Chapter 1042

The plague army is endless and goes on!

It seems that behind the hilly highlands, there is a passage leading to the alien space. The continuation of the plague creature is swarming from the sides of the campsite with less than ten meters, pushing the roaring and rushing to Broken Face Garo.

Their strength is generally not Apprentice level, and such strength is impossible to put in the eyes of Garo.

So what makes Garo’s face drastic is not their strength, but the number of them!

Ants bite like…

This inferior and ridiculous idea exists only in the lower creature circle, but it is unrealistic for the Adept family who is a ‘personal person’.

Is an ant ant an ant, and 10,000 ants are not ants?

At the beginning of the war, Broken Face Garo did hold such simple and simple ideas, and the numerous battles in the past have confirmed this sentence. So, from start to finish, he has only one enemy of Life and Death, the Legendary Fire Sorcerer Grim.

The Skin Monster, which is sandwiched between him and Grim, is covered with sticky body fluids and abscesses, and has a sharp fangs and claws and claws. It can only disguise his strength and physical reserves. As for the plague army alone, he will kill him. He does not have such an idea, and the enemy cannot.

In countless singularly distorted, low roar roars, each and everyone squatted, and the Ghoul-like plague swooped up. They are fangs, bloody mouths, and a faint yellow-green smoke around the body.


An Invisible Sword, a one meter off the ground, sweeps across the front of the body and stretches out a few 30-40 meters, almost overturning 80% of the visual space in front of Broken Face Garo.

All the beasts swept by the sword marks, the body was silently cut in half, the upper body was still swaying in the baring fangs and brandishing claws, and the lower body had fallen to the ground, and the scented Variation organs flowed. One place.

One hit… a light blow… Broken Face Garo kills nearly a hundred terrifying beasts and cuts the poor guys who rushed to the front into a pile of flesh and blood.

However, such a slaughter is not enough to attack the attacking beasts.

With less than 5 seconds, the swarming beast once again occupied the position of the death companion, stepping on the sticky and disgusting paella plasma, and madly continued to rush to Broken Face Garo.


Another sword swept out, 39 point violent strength driven, Perry’s Witchcraft energy spilled through the strange long sword in the form of sword light ripples. Wherever you go, you can be like, like a hot knife through butter !

The plagues that had just arrived in front of Broken Face Garo broke down again and again, turning into pieces of shards that were flowing and piled up.

Broken Face Garo had only two steps forward, and he was once again blocked by swarming beasts. This time, the huge army of beasts began to spread to the sides, and it was meant to block him in the middle of the circle.

In the face of thousands of terrifying beasts roaring, Broken Face Garo has no fear or anxiety. Every two steps, I waved my sword in my hand and swayed through an invisible but quality sword light ripple. All the ferocious beasts that touched the sword light ripples will not be evaded or resisted by the violent strength that has been immersed in it, and become a part of the corpse that is constantly piled up on the ground.

Broken Face Garo is like an Undead Revered God with the ultimate Life and Death. He spreads the terrifying death while he is walking on the throne of his own.

As for the beasts that have gone on and on, from all directions, they are swarming into the body. Within the thirty meters of Broken Face Garo, they will be smashed and turned into a fleshy matrix that is constantly rolling down on the corpse.

The epidemic continually rushed in and continually fell down the death, and the corpse was quickly widened, thickened, and quickly stacked.

Broken Face Garo’s pace is getting slower and slower, and he has lost the calm and calm at the beginning of the war!

Many times, even he had to step on the stench of the foul-smelling beast.

Eventually, when the beasts were brought together to a certain amount, Broken Face Garo could only stop and struggle with a few more swords to sweep out a path for them to move forward.

Countless plagues rushed, and almost all of them were flying and leaping on the ground and in the air. And through countless vertical and horizontal overlapping bodies, Broken Face Garo vaguely saw the tall, stalwart body standing high on the top of the hilly highlands, and the cold smile that hangs on the corner of his mouth.


Broken Face Garo snarled with a low roar that couldn’t be heard by humans. He used all his strength to sway his sword. An unprecedentedly powerful terrifying sword light ripples out, sweeping through countless ugly and evil bodies, and slamming toward the calm, silent silhouette in the distance.

Less than 500 meters of distance, with his violent power is enough to extend the strength to the enemy.

However, the enemy seems to have prepared for it!

More and more intensive beasts rushed from the surrounding area, blocking their own savage sword light with their thin, fragile body. Where the sword light passed, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, flesh and blood collapse, but the violent strength of the inner immersion is also rapidly consumed.

Finally, the horrible sorrowful sword light smashed the body of the last epidemic, swept the little camp, but at the moment the strength was about to erupt, it was crushed by an iron fist wrapped in a thick red glow.

Elemental Magic Machine ……

The Elemental Magic Machine, released by Grim, was in front of the camp, crushing the far-reaching sword light ripples with its indestructible alloy body and the same violent extreme strength.

The face of Broken Face Garo has changed dramatically again!

Alone’s Legendary Fire Sorcerer, he is not afraid, even confident to use any close opportunity to instantly crush the other’s body and defense. If you add this Elemental Magic Machine, the threat of Fire Sorcerer will climb straight and reach a point where he has to be careful.

A meat shield, an elemental fort, such a combination of once the unbridled output of violent firepower, even with the arrogance of Broken Face Garo, a little headache.

However, since I chose to fight with the Grim with all my strength, Garo is naturally prepared!

Whether it’s Witchcraft equipment that reduces fire attribute damage, or the summon of metal enamels such as the Elemental Magic Machine, or the reinforcements like Other World Giant Dragon, Broken Face Garo has a variety of countermeasures in his arms. Even the kind of light element damage that ignores defense and ignores magic resistance, Broken Face Garo has prepared several Witchcraft methods to be verified.

In the current environment, he is trapped in the siege of thousands of beasts, and then he can’t help but calmly offset the other’s reinforcements.

At this moment of the war, even if he is flying like a sword, it is difficult to keep the tide of the epidemic in the beyond ten meters. The battle circle of the beasts of the beasts is getting smaller and smaller. In many cases, Broken Face Garo had to wave his sword light and use his equally horrific iron fist to rush into the nearby epidemic to smash the flesh.

The beasts that were hit by Broken Face Garo will instantly collapse, and the entire body will be crushed into smashed meat and bones by violent force, and then splashed along with the blood of the body to all directions. The violent strength of the inner immersion even makes every piece of meat, every bone shard becomes extremely dangerous.

When they hit all directions like a dense bullet, the surrounding beasts are instantly beaten, and the blood holes are everywhere.

However, even with such an attack, it is impossible to kill more of the beasts in an instant. These within the body, the plague of the plague of the virus, still rushed to the front, and did not shake for the slaughter.

They are not fighting at all, but are sending death to…

They are encircling the enemy with their own ‘life’ and their bodies, entangled the enemy.

Their record is nothing but a thick bloody sauce and flesh on the body of Broken Face Garo.

As for the damage… The level and strength of this group of beasts is not enough to add even a small wound to Broken Face Garo.

However, these past epidemic animals have blocked the footsteps of Broken Face Garo.

And when Broken Face Garo is caught in the siege of the beast, the real attack will follow!

Elemental Magic Machine, which used to act as a meat shield and bulldozer. At the moment, Body Transformation became a metal turret. It holds a magic energy ray gun with a half-meter diameter and a magic engine Furnace with its body. Source head, crazy to charge it.

This is a magic energy weapon that has been improved and adjusted by the Goblin Institute hundreds of times. The attack power is between the magic energy gun and the magic energy cannon, which is more suitable for portable use.

And its attacking formidable power is 350.

This attack intensity sounds very general, but its attack frequency has reached the point of every 7 seconds!

It should be known that the magic energy cannon with an average attack intensity of only 120 can only reach 3 seconds, and the magic energy giant with formidable power is 67 seconds.

In contrast, this magic energy ray can be charged by the Elemental Magic Machine and inspires magic energy rays that threaten the Third Grade Adept. This… is already a milestone and improvement!

Moreover, it is not only Elemental Magic Machine that can threaten Broken Face Garo in the scene, but the real protagonist of this world siege is still the Legendary Fire Sorcerer Grim.

When Grim also stepped into the battlefield and started his crazy madness with Broken Face Garo with his own raging flame Witchcraft, the guy with Undead, who never knew what was tired, finally flinched.

As he slowly retreated, he frustrated and waved his sword.

At the same time, he needs to chop up and smash the savage beasts, and need to smash the raging fireball flying over and the super-condensed magic energy rays, almost busy dancing and dancing.

Countless times, he wanted to turn around and quickly escape the dilemma of being able to fight back, but he was taken back to the original place by the rushing beast.

For the first time, Broken Face Garo began to worry about himself!

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