American comics start with level five mutants

Chapter 277 Like Gods and Demons

Is this Infinity Stone so dangerous?

Tony Stark and others were a little shocked.

This is completely different from what they thought. Doesn't this mean that they can't use this infinite stone at all?

The man in white can seemingly control the power gem easily, but if it were them, he would definitely die?

They have never thought about this!

At first, they thought that anyone could use this infinite stone, and that anyone who got it would have terrifying power...

Suddenly, Hawkeye Barton murmured, "Is it possible that the man in white is always the strongest?"

"The power gem cannot even be touched by the inhuman sentry robot, but the flesh and blood body of the White Man can be used intact. This..."

After hearing Barton say this, they remembered this matter.

How strong must the body of the man in white be to carry this power gem unscathed?

The body of the man in white is actually so strong? !

Everyone felt shocked, and at the same time, they also felt enlightened.

"I was overthinking it. There are such restrictions. No wonder..." Iron Man Tony Stark suddenly realized and said, "I asked how could there be such a terrible gem. It turns out that this is the side effect."

"The man in white can use it, but it can only be regarded as a special case."

In this way, the power of this infinite stone is reasonable, and it doesn't look so scary.

They were talking here, and the mobile phones they placed on the table faithfully received the words. Nick Fury of SHIELD clearly heard what they said.

"So that's it?"

In shock, Nick Fury couldn't help but sigh.

It seems that some of the previous thoughts about this gem were just daydreams.

"Can't mortals use it..."

Nick Fury had fear in his eyes.

They had Thor here, so they knew clearly what was going on, but the people from other forces were shocked and confused.

Mysterious military base.

"how so?"

General Hoel, Commander Alessandro, Dr. Bolivar and others were shocked.

Just a moment ago, they were still dreaming about how to study and use this infinite stone after getting it. Now...

They couldn't believe it.

All in all, how come the Sentinel robot suddenly exploded when it held the Infinity Stone?

Dr. Bolivar guessed in shock, "Could it be that the sentry robot can't withstand the power of that gem?"

Listening to his words, Base Commander Alexandro and other officers couldn't help but be startled.

After thinking about it carefully, they found that what Dr. Bolivar said was indeed more realistic.

But, not even the inhuman body of the Sentinel robot?

The man in white can actually do that?

They were stunned. ♢♦

other forces.

In addition to Dr. Bolivar, there are naturally smart people who deduced the general situation and data from the explosion of the Sentinel robot and understood what was going on.

Even hundreds of millions of people in various countries have guessed it.

At this time.

on site.

The purple explosion aftermath gradually subsided.

In place, only Su Yao was left floating, and the power gem emitting purple light.

With a slight move of his right hand, the power gem flew into his hand. Under the gaze of all forces and hundreds of millions of people, he easily held it in his hand.

Purple light flashed, and purple energy spread, but no matter how much the energy of the infinite gem spread, the body of the man in white did not change at all.


At this moment, the man in white clothes was floating in the air, holding a gem in his hand, and his whole body was filled with aura, like a god or demon.

It seems that this infinite stone originally belonged to him, and only he can use it, while others are not qualified to use it...

At this moment, countless people fell into silence and disbelief.

Not caring what other people thought, after holding the Power Stone, Su Yao's figure immediately twisted and entered a state of optical invisibility, disappearing from the eyes of all forces and hundreds of millions of people.

The military's grand arrest operation ended in Waterloo.

Although I don't know what the military's next plans are, it can't threaten him for the time being.

Of course, Su Yao would not think that this matter would end like this.

In fact, the military must still have a lot of sentry robots left...

At this moment, in the mysterious military base.

Several generals were hesitant. At this moment, they were communicating with several congressmen, and were discussing whether to continue sending sentry robots to hold back the man in white, and then take the opportunity to drop a nuclear bomb!

No matter what other people in the city, no matter how much sacrifice they make, as long as the cancer of the White Man can be eradicated!

However, as soon as this matter was raised, it was rejected by three congressmen.

"Things haven't reached that point yet, let's see."

"Dropping nuclear bombs into the city will have a huge impact and it will be difficult to quell the discussion. Unless it is a last resort, let it go..."

Listening to the conservative remarks of the congressmen, although General Hoel understood it, they were very unwilling to do so.

However, now that the congressmen have said so, and there is no one to bear the blame and share the pressure, they can only accept it. They do not want to bear the pressure of dropping a nuclear bomb.

Of course, this is only temporary, and there is no guarantee that the nuclear bomb will actually be dropped.

As for when to use nuclear bombs in the future, it depends on the situation...

Several generals and congressmen were discussing matters. At this moment, people from all over the world couldn't help but complain and curse Irina.

An individual went to the website of Irina’s live show and started commenting.

"Irina, didn't you say that the military is well prepared this time? Even if the White Man and Messiah are Omega mutants, they will be punished. They will pay the price for their past wanton behavior. What is the situation now? What's going on?"

"Irina, you piece of shit, you lied to us again and played tricks on us!"

"Bitch, you are so useless!"

Having once again believed in Irina, the crowd, who were full of confidence, felt their faces turn red, as if they had been slapped in the face.

There are hundreds of sentry robots, but they can't do anything to the man in white?

Although they knew it was outrageous and couldn't blame Irina, they just felt angry and wanted to take out their anger on Irina.

On the show stage.

Looking at these comments, Irina, who has suffered from online violence, looked very ugly.

The people on one side were scolding Irina, while Su Yao on the other side was deep in thought at this time.

Because of the power gem, not much of the power of the body was exposed this time.

He was thinking about how to find the military's home base and give them a big attack.

As for the president, after hesitating for a moment, he didn't choose what to do.

He was afraid that those people would jump over the wall in a hurry, forcing them to use nuclear bombs in a way that would hurt both sides.

Although Venom has something like crisis sensing, it has been blocked once before, causing Venom to not notice the approaching danger.

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