Chapter 1190

Io Valley.

Dark Sorceress Source Tower – the location of the black Secret Realm.

Inside the huge Witchcraft hall of the Magic Tower 11th-layer, a black Teleportation Gate slowly opened the light curtain.

And waiting for a dozen Sorceress black-robed covers in front of the Teleportation Gate, the hood is low, and there is a strong and chilly forest. They are all elite Adept belonging to the dark group of Dark Sorceress. The worst one in the team also has the strength of Second Grade Advanced Level, and the general membership strength is around Third Grade Intermediate Level.

Such a powerful Sorceress team with a strong combat capability, coupled with a Fourth Grade Sorceress Elder, is a terrifying strength that is awesome and scary even on any plane!

Today, they are gathered here, apparently wanting to perform a hidden dark task.

Wait until the space energy above the light curtain is no longer turbulent, standing at the door of the first Sorceress micro-maximal head, these Sorceress silently into the light curtain, disappeared without a trace.

Soon, the dark group elites of the 16 Dark Sorceress all got into the light curtain, leaving only the dark group Elder Claudine and the Searcy leader who was surrounded by black smoke.

“The dark sky has covered the plane, and the other party can’t predict your arrival in advance. So, do it quickly, grab the Fire God Bead and immediately exit the plane. I will wait for your return here at the Dark Portal…” Silence In the great hall, there was a low, hoarse voice of Searcy.

The dark group Elder Claudine glanced at her and glanced at her, angrily saying: “Use our dark group’s elite to steal the treasure for the bastard. You can really face us for Dark Sorceress! If the casualties are huge, you will Wait and explain to Malvina!”

Searcy’s face was hidden in the darkness, and no one could see her expression changes, only to hear her strange voice.

“How to explain to Malvina that it is my business, as long as I am the leader of the Dark Sorceress, you must carry out the internal resolution of the Hang Family. Why, Claudine, do you want to challenge me now?”

Claudine groaned, no longer speaking, bowed into the dark light curtain.

When her large and pure dark strength broke through the plane barrier and broke into the alien plane, a small silhouette of the Strange World appeared on the light curtain image.

Wherever the line of sight, completely barren, the red earth is full of hot sand, crushed rocks and huge volcanoes with heavy black smoke. Above the Scorpio, a huge fireball burning with smoldering spit in the heat and heat, and burning the whole world.

After a while, the dark strength re-enclosed the door of darkness, and the image projected on the light curtain disappeared.

However, for no reason, the temperature in the hall has been quietly increased by a dozen degrees.

When the hall was restored to silence, only the woman was left in front of the Dark Portal. Searcy sighed and sighed and turned away.


And in another Farn plane ruled by Pale Witch, a bloody fight continues.

The elite Dark Sorceress team that crossed the border broke directly into the Central Mountain Range of Jia Lan Continent, where he frantically besieged the God Shrine of God of Moonlight Mi Wei.

Due to the existence of a huge dark sky, the sprites of the various districts of Jia Lan Continent have lost direct contact with their own Faith God. Numerous Shrine guards were also heavily transferred to the Southwest War Zone due to the Sorceress Disaster.

Therefore, the entire Shrine area is able to withstand the Dark Sorceress raids and only the priests who have the highest gods.

Unfortunately, although the female Priests are all protected by the powerful Divine Spell strength, they are faced with no traces. The Slaughter’s skillful Dark Sorceress can only stick to the Main Shrine and resist the enemy’s constant sneak attack. .

Although Shrine has been reported to have been attacked, the only thing that really suffered huge losses was Shrine of God of Moonlight Mi Wei.

There were many sneak attacks of the high rank Dark Sorceress, and even the main sacrifice died on the spot. The ‘Moon Spring’ enshrined in Shrine also disappeared and fell into the hands of Other World Sorceresses.

After a while, the dark sky disappeared.

The Goss Gos got in touch with Main Shrine again, and got the news that Gods was furious.

For a time, the major elves Shrine glory, God Strength interest.

One after another, the clone or projection of the gods came to their respective Shrine, and then led the Central Mountain Range under the leadership of God of Elves Silsa, and began to follow the trailing sorrowful Sorceress.

In the true vision of their powerful powers, there are no dark creatures that can escape their pursuit. Therefore, one after another fierce and violent battle broke out in all corners of Jia Lan Continent.

But unfortunately, the Dark Sorceress who came across the border is obviously very familiar with such a raid and has a perfect escape plan. Their unscrupulous summon produces a lot of dark creatures, letting them sneak attack around the cities and towns that lack Divine Spell strength.

And they themselves are scattered and hidden, and slipped silently to the reserved evacuation point.

Although some of the Dark Sorceress were chased by the Revered God clones, they died in the battlefield. But more Dark Sorceress managed to escape the enemy’s pursuit and returned directly to Adept World from the evacuation point.

And that ‘Moon Spring’ also came to Adept World!


Half a month later, on the top floor of Destiny Tower, Dark Sorceress leader Searcy accompanied Alice to see the incoming Legendary Fire Sorcerer, Grim.

Although the two sides have struggled countless times, either in light or in the dark, but this face-to-face negotiation is the first time.

Grim is the same as the serious injury.

The red sorcerer robe is wrapped in a tall, strong body, and Grim’s looks still young and energetic. But the discerning person can see that Grim is so guilty at this time, especially weak in the most important Spirit of Elemental Adept.

However, the weak Fourth Grade Adept is also a lion that no one can humiliate.

Therefore, when Grim stepped into the hall and confronted the head of the Searcy who had hidden his body and face, he clearly felt the expression of vigilance and hatred from the other’s eyes.

“I am very happy to meet you here, Ms. Searcy, we finally met!” Grim couldn’t help but sigh.

Searce Sorceress’s gaze slid on Grim and then moved to the shadow of his body. In the dark fog that shrouded her face, she transmitted two black strong mans, pierced the border between darkness and reality, and saw other images that made her hate.

“I don’t have any thoughts and wandering about anything here…According to our prior agreement, exchange each other!” Searcy cut into the subject.

At this time, Alice, who was sitting next to me, couldn’t help but insert it.

“According to the prior agreement, Dark Sorceress will exchange the Shadow Orb with Fire God Bead and Moon Spring. Since the Searce leader has come, it is definitely something to gain. Let us first look at the transaction item?”

Listening to Alice serene’s mention of two Other World treasures, Searcy’s face hidden under the black fog is somewhat twitching and distorted. Others may not know how much the Dark Sorceress paid for it, but her Dark Sorceress leader knew it.

The price was so heavy that she was a little bit stunned!

Fire God Bead is an artifact created by Gods World God of Flame Xinai. It also has a powerful power that is not weaker than the shadow orb. So trying to take the Fire God Bead from him is an impossible task.

Fortunately, Alice has already divined. At some point in the past, the Fire God Bead will be delivered to an important believer by Xinai during a Planar War. So take this opportunity, the Dark Sorceress launched a sudden attack, seriously injured the believer and snatched the Fire God Bead.

Of course, the Dark Sorceress also paid a heavy price for this action!

The dark group Elder Claudine, who led the team, was seriously injured and may take more than 30 years of training to get rid of the violent flame of the body. The dark group Sorceress lost a Third Grade and three Second Grades. Because they are all injured under the artifact, the soul has no chance to escape, and there is no chance of resurrection.

As for the other Moon Spring, it is a divine object of the Farn plane Spirit Race, which is enshrined in the Main Shrine of the God of Moonlight Mi Wei. If you want to rob the divine object there, the difficulty is beyond imagination.

The price paid by Dark Sorceress for this is five Second Grade Dark Sorceress!

So I heard Alice’s inquiry, and the expression on Searcy’s face was simply called ‘multi-colored’. It was silent for a long time, and then I waved two Fifth Grade items.

The Fire God Bead is a fist-sized bead that burns an inexhaustible golden flame. At this time, as soon as the seal space was released, it was quickly transformed into a huge fireball, and it has continued to expand.

The temperature in this penthouse has also risen rapidly, with a tendency to directly translate into Melting Fire World.

Grim eyes closed quietly feels the intense and near-substantial Fire Element particles in the air. The whole body’s cells and life are desperately shouting roar, wanting to swallow the Fire God Bead and become part of their source strength.

Well, it’s really the Fifth Grade artifact, or the type of attack… For Grim, the value of this item can be far above the shadow ball that does not match the attribute!

After Grim’s inspection, she also looked at Alice and saw her silently nodded. She also knew that Moon Spring was also genuine and not false. This is the right hand. In the shadow, a dark and deep metal claw claw is found in the shadow, and the shadow ball is put into his hand.

The breath of Searce Sorceress is rushing!

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