Chapter 1216


Grim snapped off shouted.

“Handing over Life Origin Water, I will go straight back, it’s still your World…”

“Imagine…you are the intruder!” The magic pod rubbed against the blade and made a strange sound: “I will tear you into pieces and use it to water my endless wells!”

“Then it will be a dead battle!”

Enthralled by the ignorance of the magic pod, Grim roared with Body Transformation and became a flame giant with a body size of ten several meters. The whole body was swayed and wrapped in the golden flame of the sky, and the body hands were clenched. The huge fireball that thundered the flames.

Although the Flame Giant is still inferior to the magical pods of three 400 meters, the horror of burning the heaven and boiling the sea is even worse. Especially when Grim sizzled and screamed, the terrifying flame flow of the longness of the segregation in the eyes and the mouth was even more like the appearance of the god of fire, and the anger appeared.

Even with the sternness and arrogance of the magic pod, it is impossible for the Spirit to tremble and feel at ease.

Silent, the shadow behind the magic pod is boiling and the atmosphere bursts. Shade Demon’s strange body slowly emerges from the darkness, and the scarlet mechanical eye is coldly staring at each other.

It can be seen that once the war breaks out again, the three ‘people’ is absolutely irreconcilable until death, and it is necessary to separate the end of Life and Death!

Grim of the Incarnation Flame Giant and Shade Demon, who resembles the Spirit Thorn guest, are also stunned. Although it has the 7 to grasp the two people, but… 7 is only 7 into it, it still has 3 and may die under the attack of two people.

For a long-lived Fourth Grade powerhouse, 3’s death rate is already high enough…

“These Life Origin Waters have been made by the water source of the wetland swamp near 2. It is also the guarantee for me to advance to Fifth Grade. You don’t want to get points…” The magic pod shakes the stalks violently, up to the number of 100 The body of meters squirmed like a snake.

Although its tone is still cold and severe, the attitude has obviously softened a bit.

“We won’t take away all of your Life Origin Water… as long as one third is enough!” Grim both hands hold the increasingly fierce blazing fireball and continue to maintain the pressure of terrifying: “In any case, you just have to shrink. Here, the swamp wetland guys can’t drive you away. At that time, you have a way to slowly collect the wetland water and life, which is much better than today and we are here!”

“hmph, bastard… you don’t know how hard it is to collect water here. I have the current situation, but it took more than four hundred years to get it, but you opened mouth and want to go 1/3. Imagine… this is a delusion!”

“Then we only need the 1/4 head office? You don’t think our two Fourth Grades are worth more than the 1/4 Life Origin Water!”

“No, too much! Give you 1/4, my own strength promotion will have problems…”

“Then 1/5… can’t be less! If you don’t even agree with 1/5, then we have to…” Here, the blazing fireball in Grim’s hand has turned from red to golden, inside. The violent flame energy of the immersion is simply heart-rending.

The magic pod did not answer, but with a keen Spirit perception, quietly observed the changes in the expression of the two.

Unfortunately, one is the body of the Magical Machine, and the other is the Grim of wily old fox. Any one of the bargaining and bargaining is the Hand of the Hang Family. It is not the same as the rookie of the ‘first-of-its-kind’.

Finally, under the extreme threat of force, the three men barely reached some agreements.

Grim took out nearly a million Magic Crystals and a large number of Adept World’s exclusive Adept resources before he exchanged 1/5’s Life Origin Water from the magic pod. The initial estimate is 750 grams, and Alice only needs 500 grams to save lives.

Therefore, Grim can still do some special research on 250 grams!

If Grim has a small-type Material Plane on hand, then this 250 Gram Life Origin Water will immediately bring the small-type plane out of two or three rivers that stretch for thousands of kilometers and have plenty of water.

This is actually the true meaning of Life Origin Water!


Peripheral Holy Land.

The violent earthquake has lasted for half a day.

Just under the gaze of the crowd, the mountain range where the magic spore Holy Land was located collapsed in a ronlong long terrifying loud bang. The dust and the tumbling dirt fog dumped the entire mountain range below.

In a Mushroom Forest near the spore forest, eight tiny magic spore men are squatting on their toes, hiding in a pile of moss and looking into the distance.

Everything happened to the Holy Land, they are naturally in sight.

But with their weak strength, it is obviously not enough to participate in this level of terrifying battle!

“Uncle, are we correct or wrong this time? Princess is… after all… has changed!”

“Yeah, Naru Uncle, Princess has become a human Adept. She… will she treat us like she did before?”

Magic spore man The shortest one, the oldest one, caressing that he has some withered submandibular roots, and sighs: “The destiny of our family is always like this, always obeying the powerhouse! After this battle, The family of the genus Spore must be changed, we will stay here, and the fate may not be too good.”

“So Princess Adult? Is she already standing on the foot in Other World, she… can she protect us?” A slightly younger magic spore man couldn’t help but muttered.

However, waiting for the Naru opened mouth to answer, a clear and fluent male voice suddenly sounded behind them.

“If Emelia’s guarantee that you still don’t believe it, then a Fourth Grade Adept, you should always believe it!”

Suddenly heard the voice of outsiders, several magic spore man were scared and pale, trembled and looked back.

They discovered that I don’t know when a human male Adept wearing a red robe and a handcuffed Sorcerer Staff stood behind them. And the human Sorcerer’s side stood quietly, the Emelia spores that are constantly mentioned in their mouths.

As for the unremarkable Remy at the corner, nobody cares.

“Princess, you can escape from Holy Land… You, you didn’t meet Farnson there? Thank goodness, you can escape really fast, otherwise you will not escape the Farnson’s clutch. Look, that Farnson got angry, even the Holy Land mountain range collapsed…”

Listening to Naru’s shattered cockroaches, Emelia interrupted it without any anger.

“Naru, don’t be there, come over to see Grim! He, but my current Sir Patriarch… Sir Patriarch has just come out of the Holy Land, the Farnson has been killed by him! Even Holy Land The mountain range is also what he destroyed…”

After listening to Emelia’s words, several magic spore man couldn’t help sucked in a cold breath, looking at Grim’s eyes full of admiration and awe of expression. Especially when their eyes fell on the wilted head hanging on the Grim belt, it was a panic of expression and a look of uneasiness.

Human head… That’s the head of the spore Patriarch Farnson!

Although the skull has been deformed, but the strange skin color, the eyebrows of the eye, is the Farnson that everyone is familiar with.

With this human testimony, several magic spore man no longer dare to doubt the points, each and everyone’s body crouched on the ground, and did not dare to look directly at Grim’s magical atmosphere.

“You stay with them and wait for me to return. Remy will protect you!” Grim didn’t even look at a few magic spore man, but told Emelia directly.

“Patriarch, don’t we need to leave right away? You…what is this going?” Emelia asked in surprise.

“Account collection!” Grim gnashing teeth said: “I still have a batch of accounts to collect here…”

After saying nothing, I left the Mushroom Forest without returning.


Two days later.

Adept World, Destiny Tower.

The 氤氲white light in the Transmission Array overflowed and it took half a quarter of an hour to complete the ultra-long-range cross-plane transmission.

When the white light slowly dissipated, Grim, Emelia, and Remy, as well as eight singular silhouettes of high and low, appeared in the Transmission Array.

“You can count it back… yes, have you brought back Life Origin Water?” The little Elf Helen, who was waiting in front of the Transmission Array, flew to Grim and flew in front of Grim, unable to keep spinning around, and the sharp voice was even more It was a trembling with a touch.

Instead of talking, Grim touched a flat wooden pot from his belt and swayed gently, revealing the clear sound of oh la la oh la la.

“Get it back… just get it back…” Little Helen’s words were filled with a cry: “Alice’s life is running out. The time toxin seems to be accelerating…”

“How is this kind of thing used?” Grim said awkwardly.

“Give us the peace of mind! The necessary curriculum items are ready, just waiting for you to bring back Life Origin Water… let’s go, we will start right away…”

After a while, Destiny Tower, which had been silent for a while, suddenly became brilliant. A strange white column of white milk pierced the haze over the dragon bone wilderness, and it was taken from the sky to a strange and magical star.

Immediately, the mysterious and mysterious fate of the phantom faintly discernible over Destiny Tower, from which there are countless rays of light stars, the target is directed at Destiny Tower.

At the moment of the fall of the stars, a tall and beautiful Sorceress silhouette emerged, spread his arms and let the stars fall into her body.

As the stars fall more and more, the more and more dense, the more beautiful the Sorceress silhouette is.

Finally, when the fate of the river slowly disappeared, the beautiful Sorceress turned around and slammed into the body of 1000 meters. The beauty of a pair of stars and rivers burst into a fascinating brilliance…

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