Another world conquest manual

Chapter 408 Counting the ‘Spoils of War’ (Part 2) (The number of chapter titles is a bit subtle...)

Chapter 408 Counting the ‘Spoils of War’ (Part 2) (The number of chapter titles is a bit subtle)

As a feudal official, Qin Zhendong has been in charge of one side for many years.

In addition, he is also a master's degree graduate from a top university.

Therefore, he has a relatively good understanding of material control and costs.

For example, before the Light Gate appeared last year, he inspected the Magic City Supercomputing Center in Zhangjiang.

Although the three supercomputers owned by the Magic City belong to the kind of situation where the ancestors were richer and are now somewhat unable to keep up.

But there are somewhat similar things between supercomputers.

In Qin Zhendong’s impression.

The annual electricity bill of Modu Santai is only over 20 million yuan, which is only a little more when there is a typhoon.

Sometimes it is only over 10 million.

How come Taihu Light’s electricity bill has exceeded 50 million in less than two weeks?

Faced with Qin Zhendong's questions, Lin Li's expression did not change much, and he was obviously well prepared.


He once had doubts because of this number, but now he just repeated it:

"Boss Qin, let's make one thing clear first.

That is, 1 kilowatt hour of electricity is the common name for a unit of electricity called 1 kilowatt hour.

Under normal circumstances.

A one-kilowatt electrical appliance consumes 24 kilowatt-hours of electricity a day. "

Qin Zhendong nodded slightly, this is junior high school knowledge.

He is not an unknown classmate, so he still knows about it.

Lin Li then continued:

“And 1 megawatt is equal to 1,000 kilowatts, so a fully loaded equipment of 1 megawatt will consume 24,000 kilowatt hours of electricity a day.

24000x18, 18 megawatts is more than 432,000 kilowatt hours of electricity.

In our homeland.

The price of one kilowatt hour of electricity is about 60 cents, and scientific research electricity is even cheaper, 2-3 cents is enough.

But in the Greater Mojie, there is no so-called scientific research cost price for electricity.

Quite the opposite at the same time

The higher the power consumption, the higher the cost. "

Hearing this, Qin Zhendong almost understood:

"When you put it like this, I roughly understand

Academician Lin, what was the average price of one kilowatt-hour of electricity during this tribulation? "

"Two dollars and a half is closer to two dollars and six."

Lin Li reported a number, and then sighed:

“There is no way, it is very difficult for special capacitors to provide megawatt-level power.

We temporarily mobilized some aviation reserve resources to solve this problem.

Although this reserve resource has broken through technical barriers, its service life is basically very short.

Therefore, after the ferry was robbed, many components were directly and permanently scrapped - the level of damage was still enough to be directly stuffed into the waste recycling bin.

432000X2.5X14, which is about 15 million Chinese coins.

Not to mention that supercomputing is not just a single CUP module. For example, the water cooling power consumption mentioned before is also not low.

If it weren't for the practitioners of the Yang family who brought a water source, our actual expenses might have been 60% higher.

Several modules are added together, and the final number is 47 million. "

Qin Zhendong pursed his lips and looked a little heavy.

The situation Lin Li mentioned is actually very common in China.

For example, some people order takeout, and when they swipe down, they feel that the meatballs seem to be good, and that the chicken tenders seem to be highly rated as well.

So seven plus eight were added together and found out when checking out.

Damn it, it actually costs sixty or seventy yuan? !

Ever since.

I have to reluctantly delete some options, and often I spend more time deleting things than selecting dishes.

However, the supercomputer does not have the function that allows you to increase or decrease the power at will, so the power consumption of a device becomes quite scary.

Then Lin Li paused and continued:

“Another major expenditure is the expenditure on high-voltage equipment to reserve Mc290 and Monster Crystal.

Including the energy storage equipment for condensing microorganisms, the cost of preparation and energy storage is approximately 250 million Chinese dollars. "

With the previous supercomputing expenses foreshadowing, Qin Zhendong's expression was much calmer this time.

Of course.

This also depends on the type of expenditure:

It is also a large amount of expenditure, with a single consumption of tens of millions of electricity and hundreds of millions of scientific research equipment, but the latter is more acceptable.

The modal particle of the former is usually 'jueran', while the latter often means 'cai'.

In fact, this is also true.

The internal pressure of the equipment that stores Mc290 and Monster Crystals is as high as 160,000 atmospheres, which is not something ordinary people can achieve.

Although scientists are currently able to create an extreme environment of 2.8 million atmospheres to observe changes in the hydrogen ring.

But those are laboratory conditions.

It is impossible to restore this kind of environment at the scene of the tribulation without high difficulty and cost.

For example, the container materials used by the rabbits this time.

A ball as big as a fist costs no less than 300,000 yuan.

The words "scientific research burns money" are really no joke.

Take Shenzhou 13, which just launched not long ago, as an example.

The total cost of 13 will not be less than 30-40 billion, and the cost of the spacecraft will be more than 1.5 billion.

This does not include the cost of training astronauts.

"So in the process of overcoming this disaster, our total material and manpower expenditure was about 450 million yuan."

In the office, Lin Li reported all the expenditure figures:

"This is our most expensive project so far, even higher than the original two-headed bull capture battle."

Qin Zhendong nodded slightly and took out a cigarette from his pocket.

He lit it with a click and asked at the same time:

"So Academician Lin, what's the profit?"

Hear the word profit.

Lin Li strategically picked up the tea cup and took a sip, as if trying to suppress a certain expression.

But soon, his idea failed:

This famous Chinese academician could not help but raise a bright smile at the corner of his mouth.

Then he grinned and said four words:

“Making a lot of money!”


He seemed to be infected by Lin Li's smile.

Although he still didn’t know how much money he had earned this time, Qin Zhendong also had a smile on his face:

"Academician Lin, tell me how to make a lot of money?"

Take a look.

This guy even picked up his hometown accent.

Lin Li took a deep breath and said:

“The first benefit is one hundred demon palace quotas, which is the goal we aimed at from the beginning.

In terms of nature.

I personally think that just these 100 places can make the money back.

The second profit is from spiritual stones.

According to our agreement with the Yang family.

After Yang Zhengchu successfully overcomes the tribulation, they will pay us 500,000 spiritual stones.

Even based on ordinary exchange rates, there are more than three billion Chinese coins here.

Not to mention that the value of a large number of spirit stones cannot be directly measured by money at all.

Currently, this part of the spiritual stones is still waiting for payment and is expected to be paid within three months.

In fact, Professor Ma originally tried to communicate with the Yang family to see if they could directly offset the problem with supplies.

As a result, the Yang family replied that there were many matters to be handed over in the near future, so supplies were not available. "

"If the supplies don't work, then it won't work. If the spiritual stones are available, it won't be a problem."

Qin Zhendong answered simply and at the same time changed into a more comfortable position on the sofa.

he knows.

The first two points mentioned by Lin Li are definitely appetizers.

Sure enough, Lin Li continued to speak:

"In addition to quotas and spiritual stones, we also received a type of material this time.

It’s the Monster Crystal!

You should remember that before going through the tribulation.

We have agreed with the Yang family that two thousand monster crystals will be used to generate ferrous helium microcrystals.

In fact, the number provided by the Yang family was more than 2,000, specifically 2,351 in total.

During the entire process of overcoming the tribulation, based on data detection and analysis, we temporarily changed the thickness of the crystal array.

Compressed from the preset 2.5 meters to one meter,

Therefore, in the end, only 1,137 monster crystals were consumed in total - in fact, this number could be even less, but we were still too conservative.

Because even in the last round of thunder tribulation, the impact on the crystal array was only 10%.

In other words, we have a surplus together.

1214 monster crystals! "

Upon hearing this number, Qin Zhendong was stunned.

A full half minute passed.

When the special red panda burned his hand, the border official came back to his senses.

1214 monster crystals!

To know.

In the binding crystal array originally designed by Tang Pin.

One monster crystal can provide a sealing effect of nearly 3.5 cubic meters of space, lasting 45 hours.

within this validity period.

The crystal array can be like the confinement device of the Hippolyte in Ultraman Ace, completely binding a Nascent Soul Realm practitioner within it.

And it almost completely restricted his movements.

But before that, there were only seven monster crystals in reserve in the camp.

Theoretically speaking.

These seven monster crystals can only support the banning effect of twenty-five cubic meters.

Therefore, although the camp has prepared some plans to deal with Nascent Soul Realm practitioners, their implementation requires extremely high precision and conditions.

This is a bit like the military workers during the most difficult period of the Anti-Japanese War. All kinds of weapons and ammunition had to be used sparingly.

The error tolerance rate is very, very low, and without the halo of the protagonist, it is easy for big things to happen.

But there is no way.

This is the reality.

Under the premise that there is no way to yy, this is already the best defense plan that the rabbits can formulate.

But now with the explosive increase in the number of monster crystals,

At least the rabbits can defend themselves much more calmly when attacked by powerful enemies.

For example, considering that the Nascent Soul Realm is very fast, the blocking missiles made of monster crystals can only be blocked in small formations.

If necessary, the pilot may have to engage in close combat.

If the other party has a bigger plan to escape, we may not mention it.

If you are not careful, it may even happen that the aircraft is destroyed and people are killed at the same time that the ground is attacked.

But that's different now.

One monster crystal can be decomposed into 16,200 missiles that can be sealed for ten seconds. At worst, we will just provide fire coverage.

If you really encounter an attack by Nascent Soul cultivators, take 20 monster crystals - that is, more than 300,000 missiles to lay a firepower network and cover it with direct firepower.

When the distance is well controlled.

No known fighting force can escape.

Being able to control the opponent for ten seconds is basically the same as capturing him alive.

Not to mention that the Monster Crystal also has other functions.

For example, the detonating powder of the 12.7mm psychic armor-piercing projectile is synthesized from the powder of this thing.

The original command headquarters estimated that there were only about 400 remaining monster crystals, but now the number has suddenly nearly tripled.

How could Qin Zhendong not be happy?

Opposite him, Lin Li continued to speak:

“In addition to the actual value of materials, we also got real information about the advanced civilization.

And a large number of data samples were collected.

These are invisible wealth.

I won’t go into the information about the advance civilization. You should have read the relevant reports.

As for data samples, in addition to body-building materials, we also collected Yang Zhengchu’s hair and blood stains.


Well, the nose and earwax he picked up when he was bored - don't laugh, these are valuable scientific research samples.

The samples are already on their way back and will arrive at the camp soon. "


It's almost a big chapter, not counting extra updates, just a late night snack.

Recommend a book. The new work of the original seeker author, Earl Orange, is "The Origin of Myth". The chapter of Earl Orange was recommended to let us test the water in this book, so he opened the book and rushed to support it.

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