All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 297: Caring and waiting

  Chapter 297 Caring and Waiting

  Wait for the studio to finish the meeting and after the official account was off, the boiling really reached its peak.

  Now everyone no longer talks about false happiness, only real happiness!

  The hottest post in the circle has also changed from a rebroadcast to whether it is really-

  【It’s the first time you participated in pk shooting, do you know the process? 】

  [If nothing else, tomorrow is the first time we connect to pk. In order to pass pk steadily, we need to know some knowledge! 】

   [Be sure to arrive at the live broadcast room on time at 7 o'clock tomorrow evening, and then don’t cut out the pk screen from the beginning of the connection, otherwise you will not be a member of the fans watching! ! Don’t write rainbow farts after eating tomorrow! We have to play the evaluation within the effective time to be considered pk against the score! ! 】

  This is a support method summarized by a certain enthusiastic college student fan in the circle who watched the connection pk of other homes.

  I was afraid that some middle-aged and elderly people would not be able to read it, so I thoughtfully included a small video and a few illustrations.

  At the end of the post is the saying that everyone often rants: If you don’t vote, I don’t vote, how can I make a c-place debut! Everyone will duck with me tomorrow! Strive for the first!

  Bagua posts and chat posts are always imaginary. Only career posts can occupy the pinnacle of the circle forever!

  Jiang Qiuqiu prepared the spices to be used tomorrow and entered the circle. What he saw was these posts supporting him.

  She looked at these posts, and her heart was warm. It seems that sister Mingmei has already announced the news of her rebroadcast.

  Although the editor has notified it again, Jiang Qiuqiu himself has notified it again to show respect to everyone.

  Her account is a special concern account in the circle. As soon as she sends a message, at the same time, several people's terminals in several places make the same sound of water flow.

  ——Surprise╰(*°▽°*)╯ is online, it’s really online!

  ——It’s the tweeted deity. I’m asking if it will be broadcast tomorrow, right? Although everyone said yes, I'm still afraid to cancel it! !

  Jiang Qiuqiu replied to her: [It’s tomorrow, it’s about to start. 】


  Young fans are always more active, and after hearing the news is true, they roll happily in the posts.

  Older fans are more rational.

  ——Did the little girl be sick last time? How is the situation? do you feel better? Don't be aggressive?

  ——You kids all think pk or something is important, but my body is more important.

  【I have recovered and I am in great condition now! 】

  I chatted with everyone in the post for a while and confirmed the dishes. After being filled with everyone’s blessings for her ‘victorious’, the sky was almost dark, and Jiang Qiuqiu fell asleep with a happy mood.

  The next day is the day to deal with the delivery robot.

  From morning to evening, robots have been delivering spices and food one after another.

  In the evening, after having dinner with Mosi, Jiang Qiuqiu started to make pre-broadcast preparations under the twilight light.

  Just now, Ming Mei sent her a message, saying that during the live broadcast, the company’s smart master brain will adjust the number of copies according to the number of viewers. As long as 20 foods are prepared, all the preparations can be met.

  So today I will prepare 20 servings.

  Prepare the bowl first. For the red and bright soup, you must prepare a white porcelain sea bowl, so that the colors complement each other best.

  As long as you prepare 20 servings, you don’t need as many servings as you originally had. You can add more to each bowl... She adjusted everything during the live broadcast and looked very serious.

  (End of this chapter)

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