American comics start with level five mutants

Chapter 281 Thousands of sentry robots appear again

"Oh, and maybe add those few gems too!"

Ultron was filled with enthusiasm, and information about the Infinity Stones continued to echo in his information library. ♙♜

Reality Stone, Power Stone, Soul Stone, Time Stone, Space Stone, Mind Stone...

Ultron has collected a lot of information about the Infinity Stones. Except for the Time Stone and the Soul Stone, which have never appeared before, he has more or less understanding of the other Infinity Stones.

He even collected a lot of scenes during their use.

And in every gem, he saw huge potential and power!

In particular, the sight of the man in white using the Infinity Stones several times made him marvel and long for it.

As long as he has these Infinity Stones, plus the Omega abilities of White Man and Messiah, then Ultron will realize that he is the real god, and no one can stop or resist him!

However, if you want to get the infinite stones, you must naturally find the location of the man in white, and the man in white himself is also the target of his search.

At this moment, surveillance footage from various cities continued to appear in his database.

Soon, he zeroed in on a more suspicious place.

After having the target, Ultron immediately controlled the two sentry robots and flew towards that place.

At night, in a remote alley.

In the dark shadow, Su Yao was floating in the air, holding the Mind Stone in his hand and absorbing the power of faith. ♡

[Divine experience +1]

The fourth-level divinity is moving unswervingly towards the fifth level, and it will not be long before it is completed!

Just as he was absorbing the power of faith, not long after it had passed, there was suddenly a sound of surging air in the sky.

Su Yao subconsciously looked up and saw two dark sentry robots flying down from the night sky.

Sentry robot?

Before he could say anything, an electronic sound came from a microphone on the sentry robot.

"White Man, you are indeed hiding here!" The voice was a little pleasant.

Su Yao frowned and a red light bloomed in his right hand.

The red light of chaos magic emerged and instantly imprisoned the two sentry robots, making them unable to move at all.

Premonition of the outcome he was about to face, Ultron exclaimed, "Terrible power, but one day it will belong to me, Ultron!"

As soon as the words fell, the next second, under the red light, a crunching sound sounded, and the two sentry robots instantly turned into a piece of garbage.

However, even though the two sentry robots were eliminated, Su Yao's brows did not relax.


"How could he be born without the spiritual scepter?"

After thinking about it for a moment, he almost understood it. It was probably Tony Stark's masterpiece again.

In addition, he was not too surprised that the other party could control the sentry robot.

What really caused him some trouble were the remaining sentry robots from the military.

Judging from the current situation, these sentry robots are probably all controlled by Ultron...

Su Yao frowned and thought.

After thinking for a while, he moved and left here.

The other side.

After accurately discovering the location of the man in white, Ultron was in a very good mood.

As long as he finds a way to capture the man in white, not only his Omega mutant ability, but also the four infinity stones he carries will be his!

The only trouble is the strength of the man in white...

After thinking about it, Ultron immediately had some thoughts.

Those officers were reluctant and did not dare to send more sentry robots to test, but he was different!

This time, he plans to send out a thousand sentry robots at once to try to deal with the man in white!

The next second, the eyes of each sentry robot lit up with yellow light, and then they all rushed towards the location where the man in white was found.

However, when they arrived at that location, they did not find the figure of the man in white. It was obvious that he had left for a long time.

Knowing the situation, Ultron immediately searched the location of the man in white.

Time passed, the moon set, and the time soon came to the next morning.

[Divine experience +1]

[Ability: Divinity (Level 14]

Just when he was looking forward to reaching the fifth level of divinity, the unusual sight in the sky in the distance attracted his attention.

I saw in the bright morning sky, densely packed small black dots, like the tide, quickly approaching from a distance.

Su Yao took a closer look and found that they were black sentry robots.

They were overwhelming, almost blocking the sky in the distance.

Looking from a distance, there are at least hundreds or thousands of them...

And this scene was not only seen by Su Yao, but also by every passerby in the city.

"Is it a sentry robot?"

"Why are there so many?"

The residents in the city couldn't help but have a look of horror on their faces.

The last time the military made a big splash, it didn't send out so many sentry robots. How come there are so many sentry robots here this time?

"Is it possible that the military will make another big move?"

Thinking this way, many people looked at the densely packed sentinel robots with curiosity and expectation.

At this moment, someone even took out their equipment and started taking pictures.

Soon, the news that a large number of sentry robots appeared in the city was uploaded all over the Internet, causing a lot of discussion.

Mysterious military base.

"Damn bastard!"

Looking at the sentry robots that appeared in the video, the officers' faces were very ugly.

The sentry robot belonging to their military was actually manipulated like this? !

What is the guy who controls the sentry robot going to do?

After sending out so many sentry robots with great fanfare, is it possible that they still want to wipe out the people in the city?

It didn't take long for them to figure out what the other wanted to do.

Under the satellite photography, dense black spots filled the sky. Thousands of sentry robots surrounded a street, and the surrounding area was impenetrable.

They were still confused at first, but then, both them and the many people in the city who were paying attention to this matter saw a figure in white appear and float slowly into the air.

"White man?!"

"It's actually him?"

Whether it was the military or others, their minds were shocked at this moment.

The military was shocked and confused, and many people were shocked, thinking that the military was going to take some action again.

Su Yao frowned and floated slowly in the sky, confronting thousands of sentry robots around him.

As time passed, more and more people noticed him floating and the thousands of sentry robots.

X Academy, Brotherhood of Mutants, Stark Tower, SHIELD...even Asgard.

Looking at the terrifying scene of thousands of sentry robots surrounding his younger brother, even Thor, who had always been full of confidence in his younger brother, felt a thump in his heart.

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