Air Force: Rise from Fake Ace Pilots

Chapter 191 Night Flight (15 for subscription)

Chapter 191 Night Flight

Inside the small restaurant.

The screeching whistle of emergency mustering suddenly sounded.

The people who were discussing the air combat tactics were all dumbfounded.

what happened?

Why is there a whistle for emergency assembly all of a sudden?

Before they could react, they heard Lin Mo's voice ringing at the door of the small restaurant: urgent assembly.

Jiang Chen was shocked and immediately stood up.

"Why are you still standing there? It's an emergency gathering." He was the first to run outside.

Although I don't know what Lin Mo is doing, the whistle is an order.

At this time, the others finally reacted and immediately got up and ran out.

30 seconds later.

The entrance of the canteen.

10 players stand in a line.

Ma Weiwen stood in front of everyone and said with a serious face: "10 minutes ago, an unknown plane suddenly broke into my no-fly zone, and now we need to take off two fighter planes immediately, find and intercept the enemy plane and expel the enemy plane. , Fire Phoenix, it is up to you to carry out this expulsion mission, hurry up and prepare, after 5 minutes, the fighter plane must be launched."

As soon as Jiang Chen heard 20, all kinds of mmp suddenly occurred in his heart.

Oh shit!

Is it necessary to have such a good time?

Do you play night flight?

Fortunately, the weather is good today, otherwise, even he doesn't have much confidence.

The difficulty factor of night flight is far higher than that of daytime.

Whether it was the sky or the ground, it was pitch black, and there was no reference at all.

Therefore, the pilot must always be cautious, any small negligence may lead to the crash of the aircraft.

But no matter how high the risk factor is, night flight is a hurdle that every fighter pilot must overcome.

So Jiang Chen and Huang Yilin looked at each other and immediately ran out of the team towards the flight briefing room.

The other students looked at them with complicated expressions.

Both envy and jealousy, but also relieved.

Envy is because the academy has specially organized an emergency meeting for the two of them. If the two of them perform well this time, then the two of them will definitely occupy the second of the five official places to participate in the flying championship.

The reason for the relief is simpler.

Of all the people present, no one flew the overnight flight. However, as student pilots, they know how high the risk factor of night flight is.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is dancing on the tip of a knife.

In just two minutes, Jiang Chen and Huang Yilin were fully dressed and trotted out of the flight briefing room.

As he walked, Jiang Chen urged, "None of us have tried taking off and landing fighter jets at night before, but I have flown the simulator several times and have some experience, you can listen to it."

"Okay." Huang Yilin nodded quickly.

Although Jiang Chen is young, his flying skills and driving experience are far superior to Huang Yilin.

Therefore, she has always been convinced of Jiang Chen's words.

"First, the biggest difficulty of night flight is take-off and landing, because we have no reference at all, and we don't know how many meters we have run, so you must take off according to the usual rhythm, pull the stick immediately after reaching the take-off speed, and raise your head. , don't have any hesitation."

"Second, when in the air, try to maintain a level flight attitude. When the time comes, the two of us communicate on the channel, and both of us maintain a flying altitude of 5,000 meters. 99

"Third, look at the airborne radar more and listen to the tower's instructions more. The radar is the corner of our eyes, and the tower is our ear.

Huang Yilin nodded solemnly, "Okay, I understand.

At this time, two people have come to the tarmac.

at this time!

Several high-power lights illuminated the airport runway as if it were daytime, and the two black and silver fighter jets were ready for takeoff.

Looking at the fighter plane that was already powered on, Jiang Chen couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

This is a night flight!

Although I have tried countless times in the virtual space in the flight simulation cabin.

However, today is the first night flight in his life.

What do you fear most about the night flight?

Hit the bird?

Mechanical failure?

Lightning strike?

midair collision?


These accidents are also encountered during the day.

The real test of the night flight is the human fear of the night and the eyes' incompatibility to the dark environment.

It is because of fear and incompatibility that the probability of the above accidents occurring at night is far greater than that during the day.

Instrument flight, command flight, blind...

These are basic skills for pilots.

If it was daytime, let alone Jiang Chen and Huang Yilin, there would be no problem with any of the 10 training team members.

But now it's a night flight.

It's time to fully test whether a pilot's basic skills are solid.

It is also time to test whether a pilot's mental quality is strong.

Check the plane.

Climb up the stair and enter the cockpit.

After receiving the command from the tower, the two fighter jets slowly slid into the runway and prepared for takeoff.

High-power lighting shines on the runway, white.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath.

After hearing the tower's take-off command, I immediately released the brakes, pushed the throttle lever, and the I-15 Falcon trainer engine under my crotch immediately roared, and the ai-322 engine ejected orange tail flames, roaring along the runway. run wild.

On the right rear side, another fighter jet has also released its full power, closely following Jiang Chen's pace.

The two fighter jets ran for 600 meters.

Pull the lever almost simultaneously and look up.

The plane roared off the ground and turned slightly sideways, like two eagles freed from the shackles of gravity.

A neat two-plane formation took off.

The reason why the two-plane formation take-off is not a column take-off is that if the rear plane inhales the exhaust gas of the front plane, it will cause the engine to wheeze, and it is easy to cause a stop in the air.

So what about side-by-side takeoffs?



Because the speed of the plane is too fast, a corresponding safety distance must be reserved.

Side-by-side takeoffs are also too dangerous.

Therefore, the aircraft formations we usually see are inclined formations.

The liftoff was successful.

The two fighters remained at an altitude of 5,000 meters.

At this time, a new command came from the tower, "The unidentified enemy plane is in the southwest airspace 200 kilometers away. After your formation climbs, immediately turn left to adjust the course 270, and go to deal with the enemy situation.

"Falcon received."

"Fire Phoenix received."

Then, Jiang Chen immediately pulled the stick to the left to make the fuselage and the horizontal at a certain angle, and the aircraft completed a large radius turn.

He turned sideways and glanced at the airspace on the right. There were two red lights flashing in the dark sky.

It was the navigation light on the fuselage of the fighter Huang Yilin was driving.

Just like a car, an airplane needs to have its lights on when flying at night.

So seeing the navigation lights, Jiang Chen knew that Huang Yilin had followed.

Immediately said: "Fire Phoenix, the battle falcon is calling, please answer when you receive it.

"Fire Phoenix received it, please speak."

"Keep the flight speed of 800km/h and the flight altitude of 5,000 meters. After reaching the target airspace, I will go to intercept the enemy plane, and you will cover the side and rear, do you understand?

"Fire Phoenix received, understand!

ps: Thank you very much for the great reward from 'cychin95', thank you for your great support, today's 4th update.

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