Alchemy & Martial Supreme

Chapter 1143: left

It's not good for Qin Ming, the reason is very simple, it is to monopolize the perfect pill.

The reason for protecting Qin Ming is also very simple, befriend Qin Ming and get more perfect pills.

"Has the Sen family and the Wang family's attitude changed now?" Wang Zhenwei said lightly.

In the beginning, the Sen and Mu families refused to test Qin Ming in order to maintain the rules of the Mori Mucheng.

As for what they think in their hearts, it is impossible to guess. It may be because of Morimicheng's rules, or it may be because they cannot see through Qin Ming and want to investigate clearly first.

He has always sent people to contact the Sen family and the Mu family. As long as the Sen family and the Mu family are dealt with, Qin Ming is the turtle in the urn and has nowhere to escape.

Wang Zhao said: "The Sen Family Patriarch still sticks to the original idea, but the Sen Family's elder is a little unbearable."

"Where is the Mu Family?" A hint of joy flashed across Wang Zhenwei's old face.

"The Mu family's situation is basically the same, but the second elder has some thoughts about Qin Ming." Wang Zhao smiled, "As long as they have the support of their elders, I believe there should be no major problems with our actions."

Wang Zhenwei smiled and nodded, the elder of the Sen family and their head of the family are not the same. The head of the Sen family may think that as long as Qin Ming is okay, they will have a steady stream of perfect pills.

The Great Elder saw the opportunity, as long as he grasped Qin Ming and held the perfect pill in his hands, he could seize the rights of the Patriarch in an instant.

The reason why Wang Zhenwei always wanted to do something with Qin Ming was because he was worried.

The source of the perfect pill is better in his own hands, who knows when Qin Ming will change his mind and no longer provide him with the perfect pill.

It's easy to go from simple to extravagant, but difficult to enter from extravagant to simple. He doesn't want to get up one day and hear the news that the supply of the perfect medicine is broken.

I hope that all the perfect pills are in my hands.

"Do it!" Wang Zhenwei stared at Wang Zhao with old eyes, sonorously.

Wang Zhao trembled in his heart and couldn't help but worry: "Qin Ming hasn't figured out the forces behind Qin Ming, is it too early to start!"

"It's getting late!" Wang Zhenwei said, "We need to take some risks."

"Opportunities are always accompanied by risks. Don't cringe because of risks!"

"Our king's family is built on risk. Without the previous adventures, I guess it's just a martial emperor, and it may even be buried in the soil!"

"Yes!" Wang Zhao lowered his head and said respectfully. The Wang family grew out of nothing, and it was the man in front of him who worked hard.

His great name is everywhere in the forest. Although he may be old and rarely in charge, every action is frightening and a **** storm.

At this moment, a servant in gray costume hurried over.

"Patriarch, the major event is not good, Qin Ming and his two servants have left."

"Qin Ming left?" Wang Zhenwei let out a hint of aura inadvertently, and the servant who fell on his knees trembled.

"Many people in Senmu City have seen it. Qin Ming and the two women he brought have left together."

Wang Zhenwei's face changed. They didn't have any information from Qin Ming. He has left now, where can he find it?

"Didn't I arrange for someone to follow it?"

In order to prevent Qin Ming from leaving suddenly, he has been sending people to watch Qin Ming Manor. Qin Ming will definitely follow him when he leaves.

"Sect Master, Qin Ming is a martial sage, our people dare not act at all!" The servant said with trembling.

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