Chapter 0878

This is a completely different World!

Every time you travel in Adept World, this strong feeling can give Grim a different feeling.

In the previous life Earth, since the source of photosynthetic energy is all from the sun, the climate, environment, temperature difference, dry humidity of the whole region are all hierarchical and rhythmic.

In this singular high magic world, the growth of all things and the topography of the earth and the earth are affected by the flow of magic force, showing various strange and embarrassing features.

In general, due to the influence of the high magic environment, the plants and animals here are extremely strong and strong. Tall plants over 100 meters are everywhere, and many show the trend of Magicicked. As for animals, it is even more fiercely terrifying. Even the little white rabbits that have been loved by Earth in the past may evolve into a meat-like magical creature, which is more horrible than the wild wolf on Earth.

Although in such a high-definition environment, human beings are stronger than the evolutionary evolution of Earth, running faster, endurance is more durable, muscles are more developed and powerful, but compared with wild monsters, still in serious disadvantage.

If it is not part of the human powerhouse that crosses the limits of the physical body and Spirit, and masters some extraordinary strengths, humans are never likely to become plane ruler.

As for the environment inhabited and inhabited by human beings, due to the abnormal flow and accumulation of the magic force, a strange trace was left on the vast land.

The vast black forest, the magic swamp floating in the fog, the vast desert that covers the sky, the wilderness of the wilderness, the steep mountains, the snow-capped mountains…

The Adept Continent under Airship is like a tiny and fascinating continent. Looking around, you can always find some strange places in the mountains and deserted places. The climate and environment of these places are clearly inharmonious with the surrounding areas, like one after another, the magical pearl of Adept Continent, which is amazing and amazing.

Most of these sites are caused by the special structure of the topography, which causes the abnormal convergence of the magic force. Later, after the great transformation of Adept, they turned them into a resource point for each and everyone to benefit magical plants or animals.

Since then, the large number of Adept resources required by Adept have a stable, long-term source!

It is okay to say that the Adept community can grow up steadily and intensively, and is inseparable from the development and utilization of a large number of resource points.

Therefore, when Airship’s high flight is above the clouds and the mountains and rivers of the weekly hundred li are in full view, a strange emotion will slowly grow in the bottom of the heart.

Under the clouds, the continent’s terrain stretches, and the undulating mountain range is everywhere. Some extensions are tens of thousands of kilometers, while others are rugged and steep. The sprawling human villages, towns, and large and small cities are interspersed with lakes and rivers that are dotted with a perfect human world.

However, this extremely perfect human World is actually controlled by the adept organization or forces of each and everyone large and small.

In Adept World, due to the large unexplored original ruined land and vast black forest, the human-built country is hard to resist the invasion of powerful monsters, barbaric aliens and Variation creatures without the guardianship of strong adept.

Therefore, there is almost no human kingdom. Most of the power-owners of the city-state system will choose to attach to a strong adept organization, and exchange their perennial offerings for security. The two complement each other and merge into one.

Therefore, this seemingly peaceful and beautiful land, their true masters are not the ordinary person class that worked hard and worked hard on it, but the Great Adept group of the peak of the Human World Pyramid.

Originally, with the difficulty of Adept, this peak should belong to a small group of people who have mastered the extreme strength. However, because Adept’s lifespan has experienced tremendous growth compared with humans, after thousands of years of accumulation, this ‘one small 撮’ person has become an extremely large group.

If these guys are still gathering in Adept World, it’s hard to carry such a huge amount of demand with Adept Continent. Therefore, due to the long-term consideration of Adept World development, or initiative, or forced, these top Adept are far away from home, go outside the domain, and create an alternative World in the depths of the plane Void.

And staying at Adept World, you’re welcome, it’s just the seed of Adept Faction!

Every 100 years, Adept World delivers a certain amount of fresh blood to the Adept Faction outside the domain, and in this way continues the entire Adept civilization!


Slowly closed the books in your hand.

Grim closed his eyes and silently raised his knowledge of the entire Adept civilization.

Although the ancient Adept he touched was not hidden, it did not prevent him from watching and thinking about the development of the entire Adept civilization from a third party perspective.

And this is also a way of knowing self and recognizing World in high rank Adept and a method!

Not grasping the mainstream of Planar World development, not in line with Planar World’s original will, high rank Adept wants to break through the boundaries, and mastering the Higher Grade of Strength of Natural Law is simply delusional.

Take Grim for example!

Since he chose the flame specialization, he can only master the law of fire.

There are two ways to achieve this goal.

One is through years of trials and exercises, constantly polishing the originality of the law of the fire and the law of fire, using the accumulation of time and experience to break through the threshold of natural law.

Seriously, most of Fire Elemental Plane’s creatures are promoted in this way.

However, this method has advantages and disadvantages.

Advantageously, once the natural law threshold is broken, the strength can be advanced by leaps and bounds and quickly become a member of the Natural Law Adept. The downside is that it takes a long time to crash. It’s not the elemental creature. The guy who doesn’t have the time concept is hard to get through the long and painful years.

Although Grim has greatly prolonged his life, he still can’t reach the almost immortal level of elemental creature. Therefore, the way of elemental creature’s promotion is obviously not suitable for him.

The second is to use Foreign objects to shorten the experience and the process of falsification in disguise, thus completing the necessary rules of fire.

According to Grim, most of the high rank Adept are actively involved in the plane conquest, on the one hand for the development of Adept Faction, on the other hand, to obtain the ‘plane source’ that cherishes the anomaly.

The plane source is actually a Plane World with a Plane Principle.

Originally nothing and drawn, these Plane Principles were born from Planar World’s original consciousness and woven into a virtual net that wraps the entire Planar World, encompassing all the material and life inside the plane.

Under normal circumstances, all matter and life inside the plane will follow the Plane Principle, orderly birth, germination, growth, growth, aging, death… although every stone, every piece of earth, every life, every Each soul has its own uniqueness, and it will create a unique life.

However, behind the real World, there is still a big network that is not leaking, and it controls everything in secret.

And this big net is the all-inclusive, all-inclusive Plane Principle!

However, what is said above is only normal.

At some point, in some unusual circumstances, Planar World’s law of the big net will also appear singular phenomenon of inoperable, law turbulent. These anomalies can cause anomalous deaths of millions of creatures inside Planar World, which in turn can cause the absence and damage of the law.

This part of the free rule, once combined with certain substances inside the plane, will form some ‘Source Nature’. The so-called ‘Source Nature’ is actually a strange substance immersed in the Plane Principle!

If you can get such a Source Nature, use a special method to extract the Plane Principle strength inside, and for the Adept to understand the Plane Principle, there is no doubt the effect of half the results for twice the effort.

A high rank Adept If you don’t want to know the Plane Principle at the end of your life, looking for this Source Nature is definitely a viable shortcut!

Within a Planar World, this Source Nature is of course rare.

However, in those far-fetched Planar World, due to the invasion of aliens, due to the oscillation of the origin of the plane, the probability that the law will break the net and produce Source Nature will also increase dramatically. Even some radical Adept will deliberately destroy the law stability of the invading plane and actively promote the birth of Source Nature.

As for the large-scale death or extinction of the plane creature that will be caused in this process, it is never in the attention list of Adept.

The reason why the Adept group is listed as Evil Faction may be related to this cruel terrifying!

According to what Grim sees in the Spirit illusion, all the items that are marked with the word ‘Source Nature’ belong to the Fourth Grade Adept resource. Adept below the Grade Grade does not have the financial strength and strength to touch it.

As for their price, they are worthy of their name, each and everyone high is people who have the feeling that the soul is going to jump out of the body.

Although he has chip-assisted, he can shorten the experience and accumulate time in the process of understanding the law of fire, but it is impossible to succeed without the long accumulation of thousands of years.

So, if you are lucky enough to advance to Fourth Grade, I am afraid I have to embark on the rough road of searching for fire attribute ‘Source Nature’!

Simply thinking about his future, Grim adjusted his posture on the lounge chair, letting the warm and soft sun shine on himself, and the body was filled with something called lazy.

These days of killing and killing, so that his Spirit is always in a tight state.

This time I went out to perform the task, not at all any urgent goals that must be reached, so Grim also regarded it as a sightseeing trip, and rarely let himself completely relax.

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