Come quickly!

 Positioning coordinates are sent to each ally.

 Wang Ye took the coordinates directly!

 He knows the process of the Eldar very well.

Nine-colored auspicious lights appear, and the appearance of the Holy Spirit descends!

 The spirit race gathers the final energy to the core through the innate spirit gathering array!

When the nine-color auspicious light completely disappears, the energy gathered by the Holy Spirit statue will be quickly transmitted to the first secret base of Colorful Islands through the spiritual energy transfer array!

 If his guess is accurate.

quick! !

 Now, it’s a race against time!

 Fortunately, he and Yiyi discussed the scope of the speculation before, and it was correct.

The first secret base of Colorful Islands is in the Central Islands!

 Because this is where the energy of the colorful islands is strongest!

  Setting up a spiritual magic array requires sufficient energy and regional level support.

  To refine the Tibetan Holy World, we also need to be close to the original high-dimensional will!

Just like an attack, the power will be greatly reduced due to the long distance!

 After all, refining itself is the most direct competition between the refiner and the original higher-dimensional will!

 “Deep under the sea!” Wang Ye was as anxious as the wind and fire!


Not only Wang Ye, but all the ally teams on the central island at this time rushed to the target location!

 The closest one is the Infinite Killing World team!

Shaozang Tianzun and Ying Tianzun led the way.

Jiuwei Beilei and two senior brothers followed closely behind.


 They are very close to the coordinate point!

If Wang Ye’s guess is accurate, then they will be the winners of this game!

 “Replace the self-strengthening clan alliance and refine the Tibetan Holy World!” Shaozang Tianzun and Ying Tianzun are both eager.

 This will not only greatly increase the sphere of influence of Infinite Killing World.

 At the same time, they can also raise their own combat power and the upper limit of the high-dimensional universe to a higher level!

 Even, in the near future, it will be advanced to the highest level!

 Great opportunity!


 The five people in the human virtual universe are also approaching quickly.

 “It’s too late!” The only one who trusted Wang Ye very much.

Although I don’t know how Wang Ye deduced it.

 But as long as you know the location and prevent the refining and expansion of the Self-Strengthening Clan Alliance, that’s it!

 In the end, it doesn’t matter whether humans can replace them.

The most important thing is that the Tibetan Holy Realm, which is the gateway in the middle of human territory, must not be interfered with by the Self-Strengthening Clan Alliance!

“But do we have enough combat power?” Senior Brother Lu Yicheng raised a very realistic question.

“The Self-Strengthening Clan Alliance is likely to have a supreme being.” Senior Sister Hong Ya also had worries in her eyes.

 One supreme being can defeat them all!

  No matter how many gods come, it may be useless.

Not only can it not stop the Self-Strengthening National Alliance, it may even involve itself!

"I don't know." The only expression on his face was serious: "But whether it's enough or not, we have to fight this battle."

 “There is no way out.”



 Zhenbao Temple Jedi.

 The nine-colored auspicious clouds gradually dimmed.

 The appearance of the Holy Spirit is majestic and majestic.

 “Holy jade! So many holy jade!”

"It's mine! Get out of here! Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

 “Grab it quickly!”

 The strong men of all races are going crazy!

 Time and space are changing, and the energy of chaos is lingering!

The bells of Zhenbao Temple could be heard, and the sky began to rain with jade.

 Elf clan, spread your coins!

Sacred jade worth more than a hundred yuan was thrown out all at once, making the strong men of all races go completely crazy!

Each piece of holy jade is valuable.

Hundreds of pieces of holy jade are a fortune that even the supreme deity can covet.

 The fighting was fierce!

 Suddenly, the situation suddenly changed.

 The rules of the surrounding space and time change, and groups of strong men from the heavenly clan descend!

 The powerful aura of the Eight-Winged Heavenly Lord suppressed the entire audience, while the six-winged Heavenly Warriors showed no expression on their faces.

The Royal Family of the Heavenly Clan looked down at the group of powerful men from various tribes competing for the Holy Jade, looking domineeringly.

The strong men of various races who were originally fighting to the death, suddenly stopped fighting as if they were hit by a restraining spell.

 Each person's face is earth-colored, and they know clearly.

 Sacred jade is gone.


 The nine-colored auspicious light gradually faded away.

 The appearance of the Holy Spirit reveals the secrets of the Spirit race.

  King Ai Gao personally led the royal army and accurately landed on the position of the Holy Spirit.

 But this time, no treasure was unearthed!

 Elf clan, stop pretending.

 Completing the last part of the layout, they don't need to waste any more treasures to cover it up.

 Even, it’s straightforward!

With ten wings spread out, King Ai Gao's power is overwhelming.

 But his brows were furrowed and his expression was very solemn.

 He had an ominous feeling.

Sha Lili is also so full of arrogance!

 Through energy fluctuations, taken directly from the secret base of the Strong Race Alliance!

 She also felt something was very wrong!

If the Jedi at Zhenbao Temple are really the final refining place, then everything the Spirit Tribe is doing now is too abnormal!

 But at this time, it’s hard to get off the tiger!

 The warriors of the Heavenly Clan are mighty!

 Go straight to the secret base!

After the appearance of the Holy Spirit revealed its precise location, the location of the base of the Self-Strengthening Clan Alliance was clearly revealed.

 The rest is—

 “Not good!” Sha Lili’s complexion suddenly changed.

 She felt an unusually large amount of energy, instantly teleporting over long distances from the ruins of Zhenbao Temple!

 Extremely fast!

 The huge amount of energy is even more shocking!

 Spiritual energy transformation array!

 “No! The Jedi from Zhenbao Temple are bait!” Sha Lili shouted to King Ai Gao.

 “Tisi, search for energy reaction immediately!” King Ai Gao immediately gave an order to Tisi in the core area.

 Fortunately, as a precaution, he sent General Chapter Commander Tisi to the core area early in the morning. With Tisi’s ability, she only needs to find a source of refining energy.

Even if you can't kill the Eldar, you can at least stop them!

  Bang! An earth-shattering explosion sounded.


 The riot of endless energy is like the vast shock of a supreme desperate blow!

 The terrifying energy is enough to destroy a high-dimensional world.

 Rise from the ground and soar into the sky!

 “Not good!” Sha Lili’s expression changed instantly and she even resisted.


Countless heavenly warriors were the first to bear the brunt and were wiped out in ashes!

 As strong as the Eight-Wing Army, they all suffered huge losses under the impact of this terrifying energy.

The Celestial Clan, suffered heavy damage!

 “Looking for death!” King Ai Gao was furious.

 Withstand the maximum energy impact, the ten wings shine brightly, and time and space change drastically!

 Although he tried his best to resist the unloading force, he still looked a little embarrassed.

  "Grrrrrrrr!" A beautiful figure appeared in the mist.

 The Empress of Cartilage!

 The body seems to have no bones, and the supreme power is undoubtedly revealed!

 “You’ve been fooled, Heavenly Clan~” The Cartilage Empress’s charming colored contacts shone brightly.

Suddenly, Sha Lili's figure appeared in front of her, wearing sharp red clothes!

The combat power is sturdy, and the female emperor is the female emperor!

 Pap, pah, pah!

 The two quickly clashed for several rounds.

Although Sha Lili is only the Eight-Winged Heavenly Lord, her attack power is not inferior.

 But the Empress of Cartilage's defense and control of heavenly law, her supreme combat power, makes her invincible.

 “Scout!” The war sword that tears through the sky!

King Ai Gao covered time and space with his ten wings, and with his supreme sword skills, King Ai Gao slashed at the Cartilage Empress.

  唰! The Cartilage Empress blocked it with her hand and removed it strangely.

 The figure slid away like a loach, and the constraints of time and space had no effect on her.

 The body shape changes, twists in time and space, and disappears in an instant.

 “Goodbye, stupid Celestial Clan~”


 A series of charming laughter swayed in the void.

 The Empress of Cartilage has long since escaped.

Sha Lili looked ugly and fell into the center of the explosion.

Seeing the destroyed spiritual storage vault, his eyes flashed and he grinded his teeth: "I was fooled by this little hoof!"

 “What’s going on?” King Ai Gao appeared with an angry look on his face.

“This is not the final refining place.” Sha Lili said: “The energy that exploded just now was collected by the Celestial Clan in the Holy Spirit Cemetery, and the Cartilage Empress was just a bait.”

 “Cunning Eldar!” King Ai Sao suppressed his anger and clenched his sword: “Let’s see if Tisi can find a refining place.”

 “It’s useless, I can’t find it.” Sha Lili regained her composure.

 “Why?” King Ai Gao said angrily.

Sha Lili pointed to the completely destroyed spiritual energy transfer array: "The last energy transfer location collected by the Jedi of Zhenbao Temple is the final refining place. It does not point to the core place, but to -"

 “Colorful islands.”

 “We were tricked by the Eldar.”



 Colorful islands.


 Huge energy is coming!

Wang Ye, who was galloping, could feel this earth-shattering energy transfer even without using the siphon!

 It’s hard not to sense all the energy that is as high as the peak!

Even if all the energy of the seabed is added up, it is far less than it is!

 The direction of energy transmission is in the direction of the coordinate position!

 his inference is correct!

 Colorful islands are the ultimate refining place!

  But, the key is time!

quick! quick! quick!

Wang Ye was so anxious that he could not wait to rush to the coordinates immediately!

No matter whether this battle is difficult to fight or not, the conspiracy of the Self-Strengthening Ethnic Alliance must be stopped!


 The earth shook violently.

 The water of the ocean is rough.

Wang Ye’s heart skipped a beat.

 That is the deepest turmoil from the core!

 It is the energy mobilization of the entire Tibetan Holy World!

 The original high-dimensional will exploded!

 The huge realm of chaos is shaking, as if on the eve of destruction!

 Like a sleeping lion that was awakened and furious!

Rumble, rumble!

“Refining has begun.” Wang Ye’s heart was like a mirror.

 The Spirit Race and the Self-Strengthening Race Alliance are well prepared!

 Speed, too fast!

 The moment the Jedi energy of Zhenbao Temple arrives, refining has started!

 “The energy collected by the Spirit Race is obviously insufficient!” Wang Ye’s speed surged to the extreme, and he felt calm.

 No chaos!

 Time is enough!

 And he also has allies and partners!

 “I’m here, Wang Ye!” A charming voice with a clipped sound came, and Wang Ye was overjoyed!

  Nine-tailed buds!

 Infinite killing world, be the first to arrive!

 Among the many alliance teams, their combat power is considered to be the top!

 “Up!” In Xinghuan’s voice, the voices of Shaozang Tianzun and Ying Tianzun came.

At this moment refining begins, the majestic energy fluctuations can no longer be concealed, and it is easy to discover the secret base of the Self-Strengthening Clan Alliance.

 But, this will be a real fierce battle!

 The ones facing us are the main forces of the Self-Strengthening Clan Alliance and the Spirit Clan!

 “Hold on!” Wang Ye shouted to Jiuwei Beilei.

 Approaching quickly!

 Not long after, new information came in!

 Companions from the Primordial Star!

The team of Lord Xiaohan has arrived!

Wang Ye was so excited that he wanted to join the battlefield immediately!

Just a moment later, the Thunder Lord team also arrived!

Teams from Yuangu Star appear one after another!

 The moment after the only team arrived—


Wang Ye was like a torpedo, blasting into the underwater base!

The powerful power is earth-shaking, and the devastating combat power explodes instantly!

he came!

 Let’s kill!

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