Chapter 1098

Shani, who was in close combat with Grim, soon noticed that it was wrong.

In her Spirit perception, the number of shadow creatures in the class of shadows is drastically reduced.

This situation is supposed to be supposed to happen.

In the distance, there is a response from the original Tower. In the vicinity, there is a Fourth Grade shadow as a strength guide. Those shadow creatures should come in abundance, flooding the battlefield with the amount of terror and the fighting style that is not afraid of death.

But how long did it last? The distant Tower in the distance suddenly interrupted the transmission of the shadow creature, which made the shadow of the shadow-like field less and less, and there was a great annihilation by the enemy.

Damn, what are the sisters who are sitting behind the town? Is there something setback?

Shani couldn’t help but wonder.

Where does she know that the leader of the Searcy in the tower of the original source of the Adept World North land Dark Sorceress is now thundering and vomiting three liters.

Dark Sorceress A shadow of Legion, which was cultivated in a series of painstaking efforts, was inexplicably devastated. As they project the dark strength to the strange plane far beyond the ten thousand li, the bodies that remain in the shadow valley are burned to the ashes one by one by a sudden burst of flame.

This terrifying discovery allowed the Searce leader to only cut off the soul channel of the shadow Legion and the distant Morian plane, which barely saved the remaining 20% strength.

Afterwards, looking at the sparse shadow of Legion, and the high-ranking shadow force that was hit hard, the Searce leader was crying, and only the angry Curse took the jerk guy who gave her the wrong information.

The Dark Sorceress’s bottom-up salary saved the last bit of blood in the shadow of Legion, but it also hurt Shani who was still in the frontline.

The shadow-like field shook silently.

After cutting off the soul channel, the Fourth Grade shadow that guided the source tower in the dark center of the town naturally disappeared silently. Without the soul mark of Fourth Grade, the original Tower loses its ability to continue the projection strength.

In this way, even the shadow-like field becomes precarious!

You know, at this moment, Shani’s part of Spiritual Consciousness has always been combined with the class of shadows. The class of shadows has broken down, and if her Spiritual Consciousness is unable to withdraw in time, it is highly probable that the soul of the body will be greatly created.

Therefore, when Shani felt the tremor and strength of the shadow-like field disappeared, she was so scared in the battle that she was sore, and she could not fight Grim again, escaped from the battlefield and quickly rushed to the dark center. .

Unfortunately, Grim, who also knew that the shadow field was not right, could easily run her away, and immediately chased behind her, never giving her the opportunity to regain control of the Dark Center.


Nearly endless dark space.

Grim strode forward, grabbing the red rays of light on the Fire Coral Sorcerer Staff in the right hand, and slamming one after another fireball to blow up the surrounding shadow energy.

And the elemental aura of Dark Sorceress Shani is faintly discernible in front, always pointing him in the direction of progress.

Just following the elemental aura into a dark node, the Grim complexion was slightly changed, taking a step back, holding the Sorcerer Staff in the hands, and a red light flashing barrier quickly formed.

In the next second, hundreds of shadow arrows shot from all directions, shiver coldly hitting the flame barrier.

However, under the infusion of Grim’s powerful flame, this thin but tenacious flame barrier still blocked the terrifying trap that Dark Sorceress Shani had placed for him.

The shadow energy that originally flowed around the body was so tossed, and the power of the shadows was thin and scarce. The suppression of the Grim flame strength here is much reduced.

Grim coughed slightly out of the explosive circle of energy turmoil, and the binocular blue glow shimmered and scanned the surrounding Void.

However, it is a pity that the violent explosion of the previous one has already wiped out all the traces here. He wants to track the Shani with elemental aura.

“Chip, can you lock elemental aura?” Grim solemnly asked.

*Beep*, the surrounding elemental aura has been completely messed up and cannot continue to lock the target…”

“Is there any other way to catch up with her?”

*Beep*, after the current analysis of the game, the possibility of Dark Sorceress going to the Dark Center is as high as 97%, and the position of the Dark Center is being calculated and simulated…”

*Beep*, the position of the dark center is locked, please move the Host’s Body in the direction indicated…”

Immediately, Grim’s retina was projected with a pale blue illusory arrow.

Grim without the slightest hesitation rushed away.

Unreal arrows continue to change direction, guiding Grim to move forward quickly.

This does not mean that the dark center is constantly moving, but rather a certain characteristic of this type of shadow field.

The entire class of shadows enveloped the town of Fenglin and the surrounding 1000 meters. Such a large area is more than enough for the ordinary person to become a battlefield. For the two Course Grade Adept, this battlefield space is too small and too small.

Even with a flash or jump, two Adepts can be punched out of the battlefield.

So in order to tie Grim here, the strange space feature of Witchcraft is also added to the class of shadows. In this way, even if Grim turns over the world, don’t even want to get out of the shadow-like field.

In the shadow-like field, even if you fly or run with your eyes closed, you are just following a strange arc in it. The sense of space and time in the interior is almost completely confusing, and people can always turn around a strange core without knowing it.

And the power of this field is powerful. It does not affect your vision, hearing, touch and taste, but your soul consciousness. Even if you turn around for 10,000 years, you don’t realize that you are not walking straight, but a strange arc.

So, when Grim followed the chip’s instructions and continued to change direction, his body actually went out of a true straight line and went straight to the room of Dark Sorceress Shani.

Yes, the dark center is not at all hidden, it is simply placed in the room of Shani. It was only because of the existence of domain characteristics that Grim was always unaware of its existence. Of course, it is even more impossible to get close to here.

Grim binocular blue glow flashes.

Based on its powerful computing power, the chip has two distinct horizons in his left and right projections.

In the left-eye horizon, Grim is standing in a dark Void, as if blind is in a hurry. In the right eye field, he is in the stone square of the town of Fenglin, surrounded by the bleak and tragic scene after the flame Witchcraft.

One left and one right, one true and one false. If the existence of the chip is not interfered by the power of the field, I am afraid that Grim can only passively attack the Dark Sorceress in the shadow-like field.

Grim followed the slate street that had been burned by the flames to the distant wooden building that stood in the boundless darkness. The only building in the entire town of Fenglin, the only one that can remain intact is the one.

Crossing the street and coming to the front of the small building, the two thick door panels are open to the left and right, and the faintness of the Shani Sorceress can be perceived.

It seems that when Shani was rushing back, he pushed them away fiercely by hand.

Grim walked into it, standing in the middle hall on the first floor, in front of the tower that stretched out to the second floor. On the left hand side, the restaurant door is also open, and Chirlitha Sorceress is sitting on the chair anxiously, listening to or perceiving the changes in the surrounding elements.

The distance between the two sides is only 20 meters, but the Chirlitha Sorceress is clearly unaware of the existence of Grim’s.

20 meters …… This distance is simply breathable for the Fourth Grade Adept!

Perhaps Grim bet on the past with a hint of strength, the abruptly waiting Chirlitha Sorceress’s awkward body suddenly turned and looked towards Grim’s position. But her focus was on the empty first floor in the middle hall, but she didn’t notice any anomalies, and she didn’t see Grim’s silhouette.

Therefore, she can only blame this on her own suspiciousness.

In fact, with the influence of Chirlitha and Manggis, this restaurant is impossible to trap them.

Just scolding Shani’s ‘brutal’, they never dared to extend their strength beyond the restaurant.

After all, at this moment, the entire town of Fenglin became the battlefield for the Battle of Dark Sorceress and Legendary Fire Sorcerer. If they extend the strength unscrupulously, it is likely to cause some unpredictable changes in the situation.

To be honest, even if it is not necessary, even Holly Adept is not willing to face a conflict with Shani. Therefore, I can only lock myself in the room and converge on my strength. This practical attitude shows the willingness to never participate in the two Fourth Grade Adept battles.

Of course, Holly Adept and Two-Headed Adept are not here to wait, but to retreat to a domain with their strength.

If the Dark Sorceress dared to spread the power of the shadows to their side, they naturally had additional methods to protect their safety. However, the idea that Dark Sorceress wants to single out the Legendary Fire Sorcerer is destined to fail.

So, even if Grim and Shani played sky and the earth turning upside down, Holly Adept’s room and Two-Headed Adept’s restaurant were still quiet and undetected.

Grim slightly smiled, did not bother the ‘neutral’ of the Two-Headed Adept, and stepped onto the stairs leading to the second floor.

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