Chapter 0918

Meryl’s strength has risen and returned successfully!

The news spread almost around the White Tower at a plague-like speed…

The current White Tower is no longer the solitary single Adept Tower. It covers White Tower, Dover City, Musente City, and three ice and snow towns. The territory radiates an area of ​​300 kilometers, and the citizenship has reached 2 7,000.

However, the number of citizens is still a bit hydrated, and the 5000 is the green skin goblin from Goblin Plane.

However, the ability to purchase a ticket from Goblin Plane to Adept World is enough to illustrate the home and strength of these goblin. Either a wealthy, regional director of a large-type chaebol, or an excellent contribution from Mechanical City was recommended…

Either way, their arrival is extremely active and promotes the business boom around White Tower!

And this, in disguise, has fed more White Tower citizen.

Unlike the ordinary citizens who care more about the stability of the White Tower rulers, the Adepts who settled and acted in White Tower all year round are more concerned with the reason for the surge in Meryl’s strength.

Everyone is not a fool. Meryl’s thick bloodline transformation is not a human touch.

So in private, the rumors that the Crimson family has mastered a safe and complete bloodline transformation technology are endless.

For the study of the creature bloodline, although Sandtalin still holds a high-pressure ban, all Adept private research is more or less related to the scope of the creative bloodline. Therefore, the seniors of Sandtalin have turned a blind eye to this situation. As long as they do not make a large-scale bloodline Variation and affect the mortal kingdom, they are too lazy to go to one by one to check and punish.

And those powerful Adept Family or organizational forces also have their own unique bloodline transformation studies. These Adept, which is rapidly transformed by bloodline transformation or bloodline synthesis, lose some of its development potential, but it is also a method that rapidly enhances the family’s strength.

Besides, with the adept innate talent, there is a lot of confidence after step by step. The Adept group is more of a medium-low rank Adept that is innate talent and can only be rotated on 1 and Second Grade for a lifetime.

They are very lucky to be able to advance to First Grade. It is so thrilling to climb one step further, so painstaking. If there is a shortcut to successfully advance to Second Grade and let them live for another two or three hundred years, how many of them will care about the development potential of the district?

I have to say that Grim’s previous promotion path was too ‘flat’, and he also had a completely wrong understanding of the difficulty of Adept. He is completely unaware of how great an imperfect bloodline transformation is for the mid-low rank Adept, which is extremely eager to get more Powerful and more powerful!

For a low rank Adept that has been stuck in the First Grade Adept for one or two centuries and has almost reached its lifespan limit, the hope of any promotion is that they are not willing to give up. As for the negative factors such as bloodline backlash and potential severance, they simply don’t care.

This can be seen from the first Adept Anderson contacted by Grim.

In order to advance, in order to improve, the other side even repercussions serious blood sacrifice method are taken out, which also shows how crazy Adept Anderson is in order to advance!

So the rumors that the family may have a set of bloodline transformation techniques or methods have been widely disseminated, and immediately triggered the incitement of Crimson Adept. The low rank Adepts who thought they were difficult to advance by their own strength immediately gave birth to new hopes and began to inquire about the content of the bloodline study within the family.

Meryl, as the first model, has become the focus of attention in an instant.

Her every move, every step of her progress has been paid attention to, and observed, to estimate the extent to which the bloodline research within the Crimson family has progressed.

I have to say that Meryl’s bloodline transformation is still very successful!

The powerful Fire Dragon nourishes her body and bloodline, and her body’s basic data continues to rise. Although no Body Refinement method was used, Meryl, the once-weak female Adept, already had a strong body that was not weaker than any First Grade Body Refining Adept.

In terms of strength and Constitution alone, many full-time Body Refining Adept can’t reach her current physical fitness.

This will undoubtedly make those Body Refining Adept angry!

After a long period of observation, many Crimson Adepts are finally certain that Meryl is a fusion of Fire Dragon bloodline. And from the increase in strength she obtained, it can be estimated that the strength of this Fire Dragon will not be lower than Second Grade. This means that Meryl only needs one or two years of accumulation, and it is possible to successfully progress to Second Grade Adept.

This is no doubt more stimulating for most Adept.

Finally, this trend began from the bottom up, and finally passed to the Grim ear that could not be recluded.

Repercussions Serious bloodline transformations have such a market in the low rank Adept? To be honest, the first time I heard the news, Grim couldn’t believe his ears.

Repercussions are very serious… well, they don’t seem to care!

In the Adept group, the difference between the Second Grade Adept and the First Grade Adept is simply between the difference between heaven and earth, not to mention the continuation of vitality. Therefore, most of the First Grade Adept will put the only pinned on the bloodline transformation after various attempts and severance of hope.

However, even the simplest bloodline transformation is expensive, and the increase in the Adept level of the bloodline transformation is even more expensive. Therefore, those low-ranking Adepts who are ashamed of the poems are more willing to obtain the inclination of the family resources by signing the deeds to complete their own bloodline transformation.

The dark tide in the family also made Grim feel a little touched, and began to contact Meryl and Gargamel frequently to discuss this issue.

Meryl has no worries, and can sit in the position of his manager with peace of mind, without delaying his own strength. And the same Gargamel as her can only look at Grim with a sigh of relief and annoyance.

Gargamel is over two hundred years old, and both the body and Witchcraft show signs of significant attenuation. If you don’t rely on Grim, you have enough resources to hold yourself the lowest-rank life extension ceremony, you can live 50 years, I am afraid that he has died long ago.

Even so, Gargamel’s current strength is only the First Grade Advanced Level, and there is still an unreachable distance from the Peak period. Progressing on his own strength alone, it is impossible to advance to Second Grade before life is exhausted.

Therefore, compared to Meryl, Gargamel’s hopes and impulses for the bloodline transformation are stronger and more urgent!

To be honest, Grim does not intend to promote his own bloodline transformation program for Meryl. After all, this bloodline transformation requires a strong source of creature bloodline, and the need to carefully cultivate the source of the worm, the two rare resources are stacked together, resulting in resource loss is also very amazing.

If it weren’t for collecting the necessary data for his own bloodline transformation, Grim was simply reluctant to be so extravagant.

However, the family’s internal response also reminded him from the side, using the efficient and subtle operation of the chip, it is feasible to do some bloodline research with high cost performance. Anyway, those low rank Adept pursuits are only to upgrade the level 1, live one or two hundred years, Grim does not need to waste the precious resources of Third Grade Giant Dragon.

Just find a Second Grade monster that is easy to cultivate and can multiply.

As for the ability of Adept to gain powerful support through this bloodline transformation, it is not within the scope of Grim’s consideration!

In short, the cost must be reduced as much as possible, the cheaper, the easier it is to cultivate.

However, guys like Gargamel who have made outstanding contributions to the family, it is understandable to improve the quality of the bloodline.

With this in mind, Grim also divided the bloodline transformation into three different grades of low, medium and high, allowing the chip to screen a wide range of bloodline sources and propose a feasible transformation plan. On the other hand, Grim also instructed Gargamel and Meryl to develop a family Adept contribution system that allows the Adept within the Crimson family to redeem the corresponding bloodline transformation service with the contribution value.

In fact, in the past hundred years, the Crimson family has already established a comprehensive system of contribution values. The Crimson family has a lot of rare resources in this system, such as Elemental Magic Puppet, Metal Magic Machine, magic force essence, powerful magic, weakened life liquid, and numerous goblin Alchemy items…

The Adept of the Crimson family can receive Magic Crystal and contribution awards by taking on family tasks to redeem high-value resource items at a lower price within the family. Even a lot of stray Adept are willing to join the Crimson family, and find ways to redeem those Elemental Magic Puppet or Metal Magic Machine for profit.

After all, the Crimson family’s Elemental Magic Puppet and Metal Magic Machine are still famous throughout Sandtalin!

Now, with the emergence of the bloodline transformation package, it immediately triggered a tsunami-like incitement within the Crimson family. In the past, the value of the family’s contribution to the general price soared, and it was heated by the internal Adept.

Because the contribution value within the Crimson family is tradable!

As soon as this bloodline renovation project is launched, there are already a number of family members who have booked the top package with the slightest hesitation. There are many veterans like Kabi, Tigula and Gargamel.

Among them, Gargamel and Kabi are facing a severe situation, their lifespan is not long!

It’s better to say that you haven’t tasted the power. It’s gone in the blink of an eye. Like them, the guy who has been deeply immersed in power will realize the value of life at this moment.

Therefore, even if they sell iron, they have to choose the best bloodline package for themselves.

So, something that is still brewing in Grim’s mind, far from being shaped, has become the hottest top resource in the Crimson family!

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