"What is this?" Qin Zihan was stunned at once, staring straight at the slowly hovering emerald green breath in front of him.

Everyone followed Qin Zihan's gaze, and immediately Ye Yi pulled everyone back and said, "Be careful! This energy seems to be constantly getting stronger!"

"Back everybody!"

Ye Yi looked at everyone and shouted.

A group of human races looked at this circle of emerald green energy that was gradually expanding and moving faster and faster, and they were puzzled and horrified at the same time.

And while everyone was still in a daze, Zhao Ziyu, the **** Ding Chou, suddenly walked towards Qin Zihan and the others.

"Did you find anything? I searched the entire palace just now, including the periphery of the palace, and I hardly saw any abnormalities, or that the whole palace is very abnormal!" Zhao Ziyu's expression was very solemn.

But Qin Zihan and others turned around and gave Zhao Ziyu an emerald green energy that was enough to see the fast hovering between them.

When Zhao Ziyu saw this, his eyes widened in horror, and his voice trembled, "This...this is...this is spiritual energy?"

"This seems to be the original aura of the human race?"

"Cangling Yansheng Xingjun!"

Zhao Ziyu quickly turned around and shouted.

As soon as the words fell, in the blink of an eye, Dongdoucangling Yansheng Xingjun and other gods stepped forward, and Qin Zihan and others, who had no clue about these things, subconsciously made way for the gods.

"This just appeared here out of thin air. At first it was very weak, but then it suddenly grew bigger and bigger. Is this spiritual energy appearing out of thin air with no evidence and precursors?" Qin Zihan frowned and turned around to take a look. Zhao Ziyu.

Ding Chou **** Zhao Ziyu immediately shook his head and said: "All energy has its roots, and it will never appear out of thin air. The power in this entire world is derived from the power of the original source when the world is opened, or the power of the great road. change."

"As the saying goes, Dao produces one, two in one life, three in two, and all things in three. That's it!"

"Everything in this world has a root, and there will never be any energy that will appear without a root."

After listening to Zhang Fan, he looked at Zhao Ziyu and Qin Zihan in surprise and muttered, "Such a mysterious thing still obeys the law of conservation of energy?"

Everyone carefully looked at the strange energy in front of them.

At this time, Tiantong Palace Yisuan Xingjun suddenly said, "Since this energy does not appear out of thin air, there will only be another possibility. There is a space that overlaps with Penglai Immortal Island at this time, and the energy here is It comes from the space that overlaps here."

"In other words, what we have seen appearing out of thin air is actually a means of transfer!"

Everyone nodded after hearing it, but then they had no clue.

"Master Qin!" Crazy Dao said suddenly, "Master Qin must be notified of this matter as soon as possible! Once this spiritual energy expands far and wide, and it moves faster and faster, then this palace, this floating island, and even me All of them will be torn apart by this spiritual energy storm!"


With that said, Crazy Sabre raised his foot and prepared to bypass this fierce spiritual energy storm. Everyone also acquiesced to the idea of ​​Crazy Sabre and walked towards the gate of the palace one after another.

From a distance, I saw Qin Feng standing blankly on the spot like a statue.

"Master Qin! Master Qin! There is a vision in the depths of the palace!"

"Master Qin!"

"Master Qin?" Shouting, Mad Saber suddenly discovered that Qin Feng seemed to be the biggest vision at this time.

"What's going on?" Crazy Dao and others looked at Qin Feng, and at the same time looked at Zhou Qi and Ji Kang beside Qin Feng.

Zhou Qi Jikang looked at the gods and human races, and immediately said: "I don't know, but it is very likely that something happened in Master Qin's world of law."

"The moment Master Qin stepped onto the stairs, he kept this movement motionless. The little fairy named Mingling just now seemed to have entered the world of law to help Master Qin."

Ye Yi and the others looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

Everyone is impatient like ants on a hot pot, look at each other and I and I look at you, sitting and lying restlessly looking around.

After a long time, Qin Zhengtian looked behind him dumbly, only to see that the emerald green energy group had already changed from one strand to a large group, like a whirlwind rotating rapidly in the center of the palace.

"Master Qin doesn't wake up for a while, should we keep waiting like this?" Qin Zhengtian's expression was extremely low.

Without Qin Feng, it seemed that everything would fall into a deadlock without anyone's command.

Zhou Qijikang also showed a look of helplessness to each other, some not knowing why.

"The spiritual energy storm is getting bigger and bigger, and the speed of expansion is getting faster and faster. I'm afraid it will fill the entire palace soon! We must take action as soon as possible before Master Qin recovers!"

"Can't sit still and wait for death!" Qin Zhengtian has been a guardian and backbone of China for nearly a hundred years, and his leadership ability is also very strong.

After all, everyone and the Protoss responded subconsciously.

"Why don't we try to defeat this energy?" Jia Chen Shen looked eager to try, with one hand slammed into the air, a divine power suddenly formed a golden three-pointed spear in his palm.

The tip of the gun shone sharply, and the full-bodied power of the entire gun body swayed like silk covering the surface of a three-pointed gun.

Qin Zhengtian nodded slightly: "So I have to try it first, there is no better way other than that."

Everyone nodded one after another, Zhou Qi Ji Kang also greeted other ghost emperors at the same time, dozens of people immediately walked towards the depths of the palace.

"Master Qin will probably be unable to recover for a while. If we don't stop this energy as soon as possible, if Master Qin stays in this state, when the storm expands to a certain extent, we will most likely die here! "

"Let's take action against this storm together, and try to defeat it as much as possible!" Qin Zhengtian said as he hurriedly reached out and grabbed it, two divine powers suddenly appeared in his palm, and the extremely maddening divine power instantly began to circulate in Qin Zhengtian's palm.

Suddenly, dozens of ghosts, gods, gods, and humans were surrounded by supernatural powers, and a golden storm stood against the emerald green storm.

But obviously, the energy erupting around Qin Zhengtian and others was much higher than this emerald green storm.

"Prepare to suppress! Defeat this storm!"

Qin Zhengtian stared at the emerald green aura with a serious face, and immediately shook his hands in the air, and suddenly a large group of energy in his palm began to gather around the emerald green energy group.

Then both hands shook violently, and everyone around was also controlling weapons transformed from divine power, or their respective magical weapons, and bombarded toward this storm!

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