Chapter 1115

Ruijing Garden, Floating City.

It has been burned to every corner by the war.

However, just as the alienated beast and the Arcanist Master smashed the intractable shackles, two strange silhouettes emerged above the sky.

One is a man, his body is tall and strong, and his body is covered with short, rough, black and brown hair. The neck is a wolf. The other is a petite, soft-looking fox girl, with a furry red tail dragging behind her, very eye-catching.

“hehe, I didn’t think it was half a day late, it was already broken by the alienated beasts! What to do, Ruth, where are we going first?” The Werewolf was talking.

While talking, the Werewolf was fiercely screaming at the fiercely fiercely and screaming and killing the battlefield. A fierce and arrogant Weiling momentum was undoubted.

“Why, are you afraid?… We didn’t bother to understand before coming. The invaders here are the hoofed bastards. According to its urineiness, it is definitely a lonely person. We only need to track the past and lick it. The most intense battle with the Arcanist Great Master…” The fox woman’s neck was covered with a fox head, and her teeth were sharp, but the words were fierce, but the eyes of the waters had a big eye. An unspeakable feminine and feminine.

Especially on its forehead, a crescent-shaped jasper gem has a strange ray of light.

“I will be afraid of evil hoof? Hey, if that guy is too good at escaping, I broke his neck last time… this time you are waiting to watch the show! See how I clean up and like to drill in the ground. The guy who drilled.” Then, Werewolf took the nose and fiercely sniffed a bite. The black hair showed a strange expression from the wolf’s face: “No, no, except for the evil hoof, how can I sniff out those here?” Evil Adept’s stench! Damn, isn’t the evil hoof and Adept teamed up?”

“hehe, the evil hoof guy will never be sincerely united with anyone. In my opinion, it must be that it used a method to lie to a few Adept to help, and then wait until after the event and then take the opportunity to swallow it. This is its usual trick!” The fox woman disdained a grin.

“So, who is the first to kill? Is the evil hoof still Adept?” Werewolf mentioned the slaughter, the muscles of his body became more bulging, and even his body shape was a little bigger than before.

“First kill Adept…so that when they fight the evil hoof, they will spoil the back!” The fox girl Ruth is obviously not a good person, and she made up her mind when she made a decision.

“Come with me, I have locked in the smell of an Adept!” Werewolf opened the mouth of Mori’s teeth, licked his lips and rushed down the sky.

And the fox woman behind her foxtail, the whole figure is inexplicable and illusory, turned into a phantom and chased behind Werewolf companions, rushing toward an Arcane building in Floating City Central.

The one they chose was the Holly Adept.

No way, since breaking into the inner ring of Floating City, Grim and Chirlitha have never revealed their body shape, and they all hide their personal touch. It’s no wonder that the two powerhouses of the Beastman family found Holly, who was attacking a factory in a madness.

This is a high-tech enamel manufacturing factory with rows of crystal lathes and nearly 100 5% Arcane enamels on the back. Each crystal lathe is a small-type console that can hold three Arcane apprentices to work simultaneously.

Their task is to etch the necessary Arcane rune array on the surface of the metal parts of Arcane.

Depending on the skill level of Arcane Apprentices, a 傀儡 manufacturing facility can get out of the 10-15 Monya I standard combat 傀儡 or 20-25 Sophia III universal 每日 daily. And they all belong to the public property of the Floating City Arcanist Master Association.

Unfortunately, due to problems with the Energy Secret Core of the entire Floating City, the manufacturing facility lost its Arcane energy and could not continue working.

When Holly Adept searched for it and wanted to break into it, he was besieged by the Arcane guards here. As for the five Arcanist Masters and the 70 Arcane apprentice, which are trapped inside the factory, although they are doing their best to attack the 3 meter’s metaphysical Construct, they obviously cannot pose any threat to the enemy.

Just as Holly Adept slammed the high rank Arcane 蛮 with brute force and was about to rush into it to search for it, he stopped his body and turned to look at the way.

Within his sight, a fierce wolf head is rapidly expanding, accompanied by ten terrifying sharp claws that flashed cold cold…

“There are enemies…”

This idea has not been finished in the mind of Holly Adept, and his body covered with a starburst armor is squeaked by the ten wolf claws. The other party’s generous kiss opened, fiercely biting toward the slightly slim neck of Holly Adept.

During the opening and closing of the giant kiss, the dark gray mouth was flowing out of the gap between the messy and sharp teeth, giving off a strong sour taste.

The sudden attack was to make Holly feel a little confused.

After all, he is only a prosperous Skill Skill Puppeteer. Although he also has strong melee and long-range combat power, he has to be inferior to the professional fighter.

Moreover, this Werewolf has come too fierce!

From Holly, the alert sorcerer array was touched, and he turned to prepare for the battle. Only a short 3 finger, but the Werewolf had crossed the distance of nearly 500 meters and appeared directly in front of him.

Moreover, the other party did not want to negotiate or negotiate at all. When they came up, they directly fell into the dead.

Holly’s stellar armor incorporates a large amount of astral material, which is not known for its physical defenses. Instead, it is best for anti-magic and distracting attributes. Therefore, the four-finger all-metal armor, under the fierce bite of Werewolf’s giant kiss, turned out to be awkward and distorted, and it was greatly bitten by its bite.

The sharp edges on the left and right front paws of the opponent have been deeply immersed in the armor. With the strong tearing, ten horrible to see terrifying claw marks are left on the armor surface.

Holly perceives the intense pain and the terrifying strength of Flesh’s uploading, and the inner horror and deep fears instantly reach the extremes of emotions.

As he screamed in tears of tearing the eardrum, a magnificent starlight beamdropped from the sky, wrapped himself and the Werewolf.

The starburst with deep killing intent is like a lot of fireflies circling around Werewolf’s strong body, ignoring the other’s short, rough and black hair, and the crazy violent strength, like a bird. .

As the stars plunged, the terrifying Werewolf, who frantically bite Holly, couldn’t help but scream. There was a silver brilliance between the black and shiny hair, and the attack’s strength was weaker than before.

“go to hell!”

Frightened to the extreme Holly Adept both hands, the fist fist fiercely hit, but was shunned by the Werewolf. Then Werewolf’s two thick hind legs were vigorously stepped on the star’s armor, and Holly even kicked the armor together.

Holly Adept flew straight out and slammed into a stone wall. After printing a deep pit on it, it bounced back and hit several rolls on the ground. The deep pits on the wall were deeply sunken, and the stone wall at the impact location had been shattered into mud, while the surrounding was a spider-like dense terrifying crack.

Holly Adept struggled to get up from the ground, breathing heavily, and the deep claw marks and bite marks in his body blew out the purple blood. Only in the light of the comet’s glow beam, the scar on the surface of the starburst is also quickly repaired and restored.

With a quick whisper, Holly Adept condenses a beautiful silverlight of silver white between the palms, and the more and more, the more powerful the energy. Holly Adept didn’t care about it, and his eyes were still staring at the terrifying Werewolf.

The Werewolf flew out by the pedaling, and fell to the ground outside the 100 meters. The whole body was half-lying on the ground, the front body was slightly sloping, the back was slightly arched, and the two thick hind legs were waiting. Look at its posture and feel ready to attack Holly Adept again.

But when Werewolf’s fierce eyes fell on the starlight in the hands of Holly Adept, the scarlet eyelids couldn’t help but shrunk, revealing a hint of jealousy and anger.

The star in the other hand is too strange, and there is terrifying power that ignores the defense and ignores the magic resistance. So just briefly, the Holly Adept suffered a big loss on the bright surface, and even the body hidden inside the star armor was seriously injured, and Werewolf was unscathed.

But the real truth is only that Werewolf knows.

Only a short two or three fingers of close combat, the kind of terrifying starlight has also caused a slight harm to its guilt. Therefore, it jumped away from the situation and seemed to be adjusting its posture. In fact, it was also time for repairing and restoring its body.

After all, the physical body resilience of the Werewolf family is also terrifying!

“Werewolf? Beast God believers…” Holly Adept’s gaze swept away from each other and quickly recognized the other’s identity. While he recognized the identity of the other party, his body slightly retreated, and the starlight in his hand suddenly turned into a beautiful Aura, slowly flowing toward all directions.

Sure enough, the place where starlight went, the 20 meters on the right rear side of the body, a sturdy, petite petite silhouette emerged.

“Damn, the other party really has a companion!” Holly Adept whispered with a bloody whisper, with one hand and one trick, a starry starlight fell from the sky and smashed toward the new enemy that was washed out by the star ring.

“hehe, you guys have a lot of Adept!” Fox Girl Ruth has no sneak attack success, her heart is naturally angry. She showed a beautiful figure on her side, throwing a wink at Holly Adept, lifting her hand and holding up a bloody barrier to block the starlight strikes.

The foxtail behind her is gently swaying, seemingly confusing in a charming state, but in the dark, but from the foxtail stimuli * shot more than a dozen appearances of unremarkable slender hair.

If the other person is confused by her charm and posture, the Spiritual Consciousness will be a little slack, and it may be a big loss on the foxtail.

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