Apparent Expert in an Alternate World

Chapter 200: 15 Only Dragon

The chaotic scene just now became completely silent as Chu Nan appeared. The people facing Afron also closed their mouths and watched quietly at the three demon wolves of the heavenly beast before Chu Nan was about to move. Turning out of the world, they had to judge the true strength of the Son of Light.

Feeling the gaze of everyone's eyes, Chu Nan raised his eyes and saw a familiar Long Wei oncoming, raising his eyebrows, and in his heart, he also praised the dragon clan as being worthy of the reputation of being a treasure collector.

The cyan gown looks ordinary, but in the eyes of alchemy masters, it is definitely a rare and good item. The fine gold silk made of millennium dragon spider silk mixed with fine gold is blessed with a water-based spar to make the whole gown reveal a kind Calm cyan.

There is no mobster full of rings on the palm, but only a special function ring made of arcane iron. It looks grand but not rich and kitsch.

Master class! Both are absolute masterpieces! Chu Nan's eyes lit up and he looked at the other four dragon elders, the Golden Dragon, which is known as one of the top dragons of the dragon clan, and the elder orange jade looks like a woman in her early thirties. There is a tight-fitting golden samurai costume flowing in the production that only the top alchemist can understand. The seemingly ordinary golden decoration of the hairpin on the back of the head also has production techniques that ordinary people cannot understand.

The elders of the other three tribes are also well-dressed, but they are slightly inferior compared to the golden dragon, the golden dragon, the orange jade, and the sacred dragon, but the slight inferiority is invisible in the eyes of ordinary people.


In addition to Chu Fan, the other four dragon elders also looked at Chu Nanxin quite unexpectedly and said, how could this human child of light have the dragon power of the dragon race?

The dragon crystals that formed the crystals in Chu Nan's body had an unexplainable resonance at this moment. The dragons were even stronger than usual. The invisible dragon power connected these dragon crystals together and gradually began to form an independent cycle independent of the cycle of its own ninety-nine power sources.

The five dragon elders didn't have time to study why Chu Nan had the unique Longwei of the Dragon Clan. The high-profile words of the Son of Light were causing everyone to pay attention to them.

How to respond? This is a very important question! The elders who can become their respective dragons will naturally not roar like young dragons at every turn. They are more calm and sophisticated.

"Elder Armani's dragon spine is broken!"

The voice of the young dragon clan in the group of dragons rang out, the elder of the golden dragon clan, the orange jade complexion, suddenly sank.

Broken and broken are completely different. Even if the body can be healed again with a healing technique, the improvement of future strength is very limited. Injured and uninjured are completely different. Unless it is a real genius, it can break and stand. Any injury to a creature that is not a genius will only affect future exhibitions.

"Son of Light is too heavy to start, right?" Orange Jade's face was instantly covered with murderous intent. Onlookers immediately felt that the temperature in the air had dropped a lot in an instant.

The Golden Dragon Race, which is known as one of the royal families of the Dragon Race, and the Spirit Dragon Race of the Holy Dragon Race, are said to be the three major royal families of the Dragon Race. Very few people will take the initiative to provoke the Golden Dragon Race, sometimes even if they suffer a small loss from the Golden Dragon Race. Choose patience.

Wound the golden dragon? Except for those creatures of the Four Jedi who only knew that fighting was completely uncivilized and educated. In the past thousands of years, only the Demon Race has attacked the Golden Dragon and other forces. No one has ever injured the Golden Dragon Race's dragon, let alone the dying defeat of the Golden Dragon and its future strength increase.

"Did you see that pit?" Chu Nan didn't answer Orange Yu's words, pointing his finger at the hole that appeared on the ground in the yard and said: "That pit. It was my dragon falling from a high altitude and hitting the ground. I saw the blood on the ground. ? That's the fluid from hundreds of wounds on my dragon's body."

Chu Nan unhurriedly kicked the stone under his feet and the stone flew up and hit the Chilong's head accurately in the hole.

"Anyone should take responsibility for what he did." Chu Nan said nonchalantly: "If you don't have the ability to be responsible, don't come out and look for things. Since you dare to hit my dragon, you should think about whether it will harm my light. Glory of the son of the land. It’s time to think about hitting my earth dragon and rushing to my place of residence and shouting. Will it take me too far from the son of light. A dozen high-level dragons besieged me Are you a low-level dragon at all ages to Pique? I feel ashamed for your dragon kings."

The already quiet scene became quieter at this moment, everyone looked at Chu Nan in surprise. Is this child of light crazy? The language does not leave any face to the noble Golden Dragon Race!

Even ordinary people can feel that in such a silent atmosphere, it is the depressive silence before the storm.

The elder Fan of the Sacred Dragon tribe's eyes lit up. This is young and energetic. Don't you know the arrogance? Or did he make a deliberate gesture with absolute confidence just to tease the Golden Dragon Fury? Planning to use the golden dragon clan to gain power?

The faces of the other three dragon elders are also different. What's more, they have an angry look on their faces. This is a blatant provocation to the entire dragon family!

"You..." Golden Dragon and Orange Jade took a few deep breaths. The beautiful face was full of chilling murderous aura: "You actually compare a humble earth pterosaur with our noble golden dragon clan..."

The onlookers and other dragons nodded lightly and kept comparing the noble golden dragons to the life of the earth pterosaurs like weeds on the side of the road.

"Really?" Chu Nan smiled and said, "Noble? Isn't everyone equal in front of life? Could it be that after your golden dragon clan was killed by my cut off your head, you can have a second life because you are so-called noble? Resurrection again?"

The statement that all the creatures onlookers stayed together was an unprecedented argument. Shenglongfan's eyes lit up and his feet stepped back slightly for half a step, let alone the strength of the son of light. Speaking of the truth, Orange Jade may say that he is not smart to blend in at this time. Besides, he still has the power of the Holy Dragon clan, so let's take another look.

"Why? Isn't it right?" Chu Nan asked the ordinary civilians around with a long laugh: "Is your life humble? If the nobleman tells you that my life is more noble than yours, I will kill you. You will Give your life immediately without thinking about it?"

Seeing everyone shaking their heads together, Chu Nan gave a long laugh: "Then why do my dragons suffer obediently because of the so-called nobility of the Golden Dragons? What's more! Who positioned the Golden Dragons to say that they are noble than the Earth Pterosaurs? ?Your Dragon Emperor Qinglong?"

All the dragon races were stunned. The Dragon Emperor Qinglong not only possessed the most powerful strength of the dragon race, but also possessed a benevolent heart that other dragon races could not have. All dragon races were completely equal in its eyes regardless of their strength.

Chu Nan sneered: "What? Qinglong didn't say it? So it seems that he has set his own land? Then I can also say that my earth pterosaur is much more noble than the golden dragon!"

"What are you talking about?" Several elders of the dragon clan changed their faces at the same time. This is no longer just a provocation to the dragon clan, it is a naked insult! No one has ever dared to insult the dragons like this!

"Not satisfied?" Chu Nan laughed: "Earth. Come here."

The earth under Longwei of the five dragon elders came to Chu Nan's side tremblingly, even though his body had recovered.

"How old are you on the earth?" Chu Nan asked casually without looking at the angry dragon elders.

"I'm an adult." The earth answered honestly.

All the dragons present cast their eyes with disdain. Earth Pterosaur Gale Pterosaur Ice Pterosaur. The lowest among the four dragons, the flame pterodactyl, is different from other dragons.

Other dragon races still have a high room for strength improvement after they reach adulthood, but as long as the four dragon races enter adulthood, they will not have any possibility of increasing their strength.

An earth pterosaur of human level 7 strength. This is already a very powerful existence in the Earth Dragon Clan, but for the entire Earth Dragon Clan, the Earth Dragon cannot enter the ground level strength when it enters the adult stage. This is no different from waste.

The earth lowered its head lower. Able to have the strength of human-level seven-level land. It was also due to the continuous gnawing of the corpses of the higher-ranking monsters in the Atlantis sunset forest to absorb the blood of the higher-ranking monsters. Only then has today's strength. Chu Nan asked nonchalantly: "From the Dragon Clan's point of view, whoever is powerful is the higher dragon clan, is my understanding correct?"

The dragons lightly nodded their heads. The dragon clan is a race with a strong stratum but also a group with a strong stratum. The reason why the earth pterosaurs are called humble is that their poor strength discredited the overall strength of the dragon clan.

"Then the dragon that thinks it is noble than my dragon can challenge my dragon." Chu Nan looked around at the dragons and almost all the dragons showed disdainful eyes. Fighting against such an abandoned dragon would be the biggest insult to him.

"If there is no challenge, then it is to admit that the earth pterosaur is noble..."

"I'm here!" A juvenile Chilong who flew up not long ago: "The adult Chilong is an insult to our Chilong clan to the Earth Pterosaur! I'm here!"

Chu Nan smiled softly and didn't bother her words and was interrupted by the other party's impoliteness, and continued to say to herself: "Then since you challenged, the time of the duel is up to our side..."

"Son of Light, do you think that if you break the bones of my younger generation, that's all you can do?" The gloomy Armani on the orange jade face is also one of the younger generations of the Golden Dragon family who is favored by the elders. This time I came to Aegis to see it. The way of thinking in human society is a kind of experience. I didn't expect someone to break my spine.

The other three dragon elders also nodded their heads and stared at the elders of the dragon clan in Chunan with gloomy expressions. Not only are few of the dragon clan elders in their respective clan daring to treat them like this, they are the nobles with a history of tens of thousands of years in Dumex. No one in the family has treated them like this.

The long-standing elders of the Dragon Clan have become accustomed to the habit of doing everything in the high position and following their thoughts. The emergence of Chunan has extremely stimulated their bottom line.

"Then what do you want?" Chu Nan raised his hand and pointed to the mistress not far away: "Armani. It was the one who destroyed it. The first thing you are looking for should be this one who walked out of the sunset forest of Atlantis. Is it right to see the wolf in the world?"

Creatures in the sunset forest of Atlantis? I just arrived and didn't know the origins of Xiaosan, several dragon elders suddenly looked at Xiaosan nervously.

Atlantis sunset forest represents the brutal **** slaughter and at the same time represents power! Even the powerful dragons. When facing the sunset forest of Atlantis, he would frown that deep brow.

"Sky-level monster?" Orange Jade's eyes trembled slightly, and a cold smile gradually appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Atlantis sunset forest is a restricted area of ​​life. It does not mean that creatures can walk out of the forest. Sweep St. Yuan University 6."

Chu Nan lightly nodded his head. If a heavenly master can sweep the big six, that would be too small to underestimate the huge Shengyuanda 6. Although Afron has repeatedly emphasized that there are fewer heavenly masters than the earth pandas. . But he believes even more that it is because Afron can't reach that level, so he doesn't understand the higher level at all to have this kind of cognition.

It's like the little common people. I can never guess what the emperor is eating at the dinner table.

"So what do you want, the elder of the Golden Dragon Clan?" Chu Nan looked at Orange Jade calmly: "Your dragon beat my dragon with violence. I used the same method to teach your younger generations to let them know that the most important thing before fighting the dragon. Let’s see if this dragon’s backer can afford it. What do you want now? Give me a beat?"

Orange Yu was slightly stunned. Hearing that the younger generation of the clan was beaten by someone, he hurried over. I really didn't think about how to deal with this matter. The other party is not only a special identity of the son of light, but also has a heavenly beast to help out. Last night, two heavenly masters demonstrated to the entire Aegis City.

After pondering for a while, the five dragon elders quickly got together and held a small meeting. Finally, with Shenglong Fanyilong opposed to the other four dragons, Orange Yu announced the results of the discussion to Chu Nan.

"Son of Light." Orange Jade paused slightly and said: "We respect the glory of the Temple of Light. At the same time, we must also maintain the glory of the Dragon Race. After discussion. We hope that you will hand over the earth pterosaur that led this incident and then hand over to hurt me. The murderer of the dragons. In order to make up for your loss, our dragons are willing to provide a heavenly strength earth dragon to sign a master and servant contract with you. Because your contract dragon dies, you can no longer sign a dragon knight contract with other dragons in your life. Our golden dragon selection A young and powerful junior vowed to Dragon Emperor Qinglong to be your mount forever and all sentient beings will not betray."

The onlookers took a breath and the ordinary people who did not understand the truth were even more surprised and speechless for a long time.

Dragon! This has always been an arrogant race that even no gods are in the eyes! This race that has never made any compromises made such an exchange with the Child of Light here! That is already a compromise in disguise! The Son of Light was the first person who could do this in many years!

The onlookers on the ground level each have a smile on the child of light. There is a sky-level monster on the bright side. There are also two sky-level masters who have demonstrated to the entire Aegis City late at night! Even the five dragon elders have to think more about the existence of the three heavenly strengths.

Of course, the prefecture-level masters are also a little surprised. Such conditions are still very generous. It is not like the conditions that the stingy dragons can offer.

"Oh? Such a favorable condition?" Chu Nan raised his eyebrows lightly and picked the four dragon elders with a triumphant smile on their faces. When facing offending the five dragons, or accepting the choice of generous terms, as long as they are not fools, they will choose the latter. Shenglongfan would think that the Son of Light did not agree with this idea. It seems that Shenglongfan, who has always been known for his wisdom, has stupid things today.

"It's a pity." Chu Nan shrugged, "I don't agree."

what? The four dragon elders stunned the onlookers, stunned the onlookers, the human masters, stunned to face the favourable conditions that the dragon has never met in a century, and even refused? Is the child of light crazy? Become a half-golden dragon knight! This is a dream that many people will never realize in their lives!

A triumphant smile appeared at the corner of Shenglongfan's mouth. The Son of Light could shoot down so many giant dragons for an earth pterosaur. This indicated that the earth pterosaur had a great status in the heart of the son of light. If the children of light can really be exchanged, they will just catch the younger dragons who fight the dragons instead of crippling them one by one.

"Why don't you kill the uncultivated guys who beat my dragon like this? I will give each of you a celestial beast for each dragon clan. What do you think?" Chu Nan smiled confidently and then went to the Atlantis sunset plain to search. I don’t believe it’s impossible to catch a five-headed heavenly beast, there are other three Jedi!

"You!" The golden golden dragon fighting spirit spread all over the body of Orange Jade: "Children of Light, do you choose to be the enemy of the golden dragons?"

Chu Nan didn't answer Orange Yu's question, but smiled and said, "Elder of the Golden Dragon Clan, you have a problem with the Golden Dragon's fighting spirit. You only figured it out by yourself, right? You will have chest pain for seven days every five years. Can you breathe out?"

Orange Yu's body was shocked, and she couldn't take care of her anger before. Chu Nan hit the most vulnerable part of her heart with a word!

Weilong Duzun was not discovered by her own orange jade, but the Dragon Clan’s Golden Dragon Fighting Qi Collection was missing many years ago. The genius of the Golden Dragon King, Jin Jing, refilled Weilong Duzun with his peerless talent. Makes the following chapters of Golden Dragon Fighting Qi can continue to practice.

But after all, the genius Jin Jing is not the only dragon created by the dragon supreme, and it has huge flaws. The golden dragon masters who have cultivated to the chapter of the dragon alone will explode every five years because of the accumulation of the golden dragon's fighting spirit~www. In addition to the initial pain, such siltation may even lead to the death of the golden dragon due to excessive siltation.

If the cultivator is lucky enough to pass through Weilong Duzun and is qualified to practice the following combat skills inheritance, then he will no longer be affected by Weilong Duzun's defects.

For many years, the masters of the Golden Dragon clan had arrived at Weilong Dominion and began to tremble for fear that one day their bodies would explode and die. Even so, there are still many golden dragon masters whose lives have come to the end of their lives because of the only dragon.

In the past few days, Orange Jade has faintly started to ache in his chest, foreseeing the danger in his life, and the irritable emotions have made his temper become hot. The calm head is not even half of the usual. Only after a few strokes, Chu Nan was aroused. Fighting spirit.

"You... how do you know...?" Orange Yu subconsciously raised her hand to cover the painful chest.

"How do I know? This is not the point?" Chu Nan smiled softly: "The point should be whether I can prevent all golden dragons entering Weilong from exploding and dying?"

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