Age of Adepts

Chapter 1517

Grim’s current status is very bad!

In fact, his current status can no longer be described in terms of simple words such as good and bad.

Now, not only his body is alienated, his flesh and blood are alienated, his bones are alienated, but even the natural law of the flames is stirred up, and the chaos is unbearable.

And he stumbled back and forth in the Adept camp, and the body flying in the air continued to drop down all kinds of alienated flesh. These alienated flesh and blood fall on the ground, and no matter what kind of matter is combined, it will become a natural law alienated beast with a strange face and strange shape.

Their appearance, their form, their weirdness, and any plane creature are just like a ugly Monster that reconciles genes and bloodline. However, it has an extraordinary natural law ability.

Grim stumbled at high altitude, with the body’s disordered natural law strength relied on the Filthy Dark Book. And he also needs to rely on Fire God Bead to protect the soul, not letting the chaos of natural law spread to the soul level.

This has led to the uncontrollable behavior of his behavior!

Compared with the singular singer, the current Grim is simply miserable.

It seems that Grim’s horror has also led to some Beastman powerhouse Ready to make Trouble.

Therefore, just over halfway through the journey, Grim’s road was stopped by a Beastman savage warrior with a savage and fierce atmosphere.

This is a figure of up to three meters, the body is very strong, shaved a bald head, the neck is short and bare, almost invisible, covered with a rhinoceros armor, with a giant Wolf Tooth Club’s strength type in his hand. Berserker.

As the other stopped Grim and went, he snarled loudly.

“Evil Adept, when you first came, isn’t it arrogant? How is it now? Haha, now let 俺 gu lu ……”

Grim didn’t know what he wanted to say later.

I am too lazy to temper with such muscles, and I am worried that the delay will take a long time and will be besieged by Beastman Powerhouse. Grim will not hesitate to release the spoiled ring stored in the Filthy Dark Book.

After a dark green Aura wraps around the Berserker, its hair and skin dissolve like a roasting candle. The whole body began to madly spit out the poisonous cloud of the green, and fell and fell into the sky.

Beastmans are still too lacking in the protection of Powerful items. No matter what kind of damage they encounter, they almost rely on a strong physical body and tenacious will to fight. But in the face of a toxic attribute natural law Witchcraft up to Fifth Grade, it really can’t help.

The Beastman Berserker was hit by the sky without a shot, and his life was dying.

And it’s a Beastman powerhouse at the Fourth Grade Advanced Level!

Not being scared, Beastman is a fighting race that never knows how to fear and shrink.

Therefore, it was not long before Grim abolished the Beastman Berserker, and there was a person Beastman powerhouse blocking his way.

This time it is a Beastman Juggernaut, and its level is up to Fourth Grade Peak.

The Mutas plane is also a famous top!

However, such a guy still did not discuss it in Grim’s hands. A violent smashing past, Fourth Grade Peak’s Beastman Juggernaut was killed by the spike.

You know, a Fifth Grade Novice’s Great Adept attack damage can reach an average of 15,000. And Grim’s carefully prepared violent shackles can reach the heart of the madness of 30,000.

这样的攻击,足以秒杀一位没有任何准备的Fifth Grade Novice Great Adept 了,更别提这真正对付的只是一个Fourth Grade Peak 的小小Beastman 剑圣!

而Grim 为此付出的代价就是右眼炸成了血沫,留下了一个血肉模糊的黑洞。

至此,穆塔斯plane 的Beastman powerhouse 们这才明白了敌我之间那不可逾越的实力鸿沟。对方哪怕只是一个实力大损的Fifth Grade Great Adept ,想要弄死它们也是易如反掌的。

至少,一位Fourth Grade Peak Beastman 剑圣也就只值一颗右眼而已!

秒杀了Beastman 剑圣,所有的Beastman powerhouse 也就偃旗息鼓,再也不敢胡乱出手了。

于是,Grim 这才得以跌跌撞撞的返回了Adept camp 。

camp 内部的气氛此时也异常紧张。

几位Adept 小队成员正在紧张万分的调试和准备着那座跨plane 超远程Transmission Array 。而匆忙逃回的Sixth Grade Great Adept 布里埃尔和Fifth Grade 的瑞克则杵立在camp 中央,不断地扫视着周边的环境变化。

兀地,布里埃尔神情一愕,转头looked towards 了天际远方。

很快,瑞克也感知到了什么,脸上同样露出了惊讶和不可思议的expression 。

“你好像说过,那个Grim 被Galleon 的本体盯上了?那……这是怎么回事?”布里埃尔厉声道。

“他……我……这个……”瑞克也有些错乱了,变得语无伦次起来:“大人……我……我真的看到他被那个Galleon 盯上了。至于他是怎么活下来的,我就一无所知了!”

而就在两人快速且隐蔽的交谈中,天际尽头那里一个黑点骤然浮现出来,跌宕起伏的在空中胡乱飞着,摇摇晃晃的来到了Adept camp 上空,然后一头栽了下来。

“Grim 大人好像伤得很重……”一位Fourth Grade Sorceress 尖叫了一声,伸手就扶住了从天空坠落的Grim 。

A muffled sound.

受到强烈震荡,形态凄惨的Grim 脸颊上一块拇指大小的血肉飞溅了出去,落在了仍在熊熊燃烧的bonfire 之上。

异化的natural law 波动荡溢了一下,那片血肉竟然瞬间和火焰融合在了一起。next moment ,一个远远看过去像是个火焰布丁的怪异creature 就变造了出来。


“火灾泥怪?不对……火灾泥怪都是些不入流的Monster ,怎么可能达到Third Grade ……这到底是什么Monster ?”瑞克忍不住嘀咕了起来。

眼前的Little Brat ,只凭它吞吐火焰和驱使火焰攻击的能力,已经足以被视为Third Grade creature 了。只是在它浓烈至极的火焰natural law 气息中,却感知不到任何智慧creature 特有的spiritual fluctuation 。

无意识的natural law 异化Monster ?

似乎感知不到彼此间的巨大实力差距,也没有正常智慧creature 特有的危险感知,那个刚刚诞生的Little Brat 立刻无差别的向在场每一位Adept 发起了进攻。

而它的攻击中竟然还浸蕴着一丝丝火焰Strength of Natural Law ……


布里埃尔groaned ,Spiritual Force 一绞就把火焰布丁撕碎成了火焰碎片。而他更是一抬手,在空中绘出了一个特大号的Witchcraft rune 打入Grim within the body 。

说也奇怪,这个rune 一入体,Grim blood, flesh, muscle and bones 之内所有紊乱暴动的natural law strength 骤然一滞,就像琥珀里的爬虫一样被封印镇压了下去。

而在这个时候,Grim 方才勉强睁开了眼睛,向着这位Sixth Grade Great Adept 低声道:“many thanks 大人!”

尽管对Grim 是如何逃出Beastman Shrine 的感到万分好奇,但是见此情状,布里埃尔也不好意思在追问些什么了,只能一挥手:“这次任务失败不是我们的因素,而是对方的strength 已经超出了我们所能应对的极限。你能活着逃回来,很好……有什么,等到返回了总部再说。”

“放心,对方出现了Seventh Grade 神灵的本体才导致了我们任务失败,总部不可能太过追究我们的责任。你回去就放心养伤吧!”

Grim 虚弱的点nodded ,默默地闭上眼睛,开始缓慢调理起within the body 紊乱的Strength of Natural Law 了。

任务失败,还折损了两位Great Adept ……

这样的惨败即便是布里埃尔这样的Sixth Grade Great Adept 都有些难以承受。

因此,借助Transmission Array 返回巨岩战堡后,布里埃尔和瑞克都被迫接受了总部高层的任务审查。而Grim 则凭借着惨重的伤势获得了优待,免于了这样的‘折磨’,径直返回居所修养去了。

这次的任务可算是把Grim 折磨惨了!


而这样的异化natural law 侵染,作为Natural Law Adept 也没有别的好办法可想,只能像凡人疗伤一样一丝丝的把异化natural law 抽取出来,然后重新代以火焰natural law 。


所有的异化natural law 都植根于他的Adept 本源和Star Beast bloodline 之中,放弃异化natural law 就意味着放弃他目前所拥有的一切。因此,只能慢工出细活,一点点的去疗养和恢复了。

当然,对于穆塔斯plane 任务的失败,Grim 也是一直耿耿于怀,不知道哪里出了纰漏才让那位Seventh Grade 的God of Slaughter 竟然本体降临,打破了战争的平衡。

不过,在他偷偷跑去拜访了一次Sarubo Great Adept 后,他隐约得到了答案。

就在Grim and the others 的穆塔斯plane 任务失败的同一刻,巨岩战堡在另一个plane 发动的破灭攻势竟然大获成功。那位仇恨之神厄努斯的本源plane 被摧毁了!

而这位仇恨之神厄努斯侥幸躲过了陨落危机,逃到了其他Beastman Revered God Divine Country 之中,位阶也从Fifth Grade lower grade 神跌落成了Fourth Grade 的Demigod ……

这个消息内里浸蕴了太多的信息,以致于Grim 初次听闻的那一刻都somewhat absent-minded 了。

而他也从其mid-grade 味到了一些意犹未尽的况味!

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