Chapter 1222

After smashing out most of the top resources, Grim can finally relax a little.

With this opportunity, he also plans to ‘small’ precipitation.

The growth of the Crimson family takes time, and his growth takes time…

And time is always on his side!

So, Grim, who had escaped from Flame Throne, once again disappeared from the crowd. And this time the precipitation is a long eight years…


Flame Throne, 5th-layer.

After the expansion of various Witchcraft methods, the interior space of the Flame Throne, which was originally a small-type Magic Tower, has changed a lot.

If Flame Throne is used as a development base for the Crimson family, it is too small to accommodate the growing family of Adept. It has to be sealed into a confined space for Grim alone, so the interior is empty enough to be daunting.

In the 5th-layer tens of thousands of flat spaces, except for the Magical Machine, which is responsible for alerting and cleaning, only Grim and Shade Demon can be found here. Even Mary, who has very high privileges, will only “visit” once every three times, and her activity space is concentrated in the Grim residence on the Magic Tower 4 floor.

As for another Alice who also has very high privileges, she never set foot on Flame Throne and was busy with Destiny Sorceress in Destiny Tower. Even if Grim had some ‘body’ words to talk to Alice, he could only go to Destiny Tower to find her.

Early in the morning, the door of the residence suddenly opened.

Grim was awkward with the painful Waist, kneading the faintly trembling legs, and looked tired from the hole in the steel iron door.

Behind it, the original extravagant bedroom has been a mess.

The exquisite big bed made of purple pear wood has become a ruin, and the appearance and contour of the bed can no longer be seen. There was a horrific typhoon in the entire bedroom, with broken decorative pieces and scattered home furnishings.

And just in this ruin, Mary’s white body is so Naked. Even if she is still asleep, the incredible soft curve, the cheeks that swayed with sorrow and sorrow, the shiny white smooth skin that shines with crystal, still has endless charm.

The ‘last night’ battle was too fierce, and neither side converges on its strength, which led him and Mary’s to be as good as a fierce ‘meat’ every time.

In the midst of passion, the extra strength is dissipated, and how can these ordinary home furnishings withstand the ‘brute force’ of the two Fourth Grade Adept!

After qualifying for Fourth Grade, Grim’s Foundation Constitution is also maintained at the 30 point, and it is so difficult to go further. If the Variation Mushroom, which was not brought back from World of Spirit, increased his Constitution by two points, I am afraid he is still spinning around 28!

After Mary advanced to Fourth Grade, the Constitution improved very quickly, and now there are as many 24 points.

In the eyes of the mundane mortal, the 24 point Constitution is only the stalwart body that the legendary powerful demon or monster can have.

It is the rapid growth of the Constitution that has made the ‘fighting’ of both sides long and difficult.

In the end, after a long period of 17 hours 36 minutes of ‘killing’ and ‘meat’, Grim finally achieved this ‘battle’ victory with a slightly higher Constitution and male technical advantage!

However, when he stepped out of his home, his steps were a little embarrassing, and even Waist couldn’t stand up straight.

Dragging the sore muscles that were still in protest, Grim went through a ramp to a bright, bright hall. Here, on the bright and bright floor, a huge long table is placed in the middle of the hall, which is full of all kinds of food and drinks.

At the end of the long table, only a strange high-backed stone chair was placed, and four beautiful girls on both sides of the table were waiting quietly. Their skin is black and full of luster, and the soft, delicate limbs seem to be weak, but they are impregnated with explosive terrifying strength.

Just through the cloth-less clothing, you can see the Witchcraft branding on their bodies.

They are also part of the elite Spirit Race, a bizarre branch of high elf called the Night Elf.

Grim’s body is only wrapped in a thin soft robe, and the long robe is dragged to the ground, bare feet, and the long red hair of the waist is scattered behind him. The whole person is full of one. Furious and arrogant flying temperament.

When I saw Grim coming, I waited for a few night elf girls at the table to rush to open the heavy stone chair and serve him to sit down, then he flexibly put a plate of food in front of him.

Being able to serve Grim’s night elf girl here has at least a Second Grade strength, and it is also a little-known elf powerhouse. But here, they can only play the role of a weak maid, to make an all-out effort to serve this unique ‘master’.

Since they were sold to Magic Tower, they have become lifelong prisoners in this huge prison.

The secrets in Tower, Adept’s personal habits, Magic Tower’s defense mechanisms… these are all secrets that cannot be revealed. These alien servants belonging to Magic Tower are unlikely to leave here at the moment of the real death.

The reason why the purchase of such a group of alien servants is to look at the eye on the one hand, and to take care of their daily life on the other hand.

As a high rank Adept, most of Grim’s energy is spent on the magic laboratory, alchemy lab, and the artifacts that are blocked in the foreign space. Naturally, there is no time to take care of those daily living and dining and grooming.

And these are naturally done by the interracial maids in front of us!

Grim after all is the name of Grade Grade Adept, his every move, one call and one suck, carrying the indescribable powerful elements of the tide. Wherever he stays, the terrifying elemental energy radiation is retained.

Ordinary human maids staying in such an environment for a little longer will die of pain due to excessive elemental energy radiation. Only these maids with some extraordinary abilities can survive longer.

Therefore, most of the high rank Adept’s private Magic Tower regularly buys or plunders a group of high-quality alien female slaves to act as a ‘consumables’.

In contrast, Grim equipped them with some fire-resistant talisman, and used Magic Tower energy to create a living environment similar to their hometown in 2-Layer’s female slave living area.

This kind of ‘good deed’ can be considered valuable!

Grim sits on top of the stone chair, and the knife and fork in his hand quickly picks up a piece of the already cut Fire Dragon rib, and then swallows it after a moment of chewing.

Although the maids prepared a lot of food for Grim, and they had a lot of variety, he still only liked this original flavor, without the Fire Dragon ribs that had been subjected to multiple complex cooking treatments. Dragon meat, dragon ribs, dragon bone, dragon’s marrow… these things are either tenacious or immersed in an unimaginable Fire Element.

If you replace Grim with the Fire Dragon ribs for any outsider, he will painfully discover that the dragon meat is so tenacious that it is comparable to those enchanted cowhide soft armor. Putting such a dragon meat in his mouth, he can’t tear a small piece of shredded pork from above without letting him grind his teeth.

And the dragon ribs in the dragon meat are desperate, and the bite force of the teeth is a bit bitter.

As for the Fire Dragon ribs wrapped in the dragon meat, there is no sharp sharpness above Second Grade, so don’t think about hurting it.

Only the high rank Adept like Grim, with its powerful body and terrifying strength, coupled with proper Witchcraft assistance, can easily bite and swallow these Fire Dragon ribs.

As for other foods, although the taste may be more refined and delicious than the Fire Dragon ribs, the energy of the immersion is disparate. After some exhaustion, Grim wants to supplement the body with energy loss. I am afraid that it is difficult to fill the belly without eating a hundred kilograms of ordinary food.

At their level, human primitive eating and digesting systems are so inefficient and troublesome. According to human habits, normal diet is not as simple and more efficient as direct phagocytosis.

However, in order to maintain the thin link between humans and the Adept community, maintaining human form and some appropriate human etiquette remains a must for high rank Adept.

While Grim gnashing teeth’s full force against the Fire Dragon ribs, a dark, graceful night elf waitress stood quietly at the table, reporting to the inside of the Tower with a crisp, soft voice. Material situation.

“…The Fire Dragon ribs are only 5 tons left. I have already told Gargamel adults to find ways to hunt back a Third Grade Fire Dragon on the Lance plane…”

“…There are fewer than three sets of houses in the Tower. I want to ask the adults what you mean. After that, all the furnishings in your home will be replaced with obsidian, otherwise the frequency of damage will be too high…”

“…Meryl has recently sent an Abyss Succubus, who is only three hundred years old, and is only a human 7-year-old girl. It is on the lower level of Tower… You see, are you ‘appreciating’?”

Grim was stuffing a mouthful of dragon meat, and the biting and chewing gangs were a bit sore, and the report of the waitress had nothing to listen to.

Finally, he had a hard swallowing of the dragon meat in his mouth, and the wine on the table was fiercely dried up for a large cup, which took his chest and passed the breath.

“Succubus… This abyss creature I have seen it in the apprentice period, and it is a rare stunner. Why, where did Meryl buy it?”

“I heard from Meryl that this Abyss Succubus comes from the Iron and Steel Metropolis outside the domain… She always wanted to ask an adult and seemed to have a special purpose here!”

Outside the domain…the abyss…

Grim stunned and couldn’t help but think.

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