Another world conquest manual

Chapter 446 Huge Corpse

In the grave.

After the formation is completely broken.

Wei Fan stepped forward, picked up the broken core of the formation and sensed it:

"It is indeed a third-level formation, but I don't know the level of the person who made it, and the refining technique seems a bit rough."

Chen Haiyang on the side took out a POS machine-like device from his body and fiddled with it a few times according to the sequence he had mastered before:

"Instructor Wei, there is still no abnormality in the gas behind the formation. Do you want to continue moving forward?"

Upon hearing this, Wei Fan put away the fragments of the formation and planned to return them to Director Feng after returning to the ground.

At the same time, he looked around and ordered:

"Turn on all the lights, keep using your spiritual will, and keep moving forward!"

After saying that, he took the lead and walked forward with Gatlin on his shoulders.

The people behind him moved forward in tandem with him.

Mentioned previously.

It turns out that the tunnel the team came down was a slope with a certain curvature, so everyone needed to spend a certain amount of attention to ensure their body balance when descending.

But after passing through the formation level, the tunnel suddenly no longer tilted, but turned into a straight road.

The height of the straight track is close to three meters, and the width is about five meters.

But consistent with the ramp.

There are still no decorations on the straightaway.

Everyone continued to move forward for more than thirty meters.

Finally, one appeared in front of me.

Ancient stone gate.

The height and width of the stone gate are almost the same as the straight road, and the gate body is tightly closed.

There was a lot of sand and dust between the cracks in the door, as if it hadn't been opened for some years.

Also visible through projected lights.

There are a few runes and strange images carved on the stone door, and it is difficult to distinguish their meanings in a short time.

After stopping, Wei Fan first used his spiritual sense to sense:

“There is no formation or spiritual energy feedback, this is just an ordinary marble door.

Director Feng, what should we do next? "

With the breakthrough of the previous formation, Director Feng on the ground also has the ability to maintain communication with Wei Fan's team:

"Clan Chief Wei Fan, I have sent the rune image of Shimen to the analysis department to see if there can be any valuable information analyzed there.

So you should rest where you are and be ready to open the stone gate at any time. "

Wei Fan nodded:


on the ground.

Director Feng was holding a branch and flying away a centipede lying on the computer screen.

Then he turned around and complained to Ning Hao beside him:

"Old Ning, there are too many bugs here in Chengdu, right?"

When Ning Hao heard this, he patted his belly and put on a smile:

"This shows that our city is peaceful and peaceful. Besides, spring is here, so naturally there are more bugs.

Seeing a centipede in the wild is nothing, but seeing a giant centipede is interesting. "

"You fat man Ning."

Director Feng smiled and pointed at Ning Hao a few times. He and Ning Hao had been friends for half a lifetime.

Then when he was about to speak, the technician beside him suddenly stood up:

"Report! The analysis department has the results!"

Director Feng immediately put away his expression, stopped chatting with Ning Hao, and asked:

"How is the result?"

"Through image comparison, the analysis team found that the images and runes on the stone gate do not belong to any current cultural system, but the text on the tombstone is somewhat similar to ancient Shu characters, and is currently being deciphered."

Director Feng blinked:

"Ancient Shu writing? Liu Bei's Shu country?"

Before the technician could reply, Ning Hao on the side spoke:

"Monen is a Shu kingdom. It was founded by King Cancong. Have you ever heard of Cancong and Baiguan?"

Director Feng was stunned when he heard this:

"The country of Shu where Wu Ding opened the mountains?"

"That's the one."

Director Feng suddenly realized.

He said the word "Shu".

Most people may have the same reaction as Director Feng, thinking of the Shu Kingdom of Liu Bei and Uncle Liu, plus some famous scenes such as "My second brother is invincible in the world".

But in history.

In addition to the Three Kingdoms period, there is another kingdom of Shu that is equally famous and extremely mysterious.

That is the ancient Shu Kingdom.

The ancient Shu land was surrounded by high mountains, high gorges and deep valleys, and was sparsely populated and isolated from the world.

Therefore, when the legendary Yellow Emperor, as well as Yao, Shun, and Yu, abdicated successively, and successively passed through the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties, they opened up the true source of Chinese civilization.

The ancient Shu civilization also accompanies it, as evidenced by the mysterious and magnificent Sanxingdui Culture and Jinsha Ruins in this closed land.

The ancient Shu civilization, which was very different from the Central Plains civilization, was formed.

Legend has it that the ancient Shu Kingdom was founded by Cancong, Baiguan and Yufu.

Later, it experienced two generations of Shu kings, Du Yu and Bieling, who opened up territory and settled the people and cultivated water, reaching its most glorious peak period.

Finally it turned into ashes around 300 BC.

Viewed from the timeline of world history.

The ancient Shu Kingdom existed from about the 11th century BC to the 3rd century BC.

However, there is currently a lot of evidence that shows that the ancient Shu Kingdom should have existed earlier.

But this is not recognized by the international archaeological community. They insist that what is called a 'relic' does not count as a 'civilization', so it is difficult to see non-Chinese people mentioning the ancient Shu civilization in international documents.

Who knows how those people who can fake even a bamboo basket have the courage to say these things.

On the contrary, several Italian scholars have been helping us appeal for proof, but now some international archaeological conferences simply do not invite them to participate.

Do you think this is funny?

There is a saying that only the Han Dynasty and Rome can agree with each other. This sentence is actually not unreasonable.

Of course.

The so-called Sanxingdui, Liangzhu, and Chinese history are divided into three parts, which is also a marketing operation. All local civilizations added together are the real Chinese civilization.

Nowadays, some marketing accounts are not really stupid, but use popular science to strip away the audience’s sense of historical belonging. This is the kind that we should be most wary of.

all in all.

At present, there are still a lot of mysteries of the ancient Shu civilization that have not been solved, and future generations still have no idea how brilliant that splendid civilization was in the past.

This can be seen from the treasures unearthed one by one.

Another fifteen minutes or so passed.

New instructions issued:

Try to open the stone door!

In the straight.

After receiving the instruction, Wei Fan immediately signaled everyone to get ready.

Then he thought for a while and shot a wind spell towards Shimen.

Wei Fan's original idea was to use this magic technique to test whether Shimen had any other hidden back-ups, and to clean up the sand and gravel in the cracks of the door.

But what I didn't expect was

With this breeze blowing.

The stone door actually opened inwards!

Although there is no light inside the stone gate, everyone in the team carries lighting equipment.

In addition, after reaching the fourth level of Qi training, the practitioner's night vision ability has also been greatly improved.

So at this moment.

All team members, including Chen Haiyang, clearly saw the situation inside Shimen.

at this moment.

Almost everyone's pupils shrank suddenly and they were silent.

Chen Haiyang even understood why there was no trace of man-made repairs in the straight road:

Because the people buried in this tomb are not human beings at all.


A huge one, more than ten meters in length.

Centipede corpse!

Almost at the same time.

Within a high-security language research group.

An old expert suddenly raised his head and exclaimed:


"The words on the tombstone mean"

"The Tomb of Wu Long!"


Why are you always guessing at others?

There is no double monthly ticket this month, it is 100% guaranteed, so if you have a vote, please vote.

To prevent quarrels, let me tell you first, I will not write in the prehistoric world, at least it will not be the prehistoric one like Shenji.

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