Another world conquest manual

Chapter 399 The most amazing discovery since arriving in the Great Mo Realm (Part 1)

"The electric potential energy outside the robbery cloud conforms to the Laplace equation. The electric potential is continuous outside the robbery cloud, and the normal component is also continuous!"

Hearing Huangpu Donglai's words, Zeng Gucheng and the others had not yet reacted.

Lu Chaoyang, who was more than a thousand kilometers away and followed up on the scene in real time, couldn't hold it back.

There was a pop.

He squirted out most of the tea he just drank.

And beside Lu Chaoyang.

Although the reactions of the other physics experts were not as exaggerated as his, they were not that light either.

After about ten seconds, several academicians at the scene of the Tribulation also opened their eyes wide:

"What the hell?"


This word is the unanimous inner portrayal of all physics experts in the camp and at the tribulation site at this moment!

As everyone knows.

In a conductor, charges accumulate at the surface within an electric field.

The charges in the medium cannot move freely and will be polarized under the action of the electric field.

The model can be seen as having polarized body charges inside and polarized surface charges on the surface.

Therefore, there are both free charges and polarized charges at the interface between the conductor and the medium.

If there were no conductors, there would be no free charges at the interface.

Without a medium, there would be no polarizing charge.

Therefore, at the interface between the two media, the normal component of the electric displacement is continuous.

That is to say.

The robbery cloud is an interface between two media.

If this conclusion were discovered alone, it wouldn't really be a big deal.

But the key is that it has a precondition - the electric potential is continuous externally and conforms to Laplace's equation.

Laplace's equation is a diffusion equation, which is simply used to describe the divergence field.

Its physical meaning is actually very complicated, and it is not necessary for few students to understand it.

All you need to know is one thing:

The data they obtained from Huangpu East is the general solution of φ(R)=a+b/R.

In the fire camp.

Looking at the confused Shi Zehong and the half-faced Lin Li, Lu Chaoyang sighed softly:

"This general solution is the second type of solution of a coordinate system, which means that the calamity cloud detected by Academician Huangpu and the others is

In fact, it is a uniform medium body. "

"Medium body?"

Hearing this word, Li Yan suddenly thought of something. Lin Li's second disciple couldn't help but said:

"Professor Lu, are you talking about the previous Mill series?"

Lu Chaoyang cast an approving look at her, as happy as an online article author seeing readers who voted for the monthly ticket:

"Yes, Academician Guo Zhenyu made a discovery not long ago.

That is, when the calamity clouds first gather, the number of terms in the Mir series ball scattering field is increasing, and it has directional radiation!

If you want to increase the number of terms in the Mill series, you must have a uniform dielectric sphere.

So Academician Zeng put forward an opinion at that time."

"At that time, I thought that the medium ball might be Yang Zhengchu himself, or simply his Qi Hai."

At the scene of the tribulation, Zeng Gucheng sighed and said to Ma Ning, who had returned from negotiations:

“But now I realize how wrong I was.

real medium ball

In fact, it is the calamity cloud above our heads that releases thunder and calamity! "

Mentioned a long time ago.

Modern science doesn’t actually have a deep understanding of lightning, but at least one thing is certain:

That is that lightning, or the thundercloud containing lightning, cannot be a uniform dielectric ball in any case.

So it's obvious.

There must be something wrong with the formation of the calamity cloud!

And just when everyone was talking about it.

Lin Ziming, who went to collect the remains of the pulse potential detector, happened to come back.

During the previous liftoff, a total of three pieces of equipment made it to the end.

The other five detectors were destroyed by lightning before they came into contact with Jie Yun.

Mentioned before.

These detectors were originally positioned to perform Mars exploration missions, and after subsequent magical modifications by the rabbits, the material strength is actually not low.

Although most of their areas have been completely destroyed by lightning.

But after all, it was just struck by lightning, and it was not like the three pieces of equipment at the back that came into contact with the robbery cloud and were completely swallowed up and annihilated.

Therefore, more or less some debris from these five detectors fell down.

Lin Ziming's mission is to bring the remains of these devices back for study based on the observed falling trajectories.

After returning to the scene.

Lin Ziming handed the safe containing the wreckage to Zeng Gucheng:

"Academician Zeng, we only found three pieces of detector debris this time.

The largest area is about 0.6 square meters, and the two smallest ones are only about the size of a palm. "

"Thank you for your hard work, Colonel Lin."

Zeng Gucheng took the safe and handed it to his apprentice Zhuo Yuanxin:

"Xiao Desi, please analyze the information on the destroyed surface immediately and prepare a report for me as soon as possible."

Zhuo Yuanxin solemnly raised his chest and replied:


The material of the detector is very strong, so the damage to the surface is mainly caused by electrical and thermal energy.

Other than that.

Whether it is air friction or impact when falling to the ground, basically no obvious marks will be left on the wreckage.

At most, it is contaminated with some soil or vegetation.

Therefore, the relevant inspection work is not very troublesome and does not take a long time.

after an hour.

A report comes out.

"The field strength of longitudinal magnetized cracks is 1.97MJ, the diffraction effect coefficient is 6.922, and the starting rate is 18%."

Looking at the reports in front of him, Zeng Gucheng analyzed them one by one:

"There is not much problem with the field strength value. The field strength of Lei Jie must be much higher than that of local lightning. It would be strange if it was lower or about the same.

The clutter damage is almost 0, which means that the lightning disaster does not contain other special rays."

But when he saw one of the columns, his brows suddenly wrinkled:

"The intersection energy level of 700MeV? Huh? That's weird."

Guo Zhenyu on the side raised his head when he heard the words, glanced at the report a few times, and at the same time did a simple mental calculation:

"700MeV, Academician Zeng, isn't this value quite normal?

Assuming that the electron atoms actually form an electric dipole and substitute the phase difference of the orthogonal polarization, the calculated number is almost this number.

Even if there is an error, it is at best due to differences in the last few digits, which does not affect the overall magnitude. "

"Academician Guo, this is not the situation you mentioned."

Zeng Gucheng lowered his head and stared at the number. He raised his left hand to his eyebrows and waved it. Then he clenched his fist and tapped it lightly on the side of his temple:

"I always feel like I've seen values ​​similar to this somewhere, and I always feel weird."

Then Zeng Gucheng didn't mind being dirty and sat down directly on the spot - although considering his height, there wasn't much difference between sitting and standing:

"We arrived in the Great Mo Realm in July last year. We have come into contact with things related to electronic energy. Let me think about it.

The number of light gates counts as one.

There is also the supercomputer in the Dawn Project

The teleportation array in Ziqiong City also counts as one.

Oh, right.

Xiao Wang also said that Wu Fan was like an electric eel discharging electricity when he sang.

But these have nothing to do with electron volts. What is the problem?

electron volt electron volt"

As he spoke, Zeng Gucheng's eyes suddenly lit up:

"I remembered what it was!"

Recommend a book by a big man, a masterpiece that has been ordered thousands of times, "I Used Idle Books to Become a Saint", a rare Confucian and Taoist stream ~

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