heaven-level master.

But Sephiroth was so unusual that he managed to escape from the master with his will in the battle, not to mention that he escaped with his wife's body.

Of course, in the process of escaping, Sephiroth was forced by Gu Laidie to use a heavenly power lock to knock him from the peak of the tenth tier to the second tier!

Everyone was embarrassed to hear that Skyrim masters who were able to use the sky-level power lock could directly knock them out of the ground level when facing low-level masters, so that they would stay at the human level forever and hopelessly return to the ground level.

Sephiroth, who should have been knocked down to the human level, still maintains the strength of the earth-level. Fasa once again looked at Sephiroth with another look, this is the real genius!

"I have a way for you to unlock the power lock of the sky level." Liberius' sudden words surprised everyone again: "If you succeed, you can not only unlock the power lock but also enter the sky level. If you fail, you will lose your life. . If you’re afraid, I can personally help you unlock the sky-level power lock, but it’s better to only restore to the tenth-level peak of the earth-level, or you may drop one level."

"Sapphiros owes you a celestial love."

There is no exciting rhetoric, Sephiroth's calm answer made everyone understand that he chose to take risks.

"I said buddy." Chu Nan leaned in front of Sephiroth with a smile on his face, as if he didn't know that the other party was thinking of beating him violently: "If you become a master of heaven, I will find a way to help you get the child back."

Sephiroth’s eyes lit up suddenly. Compared to unlocking the Heavenly Power Lock, if he could get his child back, this was what he wanted to do the It’s just... it’s difficult to instill ruthless combat skills. Let one restore the original emotion! As a cultivator of ruthless combat skills, he deeply understands that it is too difficult for his son to restore his father-son relationship.

"Don't believe it?" Chu Nan patted Sephiroth on the shoulder: "I said, buddy! St. Yuanta 6 and things I can't fool? Blood! Always thicker than water! You remember it!"

"Blood is thicker than water..." Sephiroth repeated in a low voice...

"That's right! You won't even have ruthless combat skills after breaking through?" Chu Nan lay in Sephiroth's ear and said, "If that thing enters the sky level, you will also enter a perverted state. I have this ice here. Absolute combat skills continue to maintain your image as a cool guy can also prevent you from embarking on a perverted path."

Sephiroth carefully looked at Chu Nan, who was staring at Chu Nan's whole body, when he was very uncomfortable, he said seriously: "You are very annoying but you don't hate it. It is very mysterious."

hate? magical? Chu Nan couldn't laugh or cry. What kind of evaluation is this? Ok? Still bad?

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