Chapter 0410

Three days later.

The surroundings of Plague Forest have become the ocean of the wild beast.

The earth is shaking, and the jungle is whistling.

Numerous Armored Rhinos, razor wild boars, mountain leopards, and python emerged from the depths of the woodland, such as the flooding of the sky and covering the earth, which drowned the land in front of them. Behind them, the hordes of savage lions and tigers roared on the ground, and countless 狒狒giant ape leaped in the treetop forest, and from time to time it sounded loud and shrill.

Looking down from the sky, in the rugged jungle mountains, countless black-pressed wild beasts are running, roar, and even partially biting. There are surging black spots everywhere in the jungle, what lion tiger bison black bear, what wild boar cheetah Giant Lizard screams, even the bat owl owl is mixed, a moving move towards Plague Forest direction to run…

Many monster leaders drove out the hordes of jungle beasts and stalked the birds and went straight here. Along the way they wrapped up a lot of low rank wild beast, and when they approached Plage Forest, they formed a local small-type animal tide.

The group of manticore not at all appeared in the Plague Forest area, and the flock of swarms swarmed straight into the caves of the foot of the mountain, and plunged into the ground along the dark and deep passages. Many of the bats that lived in the caves were frightened, flapping their wings and flying into the sky, flying like a black cloud in the vicinity.

However, with the arrival of large groups of birds, the bat group that had just been in love with it was immediately made a bird and beast, and broke into the surrounding forests, and no longer dared to show up.

Above the sky, a ‘Witchcraft Eye’ condensed by the Fire Element is looking down at everything underneath, and trying to focus on a few monsters with a particularly strong body.

On a piece of rocky pile in front of the cave, a dozen heads of monsters stood tall and constantly drove the herd into the ground.

The hidden ‘Witchcraft Eye’ line of sight swept over them, and Grim and Gargamel, both inside the underground Magic Tower, took a serious look at the incoming monster through Unicom’s water mirror.

Three Heads Demonic Hound Anguja with three dog heads… The male is on the rocky pile, and the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl makes a weird bark. In front of it, the mouth of the fourteen heads was constantly flowing with sticky mouths, and the dogs and dogs that were sniffing around were acting as supervisors, constantly roaring and urging the herd to speed up.

With a beautiful female appearance, behind her with a long snake tail, terrifying Medusa Dana with her head full of snakes… Her snake’s lower body is covered with purple and black scales, and the 4 rice is tall and has a long body. The glamorous head of a human beauty, the naked upper body is covered with 靛azure scalloped scales on the chest of the chest, and the densely packed layer is layered.

As a female Medusa, the two large spherical protrusions of Dana’s chest bulge are shaking with her every move, attracting attention. And behind her is carrying a singular longbow, seems to be some kind of powerful magic weapon.

Her slender long tail struggled straight and lifted her beautiful body up, which was taller and more majestic than the other monsters around her.

In front of her, there are 7 hand-held short bows, and the snake-haired female monster with a slender forked tongue is constantly spitting in her mouth. Their body shape is not much different from Medusa, except that the fine scales on the tail and body are dull. As for the strength, only 2 reached the Adept level, and the remaining 5 from Pseudo-Adept to Intermediate Level apprentice, the strength is different.

On the periphery of the snake-haired female monster, there are more than a dozen tall and powerful Minotaur.

Minotaur looks like a tall human with a bull’s head. It is about 7 feet tall (about 2.1 meters) when standing upright, weighs more than 700 pounds (about 320kg), has thick hair all over the body, and has a pair of huge horns on the head. Both hands are similar to humans. There are five fingers on the palm, the thumb is opposite the other four fingers, the tip of the finger has a pointed claw, and the feet are similar to the wide and flat hooves of the cow.

Minotaur’s nose is pierced with a metal ring, and the exhaled breath from the walk makes the metal ring tremble, causing the sound of oh la la oh la la. A pair of bloody roars glanced around, chest about about one chi long scars can be seen everywhere, holding a huge giant axe in his hand, a pair of people to choose the body.

These Minotaurs are clearly the low rank monsters enslaved by Medusa, the loyal guards on the periphery of the snake-haired female monster, watching with vigilantly any ‘enemies’ who dare to approach them!

In addition to these impressive monster bosses, there are Violent Giant Baboon crackers, Wyvern King Luck, and Ettercap Coulee…each and everyone are weird, like a collection of horrible monsters coming out of the monster guide. Before the cave, silently await the arrival of today’s war protagonist.

Without letting them wait, a huge portion of the herd swarmed into the ground, and then countless terrifying spiders emerged from the Black Forest not far away. They are an astonishing number, and densely packed all the horizons in front of them.

The little devil has a fist size, and the furry black body is covered with purple stripes, with four pairs of slender spider legs and a large, swollen belly behind it.

Surrounded by the tide of small spiders, Tula’s small mountain-like huge body slowly appeared in front of the crowd.

“Since all have come, the attack will begin!” Tula’s heart language rang in the minds of the monster leaders: “I can’t wait to taste the sweet flesh of human Adept, let the children move. Ok…”

As Tula’s orders were issued, the number of spiders that emerged from the jungle immediately climbed several orders of magnitude. Large and small, uncountable spiders of various types swarmed out, and in a moment they drowned some wild beasts that could not be rushed into the cave.

In the sea of ​​spiders, the strange sound of rubbing the mouth and tearing the bite was heard.

The wild beast, which was submerged by the Spider Sea, couldn’t see the silhouette at all, only seeing each and everyone squirming and bulging. When the packet burst, the spiders rushed past, leaving only a white animal, Skeleton and sporadic hair.

For such sporadic ‘injury’, no one is a person monster. The leader dared to protest, but tried to restrain his men and let them avoid the direction of the spider Legion.

The old lord Bebilith Tula’s furry face does not see any expression. It stretches hard knots and leaves a deep scratch on the hard rock.

“Let’s go, we should go in too!”

Under its leadership, the monster chiefs followed the tide-like spider Legion, and the fish rushed into the bat cave.


The rear leaders have not yet dispatched, but the blood that has been killed at the forefront of the war has flowed into a river.

As the monster leader of the Plague Forest area, the manticore also has a powerful power that is unmatched by outsiders in Underground World.

Before the enemy launched an attack, they sneaked into the depths of the underground and drove the large group of underground creatures to the shallow surface. In this way, when the earthen beasts poured into the dark, deep, labyrinth of the underground, the first contact with these cold-blooded killers lurking in the dark crypts and rock cracks.

Rock Python, Basilisk, Hook Horror, underground Dwarf, evil eye, Gnoll, Saurok, Birdman…

These creatures, who live in the depths of the ground, are a good sneak attack ambush. They are hidden in every corner, and whenever there is a prey passing by, they will burst out, with a poisonous tooth or a strange Talent Ability to let the prey lose its resistance.

Under their sneak attack, the first batch of wild beasts that poured into the underground suffered heavy losses and soon became their belly food.

However, the influx of surface creatures is too much.

The underground passage that once existed silently became a sly market at the moment. There are lions and tigers everywhere, and there are wolverines everywhere… too many prey have just been strangled by them, and they have not waited for a beautiful meal. The beastly rushing beasts rushed over.

The underground killers who have never seen such a rush have not been able to continue slaughter, and have chosen to avoid. Individuals with poor luck, because they did not escape in time, became the cornerstone of the swarming beast.

It’s not a problem for a guy like the wild wolf leopard to step on a few feet. It’s going to be run back and forth by a huge black bear and a snoring razor wild boar. It’s hard to save the life of Basilisk with thick scales. .

In the tortuous underlying passage, countless dark corners rang the tearing bitter terrifying sound, which was accompanied by a stern and short sharp roar and angry roar. In these dark corners where no one can see, the life of a living life is so fast!

From the surface entrance to the underground cavern where Magic Tower is located, all the underground passages are covered with surface creatures and grotesque corpses and bloodstains. The remains of those weak creatures, even under the rolling of countless double-smelling iron hooves, became a blood paste and meat puree that could be discerned.

Underground creature Although the resistance is very complete, but the bottom table creature can not stand too much. So within two quarters of an effort, the underground creatures were consumed. The beast that lost its restraint continues to rush to the depths of the underground!

Only in this short two quarters of an hour, there are up to 3000’s creatures that die in these underground labyrinths. Among them, 400 is killed by the underground creature, and the rest is more in the disorderly crowding and trampling.

These surface creatures, which were driven away, apparently did not adapt to this dim, micro-Aura environment, where they could barely see things and could not discern the way forward.

Most of the wild beast rushing in front was hit by the rugged underground passage, and the body was slightly sluggish, and it was trampled down by the ‘companion’ who came up behind. So if you don’t want to die, the only way is to run forward with both eyes and black, and run forward. As long as there is a road ahead, you will run hard…

With such a savage method, the animal tide fills the labyrinth of the underground channel with an absolute amount, and then steps closer to the Magic Tower.

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