Chapter 1139

After a long time, Roy Adept put down the task crystal, and the expression singularly glanced at Grim.

“They have completed all the assignments and participated in the attack on a Floating City… According to the battle images, they did go to the core area of ​​Floating City and got some valuable information!”

It is impossible to keep too many battle images in the task crystal. Grim just collected a light battle scene from Floating Light Sweeping Shadow. In particular, the Arcane Hall in the core area of ​​Ruijing Garden Floating City, as well as the scenes of the Disaster lord and the 5 Revolutions Arcanist Great Master are even more essential.

From the perspective and distance of the picture, the viewer can also assess where Grim was.

“I don’t believe… I don’t believe… With their strength, how can they get in and out of Floating City without any damage? They must have used some methods to cheat…” The winter Sorceress is still questioning.

Her eyes were quickly fixed on the weakest Manggis siblings.

“Manggs, how did Shani die?”

Manggs brows and looks up coldly said: “You have to ask the Shani Sorceress! A good fighting squad, she has to be self-sufficient and independent, otherwise how could it be encircled by the enemy? dead!”

Winter Sorceress complexion sank.

However, before she continued to press strong, Holly Adept stood aside and expressed her anger.

“Shani Sorceress is dead in the hands of God of Wisdom, and I can prove it. And we have already helped her to avenge… Killing most of the God of Wisdom believers! Even the god is dead. It!”

“Hey?” Roy Adept blinked and turned to Grim and asked, “Is the Son of God you killed?”

Grim gently shook the head, said with a bitter smile: “There is an artifact in the hands of the god, how can we beat him with our strength. Killing him is a Lich, called Conger Nath, it seems Belonging to a strange organization called ‘Pan Universe Lich Big League’…”

“Lich Conger Nath… It’s also coming to Morian plane!” Roy Adept obviously knows something. As soon as he hears the name of Lich Conger Nath, the expression suddenly slams and seems to be very taboo: “You can meet Conger Nath.” Still alive, luck is good enough. I will be careful when I see this guy again next time. It is notoriously brutal and deceitful. I like to collect the bodies of the powerful Caster!”

Looking at Roy Adept’s solemn reminder, Holly Adept and Manggs looked at each other and couldn’t help but raise a sigh of inexplicable sighs.

Lich is cruel? It seems that the name of Lich and this Grim is very talkative, and the two sides look a bit like each other.

It seems that this Grim is indeed hidden deep enough, and the elite Adepts in front of him are not aware of his power and forbearance… cough, such a guy, can not easily offend himself!

This way, Holly and Manggs have already been shocked by Grim’s powerful strength, and they are unaware of everything in the Grim.

As for the problem of offending Dark Sorceress for this, the two are not worried about anything. The three are divided into different adept organizations. Although the other party is big, it is difficult to affect both of them. Moreover, for a dead Adept to offend a future limitless ‘star of tomorrow’, the two of them are not so stupid.

You know, in the dark, this Grim is a hard scorpion that can talk to Lich and his brother! Others are not very good at the inside. The two of them have witnessed the Legendary Fire Sorcerer, so they naturally know what to say and what should not.

Fourth Grade Adept may have been a top-level force in Adept World, but it can still be divided into three or six in the Fourth Grade. And the Legendary Fire Sorcerer, apparently far behind them, became a terrifying figure that they could not match.

So what others think, Holly and Manggs don’t know, but the two of them have already made up their minds in the bottom of the heart. In this life, they will not choose to be right with Grim!

Now that the task crystal has been tested, there is nothing the Grim team can blame.

Therefore, the winter Sorceress is still indignant, but can not produce any substantial evidence, it is not good to continue to pursue what.

After all, why did Dark Sorceress Shani participate in this Planar War? What is her real plot? What happened between them?

This series of questions, this winter Sorceress is not known, just for the purpose of maintaining the overall interests of Northern Witch before they came forward to fight for it.

Now that she can’t make any noise, she will die down and make up her mind to return to the extra-regional camp. Then pass this message to Adept World’s Sorceress leader council, let them go to the decision and go to the headache!

A Fourth Grade Dark Sorceress has fallen into Other World, which will definitely set off a wave in the Northern Witch. However, as a Fourth Grade Sorceress in the field, these things have not been of much concern to her.

“Since the number of people has arrived, let’s send it back! The battle here has been upgraded. You can meet those super-powerhouses anytime, anywhere. It’s not safe to stay here… if you don’t have any opinions, then you will have Come back!”

Roy Adept, who had no intention of continuing to entangle in this dilapidated alien plane, stood up and saw no one disagreed with it. He took a strange seed from his arms and threw it on the rock foundation in front of him. .

This seed is clearly not the seed of an ordinary plant, but a magic plant that has been specially cultivated and sealed. As the seal is lifted, the delicate branches of the magic plant begin to stretch and expand in a humanized manner. The pointed and tender roots must be gently penetrated into the rock formation like a dagger, and spread and grow rapidly inside.

With only half a quarter of an hour’s effort, the entire magic plant expanded into a Magicked jungle that occupies about one mu. The green ribs on the surface of the rock foundation sneak through each and everyone’s singular Witchcraft rune, and use their own dense root system to form a huge Witchcraft rune array deep underground.

Roy Adept stands in the center of the huge Witchcraft rune array, and the body emits violent and fierce Witchcraft energy into the magic plant system. The densely packed rune lines and energy wires emerged out of thin air, and the energy of the bread contained in the bread became more and more intense, even to the level of glaring.

“Come in, the transfer is about to begin!”

Upon hearing Roy Adept’s order, the remaining nine Adepts stepped on the magic plant roots and leaves without hesitation, and each found a place to start the eyes closed.

The Grim trio has become familiar with the ‘run-in’ and contact during this time, so the station is a little closer. In particular, the Mangers took the initiative to stand on the side of Grim, and the pair was looked like by the other wing.

Grim knows that his strength is weak, and I am afraid it is difficult to cope with this violent ultra-long-range cross-plane transmission, so I don’t care too much.

The bright and glamorous rune light array has spread into a strange sea of ​​light, enveloping the body of ten Adepts, and then beginning to tear open a space passage to somewhere outside the domain.

Thanks to the Morian plane’sdamaged, the dying Planar Consciousness has been unable to suppress this cross-plane transmission that can tear the space, so the difficulty of breaking the space makes it easier to sneak into the last time.

But when the space was torn out of a huge black hole, the raging energy storm lingered on all Adept’s side, madly brushing their feet and licking their bodies. At this time, it is not a good idea to hold up the element shield, which can cause disturbances in space energy, resulting in unpredictable terrifying consequences.

Therefore, all Adept can only endure with eyes closed, relying on the tempering body and its own magic resistance against the invasion and sweeping of space energy. Everyone feels that their body is elongated, twisted and deformed in a strange way, and gradually loses the sense and judgment of the space of the plane.

Even though Adept has made numerous improvements and improvements to the cross-plane ultra-long-range sorcerer array, it is still difficult to change the dangers of the transmission process. Only the body’s multi-reformed high rank Adept can withstand such terrifying spatial changes, replaced by ordinary Adept, I am afraid that during the transmission process, the strongly changed Strength of Space will be shredded into a pile of blood sauce.

As for the length of the transfer process, there are different feelings in different Adept.

Some Adept minds are faint, and once they are awake, they have already been delivered. Their feelings are often only a moment. Some Adepts are able to maintain a clear perception of the transmission process with the powerful Spiritual Force. They also feel that the transmission time is often different from a dozen fingers, a quarter of an hour, a quarter of an hour, and so on.

It’s hard to tell who’s answer is completely true!

Just as the space energy boiling in the Transmission Array oscillated to the extreme, the Mangus, standing on the side of Grim, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes turned white, and the originally calm and waveless face suddenly began to be sharply distorted. A painful struggle.

“Get out… this… this is my body…”

He screamed and seemed to be fighting and competing with what strength.

Even at the end, he roared and awakened the sleeping Chirlitha, and the Body Transformation became the Two-Headed Adept battle form.


The roar of his mouth was ambiguous, but his body shook and suddenly became calm again.

Both Mangus and Chirlitha twisted at the same time, staring at Grim, Gregg said with a sneer: “Little Brat, we met again! I hope this gift you will like…”

After all, he (she) rushed to the top, became a blood red, and instantly raised his strength to the limit, and then did not hesitate… blew!

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